Chapter 162: Meeting

Early morning sunlight through the window, shining on the newspaper spread out on the living room sofa, "Spider-Man Returns" this eye-catching headline in large font, above the headline is a high-definition screenshot covering a quarter of the page, the photo of Spider-Man from the heights of the sky whistling to the air, great momentum to break out of the paper. This is the front page of yesterday's New York Times, "The New Spider-Man" opening day of $79 million in ticket sales sensationalized the entire North America, the film in 6,416 theaters in synchronization, the opening day of the attendance rate of up to 98.6%, the box office and the attendance rate of both set a new record.

The New Spider-Man" two years to grind a sword, a shot on the momentum of the horrifying, the opening day box office took the first place in the weekly box office rankings, the media predicted that in the next two weeks, no one can shake the throne of the box office champion.

"Good morning, baby!" The familiar sound of her father's greeting came through the cell phone receiver, and it was only then that Kristin took her eyes off the newspaper.

The sunlight poured over him with an unreal glow. At fifteen, despite still being so weaker, she had a pretty face that I could see, with brownish-red hair, dark green eyes, and a bright white face to match; a light smile at the corners of her mouth brought out a pair of dimples on her cheeks, and a forehead so clear it seemed to carry the sun's laurels.

"Good morning, papa!" Kristin sidled up to the phone clasped between her shoulders, talking to her father on the phone as she straightened the newspapers scattered on the couch.

"Hughes told me the good news yesterday, you've been cast as the lead actress in Twilight?" Kristen's father was a producer at FOX, and Kristen's rich acting experience was mostly due to her producer father.

"The director just agreed to meet with me, it doesn't feel very hopeful!" Kristen frowned gently, she originally did not want to tell her father this news so quickly, but she did not expect her agent Hughes to be so "loud-mouthed".

"Why don't you try to fight for it?" Kristen's father encouraged her over the phone, "You have to believe in yourself, my daughter is definitely the best."

Kristen smiled sweetly as she hugged the cushion, "Thank you, Dad!"

"This role will help you in the future, Mr. Hughes came to see me yesterday and I asked him to bring you a gift!"

After all, childlike, Christine's curiosity was immediately captivated, "Can I know what kind of gift it is?"

"Keep it a secret for now, you'll understand when you see Mr. Hughes!"

After hanging up the phone, Kristin had been thinking about the gift her father had mentioned. When the doorbell rang, Kristen jumped up from the couch and ran to open the door.

"Mr. Hughes!" Kristen realized that it was her agent standing in the doorway, and she smiled sweetly at him with her hands behind her back, but she couldn't stop her eyes from flicking towards the gift box he was holding.

Kristin's nature has always been a bit cold, today's sudden "warm" reaction made Hughes a bit flattered. And she got along with such a long time, Christine's little action naturally can not hide from the eyes of Hughes.

"Is that my gift in your hand?" Kristen asked coyly.

"Of course!" Hughes handed Kristin the gift box, "It's a very useful gift!"

Kristen opened the gift box with joy, only to find that it contained a set of invisible eyes, she looked up at Hughes with a puzzled expression, "What did my dad give me this for?"

"Did you forget?" Hughes prompted, "We have an important meeting tomorrow, and this gift will be of great use!"

"This?" Of course Kristen hadn't forgotten that she was going to meet Tim Burton, the director of Twilight, tomorrow, but what did that have to do with invisible glasses? Hughes' words made her more and more confused.

"In the original novel of Twilight, the heroine Bella has a pair of brown eyes, which Felix Lin mentions a few times in the novel, it's a crucial detail, these invisible glasses can cover up your beautiful green eyes and turn them brown!" Hughes winked at her.

"Are you sure that's necessary?" Kristen was still a little skeptical.

Hughes said seriously, "You shouldn't underestimate this detail, the more famous the director, the more attention to detail he pays, because there are so many candidates, and to stand out among so many competitors, you have to be different from the others."

Kristin bit her lip, "But I think it's a bit like cheating!"

"It's decorative at best, you're thinking too much!" Hughes shook his head, "For tomorrow's meeting, you'll also have to get your hair redone, I've found you a very famous hair stylist in Hollywood, your current hair can be made a bit more voluminous, she'll have taken reference from Tim Burton's previous movies in which he's appeared in the heroine look, and then will be designing a new hairstyle tailored for you."


"I think it's a waste of time to leisurely drink coffee like this, are you really that optimistic about that girl?" Tim Burton was "dragged" out of the office early by Lin Ming Yang and sat in the cafe for half an hour early. During this time Uncle Tim kept wiggling his ass, all he could think about was the filming of the movie.

"Standing up for the original, she's the perfect person for the job!" Not having as many things to worry about as Tim Burton, Lin Ming Yang leisurely looked out the window, "And I also think that she fits your aesthetic requirements as well, this girl was born with a cleaned up and charming gothic style, she was born as if she was born for a literary movie."

