Chapter 7 - Meeting the Guild

While Gier was resting and getting used to being back on earth, the hospital he was in had filed a restraining order against the Dixon family, much to their horror.

They tried to fight it of course, but since Gier technically wasn't under the Golden Chalice Guild's (was previously known as the Holy Grail Guild) protection due to not being a registered awakener....

Gier fell within the domain of the Awakener's Association, meaning that he was technically a normal person.

Which meant that April and William weren't allowed to throw their weight around like they wanted....

Which also meant that for the next few days, or until the hospital dismisses Gier, they were not allowed to contact him.

That is unless they could prove that he was related to them in some way.

This tied their arms behind their back since, technically, Gier was supposed to be dead....

But from Gier's point of view, this was all unbelievably hilarious!

He didn't know why, but watching his family and the Golden Gate Hospital butt heads like this....

It truly struck a cord within him!

This was the earth he knew and loved!

Fighting over such trivial matters....

It brought forth an air of relief that was truly refreshing and allowed Gier to rest with peace of mind.

And just like that, 2 days came and went.

After filling out some paper work and doing some tests, Gier was finally released from the hospital.


Gier sat outside the hospital on a bench while waiting for his sister to come pick him up.

As much as he hated to rely on his little sister, the city has changed way too much in the last 30 years for his liking.

And if there was one thing Gier wasn't good at, it was directions....

There was more than one single occasion where he got lost in the Demon King's castle, that also might be one of the reasons why it took so long to raid....

Anyway, Gier spent his time in the hospital studying what happened to the world while he was trapped in hell.

The first thing he decided to check was if his old phone still worked and get a change of clothes....

Luckily his sister had kept all his stuff as mementos (actually she's just a big hoarder), so it was easy for them to just send it to the hospital via drone since it didn't violate the restraining order.

Along with his old phone, they sent him a new model of the android he had before, though it ran on android system 56 instead of the 12 he was familiar with, and the clothes that he was wearing when he arrived on earth.

"I was wondering what they did with this!" These clothes were the only ones he was comfortable wearing since he wore them for over a thousand years down in hell.

The stat boosts they provided don't even matter to him anymore.

He was just glad that God didn't decide to take them away or destroy them when he returned to earth.

Other than that, the phone was easy to pick up and use.

So he spent the last 2 days researching the gates and dungeons that now plagued the world, along with the current awakener rankings and system that they used....

(Btw, he was using bing to research all this since Google went down after the "Great Browser Wars" of 2040.)

"Holy shit...." Gier's eyes widened as he stared at what passed as a high ranker on earth.

Current Awakener Leaderboard

#1 - Paul Stormwind

Class: Golden Knight (S Rank)

Bloodline: First King of Knights (A Rank)

Level: 72

#2 - Stephanie Rosenberg

Class: Enchantress (S Rank)

Bloodline: Succubus Queen (A Rank)

Level: 68

#3 - Allen Walker

Class: Dark Monk (S Rank)

Bloodline: Buddhavista's Left Hand (B Rank)

Level: 66

#4 - William Dixon

Class: Spirit Tamer (S Rank)

Bloodline: Spirit King (B Rank)

Level: 67

#5 - Unknown

Class: Unknown

Bloodline: Unknown

Level: 65

Guild Rankings

#1 - Black Lotus Guild

Leader: Allen Walker

#2 - Knights of the Roundtable

Leader: Paul Stormwind

#3 - Golden Chalice Guild

Leader: William Dixon

#4 - Godslayers

Leader: Stephanie Rosenberg

#5 - GGEZ

Leader: Unknown


"I'm glad to see that dad hasn't lost his touch with age.... But aren't these standards kind of low....?" Gier asked himself before looking at his own newly updated status.


Name: Gier Dixon

Age: 22 (3022)

Level: 88

Title: Heavenly Demon God (Sealed)

Bloodline: Berserker God (SSS Rank)

Class: Heavenly Demon (Sealed)

Health: 1,495,000 (+200,000)

Ki: 144,300 (+4200)

Exp: ???/????

Str: 9550 (+15000)

Stm: 8450 (+6500)

Int: 9050 (+4500)

Agi: 9000 (+10000)

Luc: 117 (+35)

Total Patk Power: 22,095,000 (+500,000)

Total Matk Power: 18,292,500 (+800,000)

Total PDefense Power: 1,495,000 (+345,000)

Total MDefense Power: 1,355,000 (+420,000)

Stat Points: 320

Condition: Bored, Resting, Sealed


-Heavenly Demon Sword Arts: Lvl 10 (Max)

+Sky Splitting Strike: Lvl 5 (Max)

+Heaven Defying Thrust: Lvl 5 (Max)

+Soul Taking Slash: Lvl 7 (🔒)

+Spirit Eating Sword Art: Lvl 8 (🔒)

+Crescent Blood Moon Slash: Lvl 3 (🔒)

+Bloody Blossom Sword: Lvl 5 (🔒)

+Demonic Breathing Arts: Lvl 0 (Max)

