Chapter 10: The Beginning of Vacation

Amidst the joy of their winning streak, the young boys and girls of Moss Middle School drew in their long-awaited vacation. Since there was no game for the Fire Foxes in the last week, the topic of eager discussion in the classroom had turned into their respective vacation arrangements; Jenny from the neighboring table would follow her parents to the Sunshine Coast of Florida to spend a relaxing vacation in the sand and waves; Cook from the front row was going to Canada to go skiing; and Melton, from his table, was going to Arizona to visit his grandmother.

Lin Mingyang, who was lying on his own table, did not join in the excited discussions of the people around him; his vacation life was simple; although there were no games during the vacation, Jefferson still required that the players had to be at the school at least four days every week to participate in training. This is also thanks to the team's recent good performance, otherwise known as the "devil" title of Jefferson will occupy the players of the entire vacation.

In addition to training, Lin Mingyang is also ready to find a part-time job. Although writing the script for "Orange County Boys" has brought him a substantial income, but for the time being he has not thought of a more suitable script, outside of training time, he can not stay at home every day, wasting his time in the game to pass the above.

While many of his classmates were planning to go on trips during the holidays, Reed had to stay at his father's gas station for the entire vacation. At first he was a bit indignant, but after learning about Lin Ming Yang's plans, he finally found a bit of balance in his heart, he even took the initiative to introduce a job for Lin Ming Yang, his father's gas station just lacked a temporary worker, simply filling up the gas for customers and then doing some cleaning work, it wasn't very tiring, and the working hours weren't too long, it just fit Lin Ming Yang's requirements.

Lin Mingyang was satisfied with the job introduced to him by Ruide. After school, he met Ruide's father at the gas station, an uncle with a full beard, a fat body and a very kind smile.

"You're Felix?" the old Reed was very enthusiastic and shook hands with Lin Ming Yang, at the end of the day he patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder with a strong hand, his way of saying hello was probably not something an average person would be able to stomach.

Lin Ming Yang looked at Ruide with sympathy, no wonder this guy was so afraid of his dad, it turned out to be an uncle with violent tendencies. Of course, the old Reed does not care about this, his fat body just sat down, the leather chair issued a "squeak" sound of protest.

"I've heard this Reed kid talk about you a lot, he always likes to talk about your performance on the basketball court, I hear your team has been playing well lately?"

"Well, this year we're aiming for the league championship!" Lin Ming Yang nodded humbly.

"Very ambitious! I like young people with dreams." Old Reed rubbed his hands together habitually, "Your intentions have already been told to me by Reed just now, and I think you're fine with it, but this job isn't as simple as you playing on the basketball court, or it's a lot different. There's no cheering, and the only way you'll win a smile from a customer is by providing them with the best service you can, and of course tips, are you sure you'll be able to adapt well to that status?"

"I'm willing to try hard to give it a try!"

"Very well!" Old Red pulled a form out of a drawer as if by magic, "Sign this form and you can come to work during the holidays, Red will be here every day and he'll tell you what to do!"

After returning home, Lin Ming Yang told his mother about his plans, and Catherine expressed her support for this. During dinner she told her husband the news, Lin Ming Yang's father Lin Qing Hai didn't say anything, although the Lin family's financial conditions were far from requiring Lin Ming Yang to go out and work, but as a social practice, he didn't express any opposition.

After asking for his family's permission, Lin Mingyang officially started his job on the first day of his summer vacation. After sending off his first customer with a smile, Lin Mingyang put the 10-dollar tip he had just received into his pocket, which made Ruide on the side envious, knowing that he had worked at his father's gas station for almost 4 years, and had only received a 5-dollar tip from a customer at most once.

The customer was a regular at the gas station, and Reed had filled up his tank a few times, but he had never seen him being so generous. Ruide admitted that Lin Mingyang is very attractive, especially when the guy smiles, there will always be a very attractive dazzling face, Moss Middle School so many girls are obsessed with him is not without reason, who called this kid was born with a jealous face, not only to pick up girls without any disadvantage, and even as a small worker can also get more tips.

Just when Ruide was depressed, a fiery red sports car flew into the gas station with a hidden roar, accompanied by the sound of sharp brakes, and came to a halt in front of him. Before the doors were even opened, the sound of bumper to bumper rock and roll hissing could already be heard from inside the car.

Despite the fact that the guy driving the sports car had barged into the gas station in a very rude way, Reed's entire attention at that moment was drawn to the red sports car that exuded a streamlined metallic look. He had seen this sports car described in magazines, and now that he had seen it with his own eyes, the fondness in his heart was even higher, and just as he was full of curiosity and admiring the coolly styled sports car, a somewhat nasty looking face was revealed behind the slowly sliding down window.

"Oryx?" Reed froze, the guy in the driver's seat with short hair and a pair of sunglasses was one of his nemeses in school. Hatefully his obsessed look just now must have been seen by this guy, that smug expression was just the biggest irony for Reed. Putting aside the feud between the two in school, just based on his face, it already gave Reed the urge to punch him in the nose.

"Hey Reed, didn't expect to see you here, poor little guy, did that cranky father of yours even spare you your pitifully small vacation?" The guy whistled loudly, his tone full of sneers.

