Chapter 91: This Is Not a Sequel

Tobey Maguire, who had been kept in the dark, was suddenly told that he had been dropped by both the investor and the cast and crew, and the shock could be imagined. He impatiently called director Sam Raimi, but the other party's cell phone has been unanswered. Tobey Maguire rushed to the set, but again, he was not able to see Sam Raimi in person, and the only person who received him was the director's assistant.

He told Tobey Maguire that Sam Raimi had made a "crazy" decision to change everything from the script to the actors.

"Mr. Raimi asked me to tell you that the crew could not have waited until you and the investors had argued over the pay before they started shooting. The producers are so determined to change the actors that there's nothing he can do about it. And considering that the new plot will involve a lot of action sequences and you are suffering from a chronic spinal condition, he believes that you are no longer fit to continue in the lead role, so I'm sorry!"

With the fight from the director already hopeless, Tobey Maguire's agent Kevin suffered a similar setback at Sony Pictures. Although he accepted Sony's previous pay offer of 15 million dollars without any strings attached. But the other party's president told him very clearly that without Spider-Man, the current Tobey Maguire was not even worth $10 million.

Tobey Maguire was "discarded" and Lin Mingyang became the new Spider-Man, a dramatic turn of events that left the media dumbfounded, but also made Lin Mingyang's fans rejoice. And while people who loved the original Spider-Man were a bit disappointed, after all, they loved the character of Spider-Man, not Tobey Maguire. The success of one movie hadn't quite connected Tobey Maguire and Spider-Man, so after director Sam Raimi stated in front of the media that he wasn't making a sequel to the previous movie, but was ready to make a brand new Spider-Man, everyone's enthusiasm for the attention was mobilized again.

The new script Lin wrote for the sequel is actually a revised version of the future Spider-Man 3 plot. Compared to Dr. Octopus in the original script, the new show has three strong opponents for Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Sandman and Venom.

Sandman's superpower is extremely powerful, not only can he turn into quicksand and change his appearance at will, but he can also sandify his body to defuse his opponent's attacks. The Green Goblin, a close friend of Spider-Man, finds his father's Green Goblin gear and transforms into the New Green Goblin, who is armed with a green flying board and a myriad of magical weapons.

Venom, a black spider suit possessed by an evil alien creature, realizes he can't control Spider-Man and chooses a new host, becoming another of Spider-Man's worst enemies.

In addition to stronger rivals, in Lin's script, the protagonist Spider-Man is no longer the shy and reticent child, he cheated on his wife, fell out of love, and even "split personality", and almost strangled his own happiness.

Probably tired of being mocked as "kids' stuff", Sam Raimi fell in love with this story at first sight, probably in his eyes, Spider-Man can't always be just a superhero in the eyes of children, he will always mature, and take on more responsibility, but also face more trouble.

The beauty of the story is that Lin Ming Yang was conceptualizing this new script from the perspective of a sequel, but director Sam Raimi wanted to make something other than a sequel, so he asked Lin Ming Yang to rework the script.

So he asked Lin to rewrite the script, and the story had to go back to the drawing board. In accordance with the director's "mature" audience, Lin set the new Spider-Man's story on a college campus. The protagonist, Peter, whose parents died when he was a child, lives with his aunt and uncle in Queens, New York. He is a senior in the biology department of a university, but like many children from broken families, despite being a rare genius in the eyes of his instructors, Peter is socially inept, and often suffers from the teasing of some of his classmates for this reason.

Peter's only friend at school, Harry, has the same life story as he does. Harry's father is a scientist who owned a high-tech company. However, in an accidental experimental accident, his father died, leaving behind an objective amount of inheritance. Lack of family control since childhood, Harry and Peter character is very different, he looks handsome, driving a luxury sports car in and out of the campus, and recognized by everyone in the school flower Mary in love, is the school social circle master.

In Harry's encouragement, Peter has also been to different girls launched a love offensive, but ultimately ended in failure, so he has become more low self-esteem. In Peter's heart there is another secret, in fact, his real dream girl is a Hollywood actress named Winger, the young people are obsessed with her, so from the beginning, this is just Peter's unrequited love.

