Chapter 40 Touchdown

Will was hijacked by Barbossa and left, forced to jump into the sea Captain Jack and Elizabeth stranded on a deserted island. Just after an intense and exciting sea-jumping shoot, Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp have to follow it up with a deserted island aftermath scene. The second cameraman continues to get seasick, and Lin Mingyang, who has no acting duties, is once again captured by the crew. Although the shooting on land, multi-angle framing can be completed by a cameraman, but Darez Wolski still let Lin Mingyang continue to act as his assistant.

According to the setting in the script, Captain Jack and Elizabeth stayed on the deserted island for two days, but since the episode wasn't very long, Verbinski decided to use only one day to complete all the filming. The shooting was divided into two phases: daytime and nighttime, and the nighttime segment was actually only a few hurried shots, but in order to emphasize the effect of the nighttime shooting, the crew had to wait until the depths of the night to officially start.

After shooting this scene, it was already more than 10 o'clock at night, and the sea was pitch black. The only bright light that could be seen was the filming boat that was anchored two nautical miles away from the island. The vast sea and the misty night sky were connected together, chaotic, indistinguishable from water and sky, the sound of the sea waves hitting the rocks and sandy beaches never-ending clamor, the waves rushed from afar, and violently touched the shore, emitting rhythmic splash sound, bursting out foam, and then disappeared between the sand and rocks.

The crew had a total of eight small boats, three of which were used to transport equipment and facilities, while the other five were used for the movement of personnel. On the return trip, Lin Ming Yang and Keira Knightley were placed on a small boat, and after counting the number of people, everyone realized that a life jacket was missing from the boat. All the other small boats had already departed one after another, and only Lin Ming Yang's small group of people had been delayed for the allocation of this last life jacket.

The people were all scrambling to give up their life jackets, but as the only lady on the boat, Keira Knightley insisted on giving up her life jacket, she was confident enough in her swimming skills. She grinned broadly and shoved her life jacket into Lin Ming Yang's hand, and was the first to board the boat in the eyes of the surprised crowd.

Lin Ming Yang helplessly shrugged towards the crowd, after this period of time together, he had some understanding of Keira Knightley's character, this beautiful and touching British girl's appearance is soft, but inwardly has a pride that is not inferior to that of a boy. He put on his life jacket and was the second to get on the boat, then made his way down next to Keira Knightley.

"Thanks for the life jacket!" Because of the limited space on the small boat, everyone coming up had to squeeze to do so, which was why Lin Mingyang could rightfully sit so close to Keira Knightley. Since the "hand-holding" in front of the camera, their relationship was no longer as rigid as before. This rare opportunity to communicate with a beautiful woman in close quarters, Lin Mingyang of course will not miss.

Keira Knightley proudly tilted her head, tender white neck in the shimmering light has a kind of unreal beauty: "I was a school swimming champion when I was a child, I can't outrun you on land, but in the water you may not be able to catch up with me."

"You like swimming a lot?" Lin Mingyang asked curiously.

"I used to go on vacation with my parents to the Mediterranean Sea every summer vacation, I didn't really like sunbathing, so I had to stay in the water."

"There are also very nice beaches in southern Florida, it's great for swimming!"

"You like that kind of vacation too?" Keira Knightley looked a little surprised.

"Of course!" Lin Mingyang nodded, "But I'm neither going for sunbathing nor swimming!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Keira Knightley's asked curiously.

Lin Mingyang gently brought his head in front of Keira Knightley, this overly intimate move startling the other party. He smiled wistfully "You really want to know?"

"Is there any secret to this?"

"Because the beach is always full of swimsuit beauties with eye-catching figures." Lin Ming Yang grinned, "I actually went there to see the beauties!"

"Boring!" Keira Knightley glared angrily at Lin Ming Yang, huffed and turned her head away, no longer talking to him.

The last batch of people to evacuate the island were basically members of the crew, and compared to the silence of the two "protagonists", the rest of the crew on the boat were all talking to each other in low voices. On the calm and deep sea, the moonlight split out a narrow and bright road, the hull of the ship in the rustling sound of water slightly up and down. The ship's liaison officer had just finished a wireless call with the filming ship's communication room, and just at this moment, the ship suddenly shook violently, and the bottom of the cabin looked as if it had collided with something hard, and then someone could be heard loudly exclaiming, "It's hit the reef!"

