Chapter 228 - The Joker

Christopher Nolan didn't stay in his office, so Lin Mingyang and Eckles pounced when they went there. There was some situation on the crew side, and Nolan was on his way back at this time.

Nolan's assistant invited the two into Nolan's office, Ecks sat on the sofa, crossing his legs, holding the coffee served by the other party, with a leisurely look, while Lin Mingyang was interested in the several clown masks placed on Nolan's desk, he picked them up one by one to scrutinize them, and even put one of them on his face, and turned around fiercely, shocking Ecks, who was drinking the coffee, for a moment.

Just when Lin Ming Yang was complacent about the effect of his surprise, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, and the other party exclaimed "Perfect!", startling him as well. The other man exclaimed "Perfect!", startling him as well.

Ecks heart finally balanced some, he came towards the direction of the sound look, standing in the office door to send out that exclamation is not exactly Christopher Nolan. He stood up smilingly and introduced Lin Ming Yang who had a puzzled expression on his face, "This is Mr. Christopher Nolan, I think you guys will definitely have a lot in common today."

Lin Ming Yang was about to take off the mask on his face to greet Nolan, but the other party hurriedly waved his hand towards him, "Mr. Felix, this mask can be worn like this on your face if you like...I know Mr. Felix that you used to act in decent roles, and the scripts you should have read, I don't know what your opinion is on the role of the Joker? What do you think about the role of the Joker?"

"The ultimate evil, this is the most important reason why the character of the Joker attracts me...Evil is not a means to an end in his eyes, but an end in itself. This end is so pure, not for money, not for sex, not for anything else, creating evil and doing evil is the only pursuit. The Joker's evil is such pure evil, not for any other reason, he just wants to create 'higher taste of evil' for this city. In the hands of the Joker, evil is a work of art from beginning to end, and he wields it like a painter paints and a musician composes. Regardless of the situation, he maintains a sense of arrogance and self-possession as an evil demon, that is in fact the dignity of an artist!"

Lin Mingyang smiled at Nolan with his mask, the evil curves of his mouth complemented the exaggerated clown mask, and an extremely evil aura naturally gushed out. This made Nolan's heart burst with ecstasy, he could see that Lin Mingyang had completely merged with the role of the clown, both in terms of recognition and performance, and this feeling of ease of retraction was exactly the temperament of the role that Nolan had dreamed of.

"In the script, Batman has to use morality to constrain his extreme justice at all times, because he knows that his morality is the only safety pin that constrains the power in his hands, and once he crosses it, he will probably become no different from the Joker, or even more dangerous. Batman in a moral dilemma can feel very oppressive, unlike the Joker, who can unleash the ultimate evil in his hands with impunity, and the character's maniacal temperament fascinates me, which probably has a lot to do with my own dislike of constraints as well!"

Nolan nodded, Lin Ming Yang's knowledge of the character of the Joker had exceeded his imagination. Now that Nolan no longer had any doubts about Lin Ming Yang taking on the role of the Joker, his conversation with Lin Ming Yang naturally turned into a discussion of the plot.

"I think the confrontation between good and evil is always unequal, and in the last episode of The Dark Knight, the inequality I mentioned then was that the evil man has no relatives, while the so-called righteous man has a lot of family and friends to worry about. While conceptualizing this episode, I debunked my own assertion. In fact, if the righteous are strong enough, this bit of inequality is not a problem at all. Instead of being a blessing for superheroes, unfettered extreme justice is precisely their original sin. And the inequality caused by the original sin of superheroes is precisely because of the great power itself, which is the most essential inequality."

"Even sadder than this layer of original sin is the fact that the legitimacy of superhero existence is itself conferred by supervillains. When evil is not so powerful, justice, guaranteed by law, can overpower that evil. So extreme justice exists only if there is extreme evil that cannot be countered under the power of the law."

From Nolan's words, Lin Ming Yang finally figured out the profound meaning of this movie not being named directly after Batman, but using the title The Dark Knight. The righteous man who sanctioned evil within the framework of the law was worshipped as a hero, while the righteous man who possessed power above the law but restrained himself with morality could only be a knight. Batman is not destined to be a hero of the world of light; only when darkness comes can he appear, cautiously and restrainedly sweeping away the darkness, helplessly becoming a knight dependent on darkness.

