Chapter 185 - Shocking Movie Watching Feeling (Previous)

George stood in a two-hour long line at the movie theater before he was able to buy a ticket for the opening day of the hit blockbuster Wanted, and all his friends around him were talking about this movie because it was the first R-rated movie starring Felix Lin, and the director high-profilely proclaimed that the film was filled with violent gore and bare-knuckle sex. Angelina Jolie, the Hollywood sex goddess, was cast opposite Felix in the movie, and there was speculation that the two would have some kind of "restricted" performance in the movie.

George used to not like watching movies, he preferred to buy DVDs of the film home to watch by himself, but his girlfriend Jenny is really a true movie fan, as many young people today, she is a faithful fan of Felix Lin. George has never which time to walk into a movie theater, feel such a sense of accomplishment, because from the beginning of the appearance of the girlfriend's Jenny's cell phone rang non-stop, none of her good friends around her to buy the premiere of the movie tickets, they are very envious of Jenny, George from the girlfriend's expression now, you can see her inner smugness.

"Well, you can come see the movie tomorrow just as well, and I promise I will never reveal the plot of the movie to you today...well, enough about that, the movie is about to start and I have to turn it off!" After Jenny finished talking to her best friend on the phone, she shoved her cell phone into her bag and then wrapped her arms around George's neck and gave him a passionate kiss.

This unexpected surprise thrilled George for half a day, as he and Jenny had been dating for over three months, and at their most intimate he had only ever held each other's hands. After the passionate kiss, Jenny excitedly tore into her popcorn and waited for the movie to start, while George excitedly pulled out his cell phone and he sent a text message to his friends announcing the good news.

By this time the overhead lights in the movie theater had gone out, but Jenny saw that George's cell phone screen was still glowing, "George, the movie is about to start, you should turn your phone off!"

The credits had begun to appear on the screen and silence fell around them, George had to lower his voice to a whisper, "I'll collect the last text message and then I'll turn it off right away!"

It didn't take long to wait and George's friend quickly sent him a text back. In the text message, the other party told George that a recent authoritative survey data showed that young men and women in the United States would kiss after a week of dating and have sex within a month, which was an average value obtained from a sample of 200,000 respondents. Based on this ratio, it took George three months to successfully kiss his girlfriend, which meant that it would take him a year before he could get into - bed with each other, and that was provided that Jenny was still George's girlfriend at that time.

The news made George not a little frustrated, and he kept his head down, even missing the opening credits description of the movie. By the time his attention returned to the screen, the scene had shifted to a company that was having a birthday party, where everyone was singing a birthday song while gathered around a desk, where a plump woman was waving her arms in excitement.

At the beginning of this movie, the director's intention of the camera treatment is obvious, so many people starring around the obese woman, surely it is to highlight the character, is she a powerful killer?

There were not a few viewers in the movie theater who had this absurd thought, when a narrator's voice rang out, everyone got excited, because the fans who were familiar with Lin Ming Yang, once they heard this, they knew that it was his voice.

The camera slowly panned back and then locked onto a guy in the crowd with black framed eyes, a dull gaze and a very old-fashioned hairstyle. Many people rubbed their eyes before they were sure that this lewdly styled man was the Lin Ming Yang they had been waiting for.

Compared to Lin Ming Yang's terrible styling, his portrayal of the male lead, Wesley, was even more disappointing. A man born to escape reality, he had already reached the point of mucking about at a young age, and his scatterbrained personality and indifferent attitude had forged the failure of his life.

Everyone believes that an idle slob like Wesley will only end up accomplishing nothing, and worst of all, even Wesley himself believes that the meaning of life, in his opinion, is to kill time and wait for death.

This somewhat boring self-monologue left the audience a bit bored, and the image played by Lin Ming Yang was so different from those roles he had performed before that the audience had a hard time accepting the change in his look in this movie.

Wesley mentioned his father at the end of the narration, and then the scene shifted to show a middle-aged man in a black trench coat with a cold look getting out of a cab and walking into a nearby building. Attentive viewers noticed that between his walks, his right hand kept covering the pocket of his trench coat, as if it contained something important.