"What? The ship has hit the reef!" Immediately on the boat exploded, after the bottom of the ship to plug the leakage declared a failure, uneasiness and panic began to weigh heavily on the bottom of people's hearts, the liaison officer began to urgently call for rescue, his voice into the walkie-talkie microphone exhaustion is even more so to make the people's hearts shrouded in a layer of fear of the shadow.

After learning that the boat had hit the reef, the filming ship immediately lowered the lifeboat, and director Verbinski personally led the rescue team to the accident area. The location of the boat is about two nautical miles away from the filming ship, according to the speed of the cabin into the water, the lifeboat can not get there before the boat sinks. Director Verbinski was naturally anxious. He kept urging the pilot of the lifeboat to speed up, but the experienced captain told him that the area where the boat touched down should be full of reefs, and if he didn't want another shipwreck to happen, the current speed was already the limit.

With this answer, Verbinski could only be anxious. At this time the staff around him kindly persuaded, "Sir, none of the important equipment is on that boat, and everyone is wearing life jackets, so there shouldn't be any major problems before the lifeboats arrive."

"That's what worries me the most!" Verbinski pressed his head helplessly, "There's one life jacket missing from that boat, this is the ocean, not a swimming pool, and God knows what could happen!"

In fact the situation was not as bad as Verbinski imagined, after the initial panic, the people on the boat basically calmed down, the distant filming boat had already lowered its lifeboat, and after the failed attempt to plug the leak, everyone decisively decided to abandon the boat and escape.

Everyone else was fastening the life jackets on themselves, but Lin Mingyang ripped the life jacket off himself. The crew members who were busy escaping didn't notice this amazing move of his, but Keira Knightley, who was sitting right next to him, exclaimed in a low voice, "Felix, are you crazy?"

Lin Mingyang struggled to nuzzle the corners of his mouth and squeeze out a very forced smile, then without a second thought, he put the life jacket over Keira Knightley's body.

"I told you, I don't need a life jacket!" Reacting, Keira Knightley did not accept Lin Ming Yang's good intentions, and she began to wave her arms, hindering Lin Ming Yang from putting the life jacket on herself.

"Listen, I'm not joking with you!" Lin Ming Yang's expression was serious as he pressed down on Keira Knightley's fragrant shoulders, and he clearly felt the other party's body trembling slightly. It turned out that this girl with a bright appearance and strong character also had a vulnerable side. But at this time Lin Ming Yang had no time to care about these strange feelings, "I think that in everyday life British men are all very pretentious, but at certain times, their gentlemanly demeanor is still worth learning from me!"

Lin Mingyang's hands seemed to have an amazing magical power, and Keira Knightley actually quieted down as he pressed down on her shoulders. But there was still a small trace of resentment in her heart, this guy was usually a big talker, why did he have to come out and be a hero at this time? Perhaps due to her stubborn character, Kylanetri still couldn't help but taunt, "Like right now?"

Lin Ming Yang heard the faint hint of mockery in her words, but he didn't get angry: "If you're not willing to admit that this is an elegant British gentlemanly manner, then please also give me a chance to realize American-style heroism!"

"But we're not in a movie, and this broken ship is not the Titanic!" Although she didn't know why this guy in front of her suddenly became so gentlemanly, Keira Knightley wasn't impressed by Lin Ming Yang's "grandiose words", she looked at Lin Ming Yang very seriously, "The most crucial thing is, can you swim?"

Lin Mingyang soon proved his ability with his actions, and before Knightley could react, he jumped off the sunken ship ahead of him. The inertia of the fall caused him to sink violently into the sea, but only seconds later, his head peeked out from the tumbling waves, and he waved his hand at Kayla Knightley before swimming in the direction the lifeboat had sailed from.

Frozenly looking at the figure floating in the waves, lightly biting her lip, Kylanetri didn't know what to think. Although it didn't have that striking reflection on the life jacket, that shadow stayed deeper and deeper in her mind.

The last crew member who was ready to jump into the water realized that there were still people on the boat and hurriedly shouted at her, and only then did Keira Knightley react to the fact that the boat was about to sink at this time. She let out a ghostly sigh and jumped into the deep, undulating sea right after her.

