Chapter 73 - Damn Accident

"I realized that I made a very serious mistake in underestimating the determination of a 'madman' to practice his 'mad words', Mr. 'Madman'. Congratulations on your success!" On the way to the press conference for the movie Terminator 3, Eckles, who was sitting in the front row, kept his head turned and stared at the backseat at Lin Ming Yang and Kate Beckinsale's every move, and under his watchful eyes, Lin Ming Yang had to "behave" a bit more.

"How did you do it?" When she learned that Lin Ming Yang's proposal to modify the script had been adopted by Warner, Kate Beckinsale's face was not as calm as it was now. Lin Ming Yang had increased Kate's role in the revised script, and the eponymous character she played in the movie would act as a spiritual mentor to the protagonist John Connor, encouraging him to fight bravely.

Kate Beckinsale naturally associated this result with the "crazy words" Lin Ming Yang said in front of her, obviously Lin Ming Yang has not yet realized his dream of directing, but he managed to get himself a role to break free from the vase.

"He broke into the director's office, dropped the phone, Jonathan Mostow talked to him calmly for more than half an hour, and then took him to our future governor, and after only 15 minutes of conversation, Arnold agreed to support their choice. When it comes down to it, what choice does Warner have?" The slightly mocking tone of Ecks ignored the very important fact that Lin Mingyang had waited outside Jonathan Mostow's office for two hours, and then spent another half hour or so waiting before meeting with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"Really?" Kate blinked her large, beautiful eyes with fan-like eyelashes, perhaps because Ecks' tone made her think that the truth wasn't that simple.

"What do you think?" Lin Mingyang consciously leaned towards Kate Beckinsale's side, feeling the cozy scent radiating from the other party's hair, a contented and intoxicated expression appeared on his face.

Eckes heart silently towards Lin Mingyang thumbs up, inch Lin Mingyang in the car reporters surrounded the moment of initiative to pull Kate Beckinsale tender white as jade delicate hand, in the reporters under the siege took up the heavy responsibility of the flower protector, of course, the scene of the security personnel and did not give him too much opportunity to show, because the two appeared to trigger the scene of the Chaos was quickly quelled, under the eyes of all Lin Mingyang is not good to continue to "dominate" Kate Beckinsale's small hand, he was a little snappy let go of the other side, to meet him is Kate Beckinsale angry expression.

"A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, even when she is annoyed, she has such a unique flavor!"

Although he made such a characterization in his heart, in front of the media's cameras, Lin Ming Yang was still honest, he elegantly stretched out his arm, and Kate Beckinsale pinched him fiercely through her clothes when she held on to it as a sign of retaliation. At that moment in the face of the reporter's camera, Lin Mingyang had a wonderful expression on his face. It was good that the acting coordination between the two had long since reached the point of perfection, and such a small action was actually not captured on the spot.

Symbolically walked through a small section of the red carpet, and with the media photographed a few group photos, the two only then stepped into the launch site, at this time including Arnold Schwarzenegger, including the other main creators of the film have already been seated in the foreground. This time, in order to highlight the two robot protagonists in the film, the organizers arranged the seats of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kristina Logan in the very center, Arnold's side was seated with the director, cinematographer, and producer, and Kristina Logan's side, in order, was Lin Mingyang, Kate Beckinsale, and the rest of the film's creators. -Beckinsale and the other two actors of the movie.

Being sandwiched between two beautiful women, Lin Ming Yang felt happy at first, but soon he encountered a headache, the skirt that Kristina Logan, who was sitting beside her, was wearing today was just too short!

Originally is a model from the Kristina Logan height of 180 centimeters, that pair of sexy slender legs naturally became her show off capital. Before taking on this movie, she mainly did TV shows, but has been silent. In order to attract the attention of reporters, she deliberately chose a pink low-cut ultra-short dress today, standing when just able to cover the root of the thighs, sitting down in order to prevent light, she will be two full of temptation thighs hitching together bit.

Compared to Kate Beckinsale wrapped herself tightly, only revealing a section of the shoulders of people infinite reverie, Christina Logan's attire can be said to be hot and exposed.

