Chapter 202 - Who is the real master?

  Lin Ming Yang completed that difficult shuttle maneuver without any danger, in addition to Jessica Alba, who was holding her silent hand in the distance and praying for him, the director behind the monitor, Sam Raimi, also broke the rules and crossed himself on his chest, that's if you know that he's never been a believer.

  Since the embrace in the dressing room, Lin Mingyang and Alba between an additional layer of indescribable feelings, manifested in the shooting is the two of them against the scene became more and more tacit understanding.

  The most exciting action scene in the movie is the final battle between Spider-Man and Lizardman, but this half-hour-long battle, the real need for Lin Mingyang's actual shooting is not a lot of footage, the special effects team scanned all of his dynamic data into the computer, the vast majority of the film's exciting shots, are pure computer synthesis, Lin Mingyang needs to do is in the studio to swing his fists into the air, or at the request of the special effects technician, Lin Mingyang is the only way to make the film, and the most effective way to make the film, the most effective way to make the film. The only thing Lin Mingyang needed to do was to swing his fists into the air in the studio, or make all sorts of weird and wacky movements at the request of the special effects technicians to match their data collection.

  After this boring shoot, the movie entered a long post-production period, and Lin Mingyang had no reason to stay on the set, so he returned to Harvard a month after the start of the school year. The biggest change for him in this "late return" was that the brass-colored doorplate of dormitory H33 had disappeared, for which he almost went to the wrong dormitory, and when he stood in front of the dormitory door and looked around, Green Nutt happened to come back from class.

  "Felix?" he exclaimed, unable to hide the look of surprise on his face.

  "Is it necessary for you to appear so surprised to see me?" Lin Mingyang inserted his hands, a puzzled expression on his face, "Does that mean I've become an unwelcome fellow here?"

  "No... no!" Nat waved his hand in a hurry, "I mean you failed two classes last semester, and we're all speculating whether you'll continue to come back to school this semester... please don't get me wrong, but I don't think there's actually much point in you staying in school anymore, do you really need a Harvard diploma that badly? "

  He rambled on for a long time before finally stepping forward and extending his right hand to Lin Ming Yang: "Well, I'm glad you're back!"

  After shaking hands, the two of them smiled at each other before Lin Ming Yang asked about the missing door tag, "What was that all about?"

  Nat stammered and hesitated for half a day before explaining helplessly, "It's something we took off on purpose because during this period of time I don't know who that fucker was that posted your address in Harvard on the internet, and now every day there are fans of yours visiting, and all the time we spent inside our dormitory was constantly opening doors and dealing with those guys . ...and then we came up with this idea that after we took off the door tag, there really weren't as many people knocking on the door as there used to be."

  "I'm so sorry!" Lin Ming Yang realized that even if he wasn't at school, he was still causing his friends a lot of "trouble".

  "Don't say that, it's not your fault." Nat patted Lin Ming Yang's shoulder, then inserted the key into the lock hole and twisted open the door to the room, then made an inviting gesture towards the inside: "Our big star, welcome back to H33!"

  "Welcome what...who are you welcoming?" The two had just entered the foyer when Billy Olsen's familiar tone came from the living room, followed by the sound of slippers "snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping, snapping", and this inquisitive fellow soon appeared in front of Lin Ming Yang.

  "Felix!"Billy Olsen's exclamation of surprise was much more exaggerated than Green Nutt's, and he busily ran over before giving Lin Ming Yang a bear hug, "It's great that you're back...without you in this room, it's as if something is missing in our hearts.... missing something...I thought you would never come back!"

  Speaking later, this guy had already started blinking his eyes, as if he was going to make a tearful and touching scene, but Lin Ming Yang knew what this guy was all about, and he made a stop gesture, stopping Olsen from continuing with his melodramatic performance, "I think your guy's performance can really go on to win an Oscar for the movie!"

  "Even you think so!" Olsen automatically left out the sarcastic implications of Lin Ming Yang's words as he stood there smugly, "I feel the same way... but can I see your little gold man? You've won two Oscars now, it must feel great to have one in one hand!"

  "Maybe!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged, and while talking, the rest of his eyes saw that there seemed to be someone else sitting in the living room, and was looking curiously this way.

  "When did Klin become shy, I remember this is not his style." Lin Ming Yang thought at first that it was his roommate Klin, but Billy Olsen shook his head, "Klin is probably still in class at this moment, that's a friend of mine in the living room, I think you'll be surprised to see him, come on, let's go, I'll introduce you guys!"


  Lin Ming Yang was indeed surprised, because that friend of Billy Olsen's looked so much like someone that he nearly mistook him for someone when they met.

