Chapter 42 - Shocked

"Pa-pa-pa-pa" The sudden sound of applause made Lin Ming Yang jerk back to his senses, he then realized that there was a guy standing on the street corner not far away, wearing a white kangaroo and carrying a plastic bag in his hand, which seemed to be filled with some fast food.

Lin Ming Yang's eyes stopped at the other's arm, living in the western society for a long time, he has long been accustomed to westerners with strong bodies, and the guy in front of him is not the strongest he has ever seen, but the lines of those muscles on his arm are able to give a very hard visual impact.

This made Lin Ming Yang couldn't help but think of Self, whose body type could only be considered standard in the West, but the strength contained in each muscle of his body was much more than the norm, and he found the same feeling in that strange man. Coupled with that trademark black hair, a name came to him electrically.

And Jem on the other side of the fence flipped back over after landing in the same old trick, but this time the man standing on the corner wasn't applauding, instead he was frowning.

Jem hadn't noticed the man's presence at first either, and he was pleased with the hand he'd shown. Through simple observation, he was basically certain that Lin Ming Yang was still a rookie when it came to parkour, and this wall-flipping maneuver was enough to bluff the other man.

"How was it?" Jem asked with some eyebrows raised.

"Cool!" Lin Mingyang nodded.

"Then do you think you should give me a second round of applause?" Jem was like a strutting little rooster, holding his head high and making a gesture in front of Lin Ming Yang.

"But I didn't applaud just now!" Lin Ming Yang looked at Jem with an innocent face, of course he was too embarrassed to say that he was dumbfounded at the time. He passed a wink towards the street corner, "The gentleman standing over there also appreciated your performance just now, I think he should be a professional too!"

"Who?" Jem made a very exaggerated head-twisting motion, then his face froze up wonderfully, "Mr. Bell! What brings you to ..."

"Just happened to come out to get some food!" The man nodded casually, "I've already told you before, if you can stay away from alcohol and eroticism, the speed at which you completed that action just now can be at least 5~10 seconds faster."

Jiem was like a child who had done something wrong, allowing the other party to criticize him relentlessly, which more and more allowed Lin Ming Yang to confirm the judgment in his heart that such a black-haired man, was the founder of the famous parkour movement, David Bell.

"If your first flip just now still has something to be desired, then your second flip is simply terrible, if your physical strength can't even meet the requirements to support your continuous flips, you want to join Yamakasi that's absolutely impossible!" David Bell said nonchalantly.

"I will definitely work hard as you asked!" Jem replied with his head bowed in defeat.

David Bell didn't intend to hold onto Jem, and after lecturing Jem for a few moments, he was ready to leave, but at this time Lin Ming Yang called out to him. "Mr. Bell, I'm very interested in parkour, can we talk about it?"

David Bell hadn't paid much attention to Lin Ming Yang from the start, he looked at Jiem and asked with a frown, "Your friend?"

Jem nodded somewhat sheepishly, "I've only just met him, he was looking for Yamakasi's training ground and asked me to show him the way!"

To be honest David Bell's first impression of Lin Ming Yang wasn't good, he felt that the boy was overly handsome looking and his body didn't look particularly strong. Based on this judgment, Lin Ming Yang was directly PASSED by him.

"You tell him that the time for Yamakasi to recruit new members has passed!" David Bell's meaning was simple, but Jem looked a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Bell, this person's identity is a bit special, he's an American!"

"An American?" David Bell looked like he had heard a very funny joke, "Why don't you say that he is a Chinese, then he might at least know a little bit of kung fu, Americans, those self-righteous guys know how to play it cool, they don't even know what a real extreme sport is!"

Seeing that David Bell misunderstood his meaning, Jem started to get a little anxious, "I think you misunderstood, what I meant was that he's an American movie star named Felix Lin, he's just starred in a very interesting cabaret, and a lot of my friends around me really like his songs!"

Apparently this explanation from Jem did the trick, David Bell considered for a moment and then told him, "Yamakasi only accepts like-minded friends, you know that an extreme sport like parkour is not enough just by interest, we look for good physical fitness more than anything else."

"He is indeed a bit skinny, but he plays basketball very well!" Jem nodded helplessly.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about, I don't want him to get injured or throw his little life away because of training!" David Bell said without worry.

"After all, it wasn't easy for him to come all the way from the United States, I think you can give him a chance, or at least give him a decent step down!" Jem turned around at this time and began to help David Bell think of a solution.

"Alright, you let him imitate the movements you made just now to flip over that wall and then flip back in, this is just the most basic test, if he can't do it, let him go back!" David Bell nodded his head.

Jem told Lin Ming Yang what David Bell meant, in fact, from the other party's somewhat disdainful expression, Lin Ming Yang had already guessed what was going on, a polished appearance and a pretty name never worked as well as real strength, it seemed that without showing his strength, the other party was having a hard time accepting himself.

Both David Bell and Jim meant to ask Lin Ming Yang to back off, but Lin Ming Yang was surprised to accept the other party's test. He put his traveling backpack aside and then took off his outerwear. Even though he was wearing short sleeves, the bulging muscles on his small arms were still a sight for David Bell.

