Chapter 30 - A Play Becomes Famous

At first, Ecks had only responded to Lin Ming Yang's request with a mouthful of words, and had originally planned to casually recommend a few very ordinary publishers to deal with the matter, but on the way back he suddenly realized that he had made a very serious mistake. Before fully understanding Lin Mingyang's cards, he had jumped to hasty conclusions. It was like investing in a company without knowing the other party's exact operating conditions, Kenny Ortega had once reminded him not to underestimate the boy, but Ecks was still a little careless this time.

If Lin Mingyang could write a script like Song and Dance Youth, why couldn't he similarly write a best-selling novel? On his way to the meeting, Eckels carefully recalled Lin Mingyang's attitude and tone at that time, making Eckels wonder where his confidence actually came from. After returning to his office he asked his secretary to immediately compile the details of several well-known publishers, and then hurried back to the hotel with this information.

Eckles sat in Lin Mingyang's room for half an hour, during which time he never mentioned his previous skepticism about Lin Mingyang's ability to create novels, but instead focused the conversation on the issue of publishing channels. If it were usual, Lin Mingyang would have been grateful for Eckles' "enthusiastic" help, but now there was a pretty girl hiding in the bathroom, and he couldn't wait for Eckles to finish his story and get out immediately. Unfortunately, Eckles couldn't understand Lin Mingyang's "grudging" eyes, and was still excited to introduce him to the publishers he knew.

Time passed by, hiding in the bathroom Megan was very careful, did not make any noise. Ecks finally got to the crux of the matter after finishing his long speech.

"Felix, you want to publish your own novel, and I'll do my best to help fulfill that wish!" Ecks looked sensational as he revealed his feelings to Lin Mingyang.

Lin Mingyang distinctly remembered that this was not what he had said on the way here. He didn't answer, but quietly waited for the other party's next words.

Ecks' slightly chubby body shifted a bit on the sofa, changing to a more formal sitting position, "I hope that after the novel is published, if there's a chance to adapt it into a movie, you can give priority to collaborating with me!"

"This is a precondition?" Lin Mingyang frowned. In theory, this wasn't a difficult thing to do, the other party had done him a favor, he should always owe the other party a favor, it wasn't too much for Ecks to make such a request, but Lin Ming Yang wasn't eager to make any promises. If it was an ordinary novel, it would be fine, but like the Twilight Zone, a novel that was destined to cause a sensation, Lin Ming Yang did not want to transfer the movie adaptation rights so early.

The relationship between Lin Mingyang and Eckles was like a game between a company with great potential and an investor with a keen eye. The investor saw the company's potential for future development, so he decided to buy it at a premium before it had developed, with a view to maximizing his gains. And as the owner of the company, of course, is not in the early stages of the company's development will not transfer the shares in the hands of the company to sell a good price, the future is far more than the present can get.

Lin Mingyang's reaction made Ecks more and more sure of his previous judgment, the other party refused to promise easily, indicating that the novel had a lot of weight. The more this was the case, the more Ecks hoped to be able to snatch an agreement with Lin Mingyang before anyone else.

"This is just a personal request of mine, we don't even have to make any written agreement. I'm hoping to get just a promise of priority cooperation, and when you're ready to cede the movie rights of your novel, it's enough to make sure that the first person who comes to mind is me!" The conditions given by Ecks were generous, to the point of not having any substantial constraints. He knew that for a guy like Lin Mingyang, friendship was more reliable than a contract. And as a long-sighted investor, Ecks believed that a long-lasting cooperation with Lin Ming Yang was in his best interest.

Lin Mingyang's wrinkled brow finally stretched, and his face revealed the first heartfelt smile since Ecks entered, "Actually, I'm also very hopeful that I can gain Mr. Ecks' friendship, which is more important than our cooperation!"

A young fox and an old fox thus reached a preliminary consensus, and Ecks left satisfied. This matter was going so well that Lin Ming Yang needed some time to digest it. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and contemplated for a moment before remembering that Megan was still hiding in the bathroom of his room at this time.

Lin Ming Yang gently knocked on the glass door of the bathroom, a light footstep came from inside, and Megan very carefully whispered through the door, "Felix, is that you?"

"He's gone!"

What made Lin Ming Yang feel very slightly disappointed was that Megan had already secretly dressed in the bathroom. Seeing Lin Ming Yang's soulful gaze still glancing unwillingly towards Megan's chest, Megan covered her chest with a face full of shyness and threw her bathrobe at Lin Ming Yang with feigned anger, "Bad guy, haven't you seen enough just now?"

"Let's continue?" Lin Ming Yang leaned against the bathroom door, looking at Megan with a bad smile on his face.

Megan's cheeks burned a little at his fiery gaze, she lightly bit her lower lip, "Felix, next time, okay?"

In his heart, he had already guessed that it would end up like this, except for a secret sigh, Lin Ming Yang still nodded his head generously. In order to comfort this big kid who wasn't able to eat the "candy", Megan generously gave Lin Ming Yang a sweet hug.

"Sorry!" Megan whispered in Lin Ming Yang's arms.

"I'll be responsible for you!" Lin Ming Yang kissed Megan's forehead and said very solemnly.

Megan nodded her head obediently, "Go take a shower, I'll wait for you in the room, let's go eat together later!"

The document that was open in Lin Ming Yang's laptop attracted her attention, because of that little bit of curiosity in the bottom of her heart, Megan glanced twice towards the screen, and only after scanning through the opening two lines, she realized that she could no longer move her gaze away from it.

Lin Mingyang computer this document should be saved in a novel, even always not much like reading books Megan, also can not help but be attracted by the content of the novel, she unconsciously moved the mouse, looking through the updated chapters, gradually actually entered the state. Until a pair of strong arms from behind to hold her tightly, she only then from the novel's story back to God.

