Chapter 56 Felix's Killer Complex

"Just tell me he doesn't want to work with MGM!" Early in the morning, Brooksheimer's face was blue in the office, slapping the table, what could make him so angry, naturally, was Lin Mingyang's "unreasonable demands".

"Felix's temper, you should know it very well!" Ecks sat there with a helpless face.

"Changing scripts and actors, who does he think he is?" Brooksheimer's voice rose a few more decibels from annoyance, "Tom Hanks or Al Pacino?"

"Neither!" Eckles shook his head sensibly, "But it's useless for you to yell at me right now, he's just a nobody compared to those big stars you're talking about, but as long as he doesn't agree then you won't get back a single penny of the half a million dollars you put into your last movie. There's nothing you or I can do about him on this issue."

Although at first he had put down the word that if Lin Ming Yang messed up the movie, he would rather not have the half a million dollars he had invested, the situation now was that Lin Ming Yang had succeeded, he had made a very good movie, and the half a million dollars that Brooksheimer had invested didn't just mean the proceeds from the rights to the movie, there were also dividends that would be paid to the movie after it was released, and the amount would be more than just half a million dollars.

According to the explanation of opportunity cost in economic theory, if Brooksheimer gave up at this time, then what he lost was not the 500,000 dollars invested, but the possible benefits of the 500,000 dollars invested.

Eckes's words let Brooksheimer completely calm down, he dismayed to find that he really take Lin Mingyang this "nobody" has no way. The Twilight Zone" the best-selling novel as a "money tree", Lin Mingyang is not short of money, the same will not be short of money in the future.

From the economic can not clamp down on each other, other methods are also very difficult to work. If Lin Mingyang is just a simple actor, then Brooksheimer may also be able to use his own Hollywood gold medal producer identity to pressure him, but this kid is too good luck, first of all, the director of the "Song and Dance Youth" Kenny Ortega favored him, so that he hit the red; and then Brooksheimer himself recruited him into the "Pirates of the Caribbean", the film's success almost also established Lin Mingyang as a "money tree", the same will not be lacking. The success of the film almost also established Lin Ming Yang in the new generation of Hollywood movie star status. Now do not say suppression, Brooksheimer even dare to say that his front foot Lin Mingyang kicked out the door, after the foot will be held more generous conditions to find him.

Not to mention that Lin Mingyang is not just an actor, he is an outstanding screenwriter, and even has the potential to become an excellent director. Not to mention the fact that he still holds such a trump card as Twilight. With Harry Potter as a precedent, all the major movie studios are eyeing the movie rights of this best-selling novel.

Thinking about it, Brooksheimer could only come back to reality, either to give up the earnings of the movie "Cinderella's Glass Phone" or to accept the conditions proposed by Lin Mingyang.

"He asked for a script change, this I can still accept, after all, his screenwriting skills are there for all to see." Brooksheimer sat paralyzed in his chair like a deflated ball of leather, "But why did he also propose to change the female lead, this request is indeed too much. Without any reason, how am I going to talk to MGM?"

"This is a bit of a unique situation to say the least." The apparent change in Brooksheimer's attitude was good news for Eckles, because from now on, he would dominate the negotiations. "I can actually understand that Felix would have such thoughts. As you know, the last time 'Cinderella's Glass Phone' ran into quite a bit of trouble when it came to casting the female lead, and if it wasn't for your help in recommending Kate, I really don't know what would have happened."

"How is this related to Cinderella's Glass Phone again?" Brooksheimer was really puzzled.

"In fact, at the very beginning, Felix's most favored female lead was Hilary Duff, but the other party directly rejected him, after all, no matter how good Felix is, he is still just a sixteen year old kid, and in his heart, he will inevitably have some thoughts about Hilary Duff. " Ecks had already despised himself in his own heart when he described Lin Ming Yang as a child. The hell would believe that Lin Ming Yang would sulk with an actress he didn't even know for such a little thing, but his age was right there, and this reason sounded incredibly lame, but it was so compelling that people had to believe it.

"So it is." Brooksheimer could only accept this lame reason at this time, "I tried to negotiate with MGM, but there's not much chance of success."

"What if we include this?" Ecks magically pulled out a script from his bag, "It's a new script he's already written!"

Brooksheimer looked at the script that suddenly appeared, but didn't rush to open it, instead he looked at Ecks with a suspicious face, "You guys had already expected me to accept it, right?"

"That's not true!" Ecks realized that his skill at lying had now reached a point of perfection, basically not blushing. "Felix just said that you should be supportive of his idea after reading the script, only I never had the chance to bring it up just now."

Ecks only spoke the truth in the last sentence, while in reality, before he came, Lin Ming Yang had long analyzed to him what kind of reaction Brooksheimer would have, and asserted that the one who would compromise in the end would definitely be him. In Lin Ming Yang's words, "When borrowing money, the debtor is the old man; when paying back, the debtor is the grandson."

Brooksheimer opened the script half-heartedly, but was quickly attracted by its contents. The protagonists of the story, John and Jane, are siblings in a reorganized family who are not related by blood but live under the same roof because of the union of each other's parents. John is five years younger than Jane, so it is reasonable to say that there is no age gap between them, but the two are born like enemies, since the first time they met, the "war" between the two has already begun.

