Chapter 44 New Member

Lin Mingyang's body itself possessed an exceptionally outstanding bouncing ability, and despite the fact that he played the position of point guard for the Firefoxes and mostly scored from the outside, no one on the team would doubt his ability to dunk. In fact, although he can not do like the power forward Thomas as powerful vigorously dunk, but his excellent jumping ability allows him to have a very perfect lagging ability, so long-distance dunking, he has to be more than Thomas a chip.

The forward force of long-distance running plus 3 meters away from the bar is not as high as the basket, in the crowd of dumbfounded watch, Lin Mingyang's body in mid-air lagged out a strange curve, and then steadily grabbed the bar, and then inertia an easy flip, he easily passed this link.

"Amazing, he did it!" The Yamakasi members on the stands erupted into a burst of applause, the shock that Lin Mingyang's set of moves had brought to them had caused them to begin to look squarely at this dark-haired boy from the United States from the bottom of their hearts, and no longer underestimate him in any way.

"I told you, he's a genius!" David Bell, who hadn't spoken since the start of the match, said to himself.

"It's a shame that I didn't record the set of moves he just did, or else I would have been able to cause a sensation by posting it on the internet!" A member said without regret.

"He should be able to break everyone's record here!" Sabasti always made his customary concluding remarks, "He was able to do this just by virtue of his outstanding physical qualities, it's hard to imagine what level he can reach after systematic training."

"Which aspect are you referring to, skill or spirit?" David Bell subconsciously asked.

"You'll take care of the skill, I'll guide the spiritual aspect, I think for this sport, he'll be a better spokesperson than either you or I!" Sabasti shrugged, "What makes me curious is that you actually have such strong confidence in a boy you just met, are you really not worried that he will fail that jump just now?"

"For him, never look at him with the eyes of a normal person!" David Bell smiled mysteriously, "I happen to know that apart from being an actor, he is also an outstanding basketball player, his varsity team just won the state basketball league not too long ago, the key thing is that he can dunk!"

"I see!" Sabasti nodded knowingly, his approval basically declared that Lin Mingyang was officially accepted into this Yamakasi collective.

"5 minutes and 38 seconds!" As Lin Mingyang retraced his steps back to the starting point, David Bell loudly announced his time.

The members of Yamakasi exploded into a round of applause, everyone was excited because they had witnessed the birth of a new record. The coy smile on Lin Mingyang's face further won over the crowd, and this time there was no need for mobilization as everyone came forward to shake Lin Mingyang's hand.

"If you're interested in philosophies about parkour, we can have some discussions on that!" Sabasti added as he came up to congratulate him.

After all the members had gotten to know Lin Ming Yang, David Bell then formally introduced the members of Yamakasi to him:

"Everyone of us here has their own nicknames. Like my nickname is 'Commander' because I'm currently the head of Yamakasi; while Sabasti everyone likes to call him 'Godfather', he's our spiritual leader; the black guy with the Mohican haircut is called Brooke because of his arm strength, so he's 'Baseball'; and the beach guy, Welter, has exceptionally good flexibility, so we call him 'Rubber'; the one who doesn't talk much is Rick, who sprints extremely fast, so he's 'Rocket'; and the one with brown hair is 'The Godfather'. '; and the brown-haired guy is Bill, and he's good at flying, so he's called 'Spider'.Felix, congratulations on becoming our seventh member, and now you have to come up with a nickname for yourself, which is the first step to joining Yamakasi."

"Do I have to?" Everyone's nicknames were based on their own characteristics, which made it difficult for Lin Ming Yang because it seemed like he had some of the characteristics on the other members.

"He has a bit of almost all of us in him, I think he should just be called 'Monster'!" Baseball Brooke grinned lopsidedly.

"Have you ever seen a 'monster' that handsome?" Beach Boy Welter glared at him in an ungraceful manner, "I think it's more appropriate to call him 'Prince', if he really becomes the face of our team in the future, he should always have a handsome nickname for it!"

