Chapter 96: Fate

Hollywood has a moniker called blockbuster, which originally meant a heavy bomb that could level an entire neighborhood during World War II, and was later derived into a blockbuster that created a box office myth. While Lin Mingyang was intensely filming on the set of The New Spider-Man, Terminator 3, which had been highly anticipated by fans, finally completed its post-production and rocked the theaters before Christmas.

As of Christmas, Terminator 3 has already taken in nearly $280 million in the U.S. and $500 million at the global box office in just five days, already surpassing the cumulative total of Terminator 2. While the global movie market is blowing up, Terminator 3 is facing the biggest controversy ever in the series critically. The T-850 in the film returns to the screen after 12 years, and his heroism remains the same, but the undeniable fact is in front of people's eyes: after Terminator 3, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became the new governor of California, announced that he was retiring from the movie industry, and would henceforth concentrate on his political career.

The classic line from the Terminator series was not repeated because Arnold was never coming back. Fans of Terminator 2, after 12 long years of waiting, finally got to see Arnold's magnificent farewell. When the generation of crazy obsessed with the Terminator, now have stepped into middle age, from the movie theater out of the time, a lot of people have a lot of feelings, their teenage dream to draw a successful conclusion, and the new generation's dream, which has just sailed.

What will the Terminator series be without Arnold Schwarzenegger? With this big question mark surrounding it, Terminator 3 has been pushed to the top of the media debate while deservedly becoming a blockbuster. At the end of the movie, the protagonist John Connor travels to the future to continue his mission as a savior, and this plotting clearly tells everyone that the next Terminator, will tell a story that takes place in the future.

The focus of the debate is whether Lin Ming Yang, the new Hollywood star who made his mark in this movie, can successfully take over the baton handed over by Arnold Schwarzenegger and become the new iconic character of the Terminator series.

"He is a talented actor, and crucially, he has shown marvelous talent in other abilities outside of acting, such as writing and directing, and I believe that he can go farther than I can on this path!" California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke highly of Lin Ming Yang in a media interview.

The quote was printed on the cover of a recent issue of Time magazine, with a composite image in the background, featuring a giant headshot of Arnold Schwarzenegger as T-850 in the Terminator series at the top, and a still of Lin Ming Yang as John Connor on the run at the bottom, a combination that the editors seem to be trying to imply a kind of change in the succession of the old and the new.

Eckles, who visited the set, brought this magazine to Lin Ming Yang, "Hiding in the set all day and not showing up, and you're still on the cover of Time."

"I think it's better than being on the lacy front page of those entertainment newspapers!" Lin Mingyang didn't care what kind of result the media would argue in the end, and he didn't have the realization that he had to carry the banner of the Terminator series. It's not like he owns the movie rights, how to make this classic continue, that should be something Warner should consider.

"I hear the filming has been interesting lately?" Eckles brought the topic back to the New Spider-Man, which was in the middle of filming, "It seems like you and Jessica Alba have been hitting it off lately?"

"If you have more spare energy, I suggest you spend more time on your own work, not to mention wasting it reading those boring flirty news!" After using the ointment that Lin Ming Yang had put on her, Jessica Alba's feet recovered quickly, and their relationship had indeed developed further, but it definitely wasn't as ambiguous as the media catching wind of it said.

Ecks smiled easily, "It feels good to fly around in the sky, doesn't it?"

"If you do something a hundred times over, do you still find it entertaining?" Sam Raimi had high expectations for this movie, so every shot was strived to be perfect, and NG retakes became almost routine.

However, there are worse than Lin Mingyang, "Sandman" actor Thomas Church always repeated bruises on his body during the shooting process During the shooting of their rivalry scene, the director asked for a real fight, even though Lin Mingyang told Church many times how to avoid his own fists, but the other party sometimes still did not react fast enough. If it wasn't for Lin Ming Yang's mercy, he probably would have been beaten into a pig's head.

