Chapter 191: It's You

The building of the location in the Sevilla slums had been basically completed, and the various preparations for filming had entered the sweeping stage, but the male lead of the movie had been delayed, so when Lin Mingyang sat in the living room of Charlize Theron's hotel room, he was also rather silent and couldn't lift his spirits.

Theron said to Lin Mingyang, "My dear, I know why you are troubled, and I have a wonderful plan."

Lin Ming Yang looked lazy as he leaned back on the bed and said, "Could it be the trick just now?"

Theron reddened and straightened the dress she had just put on and said, "No kidding, I see that the crew's pre-preparation moves are almost over, and you told me every aspect of the filming of this movie, except for not mentioning the actors."

He couldn't help but yawn and said somewhat eagerly to Theron, "If you've got something good to say, you might as well tell."

Theron said, "Right now, what you need is an actor who can do the role of the movie, who is easy to use, and who doesn't ask for too much money."

Lin Ming Yang did desperately need such a talent, and seeing that Theron had gotten to the crux of the matter, he said even more eagerly, "My baby, go on quickly."

Theron continued, "I remembered someone - Sharlto Copley."

"It's him?" Lin Mingyang's mouth opened wide in surprise.


Theron and Sharlto hadn't known each other for very long, and the fame-less Sharlto had worked hard to find a gap in the upper echelons of South Africa's showbiz scene in order to find a future that was more favorable to him.

In the case of not receiving an invitation, he quietly slipped into the "Africa Beyond Foundation" charity cocktail party, this activity is invited to the South African showbiz celebrities, and it just so happened that Theron was also present. At the time, in the organizer's magnificent hall, the handsome men and women rubbed shoulders and danced together, flirting with each other, who did not notice the arrival of Sharlto.

At that time, Sharlto was living in poverty, financial constraints, not wearing a high-grade dress, look tired, he saw this red wine and greenery is quite uncomfortable, and the waiters also look down on this poorly dressed guy, no one to greet him.

And Theron was undoubtedly the brightest star of the whole reception, and those who could talk to her were all the titled figures in the South African entertainment industry. But Sharlto boldly walked right up to Theron at the end of a dance number and said, "Ms. Charlize, may I have the honor of asking you to move to the garden for a moment?"

Theron surveyed the fellow, whom she had never seen before, and was at first quite unimpressed, but then nodded involuntarily under the gaze of his pleading eyes.

The brief conversation in the garden had completely changed Theron's opinion of the plainly dressed man. Though Sharlto had initially only wanted something as trivial as to ask her to help her talk and get him a role in some random movie, Sharlto's humor and unique insights into acting during the conversation, as well as her newly-practiced Keigo's gentle, yet unobtrusive compliments, had made Theron readily agree to help and leave a lasting impression on the man.

So today, while rejoicing with Lin Mingyang, she couldn't help but think of Sharlto again and said, "That's an actor with extraordinary talent and intelligence, even though he doesn't have any fame."

When Lin Ming Yang heard the name Sharlto Copley, he couldn't help but feel a jolt in his heart, because it was the same actor that Nick had recommended to him, and now that Theron was also so optimistic about the other party, it made Lin Ming Yang suddenly have a strong interest in this Sharlto.

Thinking of this, Lin Ming Yang couldn't lie down, he put on his clothes and hurriedly kissed Theron on the cheek, "My dear, you are also an extraordinary treasure, I once promised someone else that I would reuse him, so now I'm going to go find him!"


Although Nick confidently promised Sharlto that Lin Mingyang would definitely consider Sharlto for the lead role in the movie after seeing the set of footage they had shot, Sharlto himself was worried because he had never had any formal acting experience and might not be able to get into Lin Mingyang's eyes.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that Felix Lin is definitely different from his director, because he's young, he's unconventional, this is a perfect opportunity for you!" Nick kept cheering him on.

Sharlto always felt that this was a bit unreliable, but Nick was so enthusiastic to help him, at this time he couldn't bear to brush off the other party's piece of goodwill, right to give it a try, and there was no loss to himself if he failed.

At this time, Nick's cell phone suddenly rang, the phone is from the crew side of the call, at first Nick did not expect will be Lin Mingyang, when the phone came from the other side of Lin Mingyang familiar voice, Nick simply can not believe that this is true.

"Nick...are you listening?" After half a day of not seeing a response from there, Lin Ming Yang thought that the landline in the office was broken, he tapped the microphone vigorously, and it was only then that Nick over there responded.

"Mr. Felix, I'm listening!"

"The actor you told me about last time..."

