Chapter 168 The Untold Story

"A big sandstorm made them lose their way, but Sophie inadvertently found the markings left by her father, and following the markings, they found the mysterious ancient city." The same story came out of Lin Mingyang's mouth, only the audience had been changed to his three roommates, the four people from dormitory H33 sitting around on the lawn, bathing in the warm and genial morning sunlight on this clear and peaceful early winter day.

As soon as a person arrives on this green grass, leaving the hustle and bustle of the world, cloaked in the breeze, Lin Mingyang's entire body feels relaxed, forgetting everything, lifting everything, just letting his body straddle this nature, scattering his limbs, letting this serene surrounding enjoy himself. The relaxation of his body allowed his entire thoughts to be immersed in his story.

"They found Sophie's father?" Lin Mingyang had only paused for a moment when Billy Olsen noisily called out.

"I guess Constanton has been tragically killed!" Cline also voiced his opinion.

"And then he was air-dried into a mummy by the dry climate of the couch, and because he was cursed, he finally came back to life and killed everyone on the expedition?" Grim-Nat rolled his eyes, he didn't even have to think about it to know that's what Krin was sure to say next.

"Come on, The Mummy is a magical adventure movie, you're saying that this plot is a direct bridge to a thriller horror movie!" Billy Olsen said in a relentless blow.

"Well, there's no point in us even guessing here, let's let Felix reveal the answer for us!" Cline did have the same idea as what Green Nutter had said, but Billy Olsen's sarcasm made there was no more persistence, and he eyed Lin Mingyang, hoping to gain some comfort from the storyteller.

"Constanton is still alive." Lin Mingyang's answer made Kling a little disappointed, but he was soon attracted by Lin Mingyang's unfolding storyline, and the little bit of unhappiness in his heart had long since been thrown to the winds.

"Apart from her beard becoming longer and her face somewhat changed, Sophie felt that her father, who had been missing in the desert for more than a year, had not actually changed in the slightest, and the doubts in her heart washed away the joy of the reunion of father and daughter. During the conversation, Sophie was shocked to find that the time that Constanton himself thought was still stuck in a year ago, and Constanton also wondered why he had only just arrived in the ancient city, and his own daughter had taken over."

"Sophie tells her father that he has been missing in the desert for nearly a year, and everyone on the expedition can vouch for her. But Constanton can't believe it, and he pulls out the diary he carries with him, the latest page of which he wrote only yesterday, and which is standardized to a date that is indeed a year old. Just as both parties were greatly perplexed, something else occurred to Constanton, and he inquired if the expedition had come across any other people while searching the ancient city."

"After entering the ancient city, Sophie and O'Connor each took an expedition team to split up and start searching, and just as she was talking to her father, the small team led by O'Connor sent out a signal that they had found the entrance to the so-called legendary 'Ghost Cave' underneath the abandoned royal palace, and at the entrance they also found two corpses that had been air-dried, and before they died, they still maintained the movement of struggling to crawl outward, as if they had encountered something terrible in the cave."

"Sophie and her father, Constanton, then arrived, and from the clothes of the dead, Constanton was certain that they were members of his own expedition, and judging from the air-dried nature of the bodies, it must have been more than a year since the two men died. With the facts in front of him, Conston himself is very confused, and he tells all about the heavy circumstances he encountered before this."

"A year ago, after more than a month of grueling trekking, Constanton and the expedition he led finally found this ancient city in the desert that had been dormant for many years. Just like the legend, this city was probably extremely prosperous back in the day, but it was suddenly abandoned for unknown reasons. Constanton is a staunch materialist, and naturally scoffs at the legendary set of claims about the Queen's curse."

"With nothing more valuable left in the ancient city than the wreckage, Constanton found the 'ghost cave' by memory, and after making ample preparations, he led the members of the expedition into it. The two corpses that O'Connor and the others found at the mouth of the cave were the ones they had left behind at that time to be in charge of the guide at the mouth of the cave."

"This deep, bottomless cave is supposed to be a natural formation, but traces of artificial carvings could be seen all along the way, and the expedition went down for roughly more than two hours before it came to a large, empty cavern, and in addition to the murals and carvings, the members of the expedition found a closed stone door with some odd patterns carved on it, and the experienced Constanton, after recognizing them determined that these were supposed to be some kind of writing."

"Cautious Conston thought that before figuring out the meaning of these words, don't open this door easily, but the other people of the expedition thought that this was an underground treasure trove, they took advantage of Conston's inattentiveness and knocked him out, when Conston woke up, all the people had disappeared, and the strangest thing was that the door was still tightly closed, as if it hadn't been opened. ever."

"At first Conston thought that they hadn't opened the door, and in the end he returned to no avail, he groped his way out of the underground cavern alone, and when he came out he didn't find the two corpses, it was as if they had been conjured up out of thin air."

As the story went on, the content was beyond the comprehension of a normal person, Klin opened his mouth in surprise, "How could this be, this is incredible!"

"This is Felix's sequel story for The Mummy, okay!" Billy Olsen gave him a disgruntled look, "I think it must be some kind of weird magic, or the mysterious power of the curse at work."

"I think there should be an existence similar to a black hole in space and time in the underground cavern, where Constanton inadvertently passed by and was then sent a year later." Grim-Nat couldn't help but start making speculations about the plot as well.

As they discussed one sentence after another, Lin Mingyang just sat on the side and listened with a smile. Out of all the speculations, only Green-Nutt's judgment was closest to Lin Mingyang's vision. Since he had taken over the writing of the script for the sequel to The Mummy, Lin Mingyang naturally wanted to bring something new to the story. He had always insisted that a true adventure movie should not be laced with too much supernatural power; those magic, curses, souls, and the like could only be used as a mystical gimmick, and the movie would deteriorate if used too much.

