
Chapter: 2 The Hatching?(imcomplete)

Chapter: 2 The Hatching?

Day: 16?

To my shock I am apart of tyrannosaurid genus its obvious to tell since pretty all my "siblings" have 2 claws which is very known on a certain dinosaur so im most likely a species of tyrannosaurid hopefully im a tyrannosaurus instead of something like a tarbosaurus since when tarbosaurus was around I would have to be wary of giant crocs when trying to drink water and therizinosaurus not like I would try to fight 1 but tyrannosaurus had way less predators and competition only real predator would be at juvenile or baby stage when dealing with dakotaraptor tho finding food might be hard but I should have a parental figure which will help until im big enough to hunt or go on my own…

Day: 17

It has been a day u might be asking where is the parental figure? I already met her? Him? A bit ago which surprised me by how wounded? Injured? It looked the parental figure was a giant tyrannosaurid it has a scar over its eye a claw missing which leaves it with 1 claw on 1 of its arms might of lost it in a fight and scars around the face and throughout the body tho the scars are more apparent on the head, neck but thankfully like I thought it brought us food it regurgitate food which was meat which landed between me and my siblings just now remembering how hungry I was i went to go eat some meat which was a success i manage to eat a decent amount before the meat became scarce which brought infighting for the few scraps ofc I didnt fight it I already got my fill and I dont wanna risk injury just when im born but interestingly through the fight I havent seen my siblings bite each other once they more or less use there body to push the other down or kick time to time when getting knocked down after a few brawls the biggest out of all of us ate all the scraps and did a high pitched roar showcasing dominance ofc I stood down not wanting to risk internal injury or wasting energy for a useless fight with no rewards which leads us to night time where all of us went on to sleep kinda on each other…

Day: 18

I woke up to some footsteps when I opened my eyes I see the parental figure going out to hunt most likely which gave me the opportunity to check out the nest and other stuff which I found interesting around the nest the soil was very dense/compact into a deep brown color when stomping/jumping on the soil it didnt move 1 bit another interesting thing i found was the nest had plants near it probably as camouflage to protect the hatchlings well if my siblings didnt have a eat me yelling noise since they yell every 5 seconds but the nest is interesting it has shallow amount of padding of soil forming a ridge kinda with some leaves in it which seemed to fall from the tree near us but through my rambling i didnt even notice my siblings going out of the nest picking at trees or on the dirt? When i got closer i saw they were picking/eating bugs crawling around the floor and trees sometimes picking fights cause both of them were after the same bug which actually seems smart they are taking opportunities to fuel there growth even when the parental figure is gone or not feeding them so I do the same but to my surprise its pretty easy to catch/eat the bugs the taste can be explained as interesting to say the least but yeah I went off eating bugs as many as I can before I even notice it the parental figure is back presumably ate something indicated with tads of splashed blood on there face still which we all went back to the nest where the parental figure regurgitate the food it ate which leads to night time where small scurry or roars could be heard to footsteps slowly drifting to sleep…

Day: 19

When the parental figure went off to hunt we all pretty much did the same thing ate bugs etc. but i notice something interesting while we were eating bugs a few of them decide to go somewhere which i followed same for most of our siblings who notice most of us going off to a place which was a small pond? Cant say how big it is but i can estimate its less than half the size of our parental figure but we went to drink water which was a success since the pond was so small most likely no predators were there when we came back to the nest the parental figure was there which dropped off meat which we ate until its nighttime the few baby tyrannosaurids who ate bugs instead of drinking water were seemingly uncomfortable or thirsty which caused them to go off at dark without the parental figure supervision after a few minutes they were gone a sharp cry from them could be heard which alerted the parental figure running off to the sound most of us were scared and all hid together in the nest until the parental figure came back out of the 4 tyrannosaurids only 2 survive…

Day: 20

Yesterday night just showed how important it was to not stray off to far even if the parental figure is close.. We continued our normal routine of eating bugs but I was much more careful same for the 2 surviving tyrannosaurids it seems but to everyone surprise a small mammal looking like a rat shown up which lead to a fight leading to most of our siblings to have a brawl I went off sneaking past them and ate the mammal without them noticing being to into the brawl and went off eating bugs until the parental figure came back with a dead body?