He broke into an office regardless, the owner was on the phone, the other party asked questions suspiciously, but the man's eyes were fixed on the high-rise building across the floor-to-ceiling windows, a few builders were repairing the building, the situation seemed to be normal.

At that moment he pulled a silver bullet with a spiral groove out of his pocket and asked the owner of the office to help him identify the bullet's provenance, who, after looking at it with a magnifying glass, regrettably told him that the traces on the bullet had been cleanly handled and that the source could not be identified.

All the viewers were attracted by the exquisite workmanship of the bullet, even the bullet is so exquisite, are the killers in the movie a group of artists. Answering them was a scene of bloody headshots, before the owner of the office had a chance to finish her sentence, a bullet passed through her eyebrow, ending her life.

The construction workers on the other side of the building, who had just been human and unharmed, turned into merciless, life-sapping killers in the blink of an eye, and under their sniping, the original man in black rushed out of the office, knocking over all the people in the straight corridor. He pressed the button to open the door of the Eucalyptus elevator, and the anxiety revealed in his demeanor made the audience think that he was preparing to run for his life.

However, the situation once again exceeded people's imagination, the man pushed into the elevator and instead of running away, he turned his head, looked at the straight corridor, and made a ready position for running. A question came up in everyone's mind, what does this guy want to do?

Violently stomped backward, the metal wall of the elevator room was actually stomped by him dented, we have not yet had time to investigate the authenticity of this footage, the man flew towards the front. In order to emphasize his extraordinary speed at this moment, when he was running in slow motion, the strong wind he brought up after sprinting, the confetti on both sides of the corridor were scraped up, flying in the sky behind him.

The shot was obviously done with a very exaggerated presentation, but what the viewer really cared about was what exactly was he going to do? He was running towards the office that had just been attacked, and there were four enemy snipers on the roof of the large building across the street, was he preparing to die?

The moment he broke the window, all the viewers thought he would die for sure, but a miracle happened at this time. In the flying glass debris, his right hand took out a pistol from his pocket, in his opposite snipers haven't had time to react to the time, he fired two shots in a row, are a shot to the head.

George, who saw this scene, grew up in surprise, holding the popcorn that he hadn't had time to put in his hand that was on the edge of his mouth. The expressions of the audience around him were just as stunned as his, everyone was bowled over by the director's extreme imagination.

But the excitement didn't end, after killing two people in a row, the man in black glided in mid-air, his left hand took out another pistol with retro styling, and his hand deliberately threw it out when he fired, the bullets spewing out of the muzzle drew a bizarre arc, and directly exploded the head of the side of the sniper who was hiding behind the wall.

The last sniper had no time to aim, the man in black had already borrowed the huge inertia of the forward rush, crashed into the glass window of the building, disappeared in his line of sight, his head looking downward had just lifted up, and then he was blown up directly from behind.

The man in black in the movie looked at the four corpses on the ground with indifference, while the audience in the cinema was surprised at the man's extraordinary killing skills, his performance just now made the audience decide that he was definitely a very powerful killer for the movie.

At the same time the audience have suspicions, the film a dead man's cell phone suddenly rang, the man in black seems to know who sent these people to assassinate themselves, he answered the phone.

The caller seemed to know that it would turn out like this, the two people like old friends on the phone in the argument for a few sentences, and then the man in black is very arrogant to let out a rant: "Never send the little sheep to kill the big bad wolf!"

The person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to be threatened by him, and he actually told the man in black that the four dead killers were just a front. The black-clothed man was shocked and looked towards the bottom of his feet, finding an X-shaped mark drawn crookedly there, and he had just raised his head when his brow bulged, and a silver-colored bullet with blood plasma spurted out.

This guy who had such an arrogant appearance in the film and was untouchable was actually killed just like that, and it was not until the moment he was killed that everyone knew his name: Mr. X, a character who was destined to be nothing more than a drag queen in this film