Chapter 34 - English Rose

Because of Lin Ming Yang's appearance, Orlando Bloom lost the role that "should have" belonged to him, and the identity of Will, the second hero of Pirates of the Caribbean, also changed from a small blacksmith to a well-known teenage pirate. The revised script adds Will's part, and before the Black Pearl attacks the harbor, Lin Mingyang will have a wonderful opening scene with the governor's daughter, Elizabeth.

The filming of Pirates of the Caribbean was a break from the norm. Before the script was completed, the crew had already begun designing and constructing the sets and searching for suitable locations. Director Verbinski created a plot string diagram board in advance and exchanged ideas with producer Brooksheimer and the two screenwriters.

Vybinsky was not present on the day of the audition, and Lin Mingyang met the director the next day. Verbinski hadn't received much attention because of the success of Pirates of the Caribbean, so Lin Mingyang racked his brain and couldn't search his memory for more information about the director.

Verbinski had already heard about Lin Mingyang's amazing performance in the audition session, and since the producer, Brooksheimer, and the two screenwriters spoke highly of him, Verbinski followed suit with a few words of encouragement. The two of them briefly said a few words because Verbinski had other things to do, so this short meeting lasted just over ten minutes.

In addition to mixing it up in front of the director during this meeting, Lin Ming Yang did not get to meet Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp as he had hoped. However, thinking that he would soon be able to work with that big star, the bit of loss in Lin Ming Yang's heart was quickly replaced by excitement, and even the pace of his feet became brisk.

Verbinski let Lin Ming Yang walk around the building to familiarize himself with the various departments of the crew. The aisles of the floor were crowded because they were piled with all kinds of equipment, and Lin Mingyang often had to make way for the staff members who were carrying equipment and devices. It was hard to get to the stairway, he had just gotten out of the way of a brunette man holding a large cardboard box, but he collided with a blonde girl wearing sunglasses who was hurrying up the stairs.

The girl had a great figure, and although the large sunglasses covered a third of her face, his intuition told Lin Mingyang that this was definitely a beautiful woman.

"I'm so sorry!" At first the girl just was treating Lin Ming Yang as an ordinary staff member in the crew, "I'm an actor here for the audition, can you tell me where the audition is?"

"You're going to take part in the audition?" Lin Ming Yang froze, he suddenly felt that the blonde beauty in front of him looked a bit familiar, "But today's audition has already started a long time ago, and the location should be in the hall on the first floor!"

"What!" Having encountered a traffic jam on the way here, and having managed to get here only to get the location wrong, the blonde girl felt that her luck today was really bad. "I need to get there in the shortest time possible, can you show me the way?"

The girl didn't faint in her haste, she realized that Lin Ming Yang didn't look as hurried as the other staff members, so she directly made a request to his.

The "mission" that Verbinski had given Lin Mingyang was not to guide others, but since the girl had asked for his help, Lin Mingyang couldn't remain indifferent. Because he had been there once during the audition, he did not hesitate to accept this honorable task.

"This way, let's go down the other staircase!"

The girl followed behind Lin Ming Yang, feeling more and more that the identity of this black-haired boy who was about her own age wasn't what she had imagined at first, she always felt that she had seen this boy somewhere, but couldn't recall in a hurry.

Lin Mingyang has always been proud of the handsome appearance was actually seen by the girl as an ordinary staff, and to make such an evaluation is a beautiful woman, this is a small blow to his confidence.

"I don't think you're a staff member here, if all the guys in the crew looked like you, I guess no male actor would dare to audition here!" The girl let out a silver bell like laughter, although it was the time for the audition that had already passed, she didn't look anxious or nervous at all, and on her way to the hall, she actually had the leisure to chat with Lin Ming Yang.

"This is the most interesting praise I've ever heard!" The girl's open-minded and cheerful character had also infected Lin Ming Yang, and the little bit of unhappiness he had felt at the stairway earlier had long been thrown out of his mind, and out of curiosity, he asked one more question, "What kind of role are you auditioning for this time?"

"I don't know, I haven't read the script, but the agent told me it should be the female lead!" The girl said lightly.

"Female lead!" Lin Mingyang who had been walking in front suddenly turned around violently, the distance between the two back and forth was originally only half a step, because of the suddenness of the incident, the girl didn't have time to react, and then she ran headlong into Lin Mingyang's arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now!" Lin Ming Yang hurriedly waved his hand towards the other party, he definitely didn't mean to take advantage of the girl this time. But in fact, he had already had physical "close contact" with the girl twice in a row today.

