Chapter 53 Start Filming

On the campus of the prestigious Harvard University, wearing sunglasses Lin Mingyang carried a video camera and followed closely behind Kate Beckinsale.

Kate Beckinsale in the camera had her arms crossed and looked impatient. Because Lin Ming Yang's eyes hadn't been off the image finder since he carried the camera, Kate Beckinsale had to complain loudly to the camera, "We came to Boston just to shoot such a set of shots?"

The camera frame slowly moved down from Kate Beckinsale's face, finally stopping between a certain two high protruding parts, but of course the camera wasn't in shooting mode at this time.

Kate Beckinsale reached up and wisped her wind ruffled hair, "Are you seriously listening to me?"

When the camera was focused on Kate Beckinsale again, the chill on the other party's pretty face made Lin Mingyang immediately put away his teasing, he put down the camera and moved his somewhat numb shoulders before slowly saying, "If you don't mind, you can totally treat this as a trip!"

This visit to Harvard University did originate from Lin Ming Yang's whim, as the movie was starting to shoot, the idea of starting the movie in the form of a flashback popped into his head. Susan was not admitted to Princeton University, but unexpectedly received an acceptance letter from Harvard University. Lin Mingyang's idea was to draw out the previous memories through the moments of Susan's happy life in the university, but the camera followed Kate Beckinsale around the campus of Harvard, and he didn't find any sense of it.

"Why does it have to be Harvard?" Kate Beckinsale asks in disbelief.

"Because Harvard boys are extraordinarily passionate about beautiful women!" Along the way, there were already quite a number of Harvard boys who took the initiative to come up and chat with Kate Beckinsale, and even more of them were willing to take the initiative to act as a guide.

Kate Beckinsale's face once again grimaced, and Lin Ming Yang had to change his statement, "The story we filmed won't be available in real life, that's why it's called a fairy tale. After all, people often watch movies to find something from the movie that they don't have in real life but are extremely looking forward to."

"And that includes Harvard?" Kate Beckinsale was not satisfied with this answer.

"Our Ms. Kate was able to bravely give up Oxford, so naturally she wouldn't care about Harvard." Lin Mingyang shrugged helplessly, "Every American, in their heart, has a Harvard dream!"

Lin Ming Yang was close to describing Harvard as a spiritual symbol of the American dream, but unfortunately he had met Kate Beckinsale, the independent and idiosyncratic British girl who had always been less than thrilled with these so-called prestigious schools, "The American's Harvard dream has nothing to do with me!"

"I think that's exactly the point, you don't think of yourself as a Harvard student, so you have a vicarious relationship with the campus around you." Using the cover of his sunglasses, Lin Ming Yang spoke to Kate Beckinsale while not forgetting to look around at the beautiful women with eye-catching figures on campus, "It seems like we have to stay here for a few more days."


"Get to know the cultural connotations of Harvard first, then you can really get into character."

Kate Beckinsale asked back, somewhat unconvincingly, "Is that what you call a genuine respect for the process?"

Lin Mingyang said with full of concern, "Like I said, you can also treat this as a life experience."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Smart girl!" Lin Ming Yang nodded with satisfaction, a dazzling smile appearing at the corner of his mouth as he pointed to a girl who had just walked past in the distance, "She's very average looking, and her legs aren't perfect, but she dares to walk around the campus with her head held high in an ultra-short skirt without caring about judgmental glances like mine, do you know why that is?"

"Why?" Because she used to have low self-esteem due to her looks when she was a child, Kate Beckinsale was also curious.

"This is the pride of Harvard people." Lin Mingyang looked at the mottled imprints on the clock tower in the square in the distance, "Almost all of the revolutionary pioneers since the American War of Independence have come from Harvard's disciples, and this school is known as the think tank of the American government. It has given birth to eight U.S. presidents, forty Nobel Prize winners and thirty Pulitzer Prize winners. Here, you can even feel that excellence has become a culture. I think you've been missing a kind of gleam in your eyes, excellent actors focus not only on the exterior, but more importantly on the person's heart!"


