I am Rhys

The village head's words began to make sense to Killian. He was right, and he spoke wisdom. Fighting and having a cold war with Amelia was no solution to their problem. Since she was in so much pain, he needed to stay by her side. 

But, what did he do?

Instead of offering her comfort and support, he allowed his anger to push him further away. Guilt surged within him as he clenched his fists, realizing he had abandoned her when she needed him the most.

He began to question his behavior. What if she had withheld certain truths from him? What if she had chosen not to share her pain? With enough love and a bit of patience, she would have eventually opened up to him.

But he had lacked that patience.

"Thank you so much," Killian said, glancing gratefully at the village head. "I've come to understand my mistake and learned a valuable lesson."