"I agree!" The reticent Rick voiced his support, and the crowd spoke up, quickly reaching an agreement before everyone focused their attention on Lin Ming Yang once again.

"What do you think, Felix?" asked David Bell solicitously.

"Fine!" For a while, Lin Ming Yang couldn't find a more suitable nickname for himself, so in the end, he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Welcome our 'Prince' Your Highness!" The members of Yamakasi erupted into a burst of enthusiastic cheers, and Lin Mingyang was lifted up by his excited companions, thrown high into the air, dropped, caught, and then thrown even higher. The wind whistled and drummed against his eardrums, and Lin Mingyang's emotions were also infected by this joyful atmosphere; it was as if he had returned to the night when the Firefoxes had won the championship, and the feeling was actually so similar.


Three days later, Lin Mingyang followed the promotional team of Pirates of the Caribbean back to the U.S., his busy life seemed to come to an end, but when he announced that he was going to France to receive 3 months of parkour training, he triggered a small storm.

What Lin Ming Yang did not expect was that his decision would actually face so much resistance, the brunt of which came from his mother Catherine's opposition. I don't know from what source she learned about the danger of parkour as a sport, and after Lin Mingyang put forward the idea of going to France to train, he was flatly rejected by her.

What made Lin Ming Yang feel most helpless was that he was still a minor, and according to federal law, if he wanted to obtain a visa to France, his guardian had to sign off on it. In the end, it was Lin's father who stepped in, and Catherine barely passed this hurdle, but new problems ensued.

Simon Publishing Company's Avis, the director of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" Vybinski, the agent Eckles three "uninvited guests" coincidentally visited the door, their motives for coming to this time are different, but the purpose is only one, want to persuade Lin Mingyang to give up the idea of going to France to train.

Because the three people arrived almost at the same time, Lin Mingyang had to receive one by one in his room, the first and Lin Mingyang to talk to the Simon Publishing Company's Avis, because the "Twilight" of the first part of "Twilight" published in the near future, the Simon Company developed a complete set of publicity plans, and the most important part of the book is to use Lin Mingyang's special identity to carry out some of the publicity on the hype. Hype.

Avis was not fully sure that he could achieve his goal in this trip, because he knew that what he was facing was not just a simple matter of a 16-year-old boy. From his previous contact, he already knew without a doubt that Lin Mingyang was a very opinionated person, and such a person often meant being more stubborn. But on the surface, Avis didn't show his anxiety.

"Felix, this time I've come to bring you good news and bad news?"

"Let's hear the good news first, all I've been hearing this whole time is bad news!" In order to appease the discontent from all sides during this period of time, Lin Mingyang was already a little exhausted, and he replied with a slightly tired accent.

"Twilight has been finalized, it won't be long before this novel can officially meet the readers!" When it came to this issue, Avis's entire spirit seemed uplifted. He had bet heavily on this novel, and seeing that the vision in his heart was about to be realized step by step, could he not be thrilled and excited.

"So is the bad news that the publicity about Twilight will start right away and I can't leave the US at this time?" Lin Ming Yang's eyebrows slightly throbbed, obviously deliberately suppressing some kind of emotional outburst.

"I guess so!" From Lin Ming Yang's expression Avis keenly captured a hint of a gloomy feeling, and his wording became more and more cautious.

"Is it possible to postpone it backward by three months?" Lin Mingyang tried to ask.

"I'm afraid that's not possible." Avis shook his head helplessly.

"Then is it possible to change the publicity strategy, release it first and publicize it later?" Lin Mingyang's stubbornness finally showed itself at this time.

"But we've already discussed this before!" Avis looked embarrassed.

"Then has Mr. Avis seriously considered the riskiness of the publicity plan you've formulated, perhaps we can switch to a more prudent way, let the novel be published first, and then make the next publicity plan based on the sales results of the camera choices." Lin Mingyang did not back down.

