Chapter 37: Fearful After Life

After Simon Publishing officially signed the contract, Lin Mingyang was recalled to the crew by a phone call from Brooksheimer. The preparations for Pirates of the Caribbean had been a whirlwind of events, during which a studio used by the film's crew had accidentally caught fire, causing 350,000 dollars in financial losses, although no one was injured.

The crew also suffered setbacks in the selection of locations for the film. Bruckheimer and Verbinski had hoped to use the giant water tank in Rosalito, Baja California, Mexico, where Titanic and Pearl Harbor were filmed, but was filmed in the same year, "Raging Seas: The Polar Expedition" was first.

Despite encountering a number of difficulties, the crew finally completed the film's pre-shoot preparations. The make-up artist designed a look for Lin Ming Yang similar to that of Keanu Reeves in The Little Buddha, with one-half oriental blood giving him a pure and simple temperament, and with long, curly, black hair, the image of a free-spirited, free-spirited bandit jumped off the page.

In the drama, Lin Mingyang often has to go bare-chested or just wear a small shoulder, and the hard bronze muscles on his upper body give his costume a bit more toughness. At the request of the stylist, the gauze wrapped around Lin Mingyang's hands for practicing boxing is still retained in the drama, which is arranged to provide convenience for Lin Mingyang to show off his boxing skills in the drama.

Before the film officially started shooting, in order to tie in with the publicity, the crew specially released a set of character stills of the main actors. Lin Ming Yang's new look attracted a lot of attention, and even the Hollywood media, which has always been stingy with newcomers, gave a lot of positive comments. But the star Johnny Depp as Captain Jack was not so lucky, almost all the media criticized his look in the film, some even spoke sarcastically.

Of course, this is not to blame the screenwriters, it should be said that Rossio and Elliott came up with the script is still relatively "rules", although the film is obviously not for children to see the fantasy adventure drama, but the script of the Captain Jack is not still photos of that kind of weird alternative.

That's thanks to director Gore Verbinski and star Johnny Depp, who didn't know if it was possible to make the character so crazy and wacky, but took the risk anyway. Captain Jack's look combines some of the commonalities between rocker Keith Richards and the famous French-accented cartoon skunk "PepeLePew": unstable, wild, do-what-you-want, contradictory and chaotic.

Under his interpretation, the heroic Captain Jack in the script becomes a shrewd adventurer, with an easy, happy, nonstop smooth accent, a feminine, deceitful patter, and a swaying walk, all of which made the teeth of Disney executives chatter, and even before the movie started shooting, some people asserted that Depp alone could ruin the costly movie, and mocked his Captain Jack, saying that Depp would not be able to make the movie, and would not be able to make the movie. movie, and mocked his Captain Jack for looking like a faggot.

Although Johnny Depp said in front of the media that he was not simply imitating Richards' movements, but captured the essence of it, which is a kind of beautiful and lazy self-confidence, the heavy eye shadow on the eyes, the strings of beads in the hair, are the sign of "freedom". But this explanation was only met with a new wave of cynicism from the media.

In the face of pressure from senior management and the media ridicule, the whole cast and crew felt unprecedented pressure, even the original shooting date has been postponed, it can be seen that Verbinski's current situation is a bit worrying, and there are even rumors that Brooksheimer can not withstand the objections from the senior management of the Disney, Verbinski may lose the director's position.

All kinds of rumors began to circulate in the crew, even Eckles was nervous, he asked for information through his connections within the Disney company, and at the same time, he also always paid attention to the latest developments of the crew through Lin Mingyang.

This kind of chaos in the crew is the last thing Lin Ming Yang wants to see, knowing that Captain Jack's classic costume was a key factor in the success of Pirates of the Caribbean, and Johnny Depp also got an Oscar nomination for Best Actor with his performance in the movie that pushed the envelope.

In order to avoid the film has not been shot on the "shipwreck" of the famous woman, he has been Xi'an looking for an opportunity to want the producer Brooksheimer talk about, but this period of time in the crew basically do not see each other's silhouette, even the director of the Verbinski is also a profoundly simple to come out, encountered this kind of situation, anyone will be a little depressed.

In the crew Lin Mingyang is a few times encountered Keira Knightley, but he did not know where he hilarious this big beautiful, warm greetings to him, Keira Knightley every time do not add color, cold attitude as if the two have never known the same, so that Lin Mingyang is very depressed.

Of course, he has been wandering around the set for the past few days, but not for nothing, at least in front of the staff of each department to mix a familiar face. Today, Lin Ming Yang had just returned to his place of residence from the camera crew, but coincidentally, he once again encountered the English rose with thorns at the door.

Being fiercely glared at by Keira Knightley's grudging eyes, Lin Ming Yang could only resentfully put away the bright smile he had just prepared on his face, watching the other party walk past him as if no one else was there and then close the door of the room with a bang, the expression on Lin Ming Yang's face was more or less helpless.

"You must have made that girl angry!" A voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Ming Yang, he turned his head to see that it was actually Johnny Depp who had been in the middle of a controversy during this period of time. This was the first time Lin Ming Yang had met this big Hollywood star, the famous "Edward Scissorhands", during non-working hours.

"Mr. Depp!" Lin Ming Yang smiled a bit awkwardly, "You misunderstood, I definitely didn't bully her, the truth is that even I don't know what happened, she suddenly seemed like a different person, and then she just ignored me!"

"It seems like you guys should have known each other before, from my personal experience, you need to be patient enough with girls!" Johnny Depp laughed, he seemed to have misunderstood the relationship between Lin Ming Yang and Keira Knightley.

"Things aren't as you think..." the self-proclaimed not-so-thin-skinned Lin Ming Yang also made a big red face at this time.

