Chapter 225 - Four Men in One Play

Al Pacino is an ageless myth in the Hollywood movie industry, he established his place in movie history in the 1970s, when movies were developing most rapidly, and has now become one of the greatest actors in movie history. The entire star-studded audience gave a collective standing ovation, a courtesy originally reserved for Lifetime Achievement Award winners on the Oscar stage, and since the 1980s, only two Hollywood actors have been honored with standing ovations when winning other awards.

The most recent was of course when Lin Ming Yang held the Best Picture trophy at the just concluded 80th Academy Awards, and the entire excited audience stood up en masse to applaud him. And the same situation had also played out in 1993, but then it was Al Pacino who was the protagonist.

When Al Pacino won the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for Scent of a Woman, the star-studded audience gave him a standing ovation, because we all know very well: this Oscar is 20 years too late, and there is only one Oscar in 20 years, which is too little! There are so many honors from more than thirty years of filming that his position in people's hearts is unshakeable.

The Godfather" established Al Pacino's unshakeable position as the "Godfather" in Hollywood, Italian blood and excellent acting skills, so that he easily accomplished this movie by the later generation of moviegoers respected to the highest degree, and he also let the audience on the big screen to appreciate his innate extraordinary talent for acting.

In Scent of a Woman, Al Pacino played a blind man with such consummate skill and incomparable charisma that it seemed as if the role had been created just for him. Until today, Pacino's role is still a classic image in Hollywood movie history.

Al Pacino is obviously the kind of actor who becomes more and more popular as he gets older, and the role of Hannibal is naturally a very desirable one for him, but the question is, will Al Pacino be willing to accept this role?

Cannell shook his head after carefully considering Echolls' proposal, "I think the reason why his performance in Scent of a Woman was so successful was because the character was close to his own personality in a way, strong, paranoid and arrogant. To hire him, you can't just rely on a string of numbers on a check!"

As if he had made some sort of determination, Ecks spoke out a terrifying figure with determination, "If he's willing to accept the role, we can pay him two and a half million ten million dollars for the movie!"

Cannell was stunned by this figure, but Lin Mingyang was indifferent. Such a sky-high paycheck was a great temptation in front of anyone, but the point was that Al Pacino was not the kind of actor who could be hired with money, something Cannell knew very well.

Just this year, Pacino, 67, and De Niro, 64, shook off the spirit of draping, following the 1995 "Stolen Flame", the two men once again teamed up to perform. The producers of that movie spent months negotiating with the two actors, and it took a lot of legwork to get them to work together, according to sources. Al Pacino should be busy shooting his new movie at this time, and the schedule may also conflict with the shooting of "Dragon Squad", which is also a factor that must be taken into account.

"It's better for me to talk to him personally!" After listening to Cannell's analysis, Lin Ming Yang finally made up his mind to prepare to give it a try, but he didn't have a clue as to whether or not he would be able to convince the other party.


A tall girl wearing a pink dress spun around in the living room, "Dad, what do you think of my dress?"

Sitting on the sofa, Al Pacino pressed the newspaper in his hand down, glanced at his daughter who was displaying her new dress in front of him, and suddenly felt a little bit tasty in his heart, "The style isn't bad...only isn't that skirt a bit low?"

The girl's name was Julie Marie, she was Al Pacino's eldest daughter, 19 years old this year. Hearing her father say that, her cheeks immediately blushed two shades of red. In terms of his private life, Al Pacino was the actor in Hollywood who had remained single for the longest period of time, and had never been married so far. During the filming of The Godfather series, Al Pacino was rumored to be romantically involved with actress Diane Keaton, who also starred in the film. The on-again, off-again relationship came to an end after the completion of The Godfather 3.

Mary, the illegitimate daughter of Pacino's love affair with Jane Tallent, a schoolteacher who teaches acting, has been living with her mother, but has had a father-daughter relationship with Al Pacino. Even though Al Pacino now has twins with longtime girlfriend Beverly D'Angelo, Mary often comes over to stay with him for a while.

Mary didn't think her dress was much of a stretch, in fact many of her female companions dressed up even hotter than that when they went out on the street, but such words were obviously a bit unspeakable in front of her father, she tugged at the corner of her own skirt with a bit of embarrassment, and asked with a shy face, "Dad, I heard that Felix will be coming to our house today isn't that right?"

In his heart, he clearly knew his daughter's little heart, but Al Pacino pretended to be confused at this time: "Which Felix are you referring to?"

Seeing the unintentional hint of a teasing smile at the corner of her father's mouth, Mary stomped her foot in shame, "Of course it's Felix Lin, he's my favorite actor."

"Is that why you suddenly ran back from school?" Al Pacino pretended to be angry and threw the newspaper in his hand, "He's your favorite actor, so dad am I still no better than that brat in your heart?"