"Is this another new toy your cranky dad bought you?" Reed sneered back, a spat the two would often have at school.

"Oryx!" Sitting on the passenger seat of the red sports car was an alluringly dressed blonde girl, who had been holding a small mirror and constantly smearing her face since the windows opened, "The party's about to start, can we not hold up the line here?"

"Sure, babe!" The guy named Oryx squeezed out a fawning smile at the girl beside him, letting it go before looking at Reed and saying with a smirk, "My poor little guy, is this how your father taught you to treat your customers, don't just stand there, fill me up with gas, I've got a Party to get to in a hurry!"

Reed gave him a vicious glare and with great reluctance dragged the gas hose to the back, somewhat roughly opened the gas cap and stuck it in.

Olix saw this in the rearview mirror and stuck his head out, slapped the door, and shouted disgruntledly toward the back, "Hey man, lighten up, this new guy's worth $300,000!"

"Don't worry, it's not a softie like you!" Reed hemmed and hawed, and after filling up the tank he dragged the gas line back slowly, and Oryx in the sports car impatiently handed out a $100 bill. The guy was waiting for Reed to make change, and was wondering if he should give him a little tip, to humiliate the guy who always went over with him in school. But Reed took the $100 and put it in his pocket.

"You're going to have to pay me back!" Oryx yelled with some exasperation.

"Gas money and spending, it adds up to just about everything!" Reed pulled down the brim of his hat and leaned aside impatiently, "Just get the hell outta here and go to that damn party of yours and hope you get there alive!"

"I'll complain about you!" Oryx slammed the car door in an atmospheric manner and gave such a scathing remark, the red sports car rushed off with a low rumble, but before he could drive out of the gas station, the guy backed the car back up again in a very strange manner.

"Felix?" with a face full of surprise, Oryx parked the car next to Lin Mingyang who was cleaning a face of black Buick sedan, "Why are you here too?"

"It's my part-time summer vacation job!" Lin Ming Yang stopped what he was doing and smiled at the other party.

"Hello, my name is Lumiere!" The blonde girl sitting next to Oryx's side hadn't taken her attention off the small mirror in her hand before, but Lin Mingyang's appearance caught her eye. She reached halfway across her body and crossed over to Oryx beside her, extending her right hand to Lin Mingyang.

Lin Ming Yang admitted that this girl's figure was good, she intentionally undoubtedly opened her neckline low even more so, exposing the gulf in front of her chest directly to Lin Ming Yang's line of sight. Lin Mingyang nature is not the kind of impolite do not look at the gentleman, the scenery in front of him so that he habitually will be in front of the girl and Megan for some comparison, the result is that the girl's body although also counted on the fullness, but the breasts to be compared to the Megan's small one, the face of the make-up is too heavy, the body of the perfume smell is also very heavy, is not the kind of type that he likes.

After a few passionate teasing by Megan, Lin Ming Yang found that his immunity to beautiful women was on a steep upward trend, in the past he would still stand in the aisle with Reed to have a sip at the well-developed girls in the school, but now he basically didn't have such a hobby, could this be the fabled elevation of the eye?

"Hello!" Lin Ming Yang's face was flat as he withdrew his gaze, which made the blonde girl named Lumiere a little disappointed. Oryx on the side also felt that something was not right, the girl he was carrying in his car was easily attracted to this kid, and he always had a bit of a bad taste in his heart. However, he wasn't stupid enough to get the idea of going against Lin Ming Yang, he feigned composure and coughed.

"Felix, you should know about that guy Carthew, the captain of the school's baseball team, he's organizing a barbecue Party at his house, it's all his classmates from school, if you can go, I think he'll be very welcome!" As the star of Moss High School, Lin Mingyang was the type of person that Oryx liked to deliberately approach and ingratiate himself with, if Lin Mingyang agreed to attend, he would have something to talk about when he bragged about himself to others.

"Cassius?" To be honest Lin Ming Yang wasn't a sociable person in school, compared to the Firefox pair, the school baseball team seemed to be rarely mentioned and Lin Ming Yang didn't have much of an impression. "I'm sorry, I have to continue working this afternoon!"

"That's a shame!" Olix shrunk his head back with some interest, then suddenly remembered something, "You work here?"

"What?" Lin Mingyang asked with some curiosity.

"Nothing!" Oryx glanced at Reed who was looking on coldly, "What I'm trying to say is that if you need a better job, my father's car dealership is just short of people, you can ..."

"I think it's a good job, and I've already signed a contract with Reed's father!" Without waiting for him to finish his sentence, Lin Ming Yang interrupted him.

"Alright then!" Olix's enthusiasm didn't get the desired response, which made him feel humiliated as well, he didn't say anything else, started the car and left on his own.

After Olix left, Reed found a chance to come over.

"What did that guy say to you?"

"A little small talk, I don't like that guy much!" Lin Mingyang's answer made Reid sound comfortable.

"This asshole thinks he's great just because his dad owns a few car dealerships, he's a nasty guy in school!" Ruide cursed twice with intent, "But I love that car of his!"

"As long as you work hard, you can have it just as well in the future!" Lin Ming Yang knew that the red sports car was expensive, and it wasn't realistic for the current Reed to want to own it.

He patted Reed's shoulder, since it was unrealistic, let's leave hope for the future!