Chapter 3

AC 292


Far from the castle. There is a tree and a small lake, and under the tree sits a girl with brown hair with white locks and blue eyes, looking thoughtfully at the lake.

' It's been seven years since I was born.' thought Lyra as she remembered the seven years of her current life.

As she looked at the memory of seven years of her life, she did not notice that someone had snuck up on her. From the first to the third year, I read all the books that my father had. When I was two years old, my mother gave birth to another daughter, and I have another younger sister named Arya. That was the happiest day for me because I have a younger sister that I can tease, unlike my twin sister.

Looking at my little sister's happy smile, I told myself that I will always protect her so that nothing happens to her.

From the third to the fifth year, I did physical exercises and bought the skills of mastering all weapon skills and martial arts to gain combat experience, since I know that my mother will not allow me to do the exercises, then I had to practice secretly. I always practiced at night or when everyone was busy, it was hard at first but later I got used to it.

I practiced every day until a year passed and then I saw the result of the physical training, as far as fighting experience, I had no one to practice with so I gave up.

Looking at the result of the physical training, I was satisfied. Because I look like a ten-year-old, not a four-year-old girl. I looked at the six tiles I have and my height, I immediately got a headache thinking that someone could see what I looked like. So I bought shapeshifting magic and went back to how I looked before as I continued to train.

A year has passed and now I am five years old, looking at the result of the training through the status I nod my head with satisfaction.


Name: Lyra Stark





Skills: Mastery of all weapons, Martial arts mastery, Universal language, Master of calligraphy, Business Master,Master...

Magic: Shapeshifting, Cleaning, lighting,]

I look at the status and start thinking about what to train, I look at the status again and notice that I have a little magical skill. Then I think I will train magic, open a shop and see which magic to train first.

A few minutes later..

I decided to buy elemental magic (water, fire, earth, wind), also ice magic because I like it. And so magic training begins, half a year slowly passes, I learned to skillfully use elemental magic and ice magic.

I open the shop to buy another magic to train. After a moment of thought I buy time magic, space magic and gravity magic.

A year and six months pass.

'Haa I'm finally done with space magic' Lyra says thoughtfully. It took me a year to learn to skillfully use time magic, if I didn't use time magic it would take me another two two years to learn other magic to skillfully use.

Opens STATUS and looks at changes.


Name: Lyra Stark





Skills: Mastery of all weapons, master...

Magic: Elementary , Ice, time, gravity, Space ... ]

'I never thought gravity magic would come in handy.' Lyra thought as she looked at the status, but then again, no matter how hard I train, I can't get stronger even with gravity magic. Looks like I'll have to ask my dad to spar with me to get some fighting experience.

When she finished remembering seven years of her life. Lyra was thinking about how to get her father to spar with her and she heard a noise behind her and she suddenly stood up and turned her head.

Only to see my younger sister Arya sneaking up behind me while looking around and nervously saying "hehe sister what are you doing here alone." To which I just smile as Arya gets even more nervous.

" Fu Fu Did little sister want to scare me?" I ask her as I walk up to her and put my arm around her neck and smile.

As Aria watched her sister walk up to her and put her arm around her neck, she became nervous, she tried to calm down and said "how is that possible, you know I would never do that to you" she stammered.

"Hoo Looks like my sister lied to me, how can I punish you hmmm" I said as I looked thoughtful. As Aria's body shook when I pronounced the sentence.

"I remembered, what it would be like if you didn't have anymore..." she said until her sister interrupted her "Don't, sister, I lied, I wanted to scare you," she said loudly.

I laughed as I watched my sister blush and shed a tear. I stopped laughing and then hugged my sister and slowly lowered my head and kissed her on the forehead.

"I won't tease you anymore, don't cry, here's a candy," I said as I wiped a tear with my hand, then took a candy out of my pocket and reached out for her to take the candy.

"Who's crying, dust just fell into my eyes," she said shyly as she grabbed the bonbon from her hand and hugged me again to hide her shyness.

As I shook my head at her antics and then said "why are you looking for me little sister."

"Sister, father is calling you, so I went to look for you" she said as she pulled out of my arms and then hugged my hand.

"Okay, then let's go see why my father is looking for me," I said as we slowly headed towards the castle.