Chapter 69 Unexpected film contract

Because of the use of the original cast for filming, each other has formed a tacit understanding of cooperation, which makes the film "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" shooting progress quickly, of course, the last section of the island of Cruces to fight for the heart of Jones filming is the main event of the movie.

In order to shoot this scene well, Lin Ming Yang brought several members of Yamakasi to the island where the shooting took place in advance, specially designed a chase route according to the terrain, and then built safety measures along the way.

"I see that you guys are all experts in this area, and I thought you didn't need anything to accomplish these actions." Watching the members of Yamakasi directing the crew to set up the props, Keira Knightley, who was watching from the sidelines, chatted with Lin Ming Yang.

Ever since that incident, the two of them hadn't gotten too "intimate". Keira Knightley has been making a name for herself in Hollywood for a while now. Before she made Pirates of the Caribbean, she was an unknown actress, but now this young beauty has become the representative of the new power of the English Rose, and the newly discovered Kate Beckinsale are known as the "English Twins". British Duo", and an Oscar nomination has doubled her value.

But she's not quite as relaxed about being flat-chested as she says she is in interviews, and in order to prove it to herself, she wears a low-cut costume at the beginning of the movie. As it turns out, cleavage is like water in a sponge, as long as you're willing to squeeze it, you'll always have it.

Because of this, Lin Mingyang not a few off-screen jokes, every time the topic of "flat-chested" is mentioned, Keira Knightley will immediately change from a lady to a tigress, and then chased Lin Mingyang and beat him up.

"You must have been fooled by those fancy moves in the video - almost all of them require a lot of safety and protection measures. Delve deeper and you'll find that exquisite skills only come from harsh practice and constant refining of the basics, there are no shortcuts and no secrets." Lin Mingyang explained.

"So you guys have to take no small risks when filming?" Keira Knightley pouted and asked with some concern.

"A beautiful woman like you is willing to carry a sword into battle, what is this bit of danger to us?" Lin Mingyang said it in a relaxed and casual manner when he was joking, but he didn't let it slacken off when he was actually performing.


Watching those few darting figures in the camera, using all sorts of tricks to traverse the heavy obstacles in the jungle, rattan, tree trunks, anything available in the environment, became tools in their hands. Verbinski couldn't help but feel satisfied with his decision, no amount of superior special effects could have done this perfect realism.

The result was perfect, but the process was laborious. The action was repeatedly discussed by Lin Mingyang and the members of Yamakasi, and after verifying the feasibility, it took three days, more than 20 times of repetition, and 8 cameras before the satisfactory result was finally cut.

The rest of the filming went smoothly, the location shooting ended smoothly, the movie entered the post-production stage, and Lin Ming Yang and a few of the main actors didn't have to stay on the set as their assignments were over. Back in Florida, Lin Ming Yang had just celebrated his 17th birthday when Ecks sent him another special birthday gift.

Lin Ming Yang opened the delicately wrapped gift box with a puzzled face, then found a newspaper lying quietly inside. His face started to become a little embarrassed, because this was the "surprise" that Eckles had mentioned.

Sitting in the living room of Lin Ming Yang's house, sipping coffee leisurely, Ecks saw all this in his eyes, and then he asked smilingly, "Surprised, huh?"

"Just because I was born on April Fool's Day doesn't mean I like this gift you gave me, if you don't mind, I'd like to throw it in the trash right now!" Lin Ming Yang felt like he was being fooled, being born on April Fool's Day already made him depressed, when he announced this news to the others, everyone thought it was a joke, the only ones who really took it seriously were the few women who were "close" to him.

Angelina Jolie for his beloved "little man" chose a very taste zippo limited edition lighter; Megan Fox sent him an expensive tie; Kate Beckinsale sent a piece of Piaget watch from Switzerland; Kayla Fox sent him an expensive tie. Kate Beckinsale sent a Piaget watch from Switzerland; Keira Knightley sent a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild wine; and Avril Lavigne mailed her used electric guitar.

"But I think you should take a look, this gift means more to me than anything else." Ecks automatically skipped over Lin Ming Yang's disgruntled look and mysteriously pointed at the newspaper, "The headline of the entertainment section, a very tantalizing piece of news."

Lin Ming Yang half-heartedly opened that newspaper, and a headline printed boldly in bold letters caught his eye, "I-will-be-back!"

A very familiar phrase, like a line from a certain movie, at first Lin Ming Yang didn't pay too much attention to it, then when he read down the content, it dawned on him that The Terminator was getting ready to make a third part. But after reading carefully, he felt that something was wrong, because after Terminator 2, Hollywood repeatedly rumored that Terminator 3 was about to be produced, but in the end, they all proved to be nothing more than rumors.

Lin Mingyang did have a Terminator 3 in his memory, but the exact date of the start of filming had slipped his mind, and the reason he didn't quite believe the report now was because the lead actor - 56-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger - had just recently announced that he was running for governor of California and had gained a lot of support from many people, including U.S. President George W. Bush. The fact that this big star, who is bent on politics, would really be starring in this movie at this critical moment has drawn a big question mark in Lin Mingyang's mind.

"Not to mention that the authenticity of this report is debatable." Lin Ming Yang tossed the newspaper aside before picking up an apple from the fruit plate and nibbling on it, "Even if it's true, what does it have to do with me? I don't have muscles as sexy as Arnold Schwarzenegger's to show off on me."

"Then I'll officially tell you now that this news is true, Arnold Schwarzenegger is really back!"

