Chapter 175 - Who Laughs Last?

Lin Mingyang's speech, which left the audience on stage puzzled, was actually a declaration of his victory to someone who was sitting right in front of the television. As the award ceremony progressed, only the four awards for Best Actor and Actress, Best Director, and Best Movie remained to be announced. Apart from the winner of the Best Actor and Best Actress, the two heaviest awards, Best Director and Best Film, were destined to be between Crash and Brokeback Mountain.

Lin Mingyang on the TV screen was about to announce the winner of the Best Adapted Screenplay award, and the camera of the live broadcast gave him a close-up shot of his face, and just at that moment, Kate pressed the pause button on the remote control. The live broadcast continued, but the screen was frozen at the moment the cameraman gave Lin Ming Yang a close-up of his face.

Kate sulked a little and smashed the pillow she was holding in her arms at the TV screen, and couldn't stop complaining about Lin Ming Yang in her heart, "This damn guy, would it kill you to guess one wrong on purpose and let me win once?" She now began to agonize over what "unreasonable" demands Lin Ming Yang would make if she lost.

"What if that guy proposes to himself?" Such a thought popped up in Kate's mind, startling herself. She then shook her head and pushed this unrealistic thought out of her mind with a red face.

While Kate was agonizing over here, the awards ceremony continued on the other side. The movie Brokeback Mountain won the award for Best Adapted Screenplay, the second small gold medal the movie had collected tonight. Crash, another popular award-winning film, had also taken home two awards earlier, for Best Editing and Best Original Screenplay, leaving the two sides tied in terms of the number of awards they had won.

After presenting the awards, Lin Mingyang walked down from the front stage and sneezed three times in a row in his seat, rubbing his reddened nose. The noise he made caught the attention of Keira Knightley next to him, she turned her head sideways and asked in a low voice "You have a cold?"

Lin Ming Yang himself wondered, "How could it be, I was fine just now!"

"I know!" Keira Knightley smiled with a mysterious face, "It must be the person you bet with, who is scolding you at this time!"

"Maybe!" Lin Ming Yang heard the "savory" feeling in Keira's words, and responded vaguely before changing the subject, "It's about to be the Best Actress, I know you must be very nervous at this time, take a deep breath and relax!"

"There's a Best Actor in between, you might as well take care of yourself first!" Keira Knightley muttered, but Lin Ming Yang didn't respond for half a day.

Keira Knightley curiously raised her head, only to find Lin Mingyang's eyes staring blankly at the front desk, followed the guy's gaze, she found that Lin Mingyang so "lost in thought" formally on the red carpet in the much-anticipated Charlize Theron, dressed in a dark green silk dress not only on the red carpet in the aura of strong, is to act as the guest of honor, but also with a full of the movie queen! The movie is also with a full queen demeanor.

She looked around again and found that there were a few men who were staring at the stage with the same unblinking gaze as Lin Mingyang. On the surface, she made a very disdainful gesture, but in her heart, she secretly compared herself to Charlize Theron, and in the end, she was very unconvinced and came to the conclusion that, in addition to her breasts being a bit bigger than her own, this woman was no big deal.

As the last Oscar winner, Charlize Theron was holding an envelope containing the list of Best Actor winners. Before she opened the envelope, host John Stewart remained true to his duty to bring the humor to the end.

"Whose name do you expect to be written inside the envelope?" John Stewart asked wistfully.

Theron raised the envelope in her hand, "The answer is in here, won't we know when we open it?"

The fish didn't take the bait, John Stewart, who was waiting on the sidelines to reel in the line, got anxious, he had to prompt further, "You're the leading lady in the movie Blood Diamond, don't you want your co-star Felix to win at all?"

"But the award is determined by the Academy's jury, so my word doesn't count!" Theron shook her head, feeling helpless, John Stewart was still ready to continue to "encourage" her, but by this time Theron had already opened the envelope in her hand.

