Chapter 59 Indulgence

Angelina Jolie wasn't entirely convinced by the results of that "experiment", and Lin Mingyang didn't get a better chance to prove the "substance" of his muscles. After familiarizing themselves with the use of various firearms, they were taught to perfect their skills and began shooting training. The instructors strictly require the actors to act realistically, not just out of their imagination, and even the range of the weapons has to be mastered in detail.

Lin Mingyang and Julie's every move had to appear to be well-versed, as director Doug Liman said, "Audiences want to see the actors do the stunts themselves, because this is not a computer game, and I'd rather have the actors spend a lot of time rehearsing and testing, with the goal of making it look just like the real scene. "

"Shots fired, bullets retired, remove magazines!" Wood gave the order loudly, then Lin Ming Yang and Angelina Jolie took off their earmuffs together and handed the unloaded gun to the crew around them.

The same action had been repeated by the two for three days in this training base. Lin Ming Yang's shooting skills had improved rapidly, and one of his best scores was hitting all of the 100 meter outside fixed targets within 9 rings, while Angelina Jolie hadn't shaken off the shadow of the off-target targets until now.

Looking at the two very different scorecards, Wood nodded with satisfaction, the two were able to achieve such results in such a period of time has been very good, because Wood's purpose is not to train the two into a sharpshooter, but rather to let them familiarize themselves with the feeling of shooting as much as possible. This way when performing they would be able to show as much of the feeling of real shooting as possible.

"What do we train for next?" From the beginning of understanding the weapon, the position of the gun and how to use it safely and effectively, to the later development of moving through and shooting difficult targets. None of this training was very difficult for Lin Mingyang, and the part of Wood's plan to tire him out through a lot of it hadn't been able to materialize. So now Lin Ming Yang still had the energy to chat online every night after taking a shower.

"Effective coordination between marches, you must learn to alternate forward with loaded pistols, attacking cover, changing magazines quickly, and shooting moving targets." Wood explained briefly, summing it up by saying that the two men would have to train to work together. The two were never on their own in the movie, but were to be partners in real life training. Shooting alone was one thing, the two together was something else entirely.

It seemed like a very easy thing to do, but when they actually practiced it, the two of them realized that the difficulty was not small. In the actual combat drill, two people have to break out from the six "enemy" under the gun, the two people by the other side of the fire hard pressed under a short wall, and then in who do cover, who shoot to clear the obstacles of the issue of the dispute.

"In your script, the two of us are supposed to be deadly rivals, so why this training arrangement?" Angelina Jolie finally couldn't resist asking at this point.

"You must not have read the entire script carefully." Lin Ming Yang skillfully changed the magazine, "In the end, we will rescue our hijacked parents together."

"I thought it would end up with you, the fool, getting killed by me!" Angelina Jolie stood up violently after saying this and pulled the trigger violently towards the target directly in front of her, while Lin Ming Yang also rolled along and stood up from the other direction, taking out the other two targets in the process.

A round of applause rang out around them, the two had successfully passed within the allotted time, Lin Ming Yang's marksmanship was good, so four out of the six targets were all direct hits by him, while the remaining two, were all shot into a sieve by Angelina Jolie indiscriminately.

"You see, we actually still have a good understanding!" Lin Mingyang said as he took off his heavy body armor with the assistance of the staff.

"If the opposite side had used a real gun, I would have thrown you out first!" Angelina Jolie's smile was flirtatious as she spoke, but her thoughts were not flirtatious at all.

In the training that followed, similar fights had become a regular occurrence, and the relationship between the two had gradually grown closer as they became more and more tacitly cooperative. Seeing to the fact that the results of the training had already reached the desired purpose, this also meant that the two would not be able to continue to stay in this training base for too long.

On the last night of their stay at the training base, Lin Ming Yang had just finished showering and had just changed into a clean outfit before hearing a knock on the door. A short shirt t-shirt with jeans and a pair of exaggerated sunglasses almost covering most of his face. When Angelina Jolie appeared in front of Lin Ming Yang in such attire, he didn't react at first.