  "Jesse Eisenberg, just graduated from the New School in New York last year, he is now a full-time actor." Billy Olsen was satisfied with this look of surprise on Lin Ming Yang's face right now, "Am I right, doesn't Jesse look a lot like that guy from before?"

  Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Mark's face is a bit longer than his, but I admit they do look alike!"

  Olsen twisted his head around in satisfaction and said smugly to this friend of his, "Jesse, see I was right, even Felix thinks so, which only proves that you and our former roommate really do look alike."

  "The one who started Facebook?" Jesse Eisenberg shrugged helplessly, "Maybe that's a good thing!"

  Olsen joked, "Of course, you should be grateful, if it looks like Felix, then I guess you'll never get ahead in Hollywood for the rest of your life with this guy around!"

  "I think you should be more glad that you don't want to look like this Billy Olsen guy, otherwise you won't be able to enter Hollywood in your whole life!" Green Nutt coldly ventured out from the side, ruthlessly poking Olsen in the face.

  Watching this pair of living treasures begin to fight again, Lin Ming Yang smiled rather helplessly towards Jesse Eisenberg, "Ignore the two of them, living together but bickering non-stop, it's been two years, it's always been like this!"

  Although both Nat and Olsen had gotten used to treating Lin Ming Yang as an ordinary person, Jesse Eisenberg subconsciously still thought of him as a big star, and inevitably got a little bit rattled when he spoke, "I think they're both talking a lot of and reason!"

  "Don't think like that, when I was still in high school, some people said I looked like Keanu Reeves, but the truth is who you look like has nothing to do with whether you can succeed or not."

  Lin Ming Yang saying this made Jesse Eisenberg feel a lot better in his heart, and when he chatted with Lin Ming Yang again, he was a lot less restrained.

  "I thought you didn't live at the school very often...I didn't realize that you actually lived with the past, Olsen always bragged about it to us, but everyone didn't really believe it."

  Lin Ming Yang nodded in understanding and said, "For Olsen, we don't think what you did was wrong...I mean this guy is really unreliable in some ways."

  Glancing at Olsen over there, who was arguing with Glynn Nutt in a face-to-face fight, Jesse Eisenberg laughed, "Who's to say otherwise?"

  Lin Ming Yang asked curiously, "I heard that you're a professional actor, what kind of movies have you acted in?"

  "My on-screen debut was the 1999 TV program Love's First Experience" Jesse Eisenberg looked at Lin Ming Yang's bewildered face when he heard the name, and hurriedly explained, "It's a set of campus love dramas, in which I only played a small role, and that year and I starred together There was also Anne Hathaway."

  "She was beautifully dressed at the Oscars this year...but I don't know her well." Lin Ming Yang was a bit emotional at this statement, the same drama with no fame to speak of, when the two participants had very different encounters. Anne Hathaway had risen to fame, while Jesse Eisenberg remained obscure.

  Jesse Eisenberg's performance in the 2002 independent film Shocking Education won him the Best Newcomer Award at the San Diego Film Festival. He suddenly became confident when talking about this movie.

  "If it wasn't for the great script of 'Sex Education Shock,' I probably would have gone to college like my father wanted me to," he says. Acting in 'Sex Education Shocker' has been the biggest change for me. Just like writing a novel, the difference between a blank page and the first page is a matter of life and death, while the difference between the first page and the 100th page is not so difficult. Carving out your own career as an actor, it's a matter of life and death to be in a good movie, and it's not so hard to go from being in one good movie to being in 20 in between."

  Just as Jesse Eisenberg was chatting to Lin Ming Yang about his acting experience, the argument between Billy Olsen and Glyn Nutt over there had also come to an end, the two of them sitting on opposite ends of the sofa in a huff and not saying anything, but just glaring viciously at each other.

  In order to ease this tense atmosphere, Lin Ming Yang asked, "Have you guys heard from Mark lately?"

  "I left him a message on Facebook, he hasn't replied for months, and he also blocked my privileged account, I can no longer view the photos of those beautiful women or the phone numbers in their address book when I'm not a friend..." as soon as he mentioned Mark Zuckerberg. Olson was full of complaints, "but you should have an easier time contacting the guy than we do, you're a major Facebook shareholder, aren't you aware of his situation?"

  Lin Mingyang explained, "We had a deal, I rarely get involved in company management matters...and he and I haven't been in contact for over a month."

  "But he must not have canceled the internal privileges of your account." Olsen muttered with a bit of an uproar.

  "Because Felix wouldn't use that kind of privilege for anything more than snooping on people's privacy." Glynn Nutter's sarcasm brought the tension back to the two men who had eased up.

  "I did read a biographical novel about Mark Zuckerberg recently, the name was long I can't quite remember it, but it was an interesting read, and it mentioned a lot about you guys." Jesse Eisenberg suddenly interjected at this time.