Although he wasn't wearing a life jacket, Lin Mingyang was the first cast member to be pulled onto the lifeboat. Everyone on the lifeboat knew that there was a life jacket missing from the sinking ship, so when they saw that Lin Mingyang wasn't wearing any life-saving equipment, the dinghy immediately erupted into a round of applause.

"Felix, good job!" Director Verbinski patted Lin Mingyang's thick shoulders hard, then squeezed his eyes at him and pulled him quietly to the side: "I've heard that the last person on that ship not wearing a life jacket was that girl Knightley, this time you've truly been a gentleman for once, I'm sure she's very touched by this!"

Verbinski's question caught Lin Ming Yang a little off guard, he scratched his head with some difficulty, "This is really hard to say!"

"You weren't a modest child before!" Verbinski smiled brightly, he thought he had understood what Lin Ming Yang meant, but in fact he had misunderstood.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, he didn't try to explain too much.

As the lifeboats approached, there were constantly members who had fallen into the water being pulled up. But when the search and rescue personnel found Keira Knightley, she was teaching a member who was wearing a lifejacket but couldn't swim how to control his balance in the waves, and before that the unlucky guy had already choked on several mouthfuls of bitter and astringent seawater continuously.

Compared to some of the disoriented members, Keira Knightley acted calmly after being pulled into the lifeboat, she caught a glimpse of Lin Ming Yang standing on the side, but deliberately pretended not to see him. Lin Ming Yang was busy talking to one of the crew members at this time, and didn't realize that the way Kayla Knightley looked at herself had changed a bit.

This accident made the crew's filming had to be suspended, after returning to the filming ship, the accompanying medical staff carried out some checks on the people who had fallen into the water, and then Vipinsky everyone went back to have a good rest. This trip accident from the incident to rescue, all the people in the crew were tossed around, fortunately there were no casualties, in addition to sinking a boat, basically not too much damage.

Returning to his cabin, Lin Mingyang changed out of his already soaked clothes, and was lying on his bed thinking wildly when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

"It's you?" Lin Ming Yang was surprised to see Keira Knightley standing outside the door, this little girl was wearing a beige T-shirt with low waisted skinny jeans, which further outlined the curves of her already well developed body. The head of dazzling blonde hair casually tied a ponytail, the whole person in the lazy through an unspeakable charm.

"What, not welcome?" Keira Knightley still proudly tilted her head as she spoke, for that slender white neck, Lin Mingyang was actually familiar with it, but looking down, the scenery was still unique.

"How come?" Lin Ming Yang didn't try to figure out the other party's mental changes by heart, he stood in the doorway and made an invitation gesture towards the inside, although he couldn't see any changes from the surface, he was still a bit vain. After all, that was something he had done a little recklessly, and even though the starting point was good, women would always be incomprehensible creatures.

Keira Knightley originally had no intention of going in, she implicitly shook her head, this girl even refusing gave off a feeling of pride. The smile on Lin Ming Yang's face didn't diminish because this was what he wanted. After all, this was a drama set, there were a lot of people, and if the two were too close, it wouldn't be good for each other to spread any rumors.

"Something wrong?" Relaxed Lin Ming Yang returned to his former state of being very casual, he leaned against the door frame and his gaze began to roam over the other party without a care in the world.

"Seen enough?" Keira Knightley glared at Lin Ming Yang in a bad mood, she suddenly realized that she was at a disadvantage for "showing up" like this, so she decided to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

"I want to thank you for that life jacket today!" As if she had made a very difficult decision, Keira Knightley finally gathered the courage to say these words.

"Is a thank you really that difficult?" Lin Mingyang sneered sarcastically.

"If you were to say thank you to a hooligan, do you think it would be like this?" Keira Knightley sneered back.

"I'm actually just a hooligan in your eyes?" Lin Ming Yang complained with a face full of aggression.

"To become a gentleman, you still have a long way to go oh!" Keira Knightley made a playful face towards Lin Ming Yang, her eyes looked like encouragement and seemed to be some kind of hint, just as Lin Ming Yang was having fun, the little girl suddenly reached out to rub his somewhat messy hair: "Sister looks after you!"