Chapter 223: The Top

This year's Oscars, the writers returned at the most opportune moment, giving the stars and bosses better speeches and "improvised" humor, so the scene showed more harmony.

But with the scene of the happy different, most of this year's award-winning works are to human nature is ugly, moral degradation, or at least bad people, children learn bad, lovers are difficult to get married, and so on, review the Oscars list, this year blowing the black hurricane wind, most of the films reflect the dark side of human nature, but also full of rich humanistic care, experience of survival.

In the technical categories awarded at the outset, Kevin O'Connell, who has been nominated 19 times in 24 years in defeat, continued to lose for the 20th time. With the summer box office bomb represented by Transformers a total debacle, the leaner Spy Kids 3 won a full house.

The perfect soundtrack in a bustling downtown, the creative handling of fights and car crashes, and the powerful editing that allows the action to evolve into the next dimension seem to mark the beginning of the transition of the techno-cinema genre to the "no-nonsense" genre at the turn of the century, as it "skyrocketed". The transition to the "no-nonsense". So "Spy 3" three mentioned three, won the best editing, best sound editing, best sound effects, and "Transformers" such luxury fireworks a basket of the traditional sense of Hollywood masterpiece, in the breeding of change and originality "Spy" in front of the noble head down.

If "Transformers" lost in sound effects is not wrong, then the best visual effects of the small gold medal of the side even exudes a few eerie flavor. Dark Matter: The Golden Compass took the Best Visual Effects award from Transformers as a dark horse. In the technical awards, "the higher the box office, the easier it is to win" the iron law was reversed, 180 million dollars of elaborate parallel worlds and "zoo" in the minds of experts in the end, but still thwarted the "small to win" Transformers. "Transformers".

In order to please the writers who have just ended their strike, the Oscars have also adjusted the order of the awards, moving the screenwriting awards back to increase the weight of the awards in people's minds.

The Best Adapted Screenplay award was won by "No Country for Old Men" without any doubt, and before inviting the next award presenter to present the award, the host of the show, Mr. Stewart, interjected: "No Country for Old Men got the award for Best Adapted Screenplay, and the screenwriting category is often a wind vane for the later heavyweight awards, and the most of the scene is another strong contender, and I would like to interview Mr. Felix, who is sitting on the stage, and he is the most important person. I'd like to have a live interview with Mr. Felix, who is sitting on the stage. Does the award for "No Country for Old Men" make you feel any pressure?"

Turning to the camera, Lin Ming Yang held his hands in a series of bland clasps, with no intention of opening his mouth at all.

Stewart made a fool of himself, but he didn't sulk on his face, he just smiled awkwardly, "It seems Felix doesn't want to answer this question right now, so will this next award tell us the answer...please welcome our next award guest!"

The guest of honor responsible for presenting the Best Original Screenplay Award walked onto the stage with quick steps, and after flirting with the host for a few moments, he opened the envelope in his hand.

All of the audience at the scene held their breath, and thousands of pairs of eyes were focused on that awarding guest. Originally, this award wouldn't be taken so seriously by people, but this edition was different, because the homecoming of this award was the first round of PK between the two popular award-winning films, "No Country for Old Men" had already gone down first, and whether or not "The Social Network" could come back to win the game depended on whether or not it could win the game back, it depended on whether or not it could win the game back, it depended on whether or not it could come back.

"I'm suddenly a little nervous right now, because I know everyone is concerned about the outcome, but things seem to be a little different than what you might have guessed, and I'm announcing that the winner of this year's Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay is... Juno!"

When the award presenter announced the result in a loud voice, the whole audience was silent, the box-office success of "The Social Network" actually lost to a small-budget independent film, the comedy story of a teenage girl's unmarried pregnancy beat out the "alternative" biography of business figure Mark Zuckerberg, and the little-known screenwriter Diablo Corti will be the winner of the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for "Juno". Felix Lim...

After this series of exclamations, there was a round of applause, and when the winners went on stage, the live camera was once again pointed at Lin Mingyang. He was also applauding, but his face must have been a little unnatural after such an "accident" with the prize he was so determined to win.

Receiving the gold medal, Diablo Corti was so excited that she burst into tears, before she made her acceptance speech, Stewart wasted no time in giving her a live interview, "Corti, do you know how special this award is for you?"

Diablo Coty replied with a choked up tone, "I think so, I never thought I would actually get this honor, it all seems like a dream!"

Stuart asked with a sense of humor, "The Oscars give out the same award every year, but not every winner is remembered forever, do you know why that is?"

Diablo Corti shook his head, and then Stewart explained, "Because the same awards carry different weights, and not every winner is able to meet formidable opponents; The Shawshank Redemption drank its way to the glory of Forrest Gump, and today, Juno won by beating out a recognized masterpiece like The Social Network . ...You won't mind if I say so, Felix!"

Lin Ming Yang took the microphone in feigned anger and questioned, "If I say I mind, will you shut up?"