"You've seen her in the flesh?"

Lin Mingyang shook his head, making Uncle Tee grunt in dismay, "I hope she's as wonderful as you think she is!"

As the two were talking, Lin Ming Yang's wandering gaze suddenly came into focus. His eyes were dead set on the direction of the doorway, "I think she's already here!"

Tim Burton turned his head, and he froze with him.

A girl who looked like she had stepped out of a painting stood there playfully, her hair draped over her shoulders in a seemingly random and loose fashion, giving her a chic look even though she hadn't artificially created the shape of beauty. Her face was not powdered, but her skin was as bright and colorful as snow. Her eyes were originally very beautiful and very godly, but she tried her best to collect them, as if it would be detrimental if they were seen by onlookers.

Although it was just a simple T-shirt and jeans ensemble, wearing it on Christine gave her a cool feeling, and she drove that feeling so well. For some reason, Lin Ming Yang was reminded of Elvis Presley when he saw Christine at a glance, and she had a kind of untamed temperament about her. She didn't even have to try to be sexy. This girl, indeed, could make people feel the urge to ask for her phone number as soon as they saw her.

While Lin Ming Yang was looking at the whole, Tim Burton was focusing on the parts, from the moment Christine appeared, Uncle Ti had been staring at her eyes dead on, and although they were brighter than in the photos, he always felt that something was missing, making that pure beauty of the girl appear flawed.

"Your eyes?" Tim Burton suddenly lost some of his emotions as he looked at Kristen with some annoyance, "Where did your beautiful green eyes go?" His expression shocked Kristen, and even Lin Ming Yang who was on the side was puzzled, he smiled stiffly at Kristen and her manager before giving Uncle Tee Diller a disgruntled look.

But Uncle Tee's eccentric temper screwed up, he didn't care what the other party thought, staring dead in Christine's eyes, insisting that the other party explain this matter clearly at the beginning.

Kristin sat there pathetically, with an aggrieved look on her face. Her manager, Hughes, realized that his own "pleased arrangement" had almost ruined things, and busily explained, "Kristen's eyes are indeed green, but I let her wear contact lenses considering that in Mr. Felix's original novel, the heroine, Bella, is a girl with brown eyes. "

"There is that?" Tim Burton twisted his head to look at Lin Mingyang.

Looking at Tim Burton's inquiring gaze, Lin Ming Yang could only nod his head, in the original novel, the image of the female protagonist, Bella, was indeed as Hughes had said, but this was not an intentional arrangement by Lin Ming Yang. He did not intentionally consider this aspect of the writing, this detail was discovered by the fans, "Bella is a brown-haired girl" concept through the fans of the word of mouth and was constantly strengthened, so that in the end, we all think that this is Lin Mingyang deliberately arranged.

"What I want to see is what you look like when you don't wear glasses!" At Tim Burton's strong request, Christine went to the restroom and removed her contact lenses coming back with her eyes back to their normal teal green color.

She was a little apprehensive when she returned, but Uncle Tee nodded in satisfaction, "That's the kind of look I was going for!"

Having been stared at by her weird uncle like this for most of the day, Christine's pink and white face couldn't help but blush a slight layer of redness. After how difficult she had imagined the meeting to be, she had encountered embarrassment at the very beginning, and when Tim Burton and Lin Ming Yang came together to whisper, she hung her head down and didn't even dare to look this way.

Tim Burton muttered a few words in Lin Ming Yang's ear, and finally exchanged a few words with Lin Ming Yang, and right after that he stood up and announced that he had something temporary to do, and after saying that, he left first by himself.

Only a half day of wide-eyed silence remained before Hughes hesitantly opened his mouth, "Mr. Felix, this..."

"Mr. Hughes is asking what Mr. Tim's impression of Christine is?" Lin Ming Yang shrugged helplessly, Uncle Tee always liked to play this set of staged tricks, he obviously had his eyes on Christine, but he also had to put on an inscrutable and impenetrable appearance.

"I should congratulate Ms. Christine now, because you've got the role of Bella!" In the next moment, Lin Ming Yang's face blossomed into a bright smile, and these words coming out of his mouth had a flavor that people had to believe.

Christine was still sitting there frozen, but her agent Hughes had already stood up in excitement, "Really? We made the cut here?"

Seeing her agent dancing with excitement, Christine still had a dreamy expression on her face, this huge surprise came so suddenly that she wasn't even ready for it, the sudden happiness instantly drowned her entire being.


Hughes gently pushed her, and only then did Christine come back to her senses, and as soon as she raised her head, she just happened to collide with the gaze that Lin Ming Yang threw at her. Lin Ming Yang had already been held up as a model of success for the younger generation in Hollywood, Christine had even had some minor nerves when she first saw him, she did sneak a few glances before, but this direct collision of gazes still made Christine a little flustered.

