Chapter 85 - Ecks' First Love

"Excuse me, is this Ms. Martha's office?"

Barbara, the black female assistant who was burying her head in a pile of documents, raised her head and then saw a young man wearing sunglasses standing in front of her.

"It's class time, and sunglasses are not allowed in school!" She coldly returned.

"I'm sorry, it's my first time at this school!" The young man's tone was respectful, but there was no intention whatsoever to remove his sunglasses.

"New transfer?" Barbara glanced at the other man again, "Just you, where are your parents?"

"You have to call up my parents to meet Ms. Martha?" The young man looked a little puzzled.

"A word of advice, from today on you need to get used to addressing her as principal, not ma'am! Now take off those ridiculous sunglasses of yours, throw them in the trash, and then call and get your gotta parents over here, you can't do any paperwork without their signature!"

"I'm not a student at this school and I'm not here to do any ridiculous enrollment paperwork!" The young man patiently repeated his reason for coming, "I'm here to see Ms. Martha!"

"Didn't your teachers teach you that it's rude to speak to a lady with sunglasses on?" Barbara was determined to teach the new kid a lesson about the rules!

"Are you sure?" The young man asked curiously.

Barbara leaned back in her chair and clasped her hands, looking as if she wouldn't rest until she saw the other man's face. She hummed softly, "You think you're Little Handsome John from Sister Act with a pair of sunglasses on?"

The young man removed his sunglasses, then revealed a handsome face that was all too familiar to Barbara. "I'm sorry to say that I'm the John you're talking about!"

"Oh my god, are you really Felix?" exclaimed Barbara, and the quick-eyed Lin Mingyang hurriedly covered her mouth.

"I don't want to get you into trouble, and it's not like I'm going to get Ms. Martha into trouble, so please don't have that horrible screaming like you just did!" Lin Ming Yang whispered to her.

Masha, who had her mouth covered, nodded her head in a hurry, and only then did Lin Ming Yang let go.

"Can I have an autograph of yours?" After recognizing Lin Mingyang, Barbara's attitude took a 180 degree turn. She held her hand close to her chest, her eyes full of little stars.

In order to meet that Principal Martha quickly, Lin Mingyang only had to result in the signature pen handed over by the other party and write his name in her book. "So I can go in?"

"I'll make an appointment for you first to see if Principal Martha is free right now!" Barbara looked like a typical nymphomaniac, causing Lin Mingyang to cry and laugh a little. However, she was still quite efficient in her work, and in less than a minute, she helped Lin Ming Yang with the whole thing over the phone.

"I told her that there's an important guest visiting, now you can go in!"

After thanking her, Lin Ming Yang pushed open the door to the principal's office of Fako High School. The real-life Martha had beautiful blonde hair, meticulously coiled behind her head, and although her looks were not as good as those actresses Lin Ming Yang knew, they were still considered beautiful and exquisite, especially with the sensual flavor she had. Such a woman did have the capital to make Ecks fall in love with her.

Martha, who was working on her desk, realized that the young man who pushed the door in looked a little familiar, but it seemed to be a little inconsistent with the image of the important person that she had imagined her assistant Barbara talking about on the phone, "And you are?"

"Felix Lin, Hollywood actor!" Lin Mingyang's was very direct in stating his identity.

"The students adore you, even my assistant is a big fan of yours." Martha reacted quickly.

"I felt that just now!" Lin Mingyang smiled awkwardly.

"Looks like you already know her!" Martha nodded helplessly, "Barbara said that you have something important for me, can you say it now?"

Lin Mingyang pulled out a photo from his backpack, "Do you remember this?"

Masha took the photo, lowered her head and looked at it carefully, then asked in surprise, "How did this photo end up in your hands?"

"It was given to me by the guy standing next to you in the photo!"

"Ecks?" Martha covered her mouth incredulously, "I haven't heard from him since he graduated, is he okay now?"

"He's my agent now."

"So that's it!" Martha nodded, "He was a very good athlete in American soccer, he was memorable on the field. I had just come to this school then, in the same job Barbara has now...but why did Ecks ask you to come to me with this picture?"

"If he had the courage to come himself, then I wouldn't have to make such a trip!" This was nothing more than what Lin Ming Yang had in mind, of course he wouldn't tell the other party so directly.

"I was planning to make a movie related to the campus, but I didn't find a suitable location, so Ecks recommended his high school alma mater like I did, and the key thing is that he told me that Falco High School boasts a beautiful and very enthusiastic female principal, and she's definitely willing to provide me with help!"

"Ecks really said that?" An imperceptible blush spread across Martha's face as she remembered that sunny boy from back in the day and the good times she had with him, "He didn't used to talk like that!"

"He hasn't grown much now, but every time he talks about you, it's like he's a different person!"

"After all these years, he should be married, right?" Martha asked, pretending to be casual.

"This question is also strange to me, in Hollywood this guy knows a lot of beautiful women, but now he's still single!"