Theron opened the list of names and suddenly looked very strange. Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for her to announce the names of the winners, but there was no movement on stage. Seeing the names, Theron apparently froze, and John Stewart, who was standing next to her, glanced curiously toward the list, his eyes almost not glaring out in surprise.

"Oh my God!" Before the presenter, Charlize Theron, could speak, the host, John, let out a gasp of surprise. It was a completely subconscious reaction on his part, and luckily he reacted in time, quickly covering his mouth with his hand and choking the unfinished exclamation into two.

"It's as if I've inadvertently spied a secret, dear Theron, hurry up and announce the results! For my mouth can't hold it any longer, and if you don't say something, it will protest!" John gagged his mouth with his hand and jarred.

"And the winner of this year's Oscar for Best Actor is..." said Charlize Theron, taking a deep breath before shouting out the name. At the moment the answer was revealed, the audience on stage also had a brief two-second freeze, followed by a mountainous applause that resounded throughout the room.

Kate was still agonizing over the fact that she had lost the bet at this time, and the TV screen had been halted in a state of pause, when her cell phone suddenly rang, and it was her manager, Eckles, who had called.

Answering the call, before Kate could remember to greet the other party, Ecks' voice mixed with various emotions of eagerness, excitement, and agitation came from the cell phone. "Kate, immediately turn on the TV and watch the Oscars live, the most exciting moment is about to unfold!"

She pressed the pause resume button on the remote control with some confusion, and the TV's picture immediately switched to the scene where Charlize Theron announced the results, and then Kate heard Theron shout out Lin Ming Yang's name.

Kate's mouth opened wide in surprise, and the surprise in the heart of Lin Ming Yang, who was at the scene, was no less than hers, as he froze in his seat, feeling that there must have been something wrong with his ears, because he had just clearly heard Theron shouting out his own name, not Hoffman, who he had been so incredibly sure of before.

Because of his role in the movie Capote, Hoffman had won the Best Actor award at almost every major awards ceremony this year. He's had a rough go of it, with a history of very serious substance abuse, and can be considered the quintessential prodigal son.

But the Oscars judges don't take that into account when they're scoring, they think Lin Mingyang's performance in Blood Diamond shows the true inner feelings of a retired mercenary, or his self-redemption from the body to the soul. Lin Mingyang was obviously less than twenty years old when he appeared in this movie, but he successfully interpreted this character whose actual age is ten years higher than his own. Moreover, from the point of view of exposing the dark secrets of the industry trade, it is not surprising that this film can be favored by the jury as it is called another knight in the sensitive time of Oscars.

Hoffman met his "Waterloo" at the Oscars, but after he was disappointed to learn of the result, he took the initiative to get up from his seat and came over to shake hands with Lin Mingyang. At this time Lin Mingyang still did not come back to God from the shock, see Hoffman's hand frozen in mid-air some embarrassment, Keira Knightley gently poked Lin Mingyang with a finger, he came back to God, while shaking hands with Hoffman to express apology.

For Hoffman, Lin Ming Yang did feel guilty, not because he had left him out to dry when he froze, but because he had taken away something that should have originally belonged to Hoffman. In Lin Ming Yang's memory, the movie Blood Diamond was the one that brought the leading man an Oscar nomination, but did not win, and this Oscar's winner should be Hoffman, not himself.

But an important factor was overlooked by Lin Mingyang, the movie "Blood Diamond" has changed a lot in his hands, and the movie appeared a year earlier, many things have changed, including the attitude of the Oscar jury.

Lin Mingyang "dawdled" for half a day off the stage, so that when he came on stage by the host of the John harshly sarcastic, "Felix, from our guests announced the results, until you came on stage to receive the award, this process took more than three minutes. I believe you set an Oscar record before you even received your award, you must have taken the longest time to get on stage of all the winners!"

Ignoring his flirting, Lin Ming Yang walked directly towards the award presenter, while Charlize Theron was waiting with a light smile on her face for him to receive the small gold medal in his hand that symbolized the Oscar winner.