The audience on stage burst into laughter, and Stewart wasn't embarrassed as he smiled, "If the audience doesn't mind tuning in to silent TV, I can indeed consider this suggestion of yours...well, Coty, you can make your own acceptance speech now"

At this point in time, Lin Ming Yang's heart was indeed lost, but he still had to maintain his surface demeanor. What Lin Ming Yang valued was not the Best Screenplay award itself, but the tendency of the judges as reflected by the attribution of this award. The fact that the Best Original Screenplay went to another family made it doubtful whether The Social Network would win the next two nominations.


Juno's blowout win over The Social Network was just the beginning of an unusual Oscars, as the four major acting awards that followed were filled with international faces, leaving Hollywood's homegrown actors in the dust.

Two Brits, a Spaniard and a Frenchman made up the final lineup of this year's acting Oscar winners. Compared to Daniel Day-Lewis and Javier Bardon, who won without a doubt, the lead actress and supporting actress battles were fierce.

Additional points for cameo and pregnancy didn't bring Cate Blanchett any luck, and the aptly named Theos Ronan and the venerable Ruby Tee didn't benefit from age or skin color. The supporting actress gold medal, which has been promoting newcomers from their home countries for years, has generously sent congratulatory gifts to British powerhouses across the ocean, which has made the crisis of "not enough youth" in Hollywood actresses more eye-catching than ever before.

As if the Brits and English-speaking Spaniards weren't shocking enough, the Parisian girl who went to Hollywood to be crowned is the ultimate embodiment of the American dream.

Marion Cotillard became the second Oscar winner after Sophia Loren to win the Oscar for "acting in a foreign language," even though she comes from France, a country that is not normally associated with Hollywood. The important thing is that she acted with reckless abandon, perhaps over-exerting herself and playing back the original song in her voice, but with a more heartfelt exuberance than a hesitant reserve that was more appreciated and favored by the little gold medalist.

The result is a bitter rebuke from the Motion Picture Academy to Hollywood's homegrown actresses, especially the younger generation. Those girls who are surrounded by scandals and unnecessary fights may still have their stars, but they can't sing the main role in the Oscars, and most of them can only enjoy the care of the Golden Acid Plum one day in advance; the lack of female protagonists, so that the big studios out of the queen of the opportunity in front of the work of the independent department of the worthless, which is also difficult to hide the defects under the wave of Hollywood's commercial blockbusters.

No Country for Old Men has already won Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor, while The Social Network, a strong competitor predicted by the media, still has an embarrassing zero behind it. Lin Mingyang was still able to smile at the live camera with a breezy face, but Eckles, who was sitting on the side, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, constantly twisting his buttocks to change his sitting position, his eyes revealing worry and anxiety.

The stage was star-studded with beautiful women, filled with emotion and tears, while the stage was filled with applause and hugs, this was the Oscar that the audience saw. The backstage of the Oscars is a different landscape, perhaps less scenic, less emotional, but real and lovely.

The freshly minted Oscar winner had just stepped backstage when Forest Whitaker, who was presenting her with the award, embraced her in a hug, a no-show embrace that lasted at least a minute. They then stared at each other and let out heartfelt smiles. Marion was so excited that she waved and cheered to all the backstage crew, "This is crazy, this is crazy, oh la la la la, this is surreal!"

Backstage, the restrooms were another hot spot at the Kodak Theater. While the stars were frantic on stage, they were so nervous offstage that they frequently went to the restroom. Katherine Heigl Forest Whitaker was all waiting in line to use the restroom, and Javier Bardon went into the restroom clutching his freshly minted Best Supporting Actor statuette. Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill, the two guests in charge of presenting the awards show's main attractions, Best Director and Best Picture, were ready backstage early, but Hill thought for a moment that it would be better to take a quick convenience break, so the two joined the waiting line.

Luckily there was no line for the men's restroom, and the two didn't miss the awards. When Seth Rogen came on stage, the host Stewart even flirted with him jokingly, asking him about the backstage situation in the meantime.

Seth Rogen recounted what he had seen and heard in the backstage restroom, and the backstage anecdote of celebrities squeezing into the restroom drew a burst of laughter from the audience onstage, which more or less dispelled the nervousness of some of the audience prior to the promulgation of the awards, but such jokes did not have a significant effect on the several award-winning nominees.

Lin Mingyang pursed his lips, his face still had the same bland expression, but those who sat next to him and observed carefully would have noticed that his fingers pinched the armrests of the seat with great force, and because of the prolonged exertion, the knuckles had turned a little white. And over there, the director of "No Country for Old Men", the two Kos Brothers had already made a silent prayer gesture.

At this moment of great anticipation, the nervous ones were not only the audience on the stage, but the hand of the award presenter, Seth Rogen, who opened the envelope, was also trembling slightly. He pulled open the envelope and quickly glanced towards the top, the stunned expression on his face only paused for less than half a second, and then turned into a relieved smile.

"I announce that the winner of this year's Oscar for Best Director is...Felix Lin!"