-Heavenly Demon Fist/Leg Arts: Lvl 6

+Demon God's Devouring Fist: Lvl 3

+Heavenly King's Domineering Stride: Lvl 30

+Heavenly King's Grip: Lvl 10 (Max)(🔒)

+God Destroying Kick: Lvl 8 (🔒)

+Blood Devouring Art: Lvl 4 (🔒)

+Cursed Poison Art: Lvl 6 (🔒)

+Flaming Blood Art: Lvl 7 (🔒)

+Demonic Black Ice Art: Lvl 5 (🔒)

+Lightning General's Art: Lvl 5 (Max)(🔒)

+Soul Breath Concealing Art: Lvl 5 (Max)

+Soul Devouring Fist: Lvl 10 (Max)(🔒)

+Soul Shattering Palm: Lvl 8 (🔒)

-Heavenly Demon Ki Cultivation: Lvl 5 (Max)

+Demonic Ki Control: Lvl 10 (Max)(🔒)

+Demonic Ki Devouring: Lvl 10 (Max)(🔒)

Heavenly Demonic Ki: Lvl 5 (Max)(🔒)

Heavenly Demon Body: Lvl 10 (Max)(🔒)

Martial Arts: Lvl 20 (Max)

Zero Friction Impact: Lvl 5 (Max)

Heavenly Demon Concealment Art: Lvl 3(Max)

Martial Genius: Lvl 10 (Max)

Echo Location: Lvl 25 (Max)

Warning! - Some class related skills have been sealed for the time being!

Please wait for the second update in order for the seal to be lifted.

Approximate Time: 378hrs: 27mins: 55secs....


Gier couldn't help but release a small disappointment sigh at the sight of his status as he rested his cheek against his fist.

It was true, the lowest leveled creature in the 9th Circle was level 35 and the highest, being the Demon King himself, was level 100.

But even then, most of the high ranking demons fell within the 75-90 level range.

So if those demons were really coming to earth....

"It'll be the end...." he mumbled to himself with a serious look on his face.

At least there was one good point to all of this....

The pride he felt seeing his dad being a high ranker on earth was something else!

He couldn't help it as a wide toothy grin split his face as he marveled at Earth's rankings.

Sure, he could probably take them all barehanded with his arms tied around his back, even while sealed, but hey! Knowing that his dad was ranked 4th and his sister 315th....

That was a huge achievement in his book!

"The end of what?"

Gier nearly jumped out of his skin as the voice of his sister suddenly spoke from over his shoulder.

He quickly whipped around to see his grinning little sister looking down at him.

"Heh, I can't believe I can still sneak up on you!" She exclaimed with a laugh, causing Gier's eyebrow to twitch violently.

It was true! Back when April was a kid she always somehow had the uncanny ability to sneak up on him no matter the situation!

Even when he was in the bathroom and the hot damned door was locked!

How was that even possible?!

"....Good to see what some things never change...." Gier grumbles with a sigh before standing up, a small smile slowly making its way into his face.

April simply gave her brother a grin, puffing her chest out proudly as she crossed her arms under her bosom.

"Heh, of course! Anyway, what were you doing just now? I've been calling your phone for a while now...." She asked with a small cute pout.

Gier simply gave her a sheepish grin as he stood up and ruffled her hair lovingly.

"Just.... thinking.... Where'd you park?" He asked as he looked around the parking lot for their old family vehicle.

Man....he should really start adapting....and quickly.... Cause what happened next nearly made his jaw hit the ground.

April smirked as she took a black key fob out of her pocket and clicked a button on the side.

The roar of an engine could be heard before Gier watched as a ruby red Ferrari Daytona SP3 pulled out of a nearby parking space and pulled up to the curb before automatically opening its door.

Gier stood there in complete shock for a few moments before a smack on the back from his sister broke him from his trance.

"Welcome to the year 2051 big bro!" She exclaimed with a slight mocking tone before getting into the passenger seat of the car, throwing the keys to her brother. "You still remember how to drive, right?"

Gier's only gave her a wide crazed grin in response before suddenly appearing in the driver's seat.

He didn't hesitate to put the car in drive before slamming his foot down on the gas.

The roar of the engine was deafening as the car did a burnout before taking off towards the center of the city.

April was firmly pressed into her seat as she held on for dear life.

Of course, Gier didn't remember ALL of the rules of the road, but he knew enough to get them to where they were going....

Though since his sister never gave him an actual location, he turned off on the nearest bypass as soon as possible and immediately threw it into seventh gear.

Let's just say....

That they didn't return home for a LONG time.

Though this was a learning experience for April!

"Note to self....NEVER LET BIG BRO DEIVE AGAIN!" She thought to herself as they zoomed down the rather empty highway.

Gier's grin never left his face as he sped around cars and through every light and tollbooth they came to.

Luckily his brain was trained to the point where speeds approaching 200mph didn't mean much of anything to him.


~15 Minutes and One Pitstop Later~

Gier walked into the Golden Chalice's guild building with a disheveled looking April following after.

She gave her brother a hard glare, though it goes unnoticed as Gier inspects the inner decor of the guild building.

He could see that they went for more of a simplistic, yet modern, design.