In the sequel created by Lin Ming Yang, there will no longer be the kind of supernatural magical characters like the evil sorcerer, the scorpion king, the story has only between the real and magical special creatures, if explained from a scientific point of view, they can be interpreted as some extinct or mutated creatures. A true adventure movie is one that is made to make the audience feel like they are actually on an adventure, not a flashy show.

The mysterious elements in the movie are meant to both intrigue and make people think that they might actually exist in reality. Instead, they are virtual fantasies that viewers won't take seriously, such as the evil sorcerer and scorpion king that were resurrected in the first two episodes of the movie. Lin wants the sequel to attract viewers with a thrilling and suspenseful plot, not just with amazing computer effects to satisfy people's visual desires.


"What secrets are hidden behind that door?"

It was still the same cafe that Lin Mingyang often went to, still the same window seat, except that the person sitting across from him was not Buffy, the producer of Universal Pictures, but Lin Mingyang's agent, Eckles.

"Constanton's narration pointed the questions in everyone's mind to the closed door, Constanton copied the strange writing carved on that stone door, the guide who traveled with Sophie recognized it as an ancient writing from the region, roughly meaning that anyone who disturbed the Queen's slumber would be cursed for eternity."

"Such a translation made everyone huff and puff, but Constanton remained steadfast in his belief that no supernatural forces existed in this world other than science. Even though Conston couldn't explain the bizarre crossing that had happened to himself, he was confident that behind that door would be the answer he was looking for. And the so-called curse is merely an attempt to intimidate grave robbers from disturbing the peace of the dead."

"With Constant trying to figure out what's really going on and O'Connor's curiosity getting the better of him, they finally decide to work together to discover what secrets lie behind this mysterious stone door. They entered the cave holding torches and never found another body along the way, and it was certain that the other members of that expedition that Constanton had brought with him had not left, but had all entered the chamber behind the stone door."

"Behind the stone door were neat steps carved out by hand, and continuing down, they encountered another stone door almost identical to the previous one, the writing on it translated by their guide, and they were given a warning of 'one step forward, and all will be lost'. That local guide had been too frightened to go any further, but Constanton continued to insist that it was a bluffing trick, and he pushed the door open without a second thought."

"Behind the stone door there was not the horrific picture that the crowd had imagined; there were no level steps inside, but the ground had begun to level out, and further on they should be able to reach the very bottom of the cavern. They broke through a long tunnel that was filled with various mechanisms. But before them, the group of explorers brought by Constanton had triggered these mechanisms first, and dozens of white bones proved that more than half of the team lost their lives here."

"Moving forward, they encountered a terrifying insect, and several of the team members who followed them into the future were ken into ghastly white bones in the blink of an eye. Those who lived desperately ran forward, but a stone gate blocked their way."

"Just as the crowd was despairing, the swarm of flesh and blood devouring insects stopped abruptly three meters away from the stone door, then retreated as fast as the tide. Instead of celebrating their survival, the crowd of people who escaped death fell into deeper despair. There should exist a very terrifying thing behind the stone door, that extremely dangerous aura, the presence of this threat could be clearly felt through the stone door."

"There were no more words of warning carved on the smooth stone door, only a carving of a monster with many tentacles like an octopus, and the guide who accompanied him was terrified as soon as he saw the relief, huddled in the corner in a confused state of mind, shouting vague words like 'Duimy' over and over again. He should have recognized the monster, but other than that name, the crowd could not get any more useful information out of the mouth."

"The real answer lay behind the stone door, and since there was no turning back anyway, Constanton finally pushed it open and took a step inside, the soles of his feet hitting not hard rock, but loose, soft sand. According to the calculation of the distance they had traveled all the way down, by this time they had come to at least more than 2,000 meters below the ground, and the appearance of so much sand here was originally an unimaginable thing."

"They walked forward for a long distance, behind the stone door this empty cave in addition to pushing full of sand, there is no peculiarities, they also did not meet the guide mouth that terrible monster 'Duyimi', just when they relaxed their vigilance, a horrible hissing sound came from the distance , followed immediately by a strong wind filled with a fishy, putrid odor that blew out all the torches in the group."

"There was a constant chorus of cool winds in the darkness, and one by one the team members around them were dragged into the dunes by tentacles that suddenly reached out from under their feet. The round of horrors came and went so quickly that by the time they got the torches lit again to take a head count, seven people were missing from the party, and both Sophie, Constanton's girl, and Rachel, O'Connor's wife, were dragged away by the monster."

"The people took their weapons and chased them forward, they came to the center of the cavern, then they got a good look at the monster that attacked them, this 'Duimy' as the guide called it was very close to what it looked like on the relief of the stone door, but its main body was parasitized on a coffin emitting a pale blue shimmering light, and it couldn't move, but its tentacles can reach far away."

"By the time O'Connor and the others arrived, three members of the group had already been sucked into a pair of blurred flesh and blood by the creature, and the weapons in their hands were unable to do any killing to the creature, and instead, more people became a meal in the mouth of the 'Duimy'. In a situation of great urgency, O'Connor raised his axe and cracked the blue coffin in which 'Duimy' was parasitized, and he found that there was really a woman in it who was gorgeously dressed and had a stunning face, and it seemed that he had been affected by the demonic charm, and O'Connor actually ghostly wanted to reach out and touch the other side's face."

"The blue coffin was cracked, the monster 'Duimy' as if it had been dealt a fatal blow, twisting its body frantically, Rachel and Sophie, who were originally entangled in its tentacles, were flung aside by it, and all of its tentacles were retracted, and together they slammed down towards O'Connor underneath him. "