The first ones to erupt into loud cheers on stage were those young audience members sitting in the back rows, throughout the award ceremony, the winning films were not movies they liked or were familiar with, and many of them were lethargic, and the clapping of their hands appeared to be breathless. At this time they finally heard a familiar name, all the passion and applause gushed out at this moment.

Led by them, a sea of applause swept across the room, rendered by this frenzied atmosphere, the host Stewart excitedly shouted, "Ladies and gentlemen, today we once again witnessed a miracle, the youngest director in the history of the Oscars was born...Felix, don't be too busy to embrace now, come to the stage! "

Lin Mingyang received one of the longest lasting rounds of applause in the room, and in the midst of the endless cheers, he ascended the stage and received the trophy from the guest of honor, Seth Rogen, before raising it high above his head, his hand holding the trophy waving it forcefully towards the stage.

Until he placed the trophy on the speaker's platform, his mouth came to the microphone in front of him, the applause and cheers under the stage which gradually subsided. Standing on the side of the host Stewart anachronistically interjected: "My God, this applause lasted for 3 minutes and 26 seconds, the birth of another Oscar record!"

Lin Mingyang glanced at him sideways, "Dear Mr. Stewart, may I begin?"

Mr. Stewart "obediently" chose to shut up, and then made a please gesture towards Lin Ming Yang.

"I can't find a very accurate word to describe my feelings at this moment, I've prepared a long list of people I need to thank here, all the people who have participated in the filming and production of The Social Network are on this list, and here I especially need to thank all the members of the Harvard University's Kirkland Residence Hall H33 dormitory, Glynn Nutt, Billy Olsen, thank you! Both of you for your selfless help and friendly appearances during the filming of this movie, and my time with you will be some of the most cherished memories of my life; as for Mark, I'm not sure if you're tuning in to the Oscars live tonight, but I still want to say..."

"At the beginning of The Social Network movie, your ex-girlfriend had predicted your future, and she was wrong. You're a great entrepreneur, a visionary, an altruist... The truth is I never thought you were a pure moral superior, but I also never regretted knowing you as an ambitious 'asshole', and the truth is that you're the one I should be most thankful to regarding this movie! "

From the stunned expressions of the audience on stage, it was easy to see how much of a shock Lin Ming Yang's words had given them. In fact there have been many different versions circulating about the relationship between Lin Mingyang and Mark Zuckerberg. Some people said that they were close partners, because Lin Mingyang helped Mark create Facebook and achieved Mark's glory today; while others thought that their relationship was like water and fire, otherwise Lin Mingyang wouldn't have made a movie like The Social Network that made people have mixed feelings about Mark, and then resolutely chose to quit when Facebook's stock price was skyrocketing . ...and of course one of the most boring claims is the rumor that the two are gay.

The fact that Lin Ming Yang thanked Mark Zuckerberg so openly in his acceptance speech put all the rumors to rest, and the two are still very close friends. Friendships when you're a teenager are often the most cherished, and this friendship between Lin Mingyang and Mark began in that obscure dormitory building at Harvard and continues to this day.

With the small gold medal for Best Director, Lin Mingyang returned to his seat in high spirits. But before his butt was even warmed up, Jonah Hill, the presenter of this night's ultimate Oscar award, Best Picture, loudly announced that The Social Network had won, and the atmosphere of the entire award ceremony scene reached its climax.

Lin Mingyang once again on the stage, from the hands of the award presenter received the trophy symbolizing the highest honor of the Oscars, the entire star audience standing ovation, holding the honor of the best film but received a lifetime achievement award-like courtesy, which in the history of the Oscars is unparalleled.

From the "Admission Notice" made a name for itself after the alternative and unique images and bold and rebellious subject matter to stimulate the Hollywood Lin Ming Yang, in the "genius screenwriter", "magical boy" and other titles after the red through Hollywood, resolutely from the dazzling star of the magnificent turn for the He is a new director. "The inheritor of independent specialties" and "the vanguard of anti-Hollywood", these titles don't seem like Oscar winners should be entitled to, but from the structure of the drama to the connotation of the idea are contrary to the classic model of Lin Mingyang, but today with the Oscars to a warm embrace. Embrace.

Even Lin Mingyang himself doesn't know what to say: a year ago, his energetic masterpiece District 9 was only symbolically appeased by the Academy in the form of Best Original Screenplay; a year later, the cult alternative The Social Network was accepted and worshipped by the Oscars, which are recognized as orthodox, in an unbelievably pugnacious manner.

Other people were incoherent with excitement when they held up this trophy, but Lin Mingyang seemed unusually calm at this time. He was not as proud as he was when he won the Best Director award just now, but he became low-key and introverted when he stood on the stage.

"The words to be said, the people to be thanked, in fact, they have all been said just now, repeating it again will not increase the gratitude in my heart; not repeating it, the gratitude in my heart will not decrease... Here I just want to say that God is fair, he wants to give you the best, so he has to make you wait for a little while longer!"