Conflicts between the two make the parents very headache, they chose to get married, in order to give the child to create a complete family, although they try to do a good job in the role of parents, but ultimately do not get the child's recognition. The hatred and conflicts between the two children have added many dangerous cracks to the family.

The parents have no choice but to find a psychiatrist for both of them, in an attempt to ease the conflicts between the two by means of psychological counseling. During the conversation with the psychiatrist, the two siblings recall their first encounter and make sarcastic remarks to each other. The psychiatrist's counseling does not have the desired effect, and the two end up parting on bad terms.

Soon, however, John and Jane begin to notice some changes in themselves. They are attacked by killers with unexpected frequency, but both of them are able to survive with surprising ease. As it turns out, the two of them never knew each other's true identities - both siblings are legendary killers, highly trained and skilled, and, crucially, they are also on missions for two rival organizations.

John grew up as a computer whiz with an IQ of 200, and because of his broken family and lack of parental guidance, at a very young age he became a super hacker, attacking and destroying websites for fun. During a hacking session, he inadvertently discovered his organization's website and easily breached the core protection system inside. But instead of panicking when he found out about it, he was intrigued by the organization. Originally, he was able to withdraw without leaving any clues, but he deliberately left his tail behind, allowing the other party to find him. With his supreme intelligence, he devised a trap and played the assassin sent by the other party.

John's amazing qualities were highly valued by the organization, and they absorbed John into the organization, and then trained him to become a top assassin through various trainings. John's code name is "G", which is the first letter of God's English alphabet, meaning omnipotent. With his high IQ and strong shooting ability, John soon became a top existence in the assassin world.

Jane's situation is different, she was chosen by the organization because of her outstanding appearance, specializing in close combat, because she mainly through the beauty of approaching the target, but also love the black dress, so it is known as the "Black Widow", specializing in dealing with those external security tight, difficult to snipe from a distance to kill the target.

John and Jane are both killers, but their personalities are very different, and their areas of specialization are also different. They only have one thing in common, and that is that they both maintain a legendary record of zero mission failures.

While their parents are away on vacation, the two receive an assassination mission with the same objective, but each other's presence in their respective plans, and in the end they both miss. In the process of tracking down the culprit who sabotaged their operation, the siblings gradually begin to suspect each other. When the older sister unintentionally reveals her agility to her younger brother, who is also an expert assassin, during dinner, the double-story villa that the siblings have shared for seven years becomes a battlefield for the killers.

Although the two do not recognize each other's kinship, but deep in their hearts have been accustomed to treating each other as their own family members, coupled with their ability to equal each other, each can not kill each other, and finally both choose to put down their weapons.

Just when there was hope for reconciliation in their relationship, the two men's respective organizations went to give them a new mission, and they became each other's targets. Both men's pride and work ethic escalate the assassination attempts, but neither can subdue the other. While the situation is at a standstill, their parents, who are traveling, suddenly and unexpectedly disappear. They are coincidentally told that if they cannot kill each other within 24 hours, then their parents will be killed.

John uses a backdoor program he left on his organization's internal computer to find out what's going on, and both organizations believe that the two men's kinship will be detrimental to both organizations, so they join forces to plan the mission in the hopes that the two men will kill each other. No matter who kills who in the end, the other side will also be killed by the two organizations, and the parents of the two are just the "bait" to stimulate them to kill each other.

Knowing the truth, the two siblings decide to join forces, combining each other's strengths, John formulated a rescue plan, and finally succeeded in rescuing their parents, and both of them also in each other's cooperation to feel the preciousness of family love.

This story is derived from another story in Lin Mingyang's memory, deleting some of the plot to stimulate the secretion of alien hormones, although the story has lost the original aroma and charming - eerie colors, but Lin Mingyang also added the factors of family and affection, the entire story in the theme of further condensation and sublimation, the whole is not inferior to the original play.

In fact, Lin Mingyang also wanted to copy the original plot, but with his current body age to play the role of the film, a "children are not suitable" directly crushed all his hopes, so he had to change his mindset, starting from other aspects, and finally got such a story.

When Brooksheimer closed the script, he sighed softly, and Eckles asked, "The story has a happy ending, why are you sighing?"

"I'm not for the ending, but I think it's really a bit of a shame that such a script was given to MGM to make!" Brooksheimer made a very thorough analysis to Eckles:

"Felix's script is like a dish with all sorts of hot ingredients contained in the raw materials, including action scenes running around the world, well-produced special effects and thrilling stunt scenes, plus the discussion of intimacy and family that runs through the whole play, all of which constitute the factors that make the script a success. But such a plot also has a fatal flaw, that is, if the funds are not enough, then most of the ideas in the script will only be empty talk. And without that, the whole plot loses its vibrant flesh and bones and is reduced to a lofty theme with no real value."

"You're worried that MGM's current financial resources won't be able to support this movie?" Ecks understood the other party's thoughts, "Your worries were already taken into account by Felix when he wrote the script, so this script can be talked about separately from Cinderella's Glass Phone."

"Unless Lupin is desperate enough to put all of MGM's future on this movie." Brooksheimer still felt it was unlikely that this would happen.

"It all depends on how bold and courageous our Mr. Lupin is!"