


The leaves fly swiftly with the fresh wind. The birds are chirping loudly and flocking their wings as if they saw something amazing. It was indeed a wonderful sight, and anyone who sees it will make them drawn into it.

"Dhara?" asked by someone with a little voice. Dhara looks at it and smiles. "What?" she answered. "I heard that your neighbor has already come home after visiting his old house. From the look of it or based on what I heard, there was an emergency. Eros accidentally found an injured person. He's probably heading towards your grandmother." It said.

Dhara's forehead wrinkled but she also nodded. The image of an injured person appeared in her mind but she immediately shrugged it off. She wonders what happened to Eros and how did he find the person?

"Fine. I'll find out about it myself. Don't let anyone notice you. Be careful." Dhara reminds that thing before running away leaving, the beautiful field of flowers. Unaware of what might occur after meeting him.


Axis slowly opens his eyes and the first thing that greeted him was a room filled with different kinds of herbs and the wooden wall. The sunlight passes through the window and his gaze slowly meets the mirror. Axis caught a glimpse of his appearance and winced. What a sight.

He sat down and looked at himself. It was undeniably horrible. There were multiple wounds, and the scar on his face was filled with dry blood. His blind right eye was still emitting blue light, signaling that he was still alive. The one that stood up the most was his artificial ear. It was all visible. He was disgusted with self. He can't even look at it. Damn it!

As every memory from that day flashed in his mind, his breathing became quicker and as if his chest was being squeezed. A drop of tear appeared on his eyes that slowly traveled to his cheeks.

"Hello...can you open the door?" a stranger asked behind the wooden door followed by a few knocks. Axis hesitated to open it so he looked around. It was a small house made of wood. On the table, he saw the gun that he bought. Everything came back once again. The storm, the man who was chasing him for that reason. His heart suddenly beat fast, sweats were tracing his face. With trembling hands, he grabbed the gun.

As soon as the door opened, he immediately shot it to the person who was entering. He suddenly can't properly see. Everything that happens so fast that Axis was so late to comprehend what was happening.

With a gun on his hand, the stranger swiftly bowed down avoiding the gunshot. She ran towards him and grabbed his hands and arms that were holding the gun. She immediately kicked the gun, making him drop it on the floor. After that, the stranger threw him on the bed. He arcs his back and grunt. Damn, who is this woman–

He stops after staring at the woman who's holding a bucket of warm water and a gauze. She was wearing a black slacks and blue polo that completely matched up with her hazel eyes and grey hair. Axis felt sorry and guilty for what he did but he still can't trust her.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" he said while being filled with guilt. The woman who seemed in her 30s disregards his words and continued to walk towards him while carrying the bucket of water and gauze.

It was quite clear that she was helping him even though he's a stranger to them. But, Axis can't bring himself to trust this person yet he kneels in front of her and apologized to many times.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry. I don't know if you are aware but the person who brought you here was Eros. He brought you here since he noticed that you're in danger and almost fighting for your life, It was quite amazing that you survived all of that."

"Add the fact that it was stormy yesterday, I'm pretty sure the flood was high and there is probably other disgusting stuff was scattering that could surely infect your injuries." she said while using the wet towel on his arms.

He looked at her. She's probably in her 30's. Looking at the sky, he felt a sudden sadness. He remembered her mom when she was taking care of him when he was sick. He tragically smiles. I wonder how they are? Are they safe? Are they looking for me? Lots of questions suddenly popped up and started bothering him.

"What's your name?" the women ask kindly. With a hint of hesitation, Axis thought that if he gave his true name, RAY would probably hunt him down, or worse, he could endanger the life of these innocents.

Axis wanted to run away but he doesn't want people to be involved in something they don't know or someone's problem. If he stays like this, they will still hunt him. No matter what it is. They will do anything even at the cost of something unexpected.

"I'm gonna leave. Thank you for healing me but I have to leave or else–" he said and was about to leave the room until his body stopped moving. Behind him was the woman staring at him intently. Suddenly, a fear arose in his body as Axis stared at her.

"Else what? Axis Davina?" she said while still gazing at him. Shock was written on Axis's face. He looked behind and suddenly noticed that she was holding some kind of device or most likely a remote. What the fuck is this?!

He was already panicking when his body moved without his control. He tried to let his fingers move but he couldn't. This woman is mysterious. She was able to control his move. She even knew my name for no reason. How was she able to do this?! Is she evil? What if she hurt me?! Damn it!

"Just relax." she laughed. "I won't hurt you and for your questions about me knowing your name, it was written on your shirt. Your body also has technology enhancements that's why you can't control it. The storm probably affected your whole body. You're a cyborg after all." she said without any hesitation.

"Oh and also, I'm quite equipped with devices that can manipulate some parts of your body." she added.

"I'm Triax. Call me a Trix . If I were you, Staying here is probably the best choice for you to be safe. Eros wouldn't give you to me if I were a person that could hurt you."

Axis stopped as he scanned Trix. After giving her some thoughts, he started to realize her suggestion. Axis sat down and tried to calm his self down. His thoughts wander about his stupidity and cowardly actions.

Who can't blame him? Axis was no ordinary people. He was a famous model even though his parents warned him to give up his job. Originally he was from a fashion show before this happened so wherever he goes, he's sure that someone will recognize him because of the billboards, ads or maybe even the news.

Axis slowly looked outside again and noticed how odd yet simple the scenery is. It was a spacious area, filled with all farms, trees, hills and gardens. On the right side, he saw a tree house. It was small but vibrant.

On the left side, there were houses. And on the middle, Axis saw a giant tree. It has a violet trunk and its leaves were a gradient of violet and blue, Looking so out of place.

Axis realized that he was in a rural area. An outdated province, far away from Atalier, a smart city. With all of these things, he wasn't familiar with how this place looked. This place was the complete opposite of Atalier. It does not have too much technology nor devices.

The place was comforting, a fresh view to his eyes yet his heart was screaming something else. A contrast to this beautiful area.

Danger. Fear. Unknown.

With that, Axis feels like a bird in a cage, escaping.
