Wedding Gown

The excitement was palpable in the room as everyone awaited to see my appearance in the wedding dress — all but me. Lady Beatrice pushed me into the dressing room, which was filled with the gentle murmurs of the assistants who had come along with Lady Beatrice. They all looked excited and ready to help me wear the wedding dress. 

After taking me inside the room, Lady Beatrice took her leave, mentioning she needed to prepare the veil for the wedding gown. Left alone with the maids, I found myself staring at the wedding gown in front of me.

It was a very beautiful gown, but it didn't feel like mine. The ivory fabric shimmered like moonlit snow, its supple folds cascading gracefully. Intricate lace, as delicate as spun sugar, adorned every seam, forming intricate floral motifs that seemed to dance upon the surface.