Like many girls in the period of youthful fantasy, Lin Mingyang's first feeling to Christine was that he was handsome to a certain extent, and what left the deepest impression on her in a hurried glance was Lin Mingyang's eyes. Those eyes were as hot as fire and as attractive as a magnet. Christine was a bit strange, when she gazed into those eyes, it was as if she was under a kind of inexplicable and marvelous fascination, and nothing around her could attract her attention anymore.

Seeing that the girl was a bit shy, Lin Ming Yang stopped staring at her eyes, he slumped his body towards the backrest of the sofa, lifted his left leg and crossed it to rest on his right leg and rocked it, and the expression on his face returned to its usual state of leisure and casualness.

"A lot of hardcore fans of Twilight aren't very clear about the color of the heroine Bella's eyes, to be able to notice that, you should be very familiar with the original novel!"

"But this is my agent, Mr. Hughes he..." Christine had just said half of her words when she saw Hughes sitting beside Lin Ming Yang giving her another non-stop wink, the girl lowered her head and hesitated for a moment, then raised her head, and said resolutely, "All of this is something that Hughes Mr. Hughes arranged for me!"

Hughes' face bristled and turned a little pale, he looked at Lin Ming Yang with some worry and realized that the other party's face didn't have much of an expression change, but his heart still lifted.

"You are a...surprisingly honest actor." Lin Ming Yang smiled as if it was like the winter sun, warm and not harsh.

"From the first moment I saw you, I felt that you were a girl with a difference, my ideal candidate for the female lead, from her performance in Twilight, the audience has to be able to see Bella's longing, that palpable desire, but without being pretentious or pretentious. Of the many audition finalists, you were the only actor who was the right age and didn't look so childish. Your presence is starting to get me excited about the movie."

"Actually, I'm not as good as you think!" The implication of praise in Lin Ming Yang's words was already very obvious, but unlike other praises, Christine was able to sense a sincerity in his words.

"Well, even if you're not a hardcore fan of Twilight, you should have read the novel, right?" Lin Ming Yang's conditions had been put very leniently, "Don't ever tell me that you haven't read this novel at all, it would make me very sad!"

Infected by Lin Ming Yang's joke, Christine's rosy lips finally pursed up into a smile, "I have read the novel!"

"Very well, then describe your understanding of the entire story in the most colloquial language!"

"In fact, I've always been curious that you, as a boy, can actually write a girl's heart so spot on, a very simple but romantic story: a blood race youth who has been lonely for a hundred years falls in love with a shy human girl, and although they go through all kinds of hindrances and tribulations between them, the power of steadfast love ultimately overcomes all."

After the initial rawness, Christine became more and more fluent under Lin Mingyang's encouraging eyes, one sentence after another, like a waterfall, and Hughes, who was at the side, missed a large string when he wasn't paying attention. At the end of the sentence, her hand had already begun to gesture on the coffee table.

"Handsome mess of a young vampire, able to fly and be gentle, yet so dead in love with the heroine. He saved her in the moment of the crash, he stalked her, he protected her, he showed her the golden glitter of him, he took her to meet his family and even made a special meal for her even though the Bloods never eat, he took her to play baseball and refused to let other of his kind get close to him, he said, she's his family and we have to protect her, he flew through the air with her, evaded the Bloods, stood up for himself in the moments of danger, and went to great lengths to break up with the The same clan to break to protect her, the last of him is even willing to spend his life with her him without letting her change, even if she will slowly grow old, while he will always be young, this can not be said to be a woman's greatest dream of happiness."

"And what do you think of Bella as a character?"

Talking to Lin Ming Yang, Christine felt as relaxed as if she was chatting with an old friend, God knows they hadn't really known each other for less than 2 hours. Without too many scruples, Christine could always speak her true inner thoughts quite openly.

"The heroine, Bella, is not my favorite type. Though she is indeed kind and has virtues that are generally not very present in American movies. Going to live in a place where the climate makes her hate herself so her mother can spend time with her second spring. Being willing to turn into a vampire for love. My favorite is still the one-woman type like Kate Belserkin in "Legends of the Night."

"But have you ever thought that in a movie where both main characters are strong, it doesn't set off the other's extreme character. The boys wouldn't be able to see the strength, and the girls wouldn't be able to show the boys what I see." Lin Mingyang smiled.

"That's why the stories you wrote have helped so many young girls realize the most romantic feelings in their hearts!" A hint of cunning flashed in Christine's eyes, "Actually, I think Bella's character is still a bit of a nymphomaniac!"

Hughes, who was originally not going to interrupt from the side, nearly spewed out the coffee he drank into his mouth when he heard Kristin say that.

The smile on Lin Ming Yang's face, however, did not change as he asked with interest, "So what type of movies do you like?"

Christine hugged her coffee cup and thought for a moment, "I don't want to always make children's movies, and of course, I don't want to make adult movies even more!"