"This scene makes me think of the 2-year Oscar ceremony!" Before the trophy was handed over to Lin Ming Yang, John Stewart popped up again, "The winner of that year became the guest of honor, while the guest of honor then is now on stage to receive the award. I believe that in the 78-year history of the Oscars, such a coincidence is also unparalleled. Anything that is tied to our Felix, things become different."

"Ladies and gentlemen, and of course our Felicity Hoffman!" John intensified his tone, "This moment that is about to take place on stage will be remembered as one of the most iconic Oscars of all time, and I, along with everyone here, will witness the birth of this miracle!"

Amidst the warm applause from the stage, John consciously retreated to the side, leaving only Theron and Lin Ming Yang on the empty stage. Although the relationship between these two people was "extraordinary", in full view of the public, Lin Mingyang and Theron only hugged each other very intimately, and then Theron solemnly handed the trophy over to Lin Mingyang's hand.

Having completed her task as the guest of honor, she was about to step back and allow Lin Ming Yang to give his acceptance speech, but the host, John, folded his arms in the audience below the stage. He called out to Theron, who was about to exit the stage, and then walked towards the stage while explaining, "I can assure you that this segment was definitely not pre-arranged by the director. Well, I always felt that Theron's mission wasn't over yet, and that she should do something besides presenting an award?"

At that moment someone offstage yelled out a kiss, and John, who was jogging up to the front of the stage, stopped and pointed hard in the direction from which the sound had come. "That's right! The last time Felix gave Theron's award, Theron delivered her honey kiss, shouldn't it be Felix's turn this time?"

There was a hilarious uproar from the stage, more people were in the mood to see what was going on, the only one who cringed was Keira Knightley, she used to quite like John Stewart, but now she felt that the other person had a loathsome face.

"Kissing, this is nonsense!" Keira Knightley secretly cursed in her heart, sitting in front of the TV set of Kate and she was the same thought, but these did not stop this "farce" staged. In the loud cries of the audience, John walked over to Lin Mingyang and Theron.

"You see, this is what everyone is calling for, so are you..." John winked vigorously at the two of them, Lin Ming Yang was just about to open his mouth to excuse himself, but he jumped ahead of him and said: "I know you're still missing a prop, mouth spray, last time you used this thing, but I guess you definitely don't have it this time. , but I'm guessing you definitely didn't prepare it this time, but that's okay, just now I went offstage and got this for you!" Saying this he took out a bottle of oral spray from his pocket as if by magic, "This was provided by a member of the audience offstage, I'll have to return it when you're done with it!"

The situation at the scene had reached a point where it was difficult to ride the tiger, Lin Ming Yang helplessly shrugged his shoulders towards Theron, the other party expressed his understanding, and then in the hilarious uproar of the audience under the stage, the two people's lips were once again tightly glued together. Unfortunately, everyone imagined that the "wet kiss" did not appear, the two lips almost just touch each other for a moment, and then immediately separated, the whole kissing process is not more than 10 seconds, but set off the climax of the entire awards ceremony.

In the warm applause, Theron walked off the stage with a shy face, and Lin Mingyang began to deliver his acceptance speech.

"To be honest I was surprised, before the awards ceremony I was talking about this with a friend, and at the time I thought the most likely winner should be Mr. Hoffman. But I realized I was wrong, and very wrong at that. I guessed right on everyone but myself, and for that I lost the bet but won a golden trophy!"

Lin Ming Yang laughed as if mocking himself, "It is estimated that in the history of the Oscars, there is not that one winner who has such a complicated mood as I do at this moment, I know what this trophy in my hand means, I can only say that I am a lucky man; at the same time, I am a little worried, holding this trophy representing the highest honor for an actor at such a young age has made me lose the goal of my future life all of a sudden. On the path of an actor, I know that I am still far from mature, and the recognition of the Oscar puts higher demands on my future, so I will continue to work hard."