"In the script the Joker says to Batman 'You made me', and sadly in actuality the opposite is true. It's actually the Joker's existence that completes Batman's existence. For ascent of evil can exist separately from ascent of good, and ascent of good cannot exist without ascent of evil. Justice never gives evil a reason to exist, but the existence of evil completes justice. That's why this quote should be from Batman to the Joker." Nolan shrugged helplessly at the end.

"Perhaps, this is also what our Mr. President Bush would like to say to ****!" Lin Mingyang said a sarcastic sneer, and Nolan nodded at him with a bitter smile. From between their respective brows, both of them coincidentally saw each other's worries about the current political current situation in the United States.


Hollywood media for the "Dark Knight" in the "Joker" follow-up candidate, most of the attention is still because of the "Heath Ledger accidental death" incident of the follow-up impact. Although Heath Ledger's accidental death cast a layer of gloom over the role, but the charm of the role is still amazing, Oscar Lifetime Achievement Award winner Robin Williams, with the "Da Vinci Code" successfully promoted to the first line of Hollywood commercial films Paul Bettany, as well as the acting skills of the young Oscar-winning actor Adrien Brody have expressed a strong interest in the role of " Joker" of great interest, but the director Christopher Nolan but the role of the candidate to keep quiet, let the media feel strange, the producers soon announced the filming date of the movie.

The cast and crew did not make any special announcement, but the producers announced the finalized cast list before the film officially started shooting in order to facilitate publicity. As one of the big dishes in the Hollywood comic book adaptation feast, the cast of The Dark Knight series is undoubtedly a combination of stars and big names. Simply from the list can be seen, "The Dark Knight" still maintains the previous work of the veteran acting school at the bottom of the hard plus beautiful leading purpose, but as the film's most colorful, but also fans are most concerned about the villain of the "Joker" the role of the back, followed by not the actor's name, but a mysterious question mark.

The producers gave the explanation that the role of the clown in this movie is a "mysterious" actor who is absolutely unexpected, and the answer will only be revealed after the movie is released.

This suspense can be said to have whetted people's appetites, the Hollywood paparazzi even issued a reward of 500,000 dollars for this actor "wanted", they want just an answer.

Unfortunately, the crew's secrecy measures are in place, and the paparazzi reporters tried their best to capture only a masked side face. But it was such an unclear picture that still caused heated discussions among the media and movie fans.

As a party to the incident, Lin Mingyang, who has been staying on the set, does not know that his "identity" has been rumored in more than ten versions, and at the moment he is sitting attentively in the conference room, watching Christopher Nolan demonstrating the first scene of the film on the cue board, where the Joker leads his men to rob a bank in the whole process.

Christopher Nolan used Arabic numerals 1 to 6 to represent the six robbers who took part in the bank robbery process: "[1] is Felix, [2] and [3] are the technical masters, [2] can disarm the alarm on the roof of the building, [3] can open the bank's vault, and the rest of them are a group of outlaws."

If people who are not clear about the situation suddenly broke into the conference room, probably will really think that here is planning a robbery, director Christopher Nolan's "professional" degree is smashing, the whole process he has done careful consideration. If a real robber imitates this operation, it may also be able to succeed.

Christopher Nolan with a wooden stick in his hand in the cue board gently point twice: "The first step of the robbery, [2] and [3] into the bank roof, [3] in [2] to solve the alarm after killing [2], so that he can get a bigger share in the robbery."

"After disabling the alarm, [3] enters the bank vault to unlock it, while [1] takes [4] and [5] to hijack the bank head-on, during which [5] is killed by the bank's staff resisting, and [4] is charged with going in to supervise [3]'s work, kills [3] after unlocking the vault door and delivers the money to [1]. [6] drove a school bus through the wall, killing [4] along with it, and after he loaded all the money on the bus, [1] killed him again and finally drove off in the school bus."

Christopher Nolan said a little "roundabout", but each step he marked with a red arrow on the cue board, the dead robber's head with a cross, he demonstrated this once, the conference room a few key actors basically figured out the steps of this bank robbery scene.

Even Lin Mingyang had to admit that Christopher Nolan had really put in a lot of effort in the shooting conception. In the entire plot, the Joker only used 5 henchmen, 2 cars and the necessary armament to successfully rob the bank, all he did was to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, borrow the chicken to lay the egg, and then finally rushed to the end to clean up the mess.