Lin Mingyang swore that he absolutely does not have a peeping tom fetish, but Christina Logan's dress is indeed too exposed, not only Lin Mingyang some "uncomfortable", even sitting in the front row of the reporter is also a little bit of the soul of the soul, the scene more than half of the camera lenses, the camera is aimed at Christina - Logan's sexy legs! -The camera was focused on Christina Logan's sexy legs.

Christina Logan does not know that she has been "naked" many times in the eyes of Lin Mingyang, she is very satisfied with the effect of this kind of attention on the scene, compared to their own sacrifice is nothing.

Probably inspired by Christina Logan's sexy attire, almost all of the reporters' questions centered on her nude appearance in the movie. In a small portion of the episode previously released by Warner, Kristina's Terminator T-X has just been turned into a 'woman' and has yet to put up her long hair and put on a leather jacket, and in that scene she has a very stunning full frontal nude sequence. Although it was only the back, her absolutely hot body from a famous model was enough to arouse people's reverie. After the story leaked, it was fired up by the media.

Because T-X was born in the most lively avenue in Los Angeles, so Kristina shooting will have to walk around naked in the street, in response to a reporter's question, she did not avoid the issue, and even very happy that they have such an opportunity: "I may be the first one to have a legal license to walk around naked in the streets of Los Angeles, and that's really nice. I was probably the first person to have a legal license to walk around the streets of Los Angeles completely naked, and that was an unforgettable experience for me. Now whenever I walk down the street, I involuntarily think about that experience and sometimes start giggling as I walk." .

"Because I don't think it was an erotic scene. I also believe that director Jonathan will make the scene very elegant and watchable. Besides, T-X is from a future world, a time we know nothing about. It's not a sin for her not to wear clothes."

It took beating out tens of thousands of contenders to land the role, and the sacrifices she made to play the part were really not small, as she first underwent two weeks of rigorous military training at Camp Green Beret and learned a form of grappling used by the Israeli forces in close quarters combat. This brutal training made her look even more like a ruthless killing machine.

Speaking about her conception of the show, Christina said, "Playing a sexy robot was certainly a challenge because T-X's sexiness isn't something that's made up, and I could only try to show T-X's sexier side through my performance, to try to make her as attractive as possible. It's not easy to run around in high heels, and the way the choreographers envisioned T-X running is almost impossible for mere mortals to do, usually with her arms and legs swinging in completely opposite directions. With training, I can now stand on the ball with my heels."

Speaking of this, Cristina didn't forget to give a grudging glance at Lin Ming Yang, who was sitting beside her, looking a bit "uneasy", because on the list of creators announced by the crew at the end of the day, Lin Ming Yang's name was written in the screenwriter's column, so this beautiful woman, who had suffered a lot during the training, had put all the blame on Lin Ming Yang's head.

Lin Mingyang, who took the blame for his predecessor, looked helpless and explained to the media on stage, "When I revised the script, I only made the necessary adjustments to the plot on the basis of the original script, and a lot of the settings about the robot T-X were already written and put there by my predecessor. " Lin Mingyang put all the blame on the unknown guy in his head, and added at the end, "My predecessor, I guess, didn't think that the role of T-X would be a sexy beauty."

When commenting on Kristina, Lin Ming Yang deliberately increased the tone on the word sexy, but Kristina was so focused on giggling that she didn't even realize Lin Ming Yang's kind reminder.

"But I heard from the director that there was a funny scene in the original script where T-X saw the full-figured woman on the billboard and immediately made her boobs bigger as well, but in your revised script, you deleted this episode!" Christina Logan was still unrelenting in her grip on Lin Ming Yang.

"In my opinion that set of shots has no real value in existence other than being able to curry favor with the interest of the male audience base, T-X is here to kill people in the scene, not to show off her shrinking breasts. I don't want the T-X I'm writing to turn into a guy with big boobs, the point is that I think Ms. Cristina's body is already in good shape now, so there's no need to deliberately show it off in that particular way." Lin Ming Yang replied in a good-natured manner.