When Eckles arrived, the crew was filming the scene in which the Sandman robbed a cash truck, and the scene began in a very spectacular way: the Sandman used his fists to smash the roof of the truck, but in fact, he smashed a foam truck, which was about 8 feet high and 6 feet wide, and also about 8 feet wide. In fact, it was a foam truck, about 8 feet high and 6 feet wide, weighing only 500 pounds. The Sandman then splits his body into numerous streams of sand and buries a security guard alive.

The unknowing Eckles was shocked because the filming required the truck to be lifted and tilted at a 50-degree angle so that the sand could be poured out, and the security guard's character had to bear some of the weight of the sand, which would have been a real burial. At the end of the day, he realizes that it's not sand, but lightweight ears of corn, a substitute that the crew's special effects artists have come up with that can be cleverly disguised as sand. It was both safe and effective: it looked exactly like sand and weighed less than half as much.

As the small talk continued, Lin Mingyang asked about Kate Beckinsale's recent situation, "What is she doing these days?"

"I thought you had long forgotten about her since you spend all day with Jessica Alba!" To be honest Ecks was jealous of Lin Ming Yang's womanhood, he himself had become Kate's agent for almost almost a year now, and hadn't even seen her give any gifts, but this time when he heard that he was going to visit the cast of New Spider-Man, Kate Beckinsale asked him to help bring Lin Ming Yang a gift, a nice scarf, and despite the fact that the heat was on in the room, Lin Ming Yang still wore that gift around his neck and intentionally showed it off in Ecks to show off in front of him.

"I can always keep an eye on her, but there's no news of her in the newspaper lately!"

"Even if there is, it's been ranked behind you and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and everyone is so focused on discussing the new savior that they forget that our Kate performed better than some in the movie!" There's a bit of food for thought in Eckles' words.

"She needed a more independent role."

"That's what I'm here for!" Ecks was of the same mind as Lin Ming Yang, he had received a script, but after learning of the film's subject matter Beckinsale told Ecks that she wasn't interested in this kind of movie. But Ecks himself felt that the idea of the script was very good, so he decided to show the script to Lin Ming Yang, and if he also felt it was good, then it would be simple for him to step in and convince Kate Beckinsale.

"Len Wiseman, vampires and werewolves?" After Lin Ming Yang had a cursory look at the script that Ecks had brought, the surprise in his heart could be imagined, Kate Beckinsale was 10 years younger, and her masterpiece Pearl Harbor had been replaced with another 'Kate', but there were still some things that were destined to happen, such as the script for this one that he was holding in his hand.

The Legend of the Night eventually chose Kate Beckinsale, although it appeared a whole year later than in Lin Mingyang's memory, but what should happen still happened, the same plot, the same director, the only difference is just Kate Beckinsale's age.

Eckles thought Lin Ming Yang was surprised by the age of the movie's director, "Len Wiseman is a very young director, but he has a lot of professional experience. He was an artwork major, studied under Roland Emmerich, and worked at Industrial Light and Magic. Did art editing on Godzilla and Independence Day, specializes in action sequences, loves the gothic style of cinema, and wrote this script himself."

"Gothic movie?" Lin Mingyang froze, his non-science background exposed his lack of knowledge in movies.

Ecks had to give him a lesson: "Simply put, it's the integration of gothic culture into the realm of cinematic art expression, using elements of paganism, death, witchcraft, and other dark-side elements as the theme of the movie's expression. After World War II, there were many movies in the genre of vampires and werewolves, and it is worth mentioning the 1983 Hollywood production Desire, in which the vampire character was no longer the exclusive preserve of males, but female vampires were made the protagonists. The image of the elegant, charming and dangerous female vampire has also become a standardized version for later imitations. Of course the most classic gothic movie of all time is still Edward's Scissorhands, which no one has been able to surpass to this day!"

"But Johnny Depp played a robot, does this count?" Lin Mingyang asked in disbelief.