Ornithomimus supposeidly a very fast dinosaur surprisingly it got caught and killed most likely an ambush either way there is enough to eat which brought all of us to go on eating I ate as much as possible and since there was so much food there was no reason to fight…

Day: 21

It was been 5? 6? Days since I was born telling time is much easier when u have the moon and sun but in other news we continue doing things like normal I haven't noticed it but the bugs around us has became more scarce including the mammals that sometimes pop up I also notice the size differences that are showing some of my siblings which havent gotten much food are noticeably smaller and thinner compared to the siblings who got food well for me im not the biggest but i can say im above average in this group u might be asking how? Well I steal food time to time when I can from the bigger creatures and considering im not wasting energy fighting or anything like that I should have extra energy to grow but when our parental figure came back it seems they havent manage to get any food considering no blood stains or anything like that it regurgitate again but the food regurgitated wasnt or isn't as fresh compared to the last few days ofc we still ate but its kinda worrisome that they werent able to hunt today… 

Day: 22

Same routine as before but from the looks of it there is way less bugs and mammals to eat which caused me and my siblings to explore/search a bit more interestingly we saw more creatures including different species of bugs ranging in size the land we are in a forestry area with big trees lush vegetation which lets us hide more easily we also saw different kinds of dinosaurs including triceratops, a lone ankylosaurus, pachycephalosaurus, hadrosaurs and more which helps us narrow down the list of the tyrannosaurids we are which is tyrannosaurus which is the biggest of the tyrannosaurids and have a pretty easy time growing compared to other tyrannosaurids considering they would have to face other big carnivores while there arent as many big predators when tyrannosaurus lived but yeah when I got my fill I went back near the nest hiding in a bush after a while most of my siblings came back but around 2 or 3 were missing… in total there is around 8 of us out of what? I forgot but it was most likely around 15 babies half of us already dead… but in good news our parental figure is finally back tho it seemed that they didnt get any prey… instead of feeding us they just sit down near the nest resting and did a low growl which caused my siblings to group up so I did to then they decided to move which lead us to a large river which the parental figure drank water from my siblings also drank water and so did I until we came back to the nest to rest for the night I can see some of the siblings being uncomfortable from hunger thankfully I ate enough or I would be the one who is lying around uncomfortably cause of hunger but seemingly cause what happened a few days ago still scarred them which made them unwilling to leave at night…

Day: 23

Interestingly the parental figure decided to not hunt today instead stay with us laying down near the nest which we do our own things mostly hunting for small scraps or anything we can eat until we found something… we found a carcass it seem to be rotten considering the horrible smell and weird colored meat slight yellow bulges or something like that even then 2 siblings which most likely were the hungry ones yesterday night decided to eat it and we went to the little puddle pond area which we drank water from then came back resting with the parental figure after a while the parental figure went off hunting most likely but throughout that time 1 of the siblings with ate the "spoiled" meat seem to be ill or uncomfortable while the other seem to be doing ok after a while he is fine? But parental figure is back with a pachycephalosaurus which seem to be a injured juvenile since its leg is injured and its unlikely the parental figure would bite the leg instead going for the neck we all feast except the 2 siblings who ate spoiled meat…


The 2 siblings who ate the spoiled meat arent looking to good today they are sluggish and dont seem to have good energy but in other news lets talk about size currently im around the 2nd biggest out of all my siblings the biggest is around a bit taller by around im not even sure since cant estimate my size or anything like that but compared to the smallest there around a head or so shorter from my estimate since these "siblings" never wanna stay still to see size difference but in other news a few Acheroraptor were found which are known to be around 0.6-0.9 meters tall and 2-3 meters long we are around the same size as them tho me and the biggest sibling are a bit bigger and the smaller ones are smaller but either way we can estimate our size thanks to this but either way we should probably avoid them even tho we are heavier and possibly stronger its not worth risking our life for a fight we can avoid…

Day: 25

U might be wondering what happened yesterday? Well these idiots which are supposedly my siblings they decided to fight the Acheroraptor and almost cost us our lives tho we won and feasted most of us were injured ofc u might be asking did I go save them like the "heroic brother" I am suppose to be of course not I just left them to fight for themselves somehow they won but 1 was severely injured when 1 of the Acheroraptor bit them at the neck thankfully the other siblings helped out which caused the rest of the acheroraptors to decide this fight isnt worth the risk and ran which gave up around 3 corpses to eat so ofc when they were fighting I snuck up stealing 1 up and running away back to nest but unfortunately 1 of the siblings who saw me decided to follow and try to claim it as theres which when they were roaring I came up and mauled there neck which caused them to scream out and I kept mauling until I got thrown off which the sibling decided the fight wasnt worth it and ran which I ate the corpse ofc u might be saying why didnt I go on had a fair fight instead of pretty much sneak attacking but let me ask you this I dont know if this my last life or not and im not risking it would u let some dude get strong or fight when u could sneak attack and get it done quicker having less injuries if not none ofc I would do that…