Chapter 103 - Try Your Hand

John Woo briefly talked about his experience in making movies in Hollywood, followed by a reporter standing up on the stage: "Will Americans doubt the values of your movie, such as sticking your neck out for your friends and sacrificing yourself for others, will these young people be able to accept it?"

"There's a young American sitting right next to me, maybe you should ask him this question!" John Woo pointed to Lin Mingyang who was sitting beside him.

Because of the reporters to Wu Woo Sen asked questions in Chinese, so Lin Mingyang in the scene temporarily acted as Kate's interpreter, by Wu Woo Sen "name" when he was whispering and Kate recounted the storyline of the film "Heroic".

The reporter who asked the question did not know that Lin Mingyang understand Chinese, so he repeated the question in English, but the word chivalry, with the English is still a little bad to say, see he could not find a suitable alternative to the words, struggling to explain their own meanings to Lin Mingyang, Lin Mingyang beside the corner of the mouth of the Kate can not help but reveal a hint of laughter.

In the end, Lin Ming Yang couldn't stand to watch anymore, so he coughed, then nodded at that reporter, "If you don't mind, you can speak Chinese with me."

A mouthful of fluent Chinese made all the reporters at the scene freeze there, there were quite a lot of foreigners in Hong Kong, many of them could speak Chinese as well, but the English that came out of a foreigner's mouth, even if it was very skillful, would always carry some raw flavor. Like Lin Mingyang such as the Chinese speak Chinese words, they have not come across a few foreigners, not to mention the other party is a Hollywood movie star.

That reporter stood there somewhat awkwardly, and only after the person beside him bumped him did he stutter and ask, "You understand Chinese?"

He had such a question is not strange, John Woo's daughter grew up in the United States, but even the Chinese language is not good, and Lin Mingyang is a native of the United States, the Chinese language is so smooth, indeed can let the uninformed people "shock" a jump.

Lin Mingyang very sure nodded, "To be precise this is also considered my native language!"

When this statement came out, the stage was in an uproar, Hollywood's most popular actor speaks fluent Chinese, this can be considered a powerful news.

"As you may not be aware, Felix is a mixed-race Chinese-American." Wu's explanation finally quieted the scene.

Lin Mingyang looked at the reporter who had asked the question, "Can I start answering your question now?"

"Of course!" This reporter had already recovered from his surprise, and he nodded his head very seriously.

"It's true that the Chinese sense of justice and chivalry is different from that of the United States; everyone has different standards and practices. In China's social consciousness, people can die for their country, for an ideal, for their friends, for their family, without regret. But Americans are not, we believe that a real hero is seeking life will not seek death, you must seek your own survival before you can help others, if you are sacrificing yourself in order to help others, then you will not be able to help more people in the future. And if you sacrifice yourself to help someone else, isn't that going to break the other person's heart even more? It's like the other person owes you a lot of favors."

That reporter reacted fast enough this time and followed Lin Ming Yang's answer and asked, "That means director John Woo's movies are not popular with young people in America?"

"My words can't be interpreted like yours, in fact, in terms of human nature, Chinese and Americans have a lot in common: the same joys and sorrows, the same pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, and the same ideal life, and a sense of justice. True chivalry does not necessarily have to be manifested in the use of swords, guns, or weapons. American society's developed philanthropy can prove that director John Woo's movie wants to show the kind of chivalry is actually in the American society, only to change the form of existence. In layman's terms, there are still a lot of warm-hearted people in the United States who are willing to help others as much as their ability allows."

After ascertaining that Lin Mingyang's Chinese language skills were not the kind that they had imagined that he could only say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" After ascertaining that Lin Mingyang's Chinese skills were not the kind of foreigner they thought could only say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!", the Hong Kong reporter's questioning became more "casual" and began to look at his Hollywood counterparts, "This is the third time that you and Ms. Kate Beckinsale have worked together in this film, Legends of the Dark, is your relationship with each other really as close as Hollywood rumors say? ?"

"We belong to the same agency and have always worked very well together!" Lin Ming Yang replied in an evasive manner.

"Ms. Kate, what kind of relationship do you feel you have with Felix?" This time the one asking the question was a female reporter, and this time Kate didn't need an interpreter as the other party asked the question directly in English.