"Going out for a walk?" Through the sunglasses, Lin Ming Yang was still able to feel Angelina Jolie's pair of charming eyes full of electricity.

"Go out?" Lin Ming Yang froze and didn't react, "This training base is completely closed, how can I go out?"

"I've already discussed this with Wood (which harmonizes with Wood in English)." Angelina Jolie was full of concern, "As long as we can come back on time tomorrow, he'll pretend nothing happened."

The more Lin Ming Yang listened, the more confused he became, "Tomorrow?"

"Either stay here and continue to be your good boy, or put on your sunglasses and come with me!" Angelina Jolie didn't like to dilly-dally, and at this point, her face already looked a little impatient.

Ten minutes later, Lin Ming Yang ghostly followed Angelina Jolie smoothly out of this so-called fully closed training base, and halfway through, all the staff turned a blind eye to the two's actions. What was even more amazing was that at the entrance of the highway outside the door, there was actually a black Maserati sports car parked, the cool black body was not hidden by the dark night, but instead flowed out a mysterious sense of lines under the moonlight reflection.

"How did you do that?" Lin Ming Yang looked at this cool sports car with an admiring gaze, and in his heart, he calculated that when he got his driver's license, whether he would also get a sports car like this to play around with.

"Do you mean the car or the person?" Angelina Jolie pulled out the car keys from the back pocket of her jeans and then threw them to Lin Mingyang.

"Of course it's the car!" Lin Ming Yang was busy catching the keys that suddenly flew over to him, then asked a very stupid question, "What do you want?"

"I have a house in a nearby city, and I just happen to know the supervisor of this training base!" Angelina Jolie pulled open the passenger door, then got in, "Not good enough to tell me you can't drive yet!"

Of course Lin Ming Yang could drive a car, but that would have been in a previous life, "But I don't have a driver's license!"

Angelina Jolie gently covered her forehead with her fingers, "Bad boys don't need a license to drive!"

"Fine!" Lin Mingyang felt that if he continued to squirm, he would definitely be belittled by the other party. Stimulated by the secretion of male hormones, he didn't hesitate any longer and jumped into the driver's seat to skillfully start the car, accompanied by the low roar of the engine and the rolling sound of the tires rubbing strongly against the road, the black Maserati under the moonlit night disappeared like a ghost, flying into the night.


Helping Angelina Jolie out of the bar, the time is already not early.

Earlier in the bar, Lin Ming Yang had justifiably asked for a glass of ice water for himself as a minor. The fact that the United States of America's underage prohibition is not as harsh as people think, Lin Mingyang is not incapable of drinking alcohol, just because he has been successively affected by the Eastern martial arts philosophy and the Western parkour sports concept, more revered a natural and simple way of life.

And Angelina Jolie is more direct, as soon as she sat on the bar, she ordered a dozen whiskey, and then drank herself until she got herself drunk.

Lin Mingyang carried her to the car, then grabbed two cartons of milk and some food from a 24-hour convenience store at the intersection. The uncle at the convenience store put everything into a bag, and when he was checking out, Lin Mingyang realized that there was one more thing in the bag, and when he took it out, he found that it was a box of condoms.

"Uncle, I don't think I took this!" Lin Ming Yang was a bit puzzled, how did this thing get into the bag by itself?

That convenience store uncle said in a serious manner, "This doesn't count as money, it's distributed for free by the community."

"But I really don't need it." Holding this thing, Lin Mingyang always felt a little awkward.

"Take it, you might use it later!" The older man glanced at the drunken Angelina Jolie in the luxury sports car outside the door and didn't recognize her as a big Hollywood star. "I can see you're a rich little guy, that's a great car out there and that girl up there has an even better body. I know there are easy ways for a guy like you to get a girl like that, you have the right to indulge yourself but please be responsible for others."

After receiving some profound "education" from the convenience store uncle, Lin Ming Yang walked out with his bag in tears.

