Chapter 199 - Miss, you've recognized the wrong person!

To say that the unluckiest guy in Hollywood at this time, Josh Schwartz is definitely considered one of them, in fact he is now at the point of no return. The cause of the matter was that he fell in love with a novel written by a female writer in New York, and bought out the rights of the other party for 450,000 dollars, and after he adapted the novel into a script, he found the producer of the CW TV station.

The two sides quickly agreed to work together, with the CW financing the TV series. This type of youth idol drama TV series has always been the object of favorable sponsorship by major clothing brands, Josh Schwartz played the signboard of cooperation with CW, and soon signed cooperation agreements with many clothing brands.

But at this time, the CW side but suddenly in addition to some changes, the original responsible for contact with Josh Schwartz that producer suddenly left, and Josh Schwartz went to find CW TV, but was told that the funds are tight, the shooting postponed indefinitely. Because the two sides had only reached a verbal agreement, Josh Schwartz did not expect the CW to change its mind in the middle of the movie.

But Josh Schwartz had already gotten his hands on the money from those costume sponsors and had already spent a lot of it in the process of scouting for cast members. If the TV series could not be filmed as scheduled, he would be sued by those sponsors for breach of contract.

These days Josh Schwartz didn't dare to answer any phone calls at all, he had been looking for suitable investors for the TV series, but the other TV stations either lacked enough interest in the scripts he had written, or the price they offered was too low for him to accept. During this period of time, the lawyers of the sponsors kept coming to his door, and Josh Schwartz now had to wear sunglasses when he went out in case he was caught by the lawyers of the other side.

At noon, he stepped out of his apartment building and reached for a cab, but when he touched the empty wallet in his pocket, he put his hand down and decided to take the subway to save money.

Standing on the street for his own down and out sighing Josh Schwartz was about to take a step, behind him suddenly a voice rang out, "Mr. Schwartz, you are ready to go out?"

Normal people hear others call their name, should turn back, but Josh Schwartz did an unexpected action, he did not turn back at all, but ignored straight forward.

"Mr. Schwartz!" The man who called him thought that Schwartz didn't hear himself and shouted again, but instead of stopping, Schwartz accelerated his steps, but the man continued to chase after him relentlessly, blocking his way.

Blocked in front of Josh Schwartz is a tall blonde beauty, although the other side with large sunglasses, can not see the face, but with Schwartz years of practice "eyes of fire", he concluded that the other side is a beauty.

Previously, if there is a beautiful woman in the street to their own accosting, this is Josh Schwartz begged for the encounter, but now he does not think that the other side will stop themselves for no reason, so he made the first move: dead not recognize.

"Miss, I'm sure you've got the wrong person, I'm not any Mr. Schwartz!" Josh Schwartz had a facial expression to match when he said this, and it was obvious that he had used this excuse so many times that even his expression had gotten to the point where he was able to put it in and out.

"Mr. Schwartz, I'm Blake Flatley, we've met before, are you done?" The beautiful woman who had blocked his way removed her sunglasses, and only then did Schwartz get a good look at her face.

"So it's you!" Josh Schwartz let out a long breath of relief as he looked around warily before pulling Fleury aside, "Didn't I already have someone inform you of've seen the situation I'm in now, I've been chased up the ass by those sponsor's lawyers all day you think this TV show is still going to get made? "

"Mr. Schwartz, but I..." before Fleurie Flower could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the other party.

Josh Schwartz shook his head with a resolute attitude, "There are no more buts, the TV series can't be filmed, and the role I talked to you about before will naturally be null and void... Maybe in a few days I will receive a summons from the court, and at that time, you'll have to go to the prison even if you want to look for me... I'm busy thinking of a way out right now, so I don't have time to go through any more serious explanations with you, so it's over, okay?"

After saying that he turned his head and left, Frehley cried and laughed as he shouted after him, "Mr. Schwartz, I know someone who can help you!"

Hearing these words, Josh Schwartz suddenly stopped, he doubted if his ears were wrong, but seeing Frehley's certain expression, he felt that the other party shouldn't be joking with him.

"Ms. Blake, are you telling the truth?"

"I came to you for this very thing!" Flatley helplessly shrugged his shoulders, "But you didn't even give me a chance to speak."

In order to firmly grasp this life-saving straw, Josh Schwartz immediately piled up an ingratiating smile on his face, "I don't know who is the person you are talking about, and can he really help me?"

