Chapter 5 - Return

April's motorcycle came to a screeching halt at the epicenter of the black portal.

There was already a gathering of different awakeners, ranging in ranks and levels, awaiting the approaching dungeon break.

None of them dared to enter, mostly because entering an unknown gate was suicide.

That, and a gate of that size, obviously meant something huge was going to come out....right?

They all unanimously agreed that forming a plan before it broke was the best option.

April almost glared at the ominously sparking portal, he rhand gripping the katana at her waist as she mentally prepped herself.

"Yo April! Glad you came! I was thinking I would be the only insane high ranker here!" A voice suddenly exclaimed in greeting from her right.

She turned to see a young pink haired woman slowly making her way over.

The woman wore a oversized white jack with fur around the hood and white short shorts. She had white and pink bunny slippers on her feet and it looked like she had just rolled out of bed, plus her hands were shoved in her pockets in a laid back manner.

But was truly odd was the lollipop stick hanging out of her mouth....

April gave the girl a small relieved smile either way, "I'm glad you're here, Beatrice! Seeing another A ranker is pretty encouraging! So....what do you think?" She asked, turning back to look at the sparking black portal.

"Do you really want my opinion....?" The young woman asked, only to get a stiff nod in response, "We're fucked." She replied simply.

April turned to respond to this, only for the thunderous sound of breaking glass to fill the air.



The two A Ranker's eyes widened as they both stiffly turned to look at the portal.

The gathered awakeners fell silent as the portal cracked like a pane of glass before finally, and rather violently, shattering.

The force of which sent a massive shockwave of wind blowing outwards, making those gathered brace themselves or else be blown away by the hurricane force.


It was a futile effort, for not too long after shattering, a pillar of black and red demonic energy seemed to explode outwards from the portal, towards the ground.

This blew a good portion of the lower ranked awakeners away, while most had to use their selective weapons to help stand their ground as whips of wind blew out from the force of energy released.

April and Beatrice, on the other hand, simply pulled out their weapons in preparation for whatever the hell came out of the portal in such a grandiose fashion.

April's sword was an unbelievably beautiful black katana without a guard. The hand was elegantly, and rather loosely, wrapped in red cloth and a golden dragon encircled the length of the blade.

Beatrice simply pulled out, what could only be described as, a humongous, white and hot pink colored, 50 caliber rifle that had black bunnies marking its body.

It was a rather ridiculous sight actually....

But no one was laughing as both the portal and pillar of dark energy both suddenly disappeared with a loud thunderous snap.

Everyone blinked in surprise as the clouds dispersed, leaving only a huge cloud of dust and debris in the center of the city.

The sunshine gave everyone gathered a false sense of security.

Everyone, except April and Beatrice, however.

They knew better than to let their guards down....

And for good reason.

For, as soon as the dust began to settle, a black figure could be seen staggering out of the crater that was formed by the pillar of energy.

Beatrice laid down on her belly and took aim towards the figure's head as it staggered forward.

An uncomfortable amount of pink energy began to crackle and gather at the muzzle of her rifle as she charged her preemptive attack.


The shot rang out and the ground around the gun shatter from the force of the blast as the humongous 50 caliber bullet, infused and surrounded by pink energy, was fired towards the entity.


~Hell: 15 Minutes Earlier~


System Message


System Message


System Message


System Message

Gier let out a sigh of annoyance, grabbing the bridge of his nose.


That was the only word that could describe what he was feeling as he argued with the God that sent him to hell in the first place.

He could understand one or two mistakes since everyone makes a few every now and again, plus since it's God and all, Gier could definitely give him a few mulligans on things....

But THIS?!

This took the motherfucking cake and threw it out the fucking window!

"So....let me get this straight.... While trying to free my soul and return me to Earth.... You accidentally sped up the apocalypse, that you had originally planned in advance for like....another thousand years.... And released literal hell on earth.... All for the sake of freeing me?.... I mean.... I'm touched.... But c'mon man...." Gier sighed, rubbing his eyes as his fingers mindlessly trailed over the Demon King's crown in his lap, "And you also say that it's alright because you ALSO implemented a lesser version of the system you made for me to survive in hell....and distributed it amongst the humans to help fight it off....? Am I getting this right?"