"This guy!" Martha sighed quietly, "Then what kind of help can I offer you?"

"The movie is going to be filmed and set on the campus of Fako High School, so I hope we can get the school's support, and we also need some students to act as crowd actors, of course the crew will pay them a certain amount of money!" Lin Ming Yang stated his intentions.

"No problem, I'm sure the school board members would be happy to make this happen, as they've always envied the Moss Middle School you're in." Martha agreed flatly.

Seeing that the other party wasn't in much of a mood, Lin Ming Yang smoothly made one last request of a personal nature, and Martha let him talk about it.

"From the first moment I met you, I had a strange feeling that you resembled a character in the script, to the point that I felt it was the same person."

Lin Mingyang's opening statement managed to attract Masha's interest, "Oh? What kind of character is it?"

"The principal of the high school in my script." Lin Ming Yang said bluntly, "The conversation between us just now was like a clip from the script, my friend pretended to be my father and brought me here to go through the enrollment procedures, and before that Miss Barbara mistook me for a freshman transferring to a different school, which inspired me and then ventured out to make this ungrateful request."

"Is that okay?" Martha was surprised, "But I've never studied acting."

"It doesn't require you to act, for the camera, you're still the principal, just do what you normally do, and then simulate the reception of the new parents along the lines of the script. I think it will be very easy for you, and I promise the filming will be fun."

"But do you think I can do it?" Martha said with some hesitation, "I mean you could get more professional and prettier actresses to perform the role, and they could certainly do a better job in front of the camera than I could!"

"I trust Ecks' vision!" Lin Mingyang suddenly popped up.

"Ecks?" Martha frowned lightly, "This was his idea?"

"He never said so, but he's always treasured your picture in his bedroom, if it can make my agent so memorable, it can definitely make the audience memorable too!" Lin Mingyang's explanation caused Masha to make a big red face, and that was when his superior acting skills were on full display as he forced himself to hold back his inner laughter and made a very serious and earnest expression.

Masha asked in a noisy voice, "He really doesn't know about this?"

"This is an impromptu decision I made after meeting you, maybe I can give him a surprise!"

As Martha was considering this, the office door was suddenly pushed open and Barbara stood pathetically in the doorway and said in a pleading tone, "Ms. Martha, just say yes to Felix!"

"You've been eavesdropping on us?" The expression on Martha's face suddenly became stern, "You want to lose this job?"

"I definitely didn't think that way, it's just that the doorway overheard the argument between you two, and I...I think Felix is right, you're so young and beautiful, you're really suited to acting in a movie!" Barbara argued.

"I make my own decisions about things, now close the door and you can get out!" Martha's face remained unmoved, but her heart became alive.

Barbara retreated resentfully, and only then did Martha smile apologetically towards Lin Mingyang, "She's a reliable person, she won't go out and talk nonsense!"

"I think she's right, you really aren't going to consider the proposal I just made!" Lin Mingyang was clearly implying to the other party that this was the last chance.

"As you can see, I'm very busy with work."

"This role doesn't have many parts, it shouldn't affect your normal work! Not to mention that with another actor, we might similarly have to borrow your office in order to finish filming."

"I'll try?" Masha finally didn't resist Lin Mingyang's "temptation".

"Happy cooperation!" Lin Ming Yang shook hands with Masha as he left, "I'll go back and tell Ecks the news, he'll be overjoyed."

Masha once again blushed in shame, and before she could recover, Lin Mingyang, who had already left the house, suddenly turned back.

"Ms. Masha, at the risk of asking, are you married now?"

Masha shook her head, "I was divorced once!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm sure Ecks will be more than thrilled to know that!"


Ecks was actually waiting at the school's entrance, and as soon as Lin Ming Yang got into the car, he impatiently asked, "How's it going, did she agree?"

"Yeah, Ms. Martha agreed that the crew would set up scenes at Fako High School, and is also willing to recruit a group of mass actors for us from among the students." Lin Ming Yang purposely picked up topics that weren't the focus of the rap, just not scratching Ecks' itch.

"What I'm asking is whether or not she agreed to play that role in the movie." Ecks interrupted Lin Ming Yang in a heartbeat.

"You've already interrupted me for the second time in the discussion about the filming of this movie!" Lin Ming Yang held out two fingers very nonchalantly, "If there's a third time, I'm going to cut that last scene of you and her in bed together!"

Ecks knew that he had been tricked by Lin Ming Yang, but he wasn't angry at all, he was instead happy in his heart. "Have you gotten an inkling of what I asked you to inquire about for me?"

"Marital status?" Lin Ming Yang nodded casually, "I asked her directly in person."

"How can you ask in person, in case she misunderstands... "Ecks saw that an impatient look had appeared on Lin Ming Yang's face, and only snapped his mouth shut.

"One good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Good news."

"She's still single after her divorce!"

"And the bad news?"

"If you go to meet her at your current size, you two are definitely out of luck!"