Johnny Depp felt that the teenager in front of him was pristine and somewhat adorable, which suddenly made him interested in Lin Ming Yang. "You're much better than I was back then, in my damn school, the students were divided into three classes: rich kids, smart kids, and country kids, and my appearance suddenly opened up a fourth class - weird kids, so no girl ever looked at me squarely."

Looking at Lin Ming Yang's incredulous expression, Johnny Depp laughed as if mocking himself as he pointed to his room, "Have a seat at my place?"

Of course Lin Ming Yang would not refuse such an invitation, and holding the steaming cup of coffee in his room, Lin Ming Yang became the best person for Johnny Depp to talk to who had been in a depressed mood in recent times because of Captain Jack's costume. He didn't complain about his current troubles, but instead talked to Lin Ming Yang about some of his past events.

"When I was 15 years old, my parents interests, I followed my mother to move to Los Angeles, and soon, she called married a man named Robert Palmer. In those days, I didn't have a proper family dinner, and sought pleasure in bars until late at night without being asked."

He talks about these gray memories of indulgence and boredom with a touch of self-deprecation, "I was deeply curious about everything in those days, but the way I pursued some of that curiosity was highly inappropriate, but unfortunately no one was in charge of me at the time. So I learned to smoke at 12, stopped being a virgin at 13, tasted marijuana at 14, got a tattoo at 15, and dared to take a sheep by the hand in the supermarket at 16 ... If I didn't have what I have now, you'd think I'm a total bad seed!"

Lin Mingyang shook his head, "I know that President Roosevelt also had vices in his early years, but he ended up being the most outstanding leader of the United States!"

"Thank you for your comment, but I'm not as great as President Roosevelt!" Johnny Depp laughed, then went on to talk about his first failed marriage, "When I got married at twenty, everyone couldn't believe that I would make such a rash decision, and I don't want to explain anything more with love. But now I think, if you're lucky, something like divorce you go through once in your life is enough."

"I was four years old when Edward Scissorhands was released, my mother certainly wouldn't have taken me to the cinema to see your outstanding performance at that time, I watched the film many years later and then heard the story of the relationship between you and Miss Winona, I'd never met your current wife but I was impressed by the couple you played in the film on and Miss Winona! "

In 1990, Depp played the robot lead in ghost director Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands", before starring in this movie, Depp and Winona had a sensational love affair, the tabloids were speculating when Depp would give Winona an engagement ring, and later on, Johnny Depp won his first Golden Globe Award for this movie! Nominated for a Golden Globe for the film, his much-hyped engagement to Winona broke up after only three years, leaving many movie fans sighing at the time.

"I don't really see anything wrong with a couple of lovers acting for real in a movie. At least, making movies with Winona was the greatest happiness in my life!" Speaking of his former lover, Johnny Depp could not help but feel a little emotional.

"I also think it's really quite good!" Lin Ming Yang smiled sarcastically, he heard the hints in the other party's words, Johnny Depp saying such words as a person who had been there before also made Lin Ming Yang hear some hidden hints of exhortation.

"So tell me about you!" Johnny Depp was only point blank on this issue, "I was on the set some time ago but I heard quite a few stories about you!"

Lin Ming Yang scratched his head, "There's really not much to tell, in the beginning I was just more interested in writing scripts and songs. I happened to meet Mr. Kenny Ortega when I was working for the summer, and then came the later Song and Dance Youth, compared to you, I still have a long way to go!"

"Your talent and opportunities are not comparable to me at that time, as long as you are willing to work hard, your future achievements will definitely be above me!" Johnny Depp's character had changed a lot since he became a father, and he began to appear in all kinds of newspapers and magazines with a more positive image after he had been characterized by his decadent image on the silver screen, but the controversy over Captain Jack's disguise had dealt him a very heavy blow this time around. But for a newcomer with so much potential as Lin Mingyang, he didn't mince his words of praise.

"Are you still agonizing over that incident?" Lin Mingyang read his mind.

"Things are worse than I thought, if it doesn't work I'll quit the show!" To be able to say something like that, Johnny Depp must have made some considerable determination.

"But I think you should insist!" Lin Mingyang broke through and said something that made the other party a little surprised.

Everyone around him was urging Johnny Depp to give up, as they thought that this kind of persistence would only end up leading him into a dead end, and then bury his hard-earned reputation. Johnny Depp himself was also conflicted, at this time Lin Ming Yang came out and flagged him down, how could he not be surprised?

"Is this what you really think?"

"Do you think it is necessary for me to curry favor with you at this time?" Lin Mingyang's retort threw his voice.

Johnny Depp narrowed his eyes and seriously surveyed the dark-haired boy in front of him, he then remembered that Lin Mingyang was the little guy who had made Brooksheimer gush with praise and had also directly participated in the revision of the script, he might really have his own reasons for saying so.

"Can I hear your thoughts?"

"It has to be said that after The Red Pirate, there has never been another decent pirate movie in Hollywood. Of course you can not play a vicious pirate, but this role is definitely not the kind of absolute hero in the general public imagination, with smooth worldly, but also a few free and uninhibited, acting grotesque, but there is always their own reasoning, in the absurdity of the back of the hidden a persistent heart, do not you feel that you are creating an unprecedented pirate captain's image. I think your performance alone is enough to re-establish this movie as a classic in its category!"

"But Disney's executives don't think so, and the Hollywood media won't share such a view!" Johnny Depp shook his head painfully.

"But it shouldn't be given up just like that, you can have a good talk with Mr. Bruckheimer, tell him about your views and understanding of the role, and then he will step in to convince the Disney executives!" Lin Ming Yang began to give Johnny Depp tips, "As for the media, they've never had any firm stance, the final results of the movie will make them all shut up obediently!"