Kristina Logan seemed to derive great pleasure from this act of teasing handsome men on the spot, and didn't hear the slightest hint of sarcasm in Lin Ming Yang's words, so she had no intention of trying to stop there.

"Is my figure really as good as you say? But why do I feel like your eyes have been looking in the direction of Ms. Kate Beckinsale since you sat down." Kristina Logan threw out a heavy weight.

"Kate is my girlfriend in this movie, and Ms. Kristina is the machine killer who's here to take my little life, and I'm sorry that I'm a fastidious actor who gets into the scene, so now I'm a little scared when I see you!" Lin Ming Yang cleverly steered the topic back to the movie, his humor and haste winning the approval of several other creators, but greatly disappointing the reporters on stage.

"I feel like I'm a little envious of Ms. Kate Beckinsale now." Christina Logan's words were somewhat tasteless.

Previously, Kristina's statement was only directed at herself, which Lin Ming Yang could tolerate, but now that she brought up Kate, Lin Ming Yang felt that this woman was a bit "ungrateful", so he replied with a very nonchalant reply: "If Ms. Kristina is really unhappy with her breasts, then I can suggest that the special effects production of the movie be made to look at her breasts. I can suggest to the movie's special effects production team to help you increase a size when dealing with it, so that you don't have to be upset about the deleted scene!"

The reporters on stage couldn't help but laugh, even Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had always remained serious, couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed at the corners of his mouth, Kristina then realized that her actions just now had already annoyed Lin Ming Yang, she smiled awkwardly and finally shut her mouth in a sensible manner.

But there are still uninterested reporters, ready to hold on to this matter, digging deeper and digging out more fierce information, they this time the target on Kate Beckinsale.

"Ms. Kate, I heard that you are going to have a very fierce gun battle with the robot played by Ms. Kristina in the play this time?"

Kate, who traveled across the ocean to Hollywood in search of her dream, became famous overnight for starring in "Cinderella's Glass Phone", and her rise to fame became a real-life version of the Cinderella legend, just when everyone thought that she was going to take the same path as "American Sister Sugar" Meg Ryan, and specialize in heartwarming romantic dramas. The classical and modern beauty of this temperament suddenly announced that she would be armed with a gun to defend her beloved "boyfriend" in "Terminator 3", and after this news was intentionally revealed to the media by Warner, it became a focus of everyone's attention to this movie.

Kate Beckinsale did not directly answer the question, but first looked at the director Jonathan Mostow, the other nodded his head before she implicitly admitted the matter.

"The character I play in the movie has a father who is a general in the military, and due to the influence of her family, she has had a very strong side to her personality since she was a child. As for that confrontational gunfight, it was actually just a sniping match with Mr. Arnold from the sidelines, and can't be considered a direct confrontation between Miss Cristina and I."

No matter how the reporter "instigated", Kate was always able to elegantly avoid each other's traps, so by the end of the press conference, the reporter had not succeeded in provoking a tit-for-tat "war" between the two leading ladies, and just as they were regretfully preparing to leave, a dramatic scene appeared. A dramatic scene appeared.

Before the crowd stood up, ready to let the front row of reporters to take pictures of Christina Logan stepped on high heels did not stand steadily, a stagger forward to fall down, on the side of the Lin Ming Yang hastily reached out to try to hold her waist. All of this happened too suddenly, Lin Mingyang's action was only a beat slower, two hands just held her body's ultra-short dress dress, her whole person sat on the ground, Lin Mingyang was trying to hold her hand against her chest.

Lin Ming Yang swore to God that he absolutely did not do it on purpose, but I have to say that Cristina's body is really well maintained, there is no trace of excess fat on the belly, but because of this, her body of the ultra-short dress can be Lin Ming Yang unimpeded together with the "pull" to the chest.

The door has been clicked countless times, Lin Ming Yang quickly retracted his hands, and then like nothing else made a helpless expression towards the reporters, while Christina has not stood up, some of the heart of his pull Kate Beckinsale quickly fled from the scene.