Chapter 5

As she watched her father holding his sword and patiently waiting to attack. A few minutes pass, seeing that her father is not attacking her, she loses her patience and moves slowly towards him.

She swung her sword several times as her father focused on defense, seeing that there was nothing she could do, she moved away from her father and circled around him to find weak points to attack. Since she had no experience in combat and could not find weak points.

I had to attack aggressively, relying on my strength and speed. After a few minutes of fighting, watching her father parry every attack she made as he dodged several times, she could only pull away from him trying to rest.

Seeing her father fiercely attacking her, she knew she had no time to rest, she could only defend herself against the attack.

Unlike the attacks, I was able to skillfully defend myself against each attack thanks to my mastery of weapons. A few minutes passed as I was defending myself the whole time, I saw my father attack again as I waited for an opportunity to attack.

After a few exchanges of blows, I finally saw an opportunity. Watching my father attack me with a horizontal slash as I retreat, and see the sword go through my clothes. I don't give my father time to correct his stance and immediately counterattack, trying to stab him with my sword.

I see my father dodge the sword to the side as he grabs my arm and places his sword on my neck as I feel a chill on my neck.

Seeing that the battle is over he lets go of my hand and says "You were good for a first time." As I just smiled, then I heard someone speak from behind, as I turned my head to see my mother twin sister and Arya, and brother Robb and Bran and Jon.

"You were great, big sister." Arya said as she ran towards me trying to hug me as I slipped away and said "I'm dirty don't hug me." While she just nodded her head.

"Are you all right, daughter." said my mother worriedly, as I just shook my head and said "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

A few minutes later, I heard my father say, "Okay, enough rest, let's continue practicing." I nodded as I got up and got ready.

It's been two hours since I started training and I'm currently lying on the ground tired as I hear my father saying "Today's enough with training, we'll continue tomorrow." I could only nod my head. While I was lying there for a few minutes and then I got up and went to the room to take a bath.

POV Eddard Stark

As I watch her leave I think about today's training and I couldn't help but be surprised at how quickly she learned and became more skilled.

'Looks like there will be another powerful knight' I say thoughtfully as I look up at the sky then head towards the room.


When I got to the room, I went to take a bath and then lay down to rest. When I woke up I saw it was dark, then I snapped my fingers to light the candles with fire magic.

I felt hungry, then I got out of bed and went out of the room to find a maid to bring me something to eat and it didn't take me long to find one.

She took a few minutes to bring the food to my room, while she put it on the table and left the room, I got up from the bed and came to the table and started eating in a few minutes I finished eating. As I called the maid again, and I lay down on the bed waiting for her to clean up.

Seeing her come out, I took the book from my inventory and started reading. I don't know how much time passed I heard a knock on the door and I immediately put the book back in inventory, before I could say the door opened and I saw younger sister Arya enter.

"Sister can I sleep with you" Arya said as I looked at her then nodded and said "Come here." While she slowly walked towards me and reached the bed, then lay down, and I just caressed her head. A few minutes later I saw her sleeping peacefully, and then I slowly closed my eyes, thinking about tomorrow's training.


Opening my eyes and feeling the weight on me, I lowered my head and saw Arya sleeping, while I slowly lifted her up, then got up from the bed and then I slowly let her down on the bed so as not to wake her up.

I get ready for today's training as I slowly left the room so as not to wake Arya, then I went to the yard and found my father waiting for me, and then we started training.

And so day after day passes, months after months, and a year has passed since I started training.