Chapter 171 - Oscar Nomination

"From the standpoint of an American, you as the executive producer of the movie, do you think that this movie is able to express the connotations of Chinese culture well?" Another reporter stood up and raised this query, Lin Ming Yang was puzzled in his heart, how did Hollywood making a movie in China have anything to do with Chinese culture.

He did not immediately answer the question posed by the other party, but inclined his head to whisper in Zhang Xianliang's ear to inquire about the situation, what he did not expect was that this matter had actually caused such a big ripple, and even went up to the level of a major event that concerned the survival of the national movie industry.

"I think everyone might have misunderstood!" Lin Mingyang felt the need to explain this matter clearly, "This movie is merely set in China and doesn't seem to have much to do with Chinese culture. I can reveal the plot of the movie to you all a little bit, the movie is about a few foreigners coming to China to explore. The movie is at best geographically related to China, but not culturally. The ancient city in the film is fictional, and the civilization it represents is a figment of my imagination based on the ancient Loulan country."

"At the beginning of the last century, there were many foreigners selling Chinese cultural relics in the name of archaeology, and most of the collections in European museums were smuggled out of China at that time... Mr. Felix, your screenplay is supposed to be based on this period of history, so how do you personally feel about this period of history?" Another sharp question came out, Lin Ming Yang had not yet had time to answer, but Zhang Xianliang next to him could not sit still, looking at the stage this kind of reporter's formation, and looking at these questions they raised, where is it still like holding a live conference of entertainment news?

He was anxious to some brain sweat, if this kind of reporter really Lin Mingyang to annoy, the other side of the sleeve away, it is difficult to say that this time the two sides to start the cooperation will be affected, I should have known that on the invitation of a few good relations with the newspaper to Lin Mingyang to do an interview can be, and now made this, the stage seems to be some of the riveted energy, Zhang Xianliang heart has begun to calculate how to give Lin Mingyang to find a decent step to end the press conference. This press conference.

"One day, two robbers broke into the Yuanmingyuan, one robber went on a rampage, the other set fire to it, and it turned out that the 'victory' was the equal division of the spoils between the two conquistadors who had carried out a ransacking." Lin Mingyang recited a passage in a calm tone, the stage suddenly became very quiet, all eyes were focused on him.

"I'm sure everyone on stage is no stranger to this passage from Hugo, Hugo's view on the British and French allied expedition to China is also my view on that period of history. There is no essential difference between stealing and robbing, even though I firmly believe that not all of the explorers who came to China during that period were harboring greedy and selfish desires, they still did a wrong thing in fact, no explanation and no cover-up, that's my attitude."

"Will this view of yours be reflected in the script of this movie?" When the next reporter asked a question, the title had changed from "you" to "you", which probably represented the change in attitude of most people at this time.

"There will be!" Lin Mingyang nodded with certainty, "The clue character in the movie is because of his disagreement with the members of the expedition team on whether to take away the artifacts in the ancient city, which led to the failure of his first expedition. There will also be dialog in the film that flirts with Stein, but I'm not quite sure if Chinese audiences will be able to enjoy the full version of the film!" Lin Mingyang made the promise while incidentally flirting with China's movie censorship.


Lin Mingyang's "shocking" remarks at Zhen Beibu Western Studios caused a lot of discussion in the Chinese media, but the Hollywood media didn't take this matter seriously at all, and the upcoming 78th Oscars ceremony attracted the attention of the media from all sides. After the award nominations were announced, last year's release of Blood Diamond received two nominations for Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor. It was only then that the media remembered that Lin Ming Yang seemed to have not appeared in front of the public for a long time.

Learning that he had been nominated for an Oscar, Lin Mingyang and Kate had not yet finished their tour in China. He was informed of the news at the first opportunity, while Kate only learned of the news when she saw an outdated English newspaper in her hotel room.

Kate, "You have two nominations for this year's Oscars, you already know about this?"

"You already knew you were nominated?" Kate curled up in Lin Mingyang's arms like a kitten, letting his fingertips gently stroke her hair.