Since it's about experiencing life, it's natural to go deeper. Wearing sunglasses in and out of the classrooms of various public classes at Harvard University, such a move would easily attract the attention of others, not to mention that one's side was always followed by a beauty that could be described as stunning. For this reason, Lin Mingyang took off his sunglasses, and then found a baseball cap, pressed the brim of the cap low, almost covering most of his face, which was only successful in muddling through without being discovered.

While Lin Mingyang was interested in the courses offered by Harvard, Kate Beckinsale had been keeping an eye on the mental state of the Harvard students around him. It was said that the eyes were the window to the soul, and Lin Ming Yang's words seemed to have had an effect, as she had been trying to feel the inner thoughts of the people around her from their eyes.

Then she was surprised to find that when Lin Mingyang was thinking, his demeanor and expression was the same as those Harvard students around him, all of them were so serious and focused, and the kind of light that flashed in Lin Mingyang's eyes from time to time seemed to be exactly the kind of strong self-confidence that he said was a reflection of. Only the Harvard students' self-confidence came from the inheritance of a sense of honor, so where did Lin Mingyang's self-confidence originate from?

And in her constant contact, Kate Beckinsale slowly realized that a deep heart lurked beneath Lin Mingyang's seemingly diffident appearance. He chose Harvard because he wanted to portray a successful and confident "Cinderella" in the movie, but he also wanted to help Kate Beckinsale find her true self.

From Kate Beckinsale's experience, Lin Mingyang was able to sense that the girl's tenacious character hides her fragile heart, and her refusal to show her vulnerability precisely shows that deep down she lacks sufficient confidence in life. This may have a lot to do with the fact that Kate Beckinsale lost her father at a young age, and this kind of wound in the heart needs enough patience to heal.

The clever Kate Beckinsale quickly sensed this, but she and Lin Mingyang had already cultivated a tacit understanding, neither of them going to intentionally point it out.

In the last shoot, Lin Mingyang managed to capture with his camera the kind of real confidence that Kate Beckinsale exuded in several unintentional smiles, and the last useful shot was no more than three minutes, but the whole process of shooting took a whole week. Lin joked that it was perhaps the longest shoot in Hollywood history, although he didn't see anything "tough" on his face when he said that.

He said this with a bit of cold humor, although finished shooting, but Kate Beckinsale's mood is a bit low, she knows that this situation, and their own state and acting experience has a lot to do with it. Although Lin Mingyang didn't have any intention of blaming her, Kate Beckinsale's inner pride made her feel quite guilty.

"It's me who didn't do enough!"

"A movie doesn't need and can't be a climax from start to finish, all you need to do is to catch that fleeting feeling at the moment of a flash of light." If Kate Beckinsale were to observe carefully at this time, she would have realized that although Lin Mingyang looked calm on the surface at this time, a gleam of excitement flowed from his eyes. In his opinion, to be able to be guiding Kate Beckinsale towards success was a great achievement in itself.

The trip to Harvard had built a tacit bridge between Lin Ming Yang and Kate Beckinsale, which had greatly accelerated the filming process for the rest of the movie. The several supporting actors selected from the Moss High School Drama Club were all very talented performers, and deeply inspired by Lin Ming Yang's speech at the opening conference, they were all very attentive to Lin Ming Yang's and Kate Beckinsale's performances.

From the time the crew entered Moss Middle School for the filming, the progress of the filming of the movie "Cinderella's Glass Phone" had been a hot topic of discussion among the students, and Reed, because of his own relationship with Lin Ming Yang, was often the publisher of such news, and naturally, he became a sought-after target of the school.

The most exciting news from Ruide is that the crew will be holding a big costume party at the school on Halloween for the filming. Unlike traditional filming, Lin Ming Yang has decided to "fake it for real" and prepare everything for the ball according to real standards, and all students and teachers will be invited to the ball. It is said that the plan of this resolution has been submitted to the principal's office, waiting for Matthew to sign.