  "Someone even wrote a biography for that guy, I thought that was only for the dead... Tell me, how am I depicted in it?" Olsen was instantly interested.

  Jesse Eisenberg looked at him with some difficulty, looking like he was about to say something, while Glyn Nutt, who was sitting at the end of the couch, bluntly told the truth.

  "The name of that book is Purely Coincidental Billionaires: the story of the Facebook start-up, a saga of sex, money, genius and betrayal" he said in one long breath, "I've read that book, and the author fictionalized a great deal of the plot entirely to attract readers, and in that book you're just casually mentioned, it's Mark's biography, no one pays attention to an irrelevant person."

  "Irrelevant person?" Olsen's eyes widened, "I was his roommate, and I gave him quite a few ideas for the original Facebook. Jesse, you've read the book, telling that guy is a lie!"

  Jesse Eisenberg sat there awkwardly, "Actually he's right, your name was only mentioned maybe four or five times in that book, and each time it was a passing reference..."

  An emotional Billy Olsen couldn't help but burst out, "How could that author do that, he's ignoring basic facts."

  Nat ignored Olson's yelling and said to himself, "I don't think that guy interviewed Mark at all, the whole book is just a patchwork of hearsay stories...but it does mention quite a bit about Felix!"

  "About me?" Now even the absent-minded Lin Ming Yang became interested, "What does it say?"

  "Of course it's exaggerating your encounter with Mark, and then painstakingly trumpeting how compatible you are with each other, and how you plot all those major events on campus together... If you leave out the content about Mark, I don't think it's any different from reading those newspaper gossip stories about you!" In Glyn Nutter's eyes, this book was simply awful.

  Jesse Eisenberg listened to them as you and I talked, the look on his face changed from one of skepticism to one full of gravity, "I can't believe that book is actually made up, quite a few of my friends have read it and a lot of them take what's in it seriously!"

  Grimm-Nat grunted coldly, "The truth of the matter isn't as cool as you see it, except for the names of the people involved in it, you can basically see it as a fantasy-type work!"

  "We should join Mark in suing that guy, he's misrepresenting the facts in his book, and it's already seriously damaging our reputation!" Olson jumped in and said excitedly.

  "I forgot to add that the book is supposed to respect the facts in its description about you." Grim-Nat glared at him without any good humor, "Neither of the two protagonists have spoken, it's not your turn to sue!"

  "Felix, are you just going to sit back and do nothing?" Olsen didn't get discouraged and turned to start agitating Lin Mingyang.

  "I think the author of this book wrote it for the purpose of becoming famous, and if Mark and I join our names to sue him, it might be exactly the result he wants. Since this book was able to be published, that author must have already thought of an excuse to absolve himself."

  Olsen said with reluctance, "But just like that?"

  "In court, even if we win, but what will that prove?" Lin Mingyang asked rhetorically, "If we use this way to tell people that what the book says is false, then what is the truth?"

  Lin Mingyang's words caused both Olsen and Green-Nat to fall into deep thought, and he continued, "Since we don't think that what that book tells us is true enough, then we have to come up with a convincing truth."

  "You're really going to tell all?" Grim Nath looked at Lin Ming Yang with some doubts, "But the truth is not as exciting as everyone thinks, I think even if you come forward to clarify the truth, people will still be more biased towards the author of that book in their sentiments, even though he has deviated from the truth, I have to admit that he has made up a very appealing story."

  "Do you think all the other readers are stupid?" Olson began to sing "opposite" to Nat again.

  Under normal circumstances, Lin Mingyang would have remained neutral when these two had an argument, but this time he chose to stand on Nat's side.

  "Nat is right, the reasoning is very simple, just like people know that most of the lace news in the entertainment newspapers are fabricated and false, but people still like to read it and are even willing to believe that it's true, that's the entertainment effect. In the same way, even if I come out and tell people the truth, but that truth if boring, people will still choose to believe that more interesting version."

  The more Olson listened, the more confused he became, "After all you guys have said, what the hell are we supposed to do?"

  Grim-Nat suddenly laughed at this time, because just a moment ago, he finally understood Lin Mingyang's idea, but other than Lin Mingyang, everyone else had a puzzled expression on their faces.

  "You guys dare to laugh at me?" Olsen took Nat's fit of laughter as his provocation of himself, and he rolled up his sleeves and jumped up, luckily for him, there was a calmer Jesse Eisenberg sitting next to him, and he hastily pulled back the impudent fellow.

  "Nat, can you explain this to us?" Jesse Eisenberg pleaded.

  "Do you think it is necessary for me to ridicule an ignorant fellow?" Glynn Nutter glanced at Olsen with contempt, "Have you forgotten who's the master storyteller here?"

  With those words, the eyes of all the people looked at Lin Mingyang in unison.