"It's true that this movie has no vampires, no witchcraft, and no religious background, but it equally weaves a noirish, wonderful gothic picture about loneliness, death, and pain, so it's true to say that the director, Tim Burton, is an uncompromising genius, who seamlessly blends the ancient gothic culture with the current era's background, and breathes a brand-new He seamlessly blended the ancient gothic culture with the current era, giving the gothic genre a whole new lease on life, thus radically expanding the scope of the gothic movie genre. The script you have in your hands is a true expression of the Gothic style."

"What other kinds of movies has Len Wiseman done before?"

"This would be considered his directorial debut, and as you know Lakeshore Films has always had a preference for casting new people, and they're very bullish on the idea of the movie. The producer of the movie, Gary Lucchesi, told me that Len Wiseman was very persuasive and impressed the producers with his excellent diction. I've heard that preparations for the movie are moving along quickly, with all the technical support quickly ready to go, except for the actors who are still to be cast!"

"Why did Keren Wiseman choose Kate?" This was actually Lin Ming Yang's biggest worry, because he knew that Len Wiseman and Kate Beckinsale had sparked their love in the movie Legend of the Night. Although Kate was ten years younger than he remembered, history could hardly repeat itself. Even though nothing substantial had happened between Lin Mingyang and Kate Beckinsale yet, the two had a subtle feeling when they were together, and Lin Mingyang couldn't just watch Kate fall into someone else's arms, so he had to do something about it.

"To be honest, the female lead in this script is a big departure from Kate's usual style, but it meets the requirements of having Kate stand alone. I think Len Wiseman probably looked at Kate because that performance in Terminator 3 where she carried a gun into battle gave the other side some inspiration." Ecks didn't know what was on Lin Ming Yang's mind, he was just thinking about Kate's long-term development in Hollywood from his agent's point of view.

"I think this is a great opportunity for her, she can play this role well!" Lin Ming Yang could not bury Kate's acting future just because of his own selfishness, as long as things were still within his control, he could make some more positive preparations, such as joining this movie.


"Felix Lim wants to play the male lead in the movie, and this is his unsolicited request?" The first reaction of Len Wiseman, who was busy with the preparation of the movie, was not surprise when he learned of the news.

"Eckles is the co-agent of Felix and Kate, he took the script to Felix, at first he just wanted to ask for advice, you know Felix is still the screenwriter while acting." Unlike Len Wiseman's attitude, producer Gary Lucchesi showed great enthusiasm for Lin Mingyang's "accidental" joining of the movie, "Felix showed great interest in your script, and then he took the initiative to offer to join the movie, and he was willing to help us convince Kate Beckinsale to join the movie. Sailor, so that the problem of casting the two leads in the movie was solved."

"But the female lead in this movie is the most crucial part, do we need to spend so much on an unimportant role?" Len Wiseman asked in disbelief, for the male lead, he already had a suitable candidate, Lin Ming Yang so "intervened", making him feel very uncomfortable, "Felix's fee for 'The New Spider-Man' is 15 million dollars, if he joins, I can't guarantee that the movie can be successfully completed within the existing budget. range can be successfully completed."

"Lun, I think you're acting a bit strange today, Felix Lin is the hottest new generation movie star in Hollywood right now, think about the box office of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Terminator 3, I don't think it's a loss at all for Sony to offer 15 million dollars. If he's really willing to join this movie, the company will consider listing his paycheck outside the budget, and his agent, Eckles, has told me that he's willing to lower his own paycheck to star in this movie."

"I don't think his image fits the somber style of this movie!" Len Wiseman still held his opinion, he didn't think it was a good idea to let Lin Ming Yang join the cast.

"If he can be the ray of sunshine that shines into the gloomy old castle in this movie, I think the whole movie will not only sublimate the theme, but it will also be more in line with the audience's tastes. In any case, the other party has shown a great deal of sincerity this time, so this matter is for the company to make a decision, you just need to do your own thing!" Gary Lucchesi made it very clear that this was the company's decision, they appreciated Len Wiseman's talent but would not leave everything up to him.