"Just now when you guys asked Director John Woo another question, Felix told me that in the past, there was a director named Tsui Hark who helped Director John Woo during his most difficult time, and then they became good friends. Before Cinderella's Glass Phone, I was a British girl in Hollywood with no fame or acting experience, and Felix was recommended to me, as he was preparing to direct the movie himself. He was already famous in Hollywood, but people didn't believe in his directing ability, and I was actually taking a chance and playing the female lead in the movie. Maybe Felix wasn't a mature director in everyone's eyes, but that filming experience was really fun, and we've been good friends ever since, and we had such a good understanding that Warner ended up arranging for him to star with me in "Terminator 3."

"Will you continue to work together after Legends of the Night?"

"I'm not quite sure if there will be a sequel to this movie, but I know Felix can want to be more than just an actor in the future, he's more interested in directing and screenwriting, so if he does ask me to do a movie in the future, I shouldn't say no."


After the press conference, John Woo arranged for Lin Ming Yang and Kate Beckinsale to rest in the hotel first, he himself had to deal with some personal matters. After all, John Woo had stayed in Hong Kong for such a long time, this time it was rare to come back, and he definitely had to go and walk around at his old friends' place in the past.

The same is also rare to come to Hong Kong once, Lin Mingyang does not want to just stay in the hotel to waste a night's time, Wu Yusen front foot just stepped out of the hotel lobby, the back foot Lin Mingyang can not wait to knock open the door of Kate's room.

"Take you to a very fun place!" Lin Mingyang stood at the door with no intention of going in.

This was Kate's first time in Hong Kong, but since Hong Kong was once a British overseas colony, many things here were not unfamiliar to her, and seeing Lin Ming Yang's mysterious face, she couldn't help but be a little curious, "Where to?"

"To bet on horse racing!"

Horse racing in Hong Kong has a history of more than 100 years, introduced from England in 1841, and horse betting started in the late 19th century. At first it was just between jockeys and jockeys or horse owners and horse owners, with bets limited to a bottle of champagne or a dinner. Until the Second World War, betting on horse races was not common, and was purely a game for Europeans and "high class Hong Kong people", charging expensive fees that were unaffordable to the general public, and it was only after the 1950s that betting on horse races gradually became a popularized activity.

Betting on horse races is the only legalized gambling in Hong Kong, and it is also the largest, most far-reaching and popular gambling, which has become an indispensable part of Hong Kong people's life. It is said that one out of every three Hong Kong people is a horse betting fan, and there are no less than 2 million horse fans in Hong Kong.

It was the first time for Lin Mingyang to walk into a racecourse, and everything here was unfamiliar to him. Although he was the one who brought Kate over this time, in comparison, Kate, who had grown up in the UK, was more familiar with the process of horse racing than he was. Originally, Lin Mingyang acted as a tour guide for Kate, but after arriving at the racecourse, it turned into Kate taking Lin Mingyang and teaching him how to select horses and bet.

"Half an hour before the start of the race to buy horse tickets, usually fifteen minutes before the race, the participating horses and horse owners will be in the racecourse a specific field yard around the field pacing laps, so that the horse fans to watch the competitive state of the participating horses, and then the horse fans according to their own judgment in the betting window betting, and continue until two minutes before the start of the race, to buy the winning head horse or second horse can be given a bonus. "

Kate has just finished introducing some basic knowledge of horse betting, Lin Ming Yang is eager to go to buy horse tickets, but Kate has just taken out his wallet "surrendered" over, and then from the pile of Hong Kong dollars inside pulled out a golden banknote, handing it to Lin Ming Yang.

"Just a thousand?" Lin Ming Yang rubbed his nose and put on a pitiful look, "Can you add more?"

Kate shook her head very firmly, in the end, Lin Ming Yang was filled with helplessness and took this one thousand Hong Kong dollar bill and exchanged it for a horse ticket of the same denomination, the two of them walked into the racecourse together.

Lin Mingyang knew nothing about picking a horse, and when he finally placed his bet, he picked one haphazardly, and when he ended his betting, Lin Mingyang realized that the one he bought had the highest odds. This result made him suddenly excited, he began to fantasize that the horse he picked was the dark horse in the race, the higher the odds, the more money he would win in the end.

Kate on Lin Mingyang this kind of "whimsical" ideas have long been strange, in her eyes, betting on horses is a waste of time and energy, only a very few people can be a dream of getting rich, but around the Hong Kong people are addicted to betting on horse madness is still staggering, only in the presence of the experience, she will have such a clear experience.