"I'm willing to give you a chance to explain!" The girl was not in a hurry to get angry, but her tone had become somewhat cold.

"I swear it was definitely an accident, and I definitely didn't intend to offend you, but that news you just told me was so surprising that I didn't control myself very well!" Lin Ming Yang explained with an innocent face.

"What's so surprising about that?" The girl frowned lightly, she felt that the reason Lin Ming Yang found was lame.

"I know who you are!" In order to prove his 'innocence', Lin Ming Yang had to work hard to defend himself, "I've seen the movie you were in, the naughty soccer player Jules Paxton from I Love Beckham."

"You like soccer?" The girl asked curiously, as America had always been seen as a soccer desert, and few Americans generally cared about the sport.

"I play soccer, but never football!" Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Lin Ming Yang made a harmless joke, "But I loved that movie, especially the character you played. Miss Keira Knightley, I shouldn't have recognized the wrong person."

Being "recognized", Keira Knightley was slightly stunned, "Have we met before?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head with a face of "regret".

"You seem to know me very well!" Keira Knightley was once again skeptical of Lin Ming Yang's identity at this time, "But I know nothing about you!"

"Because I'm a fan of your movie!" Lin Ming Yang's excuse this time was more brilliant than the previous ones.

"But I feel like I've seen you somewhere before!" Keira Knightley took off her big sunglasses, then gently covered her mouth, "I remember, you're Troy, the lead actor who played great basketball in Follies!"

Lin Ming Yang scratched his head a bit meaninglessly, "Am I that famous?"

Keira Knightley mischievously made a face at Lin Ming Yang, "Everyone around me has been talking about that Follies movie for a while now, I'm kind of a fan of yours to be exact!"

"It's really my honor!" Lin Ming Yang hadn't heard many similar compliments lately, but the words coming from a great beauty like Keira Knightley still made his vanity greatly satisfied.

"But I'm more curious as to why you're here!" Keira Knightley's big beautiful eyes blinked as she looked at Lin Mingyang, obviously this was what she wanted to know the most.

"My purpose should be similar to yours, except that I came a bit earlier than you!" Lin Mingyang replied euphemistically.

"You've already passed the audition?" Keira Knightley's eyes widened, "Could it be that you're the male lead in this movie?"

"Of course not!" Lin Mingyang shook his head, "The lead role is Mr. Johnny Depp!"

"Your image really isn't very suitable to play a pirate!" Keira Knightley had long predicted that Lin Ming Yang would have such a reply, and as if she was worried that her words would cause the other party to misunderstand, she added, "I don't think there would be a pirate as handsome as you!"

"Yeah, I heard from the cast and crew that in order to be able to play the role of a pirate vividly, Mr. Johnny Depp purposely asked a dentist to set 4 gold teeth for himself." Lin Ming Yang casually told the anecdote he had just heard.

"Then his portrayal must be very desirable!" Keira Knightley didn't hide her admiration for Johnny Depp in her demeanor, but learning that Lin Mingyang wasn't the male lead actually created a trace of inexplicable loss in her heart, "So your role is?"

"I'm sorry I can't reveal more details to you right now, the producer and director have asked me to stick strictly to the plot!" Lin Ming Yang nodded very seriously, this was just a cover, the real reason he was too embarrassed to tell the other party in front of Keira Knightley that he would be playing her love interest in the movie.

"I'll know the answer soon enough!" Keira Knightley stomped her foot unwillingly, but didn't dwell on the issue, as long as the audition was passed and she had read the script, she would naturally know what kind of role Lin Ming Yang would play.

After "I Love Beckham" achieved a good box office result in the United States, the media were surprised that a movie about soccer could achieve such a result in a country like the United States, which is not too fond of soccer, and finally they all attributed this result to the youthful and compelling Keira Knightley. She was the producers' favored candidate for the female lead, and in a way, the audition was merely a final confirmation.

Being able to work with a big star like Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley was of course happy to do so, and because of Lin Mingyang's appearance, she had even more expectations for this new movie.

Just as soon as they met this guy had taken advantage of himself twice, and even though they were both accidents, it would be best if the producers would let him play a big villain in the movie and then get beaten up by himself! Looking at Lin Ming Yang's back, the charming smile on Keira Knightley's face suddenly bloomed as delicately as a rose.