Don't bother the Prince

Anxiety gnawed at me as I wandered the palace corridors, the next task looming heavy in my mind. A solution remained elusive, and with each passing moment, the knot of worry tightened in my chest. To clear my mind, I turned towards the royal gardens, but my feet seemed to have a mind of their own, leading me instead to a grand, imposing door.

My heart stuttered in my chest when I realized where I was. This was Prince Killian's room. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. The mere thought of him behind that door sent my pulse racing. I yearned to see him, to speak with him, but the memory of that painful night when he broke my heart brought a paralyzing fear.

Just as I turned away, wanting to leave, an image flahed in my mind. It was my younger brother's helpless face, etched with pain. His torment, his pleas for help in the clutches of that mysterious man, echoed in my ears. I remembered the chilling threat, the promise of harm if I didn't comply.