As expected of someone like his father.

Though he could see that there are quite a few things that weren't needed, such as good enlaid armors that covered the walls and the humongous gold guild logo that covered the back wall.

That just screamed "April was here!"

But Gier did have to admit....

It was a nice touch!

As expected of his little sister!

A wide grin reappeared on Gier's face as they approached a desk that sat in the middle of the rather impressive first floor.

It was surrounded by awakeners, both guild members and those hopeful to join.

Though they both moved aside when April gave them a horrifying glare.

"How dare these assholes block big bro's path!? I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM!" Of course, this was just April venting her anger.

She just couldn't stay mad at her older brother!

She just got him back after all.

So she had to project that anger towards something....

And it just so happens that, as the guild master's daughter, she can do whatever she wants to the newbies that wanted to join.

A wide sadistic grin split April's face, causing a proud tear to appear in Gier's eye as he watches his sister torture the new members of her guild.


Gier was brought out of his proud brotherly stupor by the sound of the guild secretary trying to get his attention.


The secretary was an older woman with silver grey hair and gorgeous crimson red eyes. She's unbelievably beautiful despite her age and could've passed for someone half her age, especially with her voluptuous figure. A pair of thin framed glasses hung on the edge of her nose, her hair was tied in a bun with a few strands framing her face, and she had a beauty mark on her right cheek, just above her lips. She wore black stockings, a rather short black skirt that hugged her figure, and a white and black stripped button up shirt that revealed her ample bosom.

She had the appearance of an ideal secretary.

Her name was in clear view on her desk in front of her, Ruby Pulchra Vulpes.

It sounded foreign....

But that's besides the point, Ruby stares at the scene before her and she couldn't help but release a small giggle at the Vice Guild Master's antics.

She had been told that April would be bringing in a VVIP and that she'd have to prepare thoroughly for the occasion.

But nothing would've prepared Ruby for the tall, imposing, young man that appeared before her.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared up at the back of the young man as he stared at the scene the Vice Guild Master was making.

Ruby tried to clear her throat to get his attention.

Sadly that didn't seem to work.

She then tried again, albeit a bit louder....

This, again, didn't seem to work seeing as the young man seemed to be in a world of his own.

"U-Um....hello~?" She finally decided to speak up, though it came out a lot more forceful than she liked.

This seemed to get the young man's attention however, causing Ruby to have to quickly regain her composure as he finally turned around.

Now, Ruby has been working for the Golden Chalice Guild as a secretary for a number of years, so she's seen all different types of awakeners with different appearances and auras surrounding them.

But this young man....

The moment he turned around, Ruby could feel her heart get caught in her throat.


Gier turned to look at the secretary before giving her a friendly smile that he usually gives to people that he doesn't know, not that he ever realized what sort of thing this does to people who're just experiencing his new handsome appearance for the first time.

He had placed his black rice hat back onto his head once more, but decided to forego his usual black facemask for now, which allowed Ruby to get a clear view of his rather impressively sharp appearance which was shadowed by the rice hat and his tall stature.

His features were sharp and feral, from his jawline to the scar on the left side of his face....

It all just added to his rugged, yet undoubtedly handsome appearance.

Not to mention his glowing yellow eyes....

They drew you in the moment you looked into them.

Pools of molten gold, like staring into the eyes of a wolf.

A predator.

A monster with an endless amount of both wisdom and insanity that barely kept each other in check.

Not to mention that otherworldly aura that surrounded his form....

It practically screamed "Authority".

So the fact that the secretary was stunned by his smile was an understatement.

A bright pink blush adorned Ruby's cheeks and she began to sweat a little as she struggled to come up with the words she spoke a thousand times before.

"U-Uh.... U-Um.... D-Do you have an appointment?" She managed to stutter out, her gaze still locked onto Gier's own.

Gier simply blinked in surprise at this before giving the secretary a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah? I guess I do! My name's Gier Dixon.... I think my dad's kind of expecting me?" He asked as politely as possible, he wasn't used to talking with normal people.

His sister doesn't count.

This was the nail in the coffin however as a puff of smoke came out of Ruby's ears before she promptly fell backwards in her chair.

"Y-You're....t-t-t-the guild master's....s-s-s-son?!" Those were the last words that came out of her mouth before she passed out with swirls in her eyes.

Gier simply blinked in surprise as he slowly looked over the desk at her.

"U-Um.... You alright down there....?" He asked in obvious confusion.

"W-Wait!" A random awakener exclaimed as he crawled out of the pile of unconscious newbie awakeners that had formed in April's wake.

The young man panted heavily as he rested for a moment, hands on his knees as he nurses a few bruises and a black eye.

He then sprung up and pointed an accusing finger towards Gier, "Y-Y-You're the guy from the news! The mysterious dark awakener! You're telling me that you're the guild master's son?!" He exclaimed loudly, getting literally everyone's attention.

April stopped mid punch as she turned to see what the ruckus was, holding a guy up by the front of their shirt.

"U-Uh.... yeah?" Came Gier's intelligent reply.

To be continued~


~End Chapter 7~