In a biological experiment, Peter was accidentally bitten by an unknown fae spider, his hand immediately swelled up and then his body appeared symptoms of poisoning, dizziness and became weak and powerless, Peter wanted to call Harry for help, but was busy picking up girls Harry but hung up his phone. Putting down the phone helplessly, Peter suddenly realized that he didn't even have the strength to crawl, shivering, he struggled and fainted in the laboratory, and then he didn't know anything.

After a night of high fever, Peter woke up the next day and suddenly realized that he had been magically endowed with that sixth sense of spiders that can sense approaching danger. In the past, when he was walking, because of his habitual thinking, he would often get hit on the head by the various balls flying all over the campus, and he even often walked and hit the wall. Ever since he was bitten by that mysterious spider, this never happened again. He was always able to avoid all kinds of dangers in advance, and those students who liked to play tricks on him also repeatedly missed, no matter how to change the means, Peter was like having eyes in the back of his head, and was always able to turn the danger into safety at the critical moment.

At the same time, Peter also felt the changes in his body, he became sharp, swift, the body through the infinite power, hands can radiate strong spider silk to support their flight in the air. And also has a kind of sharp super-sense "spider sense". He no longer needed to wear glasses, and his eyesight was miraculously restored to its optimal state.

After slowly familiarizing himself with his superpowers, Peter used the experimental materials to design a polymer bio-fighting suit for himself. The mysterious Spider-Man began to appear in the streets of New York, assisting the police to fight all kinds of crimes. In a traffic accident that Peter succeeded in stopping, he met Winger, the girl of his dreams, and then Peter helped Winger solve a series of troubles as Spider-Man, and Winger realized that he had unconsciously fallen in love with this great hero who acted heroically.

In the two increasingly warm feelings when the accident occurred, Peter's uncle in and home invasion robbers in the fight by the other side accidentally stabbed in the heart, and then in the guise of Spider-Man rushed to the Peter although successfully subdued the murderer, but did not manage to save the uncle's life. This incident hit him very hard, and even once on his own ability to have doubts.

The Sandman, who was imprisoned for killing Peter's uncle by mistake, escaped from prison for the sake of his daughter, who was seriously ill, and broke into a quantum experimental plant by mistake while being chased by the police. When chased by the police, he stumbles into the quantum experiment factory. The experiment of particle separation changes all his body tissues and merges him with the fine sand in the environment. This gave him the ability to shape-shift and immense power.

Sandman robbed a cash truck to cure his daughter's illness, and Peter happened to pass by. The two men fought it out. Sandman escaped, and Peter, disguised as Spider-Man, saved only the two security guards accompanying the truck.

Peter is deeply frustrated by the Sandman's power, and while he is depressed, a mysterious black alien comes to Earth with a meteorite, lands in his aunt's yard, and attaches itself to the Spider-Vest in Peter's nightmares. The new Spider suit not only increased Peter's powers, but also changed his personality. Peter becomes extremely violent and agitated, and even the possessed Spider-Suit turns all black and changes in certain details. In the subway tunnels, Black Spider-Man, with the help of a vengeful mind and amazing strength, defeated Sandman by a wide margin. In the end, Sandman was swept away by a sewer flood, but survived as a result.

Peter, whose mind is controlled by the evil power, undergoes a great change in character and transforms to darkness. Harry's school sweetheart, Mary, breaks up with her boyfriend when she discovers that he is secretly dating another girl behind her back. This originally has nothing to do with Peter, but by the poisonous spider suit gradually controlled by the brain of Peter actually also have a womanizer. Although there is already a beautiful woman like Winger around him, he has a crush on Mary and takes advantage of Harry's breakup with his girlfriend to take over his love and have an ambiguous relationship with Mary.

After the double betrayal of friendship and love, Harry, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, inadvertently discovers his father's true identity. In the secret laboratory and found a large number of improved green magic weapons. Filled with vengeful anger, he uses "chlorine" gas to cultivate himself day and night, disguised as a green demon to take revenge on society.

