Chapter 177 - The Intent of the Oral

While Spielberg and Goldner were talking, Michael Bay was walking around in this spacious president's office, stopping in front of many related props and models, and just as he froze at the row of robot toys in the glass window, Lin Mingyang came over.

"Those kids who grew up through the '80s like I did, they'd probably love to see those characters and stories they once loved made into movies now, and that would be a wonderful feeling."

"Is that the reason you then agreed to star in this movie?" Michael Bay gave Lin Mingyang a puzzled look.

"When I got the script and learned that I would be friends with the Autobots in the movie, there was an uncontrollable excitement in my heart, this was my childhood dream, and now that it can actually be realized in the movie, I feel that this is a very happy thing." Lin Ming Yang's mouth was tinged with a smile, "Of course the more important reason is Mr. Spielberg's sincere attitude, he personally came out to invite me to join this movie and even brought me here. Since the role of the movie is something I really like, and DreamWorks has offered me a not-so-low paycheck, I can't find any reason to refuse."

"I agree with you, but those are not reasons to convince me!" Michael Bay put the Optimus Prime toy in his hand back into the cupboard, "Transformers is one of the most loved and cared about comic book works in many people's childhood, but trying to bring the theme of this story to the big screen is really a very difficult thing to do! You have to remind yourself every now and then that you love everything you're striving for, the process can be very grueling, and it can take a lot of dull, boring hours trying to turn your dreams into reality."

Spielberg walked towards them with Goldner in tow and happened to overhear the conversation between the two. While Spielberg didn't say anything, Goldner, who was next to him, interjected, "But the moment your dream becomes a reality, you'll realize that everything you've done is worth it!"

There was a heated discussion between Michael Bay and Goldner on the topic of dreams, and the two ended up arguing a bit red in the face, Lin Mingyang, who was standing by the side, was about to speak out to mediate, but Spielberg signaled with his eyes to wait and see what would happen.

During the argument, Michael Bay realized that Goldner was a much more manic guy than he was, and he also sensed that Goldner's love for the toy characters was very pure, that he loved his job, and that his enthusiasm was very contagious. After calming down, Michael Bay began to seriously consider the feasibility of a live-action version of Transformers.

On the way back, Michael Bay suggested for the first time that he wanted to take a look at the movie's script, a request that surprised Spielberg and caught him off guard, because he didn't expect Michael Bay's attitude to change so quickly, so he didn't even bring the script with him when he arrived.

"John Rogers, who was in charge of designing the main story line for this movie, is much more than just a comic book artist, he can literally be described as a fanatic in this field, and all the people in DreamWorks know that he's a weirdo because he always tries to maintain his mindset as he was when he was 12 years old. In all, John creates three main threads for Transformers, and they all end up being rich and textured centerpieces of the story. And then the story framework has warn touches from the talented screenwriting duo of Corias Coetzeeman and Robert Oates, and I can assure you that this story will definitely satisfy you!"

Michael Bay shook his head and said with some regret, "I don't doubt your vision, but I trust my own judgment more, and I'm afraid it's difficult for me to give you an accurate answer until I've seen the script."

"Actually, I brought the script with me..." said Lin Ming Yang hesitantly, Michael Bay and Spielberg focused their eyes on him at the same time. Michael Bay's eyes were full of surprise, while Spielberg was more puzzled. Because when he got on the bus he clearly remembered that Lin Ming Yang was empty handed, and Lin Ming Yang definitely couldn't fit any scripts in his coat pocket.

"Felix, are you really carrying a script?" Spielberg asked hesitantly, "Where is it?"

Lin Ming Yang pointed to his brain, "You forgot that I've read the script, I've memorized the entire story, I can describe the entire main line of the story from memory."

Spielberg slapped his head and said with a face full of chagrin, "Right, how could I forget that I still have a genius screenwriter sitting next to me!"

As an outstanding screenwriter, Lin Mingyang's memory didn't dare to say that it was necessarily better than others, but there shouldn't be any problem in completely describing the general plot of the script. Spielberg was exceptionally elated, while Michael Bay was even more impatient as he urged Lin Mingyang, "Then tell us about it!"

"Mr. Spielberg also mentioned just now that the film's plot story has three main threads, the first story thread is about a captain who went exploring in the Arctic Circle in the early 19th century and fell into the abyss along with a huge chunk of ice in a disaster, landing on the palm of a robot buried under the ice. The captain awoke to find the robot's eyes watching him. The robot is none other than Megatron, the leader of the 'Decepticons' who left the planet Cybertron a long time ago and traveled to Earth in search of the Allspark. Megatron burned the map revealing the whereabouts of the Allspark into the Captain's glasses. The glasses were passed down from generation to generation as a relic of the Captain's to his descendant, Sam."

"This Sam is the hero of the movie, a role that has been confirmed to star Felix!" Spielberg added, and Michael Bay nodded. Compared to who the male lead would be, he was more interested in what kind of story would happen next.

"On his birthday, Dad drives him around and decides to surprise Sam: buy him a car of his own. Sam is happy as can be, even though Dad only has enough money to buy him a used car. Bobby, the black owner of the used car store, recommends a crappy-looking yellow car to Sam, who goes up and tries it out, feels good about it, and buys it. However, don't look at the car's dilapidated appearance, but it performed quite well, and Sam, who had gotten a great car, laughed and went to sleep after playing with it all day."

"That car is supposed to be a robot transformed, but it's certainly not Optimus Prime." Michael Bay muttered to himself, "I'm the one that's supposed to be Bumblebee, I just saw it in toy form in Goldner's office!"