Frehley pointed to an SUV parked on the side of the road, "He is in that vehicle, if you have any doubts you can just ask him."


Lin Ming Yang looked at Josh Schwartz, who was sitting in the passenger seat with an apprehensive look on his face, and said very directly, "I definitely can't help you, but I can give you a chance to help yourself!"

"I'm a little unclear about what you mean..." blinked Schwartz, "I'm in a really difficult situation right now."

"The situation is a bit different from what I imagined, you actually pulled in so many sponsorships from clothing brands before you officially signed the agreement with the investors. Originally I thought I was already very bold, but now it seems you're even better than me!" Lin Ming Yang gently patted the steering wheel in his hand, "I don't mean to be sarcastic when I say this, in fact if nothing happens to your plan, this will be a very good plan commercially."

Schwartz smiled bitterly, "But I still failed."

"Maybe you didn't have much luck." Lin Ming Yang expressed a sympathetic nod, "I heard about this drama from Fleury, and frankly I'm very interested in your script, so right now I have two sets of cooperation proposals on my hands for you to choose from."

Lin Ming Yang raised the first finger, "You make a suitable offer, I'll buy your script and the rights to the TV series together, while the contracts you signed with those clothing brands before are still valid, and I'll try to fulfill their requirements in the shooting of the TV series. This way you will neither go bankrupt nor get sued in court!"

Immediately after that, he raised his second finger: "I'll pay for the investment in filming the TV series, the copyrights will go to me, you'll be the producer, and then 30% of the proceeds after it's aired will go to you!"

Either option was actually a bit of robbing while the fire was still burning, but the conditions Lin Ming Yang gave were already very generous, and both emotionally and rationally, Josh Schwartz was partial to choosing the second set of cooperation options.

The most helpless thing was that faced with this multiple choice question, Josh Schwartz had no other options left.


Lin Mingyang's appearance was like an angel descending into hell, instantly rescuing Josh Schwartz from the depths of the water, those costume sponsors who were ready to take him to court immediately changed their attitudes one hundred and eighty degrees as soon as they heard that Lin Mingyang had taken over the shooting of this TV series. The executives of CW even caught wind of the situation and immediately sent relevant representatives to find Lin Ming Yang, hoping to buy the broadcasting rights of this TV series.

Josh Schwartz thought that Lin Mingyang should have "knocked" the other side hard, but Lin Mingyang sold the TV rights of "Gossip Girl" to CW TV at a very low price, which made Josh Schwartz fall into a big surprise.

"If it was only sold for this price, I would have just partnered directly with another TV station in the first place... I really find it hard to believe that you would accept such a contract, at the CW's bid, we wouldn't even be able to recover our costs!" With his own interests at stake, Josh Schwartz had to go to Lin Ming Yang to seriously negotiate.

"We'll definitely have trouble recovering our costs from the TV broadcasting piece alone..."

Before Lin Ming Yang could finish his sentence, Josh Schwartz impatiently interrupted him, "Even if we add in the sales of DVDs, I see that the revenue is still very limited!"

"These are not the main channels for TV series to profit in my opinion, you're overlooking a very important form of distribution, that's the internet!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "What I'm selling to CW is only the broadcasting rights for TV, the network can update the episodes simultaneously, YouTube will be our network partner this time!"

"No one will pay to click and watch the episodes on the internet when they can be seen on TV." Josh Schwartz is not a fan of this novel network partnership model.

"YouTube is a free video sharing website, you still need to pay to watch TV, but on this website everyone can just click and watch online, that's completely free." Lin Mingyang explained.

Josh Schwartz felt a bit amused, "Then what makes us make money?"

"Viewing is free, but users have to pay if they want to download it from the internet." Lin Mingyang appeared to be very patient in the explanation of this issue, there is always a cognitive process of accepting new things, "You must say that the downloads are limited, after all, not all people will watch a TV series twice. The biggest source of income for webcasting is still in the advertisement share. TV fights for viewing points, but we rely on the number of clicks, which is a considerable amount of income. Don't forget that the audience of this TV series, the young people of today, their viewing habits are not limited to using TV only. Do you know why the ratings of those popular youth idol dramas have been unable to compete with family ethical dramas?"

Josh Schwartz shook his head blankly.

Lin Mingyang smiled slightly, "Because the ones holding the remote control in front of the TV are always those middle-aged women!"