"Dad you are my favorite actor in my heart, that's always fine!" Mary personally made Al Pacino a cup of coffee and brought it to him, "You will always be the most handsome in my heart!"

"Liked and admired... "Al Pacino took a sip of his coffee and smacked his lips, "Is that kid really that popular amongst the youth these days?"

"I don't think it's any worse than you were back then!" Mary saying this obviously smacked of pleasing her father, in fact, when it came to influence, Al Pacino in his youth had obviously not achieved anything as noteworthy as Lin Ming Yang was now.

Al Pacino was kind of satisfied with this answer, he nodded, "That's right, we made an appointment to meet today...but how did you know that he would come today?"

Mary smiled mysteriously, "Aunt Beverly told me!"

Al Pacino had already guessed that this would be the outcome, but coming from Mary he still felt more than pleased, his own illegitimate daughter was able to get along with her current girlfriend's relationship, which was something that Pacino was very willing to see.

Mary looked at her father with an expectant face, "You'll be working with Felix on the movie right?"

Al Pacino looked puzzled as he frowned slightly, "Is that what Beverly told you too?"

"I guessed!" Mary shook her head, her face was a heartless look, "Felix is the most handsome actor amongst the new generation of Hollywood movie stars, while you are the most handsome actor amongst the veteran Hollywood movie stars, I can't even imagine what kind of a sensation it would be if the two of you appeared in a movie at the same time?"

After listening to his daughter's explanation, Al Pacino's eyebrows then relaxed, he dotingly rubbed his daughter's hair in front of her forehead, "I read the script, the role is not bad, honestly I really don't have any difficulty in acting, but the key is still to look at the sincerity of the other party. If your dad I casually agreed, there will be more people coming to me with all kinds of roles in the future, but I don't want to take on more plays now!"

Justifiable Homicide, which is currently in production, is the last time that two movie stars, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, will appear in a movie together. Looking back at the classic created by the two men, it has been thirty-four years since then, and they are still active on the front lines of Hollywood today, which shows their passion and love for acting.

But Al Pacino has reached the age of 67, and although he doesn't look old, he is no longer able to act, which has gradually made him think about retiring from the movie industry. At this point in his career, he has become more and more careful about the roles he chooses to play, and he wants to leave a magnificent end to his acting career.

"Every one of Felix's movies is wonderful!" As Lin Ming Yang's "die-hard fan", Mary knew his works like the back of her hand, and she introduced them to her father: " far, he hasn't made a single failed movie. So far, he hasn't made a single failed film, and although some of his works often cause controversy in the movie critics' circles, in terms of commercial box office, every single one of his works has been a success."

Al Pacino laughed heartily, "If you weren't my daughter, I really should have wondered if you were a lobbyist sent by you want me to do a collaboration with him that much?"

Mary nodded her head vigorously, from her eyes Al Pacino saw a sincere desire, his heart softened and he suddenly said with a snicker, "Why don't I ask Felix to give you a role in this movie as well, so that you can be close to him in name only..."

Surprisingly, Mary actually shook her head, "It's only those movies Felix made that I like, I don't know if he wants to be as perfect in reality as he is in the movies, and based on your performance, I'm not optimistic about that!"

In the face of his daughter's accusations, Al Pacino's heart welled up with a burst of guilt, in fact, Mary is the product of his "irresponsibility", and the scandalous Lin Mingyang, I guess his private life is not much more than his "check". Thinking about this, Al Pacino suddenly felt that his daughter had made a very mature and correct decision.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Al Pacino deliberately steered away from the topic, and Mary also did not dwell on this issue, the father and daughter of the next chat is still relatively cordial, just at this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"It must be Felix!" exclaimed Mary, jumping up from the sofa in excitement, and busily running towards the foyer. Her behavior at this time and just a moment ago is simply a different person, which makes Al Pacino even a little doubt that the words she said just now is not to say out deliberately angry at himself. But at this time, it was too late for him to think too much, because the visitor was indeed Lin Mingyang.

In order to show his respect for his host, Lin Ming Yang took off his sunglasses before ringing the doorbell, but after the door opened, he saw that it was a young girl. Those big beautiful eyes blinked at him, which made Lin Ming Yang scratch the back of his head in some embarrassment, and it was only after half a day that he asked, "I shouldn't have made a mistake...may I ask if this is Mr. Al Pacino's home?"

The girl didn't say anything, she just nodded her head excitedly, she seemed to be a little over excited, standing straight at the door, but with no intention of inviting Lin Ming Yang in.

Lin Ming Yang had to ask again, "This young lady, may I ask if Mr. Al Pacino is at home?"

The girl jumped to the side like a frightened deer, and then Al Pacino's bright laughter came from the foyer: " Mr. Felix, this is my daughter Mary...she's an admirer of yours!"