"You guessed it, in the middle of the night Sam heard a car start in the yard, he went to the window to see what turned out to be his new car driving off. Sam thought someone had stolen the car, so he rushed after it, not realizing that there was no one in the car, and in the blink of an eye, the yellow car turned into a several-story-high robot. This is how Sam first met the Autobot Transformer Bumblebee. The Autobot Transformer approached Sam in search of the pair of eyes left behind by Sam's ancestors in order to retrieve the lost Allspark."

"Sam and Bumblebee become close friends and Bumblebee helps Sam find a girlfriend. Just as they are getting along, the Decepticon Transformers arrive on Earth, and Megatron's lead henchmen launch an attack on humanity in order to rescue their leader."

"A certain U.S. Air Force base in Qatar, in the Middle East, was attacked by the Decepticon Transformer Stunner, who completely destroyed the base and also obtained a great deal of information from a computer. In addition, Stunner unleashed the giant scorpion monster to hunt down the surviving Captain Lennox and his special ops team."

"Captain Lennox contacted the Pentagon, and the U.S. military sent two A-10s and an AC-130 attack plane to temporarily repel the Decepticon skirmish. That's when Autobot leader Optimus Prime and his comrades also began to unite the Earthlings against their Decepticon foes. The two factions engaged in an incentive war, with Earth becoming a proving ground for the group's heavy living weapons."

"The plot takes the form of three story lines advancing in parallel and eventually coming together. At the end of the movie there is a stunning battle between Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, and Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, who kill each other from the Hoover Dam all the way to Los Angeles, where a battle of robots against robots and robots against humans is fought in the city of Los Angeles."

Michael Bay listened mesmerized, he was completely immersed in his conception of the entire story, but did not notice that Lin Mingyang used some techniques when telling the entire story. Spielberg, who was on the side, realized this after listening for a while. Lin Ming Yang didn't spend too much of his breath on those trivial life plots, but described some of the exciting big scenes in the story in great detail.

At first Spielberg was a little puzzled, because Lin Mingyang did this obviously some suspicion of avoiding the important, but watching Michael Bay gradually attracted by the story, his eyes getting brighter and brighter, and connecting to Michael Bay's origin, Spielberg suddenly understood Lin Mingyang's intention.

Before Michael Bay came into contact with him, Spielberg had a detailed understanding of his entire experience. During this time, he heard an anecdote, in an interview with a reporter, Michael Bay revealed that his favorite childhood game was to build a small volcano, and then destroy it, in order to simulate the scene of a volcanic eruption.

This reason may explain Michael Bay's distinctive explosion complex. As a young director, Michael Bay is shooting MTV and commercials started, his movie work is not too much, so he will not give up every opportunity to let him over the explosion addiction. From "Jedi Cop" to "Island of the Dead", from "Pearl Harbor" to "Escape from Clone Island", every one of his works can not be separated from the bombing.

And in addition to the overwhelming explosion scenes in Michael Bay movies, intense chase scenes are also a major feature.

In the film "Jedi Warriors 2", the most people called the best is a section of the highway on the big chase. In order to film this sequence, Michael Bay closed the eastbound lanes of the MacArthur Causeway for three days. They meticulously ran a series of experiments to determine how controllable the truck would be at 70 miles per hour, and how it would affect the truck itself if the vehicle fell off.

To get the best visual effect, Michael Bay hid five cameras in the truck, several of which were to collide with the falling sedan, surely scrapping it. But Michael Bay does not care, everything he does is to create realistic visual effects, for this can be at any cost.

At the beginning of these two factors are Spielberg identified Michael Bay to direct the "Transformers" this film the best person important reference, but he himself never thought that these two factors can become a bargaining chip to persuade Michael Bay.

Lin Mingyang naturally thought of this, so in his description, those scenes of grand explosions and thrilling chase sequences in the story of "Transformers" were deliberately highlighted by him, and in the end became a powerful weapon to attract Michael Bay.

After hearing Lin Mingyang's account, Michael Bay immediately agreed to be the director of the movie. But Spielberg shook his head, the real script wasn't as wonderful as Lin Ming Yang described, and he was a little worried that Michael Bay would have a feeling of being duped after reading the real script.

In the midst of his turn of mind, an even stranger speculation popped into his head. Objectively speaking, the plot narrated by Lin Ming Yang had not departed from the original script, only that certain parts had been deliberately emphasized. On the surface, Lin Mingyang was using the method of casting a favorable light to increase his leverage in convincing Michael Bay, but Spielberg felt that Lin Mingyang was afraid that he had another deeper meaning in doing so.

Carefully recalling Lin Mingyang's description of the plot, Spielberg was shocked to find that Lin Mingyang seemed to be doing so with the intention of guiding Michael Bay's understanding of the filming of the film. He seems to have been sure that Michael Bay will definitely agree to be the director of the movie, and this is before Michael Bay himself personally nodded his head to agree, Spielberg's heart is not fully sure.

But Lin Mingyang did just that, he used this very clever way to tell Michael Bay how the movie should be shot.

Although this judgment was only Spielberg's inner guess, he always felt that this was what Lin Mingyang really had in mind. Before Michael Bay had access to the script, Lin Ming Yang had preemptively taken a place in Michael Bay's inherent concepts with his own understanding. By the time Michael Bay went through the script on his own, this notion would involuntarily affect him.

This was a psychological hint with extremely subtle and hidden means, and the more Spielberg thought about it in his heart, the more surprised he became. No matter how big Lin Ming Yang's fame was now, even if he became the youngest movie star in the history of the Oscars, in Spielberg's eyes, Lin Ming Yang was still a young man at the end of his schooling.

This kind of evaluation is not low in the eyes of Spielberg, but he now realized that he still underestimated this young man, especially when he examined the actor's background, he missed an important option, Lin Mingyang in Harvard majoring in the course is psychology!