Lin Mingyang didn't seem to want to be as skinny as Jem had imagined, that was the first thing he felt when he took off his outerwear Jem, but what was even more strange to him was that David Bell's eyes actually squinted slightly, which made him think of a legend about the other party. David Bell in the case of full concentration, there will be a narrowing of the eyes, does it mean that he so quickly overturned his own judgment just now?

Lin Mingyang, who was moving his joints, appeared to be more relaxed than either of the two people outside the arena, and in the gap between his preparations, he even had the leisure to fool around with Jem, "It's not a private residence behind that wall, is it?"

Jem understood what Lin Ming Yang meant, he didn't want to get into trouble for going over the wall. "Don't worry, that side is a dead end. As a matter of fact your concern is completely superfluous, there are no private residences in this generation to be exact. If you suddenly appeared in some family's backyard by scaling the wall, probably no one would call the police, everyone is already used to it!"

Relieving the last trace of concern in his heart, Lin Ming Yang took a deep breath, he was now more and more able to grasp the feeling of breathing, or what his grandfather called "Qi Sense". He didn't use a running aid, but once he started his speed was also very impressive. Before this, he didn't know how much power-borrowing skills Jiem's maneuvers contained, so he just relied on his excellent body instincts to complete the wall-scaling maneuver.

Simple movements often lacked the necessary beauty, but Lin Mingyang's simplicity gave the two people present a very strong visual shock. In fact, Lin Ming Yang's action of flipping over the wall was only half completed, as he realized that with a push with his feet and a pull with his hands, he was able to complete the entire action of flipping over the wall with the strength of his own body.

Then David Bell and Jim saw a very amazing scene, Lin Ming Yang stomped with his foot and pulled with one hand, the entire weight of his body seemed to have disappeared between this stomping and pulling, and before the two viewers could react, his body easily crossed the high wall. Like the same over the wall after a slight landing sound again staged, the same action, the same easy, but then turned back, Lin Mingyang changed a hand.

There was no applause, there was no applause, at this moment the scene was quiet and a little strange, David Bell and Jem were staring straight at him, until they saw that Lin Ming Yang himself was a little embarrassed, and only then did the two of them come back to their senses from the shock they had just experienced.

"Jem, he only used one hand just now, I didn't see it wrong!" David Bell's tone was a little shaky from excitement.

"I think so!" Jem mumbled in reply, he hadn't even fully recovered from Lin Ming Yang's performance just now, "I wonder, with such muscular strength, is he still considered a human being?"

"With just a single foot support, with one hand he can drive a body of at least 70kg over a 3 meter high wall, landing without any cushioning or unloading action, I don't know if this kind of ability is still considered normal for a human being!" Unlike Jem, David Bell was speaking in a tone of complete engrossed admiration when he said this.

"Yamakasi can anyone be like him?" Jem asked obsessively.

"I don't think I can do it since, and I can guarantee that there's no one else in Yamakasi who possesses such a perverted physical fitness either!" David Bell was practically in two minds at this point, "Jem, I have to thank you this time, you've helped us discover a genius!"

David Bell and Jem were chirping away in French over here, Lin Ming Yang of course didn't understand a single word, but from the expressions of the two, he knew that his purpose had been achieved.

As expected, half a minute later David Bell came up smilingly and made a short self-introduction with Lin Ming Yang in somewhat rusty English. "I'm David Bell, the founder of Yamakasi, Jem told me that you're an actor, and I have to admit that your performance just now greatly exceeded my expectations."

"Felix Lin, nice to meet you!" Lin Mingyang, who had put on his jacket again, had changed back to the handsome "white boy", but at this time no one would belittle him because of this. Appropriate show a little ability is enough, self-righteousness that is a bit loaded, in this degree of grasp, Lin Mingyang has been doing very well, so in front of David Bell, he did not just because of that "amazing move" and complacent, but took out a very humble posture, such an attitude! This kind of attitude instantly made David Bell's favor to him greatly increased.

"I'm sorry for belittling you just now, because Jaime told me that you had acted in a song and dance movie, so I naturally associated you with those artistic youths in Paris. With a body like yours, you're perfectly suited for an action movie. Like the Chinese Bruce Lee!" David Bell made two "hoho" gestures.

"He's also my idol!" Lin Mingyang nodded his head.

After finding a common point of interest, there was a lot less constraint between David Bell and Lin Ming Yang, "Your looks are very special, without looking closely I thought you were a Frenchman, you should be a mixed race, right?"

"My father is a Chinese American and my mother is a Jew!"

"What an interesting combination, both are the best ethnicities in the world, no wonder they gave birth to such a 'freak' as you!" As the conversation progressed, David Bell's diction became casual.

"Hey Felix, you have Chinese blood, so do you know Chinese Kung Fu?" Jem, who had been unable to interject from the side, suddenly asked with interest at this time.

"A little bit, but far from being proficient!" Lin Mingyang replied humbly.

"Is that how you practiced your physical fitness?" This topic was of equal interest to David Bell.

"There's a big reason for that, because when I was a kid I stayed with my grandfather and I received more rigorous training at that time!"

"Great, we at Yamakasi have been thinking about how to incorporate parkour with more oriental elements and your fighting arts have always fascinated our members. God knows we just happened to have this idea and then you showed up, I think you must be God's gift to us!" David Bell said with an excited look.