Lin Mingyang, who had finished his shower, didn't feel any displeasure because Megan had taken the liberty of flipping through his novel, on the contrary, it was the focused expression on Megan's face that gave him a strong sense of satisfaction.

Megan turned her head sideways and left a fragrant kiss on Lin Ming Yang's face before she curiously asked, "Is this the novel you wrote?"

"Like it?" Gently sniffing the fresh scent of Megan's hair, Lin Ming Yang was a little reluctant to let go for a moment.

"I think the story is fascinating, but the heroine meeting that male classmate in the town is so strange, will he be her Prince Charming?" Megan had only read a small part of the story and was already worried about the heroine's love.

"Can I leave a suspense?" Lin Ming Yang felt that it was inappropriate to reveal the plot too early as it would take away from the enjoyment of reading.

"Of course!" Megan gently dudu her mouth, "But I declare that this computer has been commandeered by me for the rest of the time, except for your creation!"

After having dinner with Megan, the director Kenny Ortega, whose whereabouts had been mysterious for a while, finally appeared at the hotel. He gathered the cast and crew members together and held a short meeting, announcing the schedule of activities for the next period of time. As the lead actor, Lin Ming Yang, in addition to cooperating with the director in some live release activities, but also with the other actors to record promotional videos, do not look at his relationship with the director, but the task assigned to the hands is not light.

After the meeting, in the crowd's curious eyes, Lin Mingyang was Kenny Ortega called to his room alone, it is clear that the next conversation is of a private nature.

As expected, as soon as the door to the room was closed, Kenny Ortega couldn't wait to take out a bottle of red wine from the cupboard, "Felix, looks like we can start celebrating early!"

He took out two glasses, and Lin Ming Yang asked with some hesitation, "Should I drink too?"

"Since we're celebrating, how can we have less wine?" Kenny Ortega waved his hand full of concern, "This is a party of a private nature, so you're not breaking federal law by drinking here. Tell me you're ready!"

Lin Mingyang took the glass of wine handed to him by the other party and asked uncertainly, "Ready for what?"

"To be a star!" Kenny Ortega took a sip very freely, a very cozy expression on his face, "You're going to become a well-known figure in Hollywood soon, isn't that something worth celebrating?"

"But I still don't understand something." Lin Mingyang's expression still looked confused.

"Ecks didn't tell you?" Kenny Ortega frowned, but that didn't stop him from being in a good mood right now. "In order to have an accurate positioning of the movie Follies, before the official release, Disney secretly conducted a small-scale screening, and the results were very satisfactory. Some executives have even begun to ask me about the sequel's filming intentions, and they're all a bit impatient."

"You promised?" It wasn't difficult to ask Lin Ming Yang to come up with a sequel script in a short period of time, the key was that now that Song and Dance Youth hadn't even been released in theaters yet, Disney's executives were a little too eager.

Kenny Ortega shook his head in a mysterious manner, "I didn't promise, at least in the short term the filming of the sequel is not realistic, first of all, the script writing needs a certain period of time, and within the year I have more important things to do, I definitely can't spare the time."

Lin Ming Yang knew that Kenny Ortega was testing his attitude, in other words giving himself a heads up in advance, it was estimated that it wouldn't take long for Disney's executives to come to his door. "I also don't have any good ideas about the sequel yet, and I also have other things to do during this time!"

The two men clinked their wine glasses with a tacit understanding, and after Lin Ming Yang made his position clear, Kenny Ortega's mood suddenly relaxed a lot, and then he revealed a secret to Lin Ming Yang. "Felix, do you know what I'm going to do during this time?"

"You got a new script?" Lin Ming Yang wasn't curious about this matter, but since Kenny Ortega had mentioned it, he couldn't afford to dismiss the other party's face.

Kenny Ortega smiled and shook his head, "Know Salt Lake City?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "The murderer in the first story in the Sherlock Holmes Mysteries is from Salt Lake City!"

"That's right, that's the place, but this time it has nothing to do with homicide, this year's Winter Olympics will be held there!"

Lin Ming Yang suddenly remembered that in Kenny Ortega's resume, it seemed that he had once directed the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, could it be this year's Salt Lake City Winter Olympics?

"The organizing committee is going to ask me to be the general director of the opening ceremony, and I've already agreed to do it!" Mentioning this matter, Kenny Ortega was filled with a sense of accomplishment inside. "The official appointment won't be announced until mid-September, and only very few people know about this news."

Lin Mingyang raised his glass, "Looks like I have to congratulate you in advance!"

Kenny Ortega's face was filled with an excited smile, for success he was already winning, "To Song and Dance Youth, to our mutual success, cheers!"

On August 20, "Follies" broke the Disney Channel ratings record on its premiere day in the U.S. and rewrote the highest ratings for an original TV movie since the channel's inception with 7.7 million viewers nationwide.

After the U.S. premiere, the movie went on to create new ratings in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., Canada, Singapore, Southeast Asia and other countries. With the refreshing image of the male and female protagonists and the dynamic and wonderful singing and dancing performances, as well as the positive and educational theme of healthy values and encouraging young people to pursue their dreams, coupled with the catchy youth pop rock music, the movie attracted more than 170 million viewers in its first round of premieres around the world, and a strong wave of "Song and Dance Youth" was created. A powerful "Song and Dance Youth" trend spread around the world with the movie's popularity.

For a time, this well-received Disney original TV movie was hotly anticipated by the entertainment media, and with the media's in-depth excavation, people were surprised to find that the screenwriter of this work and the author of the original music is actually the sunny and handsome male lead of the movie. Anyone who has seen the movie can't help but ask, "Who is that dark-haired boy?"