In such a high-intelligence crime movie, the Joker's henchmen, however, only [2] and [3] are technical elites who can fly over, dismantle alarms and pick locks, while the rest of them are only good at pulling triggers, and can't even count bullets. But I believe that after seeing this play, no one will think that the Joker's robbery method is devoid of any technology. The Joker assembles all the forces at his disposal in this heist, uses people wisely, and capitalizes on the robbers' greed for each other, ultimately leaving them to kill each other and him alone to reap the benefits.

This is just the beginning of the Joker's "game", as Batman, Captain Gordon, and new Attorney General Harvey Dent plan to wipe out the mob so that Harvey can become a public hero. Meanwhile, Bruce discovers that Rachel is dating Dent, and as the criminals are prosecuted one by one under Dent's strong sense of justice, coupled with the hope that Rachel will come around, Batman has the idea of "retiring". As the mob bosses meet to discuss how to deal with Batman, Gordon and Dent, Chinese mob banker Lau tells the mob bosses that he will move the mob's money to Hong Kong before Dent's plan to seize the money is executed. The Joker suddenly shows up to explain that Gordon and Dent are both dug in because of Batman's presence and offers to hire him to kill Batman for half of the black money, which is rejected by the mob.

When filming this scene, the whole set really felt like a negotiation. The Joker and the mob leader sit in opposite corners and the atmosphere is tense and eerie. The Joker is well aware that there are only two ways for the mob family's money to go before the negotiation: launder it in an American bank or give it to Lau to launder overseas.

The Joker knows that he can't fight the government on his own, so he begins to aggressively rope in the mob family, but the Joker lets out a maniacal and confident laugh that people define as perverted, not just because he has explosives, but also because he has good beneficial reasons to convince the other side to hire him.

Unlike the previous action scene, Lin Ming Yang mainly interpreted this clown character through his maniacal laughter and eerie confidence in this performance. Because he is wearing a mask, this is when eye expression becomes especially important.

After winning the Oscar, Lin Ming Yang has not encountered such a challenging role. In his previous films, his performances seldom encountered NG, but this time, Christopher Nolan reshot 6 times for a single shot.

In fact, several times Lin Mingyang has done very well, at least in the eyes of the audience has been very wonderful, but Christopher Nolan is still not satisfied, unknown people will probably let think that Nolan is specifically to "fix" Lin Mingyang, otherwise it would not be so time and again to start again.

The strange thing is that Lin Mingyang did not get angry, on the contrary, his performance is more than once "excited". A picky director will always make the actors complain a lot during the shooting, but afterward, these actors will often be grateful to such a director, because it is his harsh requirements that sharpen the actor's own acting skills. Many big-name movie stars have seen their acting skills deteriorate to varying degrees after they became famous, and one of the major reasons for this is that their "fame" has made many of the directors they work with inaccessible to their reputation, lowering the requirements for their performances.

In Hollywood commercial blockbusters "first-class movie star + second-rate director" mode, this phenomenon is particularly obvious, even the Oscar-winning actor, but also hard to escape this circle. Actor-director conflicts also occur from time to time, when Lin Mingyang is also one of the "outstanding representatives", of course, there is no shortage of losses, he was the top of the "difficult to cooperate with" the bad reputation of the press tail low-profile for a long time.

In Christopher Nolan's "severe supervision", Lin Mingyang's acting skills have indeed made considerable progress, but let him more interested in this budget of 150 million commercial masterpiece in addition to the conventional shooting part, director Christopher Nolan also boldly integrated the IMAX filming techniques.

Like James Cameron, Christopher Nolan is also an avid admirer of IMAX technology, and he had the idea of shooting an IMAX movie when he was not yet famous. Unfortunately, he didn't have the kind of generous funding in hand that James Cameron did, so his dream was partially realized in The Dark Knight. There are just four sets of major action scenes in this movie as well as some static dramatic moments that were shot in IMAX, but it also greatly enhances the visual standard of the movie.

The scene in which the Joker negotiates with the head of the mob was shot on IMAX film, which is why Christopher Nolan's performance of the actors was so demanding.

On the use of IMAX filming technology, Lin Mingyang and Christopher Nolan once again found a common