In order to avoid a similar "forced palace" event like the last meeting, the school reacted quickly this time, anyway, the funds are all borne by the theater group, the school is also happy to do this kind of favor. In the afternoon, the news about the Halloween dance was posted on the school's bulletin board.

While the teachers and students of Moss Middle School were talking about this matter, Lin Ming Yang was also exchanging views with his agent, Eckles, on this matter.

"When messed up like this, the expenses for a dance far exceed the cost of hiring professional actors to cooperate with the filming. From a cost-benefit perspective, I don't think it's a wise choice." From the position of an agent, Ecks was naturally against Lin Ming Yang's approach.

"It's a way for me to repay everyone's support, and analyzing it from an economic standpoint, you can look at it as a long-term emotional investment."

"Emotional investment is a very vague concept, especially since it's hard to quantify something like emotions, so it belongs more to the realm of sociology than economics research." If it was in the past, Ecks would have cursed Lin Ming Yang out, but now he wasn't even interested in moving his mouth to curse. Anyway, it was a one time nonsense, Lin Mingyang could do whatever he liked, and he didn't bother to interfere.

Lin Ming Yang closed his eyes and hummed softly under his breath, "I'm wearing a veil and a headdress encrusted with fake diamonds to attend this long-awaited masquerade ball. I know this will be my only chance to be familiar yet strangely opposite you. You have finally come to me gently, chasing away Cinderella's inferiority complex."

"You know this song too?" Hearing the familiar melody, Ecks couldn't help but be a little curious.

"I know that nowadays high society likes to have masquerade balls at company annual meetings or large-scale celebrations and fashion parties, this kind of ball is elegant in mood and endless fun, not only is the form chic and gives people freshness and excitement, but also provides a perfect opportunity for strangers to meet each other. I thought about it and felt that I couldn't leave you out of such a good thing, so you should attend this masquerade ball as well!" Lin Mingyang formally extended an invitation to Ecks.

"Come on, all the people attending that ball of yours are minors, would a mature man with good taste like me fool around with you guys?" Ecks smugly straightened his collar, showing off a successful man's style.

"Who says it's only students, the school's teachers are also in attendance." Lin Mingyang winked at Ecks with a hint, "According to the information I have, there are quite a few single and beautiful teachers among them!"

"Your ball is going to be held in the school's auditorium?" Hearing about the beautiful teachers, Ecks, who had a disdainful look a moment ago, suddenly became enthusiastic.

"In order to prevent idle people from mixing into the scene and disrupting the shooting." Lin Mingyang waved the admission ticket in his hand, "The prom is by ticket!"

Ecks knew that Lin Ming Yang wouldn't go through all the trouble of deliberately leading himself into this trap for nothing, he grunted without a good reason, "Tell us your conditions!"

"Kate is a very promising actress." Lin Ming Yang didn't beat around the bush with him either, "She's lacking an agent in the US right now."

"She was recommended by Mr. Brooksheimer, this shouldn't be something you need to worry about, right?" Ecks squeezed his eyes, his face full of derision.

"I recommended you to her!"

"Me?" Ecks' eyes widened, "You want me to be both of your agents at the same time, you don't have any tricks in your belly, do you?"

"Isn't it exactly what you want when you set up an agency in the future and have a few more big name stars on your hands?" Lin Ming Yang's tone hadn't changed from before, but Ecks heard a different meaning in it.

He suddenly became wary, "You don't plan to be an actor in the future?"

Lin Ming Yang lazily squinted his eyes, "If you really let me just be an actor for the rest of my life, don't you think that life would be boring?"

"You think that highly of Kate Beckinsale?" The expression on Ecks' face started to become grave.

"This is my first time!" Lin Mingyang glanced sideways at the blue sky outside the window, his expression looking extraordinarily serious: "I'm not a casual person!"