Before the race, she didn't feel anything, but as soon as the racehorses on the field ran, the people in the stands became incredibly excited. No wonder horse betting is addictive, just being in the atmosphere makes people very excited. Even Lin Ming Yang was unconsciously infected by the excitement of the people around him, only Kate was the only one sitting very quietly in her seat, coldly gazing at the excited crowd around her.

The "dark horse" that Lin Ming Yang had pinned high hopes on didn't have a long run in the race, and a thousand Hong Kong dollars went down the drain, most of the people around him were shaking their heads and sighing, but after complaining for a few moments, they immediately rushed to the betting tables with the crowd.

Kate saw that Lin Ming Yang's face looked very frustrated, and in her heart there was ultimately some intolerance. She returned the wallet that she had confiscated from Lin Mingyang before he entered the arena, "You can go ahead and place your bets now!"

Lin Ming Yang looked at her curiously, "Didn't you say you would only allow me to bet once?"

"Now I've changed my mind!" Kate, after all, still had a tender face and was too embarrassed to say the words of concern outright.

"In the past, I always thought that life should be free and easy, it's better not to be bound by anything!" Lin Mingyang reached out to pick up the wallet while holding Kate's hand tightly, "But now I realized that being 'governed' by someone like this feels warm and fuzzy in my heart, so I've changed my mind too!"

Ten fingers touching each other in such a public occasion, both of them had a very wonderful feeling in their hearts, Kate gently lowered her head, letting her long hair cover her beautiful face, and the hand that was being pulled didn't have the intention to break free.

She asked softly, "No more bets?"

Lin Mingyang nodded, "No more bets!"

"Then let's go!" Kate gathered her courage and struggled to stand up, but Lin Mingyang's grip on her hand had no intention of letting go.

Kate's heart trembled, and the wallet slipped through her fingers, tumbling twice on the ground before finally coming to rest at Lin Mingyang's feet.

"Sir, you dropped your wallet!" A passerby saw the wallet at Lin Ming Yang's feet, then kindly reminded him.

Lin Ming Yang didn't react in any way, Kate closed her eyes and took a deep breath, at this moment she finally made a certain important decision in her heart. After this, her hand was no longer passively letting Lin Ming Yang hold it, but she took the initiative to clasp the other party's palm. Lin Ming Yang very tacitly loosened his own fingers, and then the two of them clasped their ten fingers together like this.

Apart from her late father, it was the first time Kate had ever grasped a man's hand so hard and so reassuringly, and after doing this she gently used her other hand and snickered. Having held Kate's hand as she wished, Lin Ming Yang was about to pick up his wallet when he heard someone crying behind him.

He turned his head with Kate and then saw a bald middle-aged man sitting in the back seat, covering his face and choking back tears.

Kate asked softly and softly with some concern, "Why is he crying so hard?"

Lin Mingyang shook his head, then picked up his wallet and pulled Kate along to the man's side.

"Uncle, lost all your money?"

"Lost it all, all of it! My son's tuition fees, my wife's house, my entire home all lost!" The middle-aged man cried and whacked his head, his face full of pain.

Another gambler who had lost all his belongings, if in normal times, Lin Ming Yang would have scoffed at him when he met such a guy, but now he didn't even think about it, and handed him the wallet in his hand, "The money inside is all the money I was going to use to bet on the horses today, but I didn't have a good hand, so I must have lost it all when I did it. Now I don't want to gamble anymore, so I'll give it all to you. You can either take it to gamble again, or you can take it back to your family to tide them over for the time being."

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mingyang in a somewhat puzzled manner, at this time he only had one thought in his mind, this "foreign devil" who could speak a mouthful of beautiful Chinese, was his brain burnt out.

Lin Mingyang waited a little impatient, he shook the wallet in his hand, "What's the use of crying, you don't want the money?"

"You don't even want your own money?" The middle-aged man who had lost all of his family's money was a bit hesitant.

"Don't want it!" Lin Mingyang seriously shoved his wallet into the middle-aged man's hand, then raised his right hand, which was interlocked with Kate's ten fingers, and waved it in front of the middle-aged man in a showy manner, "Money isn't my most valuable thing, she is!"