"What do you mean?" To make Avis turn this corner so quickly, it would be hard to convince him without a mature program.

"Release it anonymously first, I believe that with the strength of Twilight, normal sales shouldn't be a problem. But when this novel draws enough attention, the mystery of the author will also attract attention, this time then timely breaking news, using the media to publicize, so that you can not only shrink the cost of publicity, but at the same time can achieve unexpected results."

"Your scenario gives me the feeling that it's more like publicizing yourself." Avis said nonchalantly.

"Is there a difference between that?" Lin Mingyang had gotten to the essence of the problem in a single sentence, which left Avis speechless.

"If the company agrees, I can give it a try!" After a few minutes of silence, Avis had to make a concession.

Lin Mingyang sent the somewhat dejected looking Avis to the door and then invited director Verbinski into his room. After both parties took their seats, Verbinski smiled slightly helplessly, "It seems that Mr. Avis didn't succeed in convincing you."

"Actually I convinced him!" There was no sense of accomplishment within Lin Ming Yang when he said this.

"So you're prepared to convince me?" Verbinski looked at Lin Mingyang with interest.

"There are really only two outcomes, one of us will definitely be convinced!" Lin Mingyang turned his rocking chair, hit the keyboard to enter the start password, and opened his computer. "What I want to say to you is all in here, just read it and you'll know!"

Verbinski brought his body over, and Lin Mingyang showed him some of the video-screen materials about Yamakasi that he had brought back from France this time. After watching them, Verbinski's expression became grave.

"They accomplished these maneuvers without any external help?"

"That's something that fascinates me about this as well!" Lin Mingyang replied quite frankly.

"This is dangerous!" Verbinski voiced the biggest doubt in his heart.

"If it's applied to movie shooting, we can carry out the necessary protective measures, so the danger will be much lower!" Lin Mingyang explained.

It was still unknown just how much of an impact these parkour videos that Lin Mingyang had shown Verbinski could have on the director, and after Verbinski had resumed his seat on the sofa, the formal conversation between the two men kicked off.

"Well, I'll admit that these videos of yours give me a very novel sensory experience, but that's not enough of a reason for you to convince me. The news I bring you is that the previews for Pirates of the Caribbean were so successful that the producers can't even wait to get a sequel to the movie on the agenda. And two of the writers have suggested to the producers that you join the writing team and work together to construct a sequel to the movie."

"I will prepare a synopsis for the sequel before I go to France, that's all I can offer in terms of the screenplay, the main script should still be done by Eliteo and Rossio, two of their professional acquaintances." At the time when the movie Pirates of the Caribbean changed because of his joining, Lin Ming Yang had already considered this issue.

"My opinion is that it would be best for you to postpone your training in France, and Eritrea and Rossio may need to consult you at any time during the scripting process." Verbinski moved to a more comfortable sitting position, "Unless you have a better reason to convince me!"

"You've just seen those videos, and I can boldly predict here that parkour elements will occupy a very important place in future action movies. This is because the authenticity and sensory stimulation of this kind of movement cannot be replaced by special effects, and for viewers who have begun to grow tired of visual special effects, this will be yet another element of the movie that can get them excited." Before parkour was widely recognized, Lin Mingyang's such assertion certainly lacked sufficient conviction, but he believed in Verbinski's vision.

"And from the perspective of specific utilization, I'm sure you wouldn't mind having some of these cool moves in the filming of a fight on a pirate ship or an island jungle chase, and thinking about the effects it could potentially bring to the table, I think you should back me up!"

"Have any other directors looked at this sport before me?" Verbinski did have some heart.

"Unfortunately, before this, the French director Luc Besson had already dedicated himself to this kind of sport in a movie he had supervised and produced, but unfortunately it didn't attract too much widespread attention!" Lin Mingyang's words changed, "If you are able to add parkour elements to the sequel of Pirates of the Caribbean, although you are not the pioneer, you will definitely become the leader of this trend."