After returning to the car, Lin Mingyang suddenly to a very serious problem, when he came Angelina Jolie did not tell him where to go after drinking, fortunately, he remembered Angelina Jolie once said she had a house here.

Lin Ming Yang dialed the manned help desk, "Please help me find out Ms. Angelina Jolie's address in Karpas City!"

"Please wait!" After a burst of soothing waiting music, the announcer's pleasant voice rang out, "Hello, there are a total of two Angelina Jolie's in the city, one lives at No. 206 on the 7th floor of the Elizabeth Apartments at No. 34 Lincoln Boulevard, and the other one lives at No. 53 in Kendit Community. May I ask if you need any other inquiries?"

"Thank you!" Lin Ming Yang hung up the phone with ease, since Angelina Jolie said that she had a house in the neighborhood, it definitely wouldn't be an apartment, so the answer was coming out.

The car just drove through two blocks, the sleeping Angelina Jolie sat up all of a sudden covering her mouth, she used her other hand to pat Lin Ming Yang's shoulder vigorously, before he could stop the car, Angelina Jolie casually grabbed the bag next to the seat, not caring if there was anything in it or not, she jumped out of the car and threw up holding onto the wall.

The milk bought did not work, but the bag helped, Lin Ming Yang was helplessly holding Angelina Jolie on one side, the other hand gently patted the other's back.

"Need help?" After a police car on patrol noticed the sports car parked on the side of the road, a police officer stepped down from it, he shone a torch in his hand in this direction and frowned after seeing the situation clearly.

"Your girlfriend had a lot to drink?"

"Uh, yes!" Lin Ming Yang froze for a moment, in his heart he actually wanted to say that Angelina Jolie really wasn't his girlfriend.

This policeman could see that he looked a little off and continued to interrogate, "Then you should have also drank a lot as well!"

"Do you think that if I had been drinking, I would still be able to stand in front of you so openly?" Lin Mingyang took a step forward, and that policeman realized that there really wasn't any alcohol in his mouth.

"Her condition seems to be a bit serious?" Not being able to find any breaks from Lin Ming Yang, that policeman took another look at Angelina Jolie, who was still vomiting non-stop, and he didn't recognize this sunglasses-wearing girl as a popular Hollywood actress either.

"She's in a bad mood today, she drank a bit too much, she'll probably feel better after throwing up." Lin Mingyang's acting skills were great, plus his body was well developed, so it didn't make the other party suspect that he was still a minor in the slightest. It was important to know that he had come out with Angelina Jolie this time, and along the way, he didn't know how many American laws he had already violated. If he was really discovered, it wouldn't be as simple as being a social worker for a few days.

"That's not good for your stomach, if you don't drink then advise her to drink less in the future as well." The police officer warned enthusiastically.

"I'll definitely pay attention in the future!" Lin Ming Yang nodded and watched as the other party turned to leave, his heart just let out a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly the other party suddenly turned around again.

"I always feel that you look somewhat familiar."

"Like a Hollywood star?" Lin Ming Yang was in a hurry, "People around me say I look like Felix Lin."

"You're talking about the boy in Cinderella's Glass Phone?" This policeman laughed, "My daughter loves that movie, I've seen it too, it's a very inspiring one, but I think you're a bit more mature than that Felix Lin, I think you look like Keanu Reeves, the guy who dodged the bullets in The Matrix."

Lin Ming Yang sent that police officer away with a stiff smile, by this time Angelina Jolie had pretty much thrown up, her face looked much better, but she was still delirious. After taking care of the scene, Lin Ming Yang re-carried her back to the car, then drove back to the convenience store from before.

"Finished so soon?" The uncle at the convenience store's face was filled with shock when he saw Lin Ming Yang turn back again.

"She vomited everything in her stomach into the bag!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly and didn't try to explain too much with the other party, but instead took two cartons of milk, some food, and by the way, a couple of paper bags just like earlier.

When checking out, that uncle threw in another box of condoms, then looked up and grinned at Lin Ming Yang, "Those guys in the community brought a total of two kinds, this time I'll give you a different brand, the quality should be better than the last one!"