Peter in the guise of the Black Spider-Man and Harry into the Green Devil met unexpectedly, the two in the building flying around, fighting, the Green Devil from dozens of meters in the air fell, the first fight Peter won. Unwilling to do so, Harry once again modified the equipment left behind by his father, but the black Spider-Man possessed by the alien is particularly powerful, and once again challenged the Green Monster not only lost miserably, but also half of his face was disfigured.

The other unlucky guy is Wenger's agent Johnny, who was exposed by Peter to intentionally create scandal and lost Wenger's trust, and he has always liked Wenger and found out that the love of his life has been put into the arms of Spider-Man. He goes to a church and prays for God to help him kill Spider-Man. But when he realizes that Spider-Man is fighting with "himself" on the top floor of the church, Peter, who still has his mind, is determined to get rid of the black cloak that is controlling his mind. The ringing of the church bells causes the black suit to fall off, but it accidentally lands on the downtrodden agent, who then becomes the new host. He becomes the new host, Venom.

Venom, along with Sandman, kidnapped Spider-Man's girlfriend Winger and defeated Peter by a wide margin. In Spider-Man's near-death state, the Green Goblin, whose conscience has awakened, unexpectedly sides with Spider-Man, and a four-way battle ensues.

In the end, Spider-Man seized on the alien's weakness and trapped it in a steel tube, destroying it with the Ultimate Blast Ball. However, the Green Monster deflects Venom's puncture to cover Spider-Man, and he finally shakes hands with Spider-Man before he dies; he is no longer the newborn Daemon, but remains Peter's best friend, Harry. In the end, the Sandman also had a clear conscience and gave up the fight, and with his good nature, he explained to Spider-Man the origin of his misadventure and was finally forgiven.

Winger eventually learns of Spider-Man's true identity, and she does not give up on the love between them because of Peter's true identity. When Peter sends Winger home and he rejoins the school, he unexpectedly learns of Mary's pregnancy.

"The baby in Mary's belly, Harry left it behind?" Sam Raimi, after reading Lin Ming Yang's newly revised and completed script, showed great interest in this ending of his, knowing that Lin Ming Yang was laying the groundwork for the movie's sequel.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, "This was the only request the producers made for the new script revision, they needed to leave a suspense for the sequel at the end of the movie."

His reasoning seemed reasonable, but Sam Raimi could not be bluffed so easily, "I feel that this ending of yours is more like the plot needs to be left behind on purpose, have you already conceived the following plot?"

"This was all seen by you!" Lin Mingyang had to admire the other party's keen observation.

"Don't say anything first, let me guess!" The curious Sam Raimi didn't directly ask Lin Ming Yang about the plot behind: "From the current plot you've written, the first thing that remains in suspense is the ambiguous emotions between the protagonist, Peter, and Mary, and after Peter breaks free of the Black Spider Battle Suit, he doesn't account for the closure or development of the ambiguous relationship that already exists between him and Mary."

Lin Mingyang nodded, "This will be a more important clue in the sequel."

"Then there's the child in Mary's stomach, in the sequel will Peter give up his relationship with Winger because of his guilt over Harry, marry Mary and then become the father of this child?"

"In my conception, Peter's guilt for his best friend Harry will take another form, and after he marries Winger, he will still take the responsibility of taking care of Mary and the baby and guarding them as Spider-Man, but that puts his marriage to Winger in crisis, and the conflict in the sequel will center around friendship, responsibility and marriage. "

"Sounds like a very good concept!" Sam Raimi nodded in satisfaction, "What about the villainous Big Boss?"

"Can I leave it in suspense?" Lin Mingyang didn't want to tell all of the plot right now.

"Sure!" Sam Raimi's curiosity had been satisfied, he wasn't the kind of guy who was overly ambitious, and as good as Lin Ming Yang's idea for a sequel was, it would have to wait until this current movie was made before it could become a reality.