System Message


You don't have to say it like that, but in essence....


System Message

"....I'm going home now, but this conversation.... This conversation is definitely NOT over! Do you hear me?!" He snaps angrily as his demonic red energy begins to encircle the crown in his hands, causing it to crack violently.

System Message

O-Oh! Wait! I forgot to mention that, since you're now the designated King of Hell, destroying the crown will cause a humongous backlash of demonic energy!

Causing your stats and skills to be temporarily sealed and for the destruction of earth to be pushed forward!

In other words....

Stronger and tougher enemies will appear on earth!

So good luck!

System Message



That was all Gier could remember before a blinding flash of light filled his vision.

The next thing he felt, was the sensation of falling and the resounding, and all too familiar, sound of a gunshot.


~Back to The Present~

Gier's world was spinning as he slowly regained consciousness.

He grabbed his head and winced as a mind splitting headache suddenly crashed into him like a meteor.

A low pained hiss escapes his lips as he slowly stood to his feet and took a few shaky steps forward.

But is focus wasn't on the pain for too long as all his instincts told him to move his head.

And his instincts were never wrong before.

So, his eyes flashed dangerously as he tilted his head at the last moment to dodge a strange pink projectile that was heading towards his face before retaliating.

What happened next was Gier purely moving on an instinct he had honed by training for over 3000 years in hell....

An instinct that saved his life on more than one occasion.


Heavenly King's Domineering Stride: Lvl 1 has been activated!

Your speed will be increased by 2000%!

You may choose whether to pressure others via the Heavenly King's aura!

The Heavenly King's aura reduces the target's defenses by 30%!

The target may be instantly executed, 1% chance!

The target may experience a hallucination of the Heavenly King when looking at the user!

The passive skill: "An Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth", has been activated!

All damage done after receiving damage is increased by 300%! (Cooldown 3hrs)

All damage done after being attacked for the first time increased by 200%! (Cooldown 3hrs)



The gathered awakeners had no idea what was happening as they awaited the results of Beatrice's attack with bated breath.

Even though they were all on edge and anticipated some type of retaliation, what happened next seemed to happen in slow motion....

Within the next ten seconds, the dust cloud that obscured the dark figure exploded violently and the half of the gathered awakeners found themselves floating in the air after receiving a strike that none of them could perceive.

The figure was a blur as it grabbed the chest plate of a B Rank tank before tossing him through the awakeners like a bowling shot out of a cannon.

April was frozen in shock as she watched this all happen, while Beatrice exchanged her rifle for two desert eagles of similar color.

Beatrice wasted no time as she began to rapidly fire guns towards the black figure, but she could hardly keep up with it as it began to dodge and weave around the bullets like a wraith.

"April! I'm going to need some help with this thing!" Beatrice snapped desperately as the shadowing came charging towards them like a literal bat out of hell.

Its ominously glowing yellow eyes never seemed to leave April's own, almost as if they were holding her in place.

Beatrice cursed as she watched April drop her weapon, the two pistols in her hands glowing a vibrant pink for a moment before turning into two submachine guns.

She began to riddle the shadowy figure with bullets, which caused another huge cloud of dust to form as each bullet held the power of a hand grenade.

Beatrice panted heavily as she emptied both magazines, she moved to pull out an even bigger rifle, only for her body to suddenly become frozen as the shadowy figure suddenly appeared before her in a burst of speed.

She stumbled backwards before falling over as she stared at, what she could describe as, a demon.

A humongous, nightmarish, horned demon with razor sharp teeth and crazed yellow eyes.

It seemed to stare her down for a moment, causing Beatrice to promptly wet herself, before it finally turned its attention to April.

Ignoring the little pink haired girl with the strange ability, it slowly raises its hand to April's face.


These words seemed to snap April out of her trance as she felt a weight on her chest.

She slowly looked down in time to watch as the shadows covered the figure seemed to slowly disappear in black wisps of smoke, revealing a young man in a black robe.

He was unconscious, but the damage he caused was clear as day....

To be continued~


~End Chapter 5~