"Sharlto Copley!" Before Lin Mingyang could say the other person's name, Nick grabbed it and added it for him.

"Alright, it's this Sharlto Copley, how are you guys preparing?"

Lin Ming Yang took the initiative to ask, and Nick immediately felt that this was in the cards, "No problem, I guarantee that his performance will be able to satisfy you. I've already shot the movie, and I'm preparing to send it over..."

"You know, we're on a tight schedule." Lin Mingyang switched the microphone to the other side and clamped it on his shoulder, "You and that Shaktou..."

"Mr. Felix, it's Sharlto." Nick corrected.

South African English was very different from American English, so Lin Mingyang always got the other person's name wrong, "Well, you come with him and we'll meet."

"Now?" It was hard to hide the excited joy in Nick's tone, he could hear a very urgent flavor in Lin Ming Yang's words, if a more suitable actor couldn't be found in a hurry, then Sharlto's hopes would become great.

After hanging up the phone, Nick excitedly high-fived Sharlto in celebration. The excited Sharlto directly tumbled over the back of the sofa and hurriedly ran into the bedroom, rummaging through the closet and pulling out a large pile of clothes.

"Do you think I should dress formally or casually?" He changed into this one and looked in the mirror, feeling not very satisfied, then changed into another, feeling the cuffs were again a bit short.

"You're fine in the one you just wore, Felix Lin isn't a woman, he doesn't care what you wear." Nick chuckled, "I think we should leave right away or the other side won't be able to wait!"


Standing at the door of Lin Ming Yang's office, Nick didn't hastily raise his hand to knock on the door, he looked at Sharlto, who looked a little nervous beside him, "Man, are you ready?"

Sharlto gave a final straightening of his collar before giving Nick an affirmative look, "I think so!"

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Nick gave him one last pat on the shoulder, before raising his hand and knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

In the office, Lin Mingyang was discussing with the head of the special effects working group about how to synthesize the aliens in the film using CGI technology. When Nick and Sharlto came in, he just raised his head and glanced towards the door.

He had originally planned to receive Nick and his friend after he had finished the business at hand, but it was this hurried glance that froze his entire being. Lin Mingyang blinked vigorously, his gaze carrying an incredulous astonishment as he saw a very familiar face.

Lin Ming Yang swore that he was absolutely not mistaken, that Sharlto by Nick's side was the main character in a yet-to-be-released movie in his memory. I'm sure that all those who had seen Sky Dragon Specialists must have been impressed by the hilarious and crazy pilot in the movie. Although he didn't remember exactly what the name of the person who played that character was, Lin Ming Yang was certain that the guy who played that pilot was standing in front of him at this moment.

"Mr. Felix?" Jason from the special effects workgroup called out in a small voice, and only then did Lin Ming Yang come back to his senses.

"All those scenes that appeared in the movie where the aliens and humans interacted actually only required one person to act them out. It would be different from the traditional filming method, and the actor wouldn't be able to move too much, because the alien's head could appear nearby during the compositing, and he'd have to exercise some restraint while acting..."

"Jason, about the special effects production for the aliens, can we talk about it some other time?" Lin Ming Yang interrupted, "I'm sorry, but right now I might have more important things to deal with."

"Fine!" Since Lin Ming Yang had already given his "expulsion order", the head of the special effects department could only roll up the drawings he had brought with a depressed face, and before leaving, he even glanced curiously towards Nick and Sharlto, who were sitting on the sofa.

When he closed the door and left, Nick stood up from the sofa with some uneasiness, "Mr. Felix, we don't have anything too important, it's okay to wait for a while."

Sharlto nodded in agreement from the side, Lin Mingyang saw that both of them were a bit restrained, so he but smiled and pressed his hand, signaling for both of them to sit down and talk. Then he himself smilingly sat down opposite the two, "You guys are willing to wait a little longer, but I can't wait a little longer already."

With his butt back on the sofa, Sharlto no longer had the same casualness he had just had, he sat up straight, even if the director in front of him was a little too young, but even in South Africa, Sharlto had heard a lot of stories about Lin Ming Yang, and he didn't dare to underestimate this young man in any way.

"Then are you going to take a look at the sets of audition footage I brought in first?" Nick said with some impatience.

"Of course, but not now!" Lin Mingyang nodded and shook his head, confusing the two men sitting across from him.

"I mean, there's actually no need to be looking at it anymore, I think Mr. Sharlto is the leading man I need!" Lin Mingyang followed up with a sentence, he didn't speak loudly, but these last words were no less than rolling thunder in the ears of both Nick and Sharlto.