Ecks' serious expression finally made Lin Ming Yang accept this fact. "I-will-be-back!" was the classic line that hung on Schwarzenegger's lips in The Terminator, but I'm afraid not many people thought that after 12 years, Schwarzenegger was really back. In order to bring Arnold Schwarzenegger back to the battlefield, Warner has raised his pay to an unprecedented $30 million, a hefty price tag that has become a super sky-high price unheard of in Hollywood. That's why Arnold's classic line left out the second half of his sentence, which should have read, "I-will-be-back-for-money! "

"Give me thirty million dollars, then I'll give up the President of the United States!" Ecks didn't look like he was joking.

"Then you have to ask our Mr. Bush if he agrees first." Lin Mingyang sarcastically returned.

"You know have always supported the Liberal Party!" Ecks stopped the joke, then looked at Lin Ming Yang very seriously, "This matter originally had nothing to do with you, but now it's closely related to you."

"How so?"

"Warner's side is interested in having you as John Connor in the movie, the little boy from the first two movies, now that he's grown up!" Ecks uttered a piece of news that shocked Lin Ming Yang.

"But the person who played John Connor in the original movie is just the right age now, so why me?"

"Are you talking about Edward Furlong?" Eckles laughed and shook his head, "That's why I said earlier that it really didn't have much to do with you originally. In people's fond memories of the Terminator series, this uniquely temperamental Russian-Czech hybrid occupies an indispensable and important place. And with his participation in the stereoscopic movie version of Terminator 2, his stubborn and indomitable image is even more deeply rooted in people's hearts. At 26 years old, he's the perfect age to play John Connor, the adult leader of the Resistance. And today's Edward Furlong can still clearly see in his features what Little John was like back then, which is why he was once Warner's first choice for the role."

Since the word "once" had been used, Lin Ming Yang knew that Edward Furlong basically had no chance. From Eckles, he learned that the real Edward Furlong was as rebellious and unruly as the teenage John in the movie. Not only was he hotly criticized by the media for setting a Hollywood record of two car accident tickets in four hours, but also because of his perennial drug problem that affects his acting career today. After weighing the options, the production company had to cut the cord and say goodbye to the dazzling child star.

"But do you think I look like John Connor back then?" Lin Mingyang was not overwhelmed by this unexpected news, and he thought of a very realistic question.

"Since Warner chose to give up on Edward Furlong, it doesn't expect to be able to find an actor who looks like Edward Furlong to replace him." Eckles felt that Lin Mingyang did not grasp the essence of the problem, "In fact, in the minds of movie fans. Terminator 2 has already brought this classic sci-fi series to a successful conclusion. There is no suspense left in the plot either, the Skynet chip under development has been destroyed and the Skynet program has been declared a failure."

"But the script I just got in my hand says that the real Skynet program is still quietly going on underground, and the fated Judgment Day can't be avoided after all, and this war that takes place between humans and robots still breaks out. And judging from the end of the script, Warner isn't just looking to make such a sequel, they might even be ready for Terminator 4 or even more episodes."

Lin Ming Yang was confused by this large number of judgments that Ecks was talking about, "This is related to the topic we were just discussing?"

"Of course, to use a perhaps somewhat inappropriate analogy, a nun who insisted on serving God finally couldn't resist marrying someone after 12 years of living a life of celibacy, so it wouldn't be surprising if she remarried later on. Seeing other studios using the sequel to make a fortune, Warner is naturally not happy about it either, Terminator 3 was born entirely for money, and since Warner was willing to drop $30 million on Arnold Schwarzenegger to bring back this Hollywood movie star bent on officialdom, then naturally their criteria for choosing the actors were all towards 'money '. You are the most 'money-sucking' actor among the new generation of Hollywood movie stars, and I'm not surprised that Warner made such a choice."

"Then what do you think I should do?" Lin Ming Yang continued to nibble on the apple in his hand, "Join righteously and then become a tool for Warner to suck money?"

"Looks like it's better for me to whine less in front of you in the future!" Ecks found that Lin Ming Yang always liked to misinterpret some of his judgments, "Why not? All I'm trying to tell you is that this movie could be the last true Terminator movie, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is unlikely to have a second decade for him to wait. Not to mention whether or not he can run for Governor of California this time around, in a few years, it's just that Warner is dropping more money on Arnold Schwarzenegger and he probably won't be able to act anymore. Not being born in that classic era, then now you still have time to pay homage to the classics."

"Who is the female lead in the movie?" Lin Mingyang's old "bad habit" came back.

"If I tell you it's Hilary Duff, then will you have to ask for a different actor again?" Ecks felt that Lin Ming Yang's "bad habit" was "spoiled" by people.

"How could that be, Hilary Duff and I will have to work together in the future, how could I ask for that again?" Lin Ming Yang smiled embarrassedly, "Besides, how could Warner possibly find a girl a few years older than me to play the mother of the main character in the drama."

"Then I'm sorry to tell you that John Connor's 'mother' in the drama has passed away!"

"What?" Lin Ming Yang somewhat didn't believe his ears, since Warner wanted to continue the classic, and even went through so much effort to bring back Arnold Schwarzenegger, but wrote another important character in the movie as 'dead', this was unacceptable to him in any way.

"Connor's mother dies of cancer, and her dramatic place is taken by Connor's girlfriend." Eckles said mysteriously, "Although I'm also surprised by Warner's arrangement like this, the female lead of the movie is something you will absolutely love, and that's the second piece of good news I have for you today. Given your and Kate's silent performance in the movie 'Cinderella's Glass Phone' and the audience's approval of you, so Warner decided to use Kate as the female lead this time, and you can blatantly 'fall in love' together again."