Al Pacino's introduction directly named the girl's identity, Mary's face instantly reddened like an apple, Lin Ming Yang suddenly felt that the girl's shy appearance was cute. He smiled slightly, "It should be my honor to be appreciated by Miss Mary!"

Lin Mingyang's reaction this made Al Pacino feel satisfied, and Mary's heart was even more cheered. If Lin Mingyang had deliberately emphasized Mary's status as Pacino's daughter in his words just now, it would have left Al Pacino with the impression of "currying favor", and it was expected that Mary wouldn't be happy in her heart either. She likes Lin Ming Yang so much, not because she has a father like Al Pacino.

Al Pacino's first impression of Lin Ming Yang was not bad, so as soon as they met, he joked: "Mary has been urging me to work with you, and just when I was in a difficult situation, you came."

Lin Ming Yang cast a grateful look towards Mary, who was standing aside, and then shrugged at Al Pacino: "If this role has caused you and your family any trouble, I apologize for that."

"Just kidding, it's not as serious as you think. I've read the script, but I still want to hear what you think... or rather, what kind of reasons are you going to use to convince me?" Taking the opportunity when Mary went to make coffee for Lin Ming Yang, Al Pacino asked bluntly.

"I prepared a whole bunch of sayings before I came, but it seems that I basically won't be able to use them now!" Lin Ming Yang laughed, Al Pacino's straightforward character was very much to his liking: "Since you've already read the script, let me put it to you this way, the reason why I'm considering asking you to play this role is because I'll also be playing the role of Pike in this movie, and Hannibal is the real protagonist in the story. It's not easy to find an actor whose image and demeanor are suitable for the role and who can hold me steady in terms of popularity...and I can't think of anyone in Hollywood who can fulfill those criteria better than you."

While explaining the reason, Lin Mingyang gave Al Pacino a "high hat" without a trace, and from the pleasant expression on the other party's face, it could be seen that Al Pacino was still very flattered by this. He proudly lit a cigar, took a puff and then spat out a smoke ring with satisfaction.

"I've cooperated with many Hollywood studios, and I've also contacted quite a few senior people from film and television companies, but unfortunately, none of them were as honest as you...well, how much can I get from this movie?"

Lin Ming Yang pulled out a check from his pocket that had already been filled in with the numbers, placed it on the table, and gently pushed it in front of Al Pacino, "This is a part of my sincerity, I don't know if it can satisfy you?"

Al Pacino glanced towards the table seemingly casually, what creeped him out was not the 8-digit check, but Lin Ming Yang's determination to make this film. MGM was indeed very "sincere" this time, such a large sum of money has reached the top level of Hollywood's first-tier movie stars, from which it can be seen that Lin Ming Yang's ambitions this time are indeed not small.

Al Pacino motionless asked: "If this check is written for my personal remuneration, then can I assume that the total investment in this film will be more than $100 million... I know you just bought MGM last year, the hand is not short of money, but what if the film is not good?"

Lin Ming Yang looked at the other party with a firm gaze, "In our budget, the current total investment of this movie should be 130 million dollars, and this is only a lower limit, the actual shooting will only be more and not less...I'm placing such a heavy bet, in fact, it's also to show you an attitude that this movie will definitely not fail! "

The words have been said so clearly, Al Pacino if further shirking would seem a bit pretentious, in fact, this is not his character.

Al Pacino stretched out a hand, but the posture was definitely not one of wanting to shake hands with Lin Ming Yang. Lin Ming Yang froze for a moment before immediately reacting, his and Al Pacino's hands clasped tightly together after a high five.

Feeling the strong force in each other's hands, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, "Deal!"


After Lin Ming Yang convinced Al Pacino, the framework for the cast of Sky Dragon Specialists was basically finalized, but at this time there was a change of heart on the side of Quinton Jackson, who played Baracus (Weird Head) in the film. Not a professional actor, but a mixed martial arts athlete, he initially promised producer Cannell the role of Baracus, but that news was then nixed by his agent. That's because Quinton Jackson's fighting tournament conflicted with the movie's shooting schedule.

MGM was caught off guard, but the local Vancouver Sun "persuaded" Quinton Jackson to take the role. With the opportunity to act with two of the oldest and newest Oscar winners on the same stage, Jackson eventually postponed his fight and took the role.

The final member of the team to enter the cast was Sharlto Copley, who made a name for himself in District 9, along with Kate Beckinsale. In the movie, Copley will play the role of Murdoch, a powerful pilot, while Kate Beckinsale plays Sosa, Lin Mingyang's former lover.

Faced with this hard-earned starring cast, Cannell proudly announced to the press, "A cast like this can be described as deep and technical. It may be impossible for me to find such a perfect cast again in my lifetime."