A second ago, they were still worried about whether Lin Mingyang's idea would change his mind in the middle of the process, and despite being well prepared, Lin Mingyang had still caught them off guard. Originally, they thought it would take a lot of talking, but Lin Mingyang's attitude changed so quickly, he came up with a final decision, not only was Sharlto surprised, it was Nick who was also at a loss.

Although he was happy about it, there was a lingering cloud of doubt in his mind, "Mr. Felix, you made such a decision before you've even seen Sharlto's performance, can I know why that is?"

"Two reasons, first of all I have to admit that it was a fantastic first impression, when Mr. Sharlto walked into the office you should have seen me freeze, at that moment I felt like the Wikus in the script was walking towards me." Lin Mingyang made up a very bluff excuse in the front, and what came after was the big truth:

"I can say with a straight face that in this movie, the male lead is just the thread that ties the whole plot together without much play, and the memorable scenes all take place after he's turned into an alien. In other words, the audience knows that the film revolves around such a person, but most viewers will quickly forget about the character once they walk out of the theater. If I find someone who is too eye-catching to play the role, the audience will pay too much attention to him as an individual, and instead, it will dilute the thinking about the plot, so what I need is someone who doesn't look so eye-catching to play the role, what I mean, Mr. Sharlto, are you able to understand?"

"My role is to guide the audience into the plot of the movie, just like the lens of a camera, what people need to care about is the picture in the lens, not the lens itself." Sharlto's response was quick, as soon as Lin Ming Yang's words fell he continued, "You need someone that people don't recognize and won't go overboard with their attention to play this role, and I just happen to meet all of your requirements."

"I just don't want the actor playing the male lead to steal the plot, this problem has been seen in many previous movies, where the audience's undue attention to a certain character will affect their understanding and judgment of the plot." Lin Mingyang nodded.

"But one thing is for sure, this movie won't make you an overnight sensation, but everyone is going to have an inexplicable affinity when they see your performance later on, and that's when people are going to think 'why does this guy look so familiar, has he acted in that movie before?' That curiosity will keep a lot of people in mind for your second movie."

"Then what about the second reason?" Lin Mingyang's words were like a pot of cold water, dousing his dream of overnight fame, but also making him recognize reality.

"Because besides Nick, there was another person who recommended you to me." Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "If Nick recommended you to me because you're his friend and that's why he recommended you to me, the other person has little to do with you, and she also thinks you're great, which made me consider meeting you in person before making a decision."

"May I know his name?" For a moment, Sharlto couldn't think of anyone other than Nick who could actually speak to Lin Mingyang. Because listening to Lin Mingyang's tone, that person played an even more important role in the whole thing than Nick. What made Sharlto feel puzzled was, when had he known such a big shot?

"Charlize Theron!"


If it wasn't for Lin Mingyang's reminder, Sharlto had almost forgotten that Theron had promised to introduce him. He himself had almost forgotten about it, so naturally he didn't expect Theron to keep his word. But what really surprised Sharlto was not the fact that Theron had actually done so, but the fact that Theron's words actually carried so much "weight".

Sharlto heart is naturally very grateful to Charlize Theron's recommendation, but did not know that Theron's "pillow wind" only succeeded in arousing Lin Mingyang's interest, and really let Lin Mingyang did not hesitate to decide to use him, in fact, is because of the latter part of the film, "Dragon Squad", Sharlto's role in the movie to Lin Mingyang's impression! very deeply, so much so that it influenced his decision making.

Sharlto, who was fully committed to his role, didn't bother to ponder over the relationship between Theron and Lin Ming Yang, because all the departments of the crew were ready to go, and immediately after the male lead was confirmed, filming officially started.

After more than a month of preparation, Lin Ming Yang had already conceptualized every shot in the film, and he knew exactly what he wanted when shooting, so when the final cut of the film was completed, there was hardly any extra footage left.

It is important to realize that this is not a full-fledged drama film, the use of faux-documentary filming techniques means that the film will be constantly switching shots, multiple perspectives to show the plot. To be able to connect all these messy clues together, it requires such clear thinking and terrifying imagination.

Because he was involved in every aspect of the movie from filming to post-production editing, Nick felt Lin Mingyang's difference more and more clearly. While admiring Lin Ming Yang, he was also surprised by his teacher Peter Jackson's foresight.

Peter Jackson had seen the huge potential in Lin Ming Yang early on, and he had recommended Nick to Lin Ming Yang's crew early on, but Nick had only realized his intentions at the end.