"Either way, you brought me a surprise!" Lin Ming Yang said roguishly as he lay on and bed.

"You're lying, when you heard the news just now, you didn't have the slightest expression of surprise on your face, and you didn't even look through that newspaper I brought over!" Kate instantly pierced through his lie.

Lin Ming Yang heatedly laughed, "By surprise I don't mean that!"

Kate blushed, and in order to cover up the embarrassment, she changed the subject back. "Everyone else is thrilled to death to be nominated for an Oscar, don't you feel anything at all about this?"

"It's just a nomination, it's not really an award, what's there to be excited about?" Lin Mingyang said with full of concern.

"But the media is very optimistic about you, the audience and media reviews after the release of Blood Diamond are good, and it's another movie that exposes the inner workings of a highly secretive industry, this type of subject matter has always been a favorite of the Oscar judges, especially Best Actor, your performance was really spot on, and I feel that there's a lot of hope of winning this time."

"When I feel like I don't have a chance!" There was no loss in Lin Ming Yang's tone, it was as if he was recounting something that had nothing to do with him, "As far as acting is concerned, my performance in Blood Diamond wasn't as tense as Hoffman's in Capote, and as far as the script is concerned, I have to admit that Crash trumped me both in terms of the subject matter and the depth of the content. "

Kate lifted her head, which was pressed against Lin Ming Yang's chest, she propped herself up and looked at Lin Ming Yang with a curious expression, "I can't believe that you would actually say such modest words."

"My arrogance is always based on an accurate knowledge of myself, if the Oscar judges didn't have a problem with their brains, then I would never have won!"

Lin Mingyang's certain tone made Kate a little unconvinced, "Then predict which of this year's shortlisted films will be able to laugh all the way to the bank!"

"Is there any reward for guessing them all correctly?" As soon as Lin Ming Yang heard about the bet, he immediately became interested.

"If you get all of them right, I'll promise you one thing!" Kate clenched her teeth and put forward a condition that looked very tempting.

Lin Ming Yang's eyes immediately glazed over, "Really promise anything?"

Seeing Lin Ming Yang's look of fist-pumping and eagerness to try, Kate kept an extra eye out this time and didn't say too much, "I'll tell you when you win!"

Although he wasn't quite satisfied with this answer, Lin Ming Yang still agreed, pointing to the shortlist on the newspaper, "This year's biggest dark horse should be Crash, I'm not sure about anything else, but the Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay are none other than it!"

Kate found a pen and marked both of the two out that Lin Ming Yang indicated on the newspaper.

Lin Mingyang cocked his head and thought for a moment, "Best Director should be Ang Lee from Brokeback Mountain, and Best Actor is Hoffman from Capote."

Kate ticked two more times on the newspaper, Lin Mingyang looked at the shortlist, in his memory, about the other award winners, the impression was not particularly impressive, he considered for a while, the tone of his next reply was no longer so sure.

"The Best Adapted Screenplay award is still Brokeback Mountain, Peter Jackson's King Kong should be able to take the three awards in the technical categories of sound, sound effects, and visuals, and the Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, and Best Costume Design should all be Spielberg's Memoirs of a Geisha." These were the ones that Lin Mingyang remembered more fondly, and all of them were more famous, even so, many of these he was half-guessing to be sure.

It wasn't all finished, but the rest Lin Ming Yang couldn't recall anymore. Kate saw that the newspaper had left quite a few marks, and as long as one of them was wrong, Lin Ming Yang would lose. Kate didn't believe that Lin Mingyang could really guess all of them correctly, so she was very "generous" and let him off the hook.


I have something to do at noon today, this chapter is only written now, and there are only 3000 words, I am a bit sorry to everyone, sorry sorry sorry!

To strongly recommend the American film "Crash", the English name is "Crash", about the racial conflict in the United States, the last semester of the university's English class teacher put this movie, the feeling is very real, but at that time do not know it is the Oscar's best picture, recently found that it is worth a look.