Chapter 7

Hoofs are heard in an unknown forest as we finally see a horse and a 16-17 year old girl in knight's armor sitting on a horse. The girl has blue eyes and white hair, and her face looks like Sansa Stark. That's right, that's Lyra who canceled the shapeshifting magic.

Seeing that it was getting dark, she turned off the road and went a little deeper into the forest, until she found a suitable place, stopped her horse and dismounted. As she lit a campfire and sat down next to the campfire.

I open the status looking at the result of the training that lasted a year.


Naziv: Lyra Stark





She concluded the status as she thought about which city to go to. As she watched the fire burning, she heard some movement behind her, she quickly extinguished the fire with magic. As she slowly approached the sound, only to see the back of an unknown man defecating.

After he finished defecating, he slowly turned it aside and started walking, while I slowly followed behind him. After a few minutes of walking, I saw a campfire and there are five unknown people around the campfire. I saw them hear the sound and they turned to the man I was following, as I watched the man walk up to them and sit in an empty seat as they continued to talk.

I slowly walked over and eavesdropped, "Boss, how much do you think we'll make when we sell these women." says the thin man, while the big man says, looking at the fire, "It depends on who gives the higher price." When they heard what the boss said, they just laughed as they looked lustfully at the women in the cage. "Boss can I have one to relax a bit." said the fat man as he looked at the woman with the big tits, to which she shuddered in fear as she saw the man looking at her with lust.

"No you can't, you know they have to be clean if we want to make more money." said the big man looking at the fat man. When I heard what they said, I turned my head to where the women and girls were imprisoned, I saw 5 women who were no more than 30 years old and 3 girls between 10 and 12 years old.

I turned my head again towards the group as I thought how to separate them, I lowered my head and I saw a stone, then I thought again and turned my head and I saw a big stone about twenty meters away, I have the ability to see at night, so I can see the stone even though it's night.

I bend down and pick up the stone, then turn towards the large stone and throw the stone in my hand towards the large stone. A moment later I hear the sound of a crash, then I see a group of people turn towards the sound, I hear their boss say to the skinny "go look." I see the skinny man get up and walk towards the sound, while his friends watch him walk towards the sound and disappear into the darkness.

I was taking the sword out of the scabbard, as I follow the thin man, I watch him reach the sound, when he sees that there is nothing, he slowly turns to go back. However, I quickly reached him, while I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from making a sound, and I pierced his heart with my sword, since he was wearing a leather suit there was no problem.

I slowly put the man down so as not to make a sound, I look at the dead man I killed for the first time, I immediately feel sick and weak, while my hand is shaking. Knowing that there are more enemies, I try to calm down by taking a breath and sighing, when I have calmed down, I turn towards the camp and approach slowly.

Approaching the camp while watching five people talking, I slowly surrounded them, until I found a suitable place, then I found a stone again and took it in my hands and threw it at a tree as far away from me as possible. A moment later there is the sound of an impact, as I watch the gang at the camp as their boss sends two more towards the sound.

Following the two as I looked at them, one was fat and the other thin. Seeing that they stopped, I immediately went into action. I took out my dagger and swung at the thin guy, as I quickly reached the fat guy and slashed his throat with my sword. I watch him grab his neck and fall to the ground as I see the shock in his eyes. I walk over to the skinny guy as I bend down and pull the dagger out of his head and wipe the blood off the dagger.

I go to the camp, saw three more enemies, look at how their boss is facing me, and behind him is a cage in which women and children are imprisoned while the other two are in front of him. Seeing that they were ten meters from me, I pulled another dagger from my inventory. As I looked at the two who were in front of me. I put two dagger, between fingers and threw them towards the two in front of me.

Hearing something I raised my head and saw two daggers heading towards the two in front of me, I tried to warn them but it was too late. Seeing the two dead subordinates, I turn my head from where the dagger came from only to see a 16-17 year old girl appear in front of me and say "Who are you, why did you kill them."

I look at the man in front of me questioning me as I just stayed silent, to which he got annoyed and drew his sword as he ran towards me like crazy trying to cut me with the sword. As I took a step to the side and saw him walking past me and I swung my sword as I cut off his head.

I turned my head to where the women and girls were imprisoned, I saw some vomiting, some turning their heads so as not to see, and some indifferently looking at the dead man without a head. I reached them and opening the door for them to go out, I said: "It's okay, there's no one, you're safe now." I saw them relax knowing I wasn't going to do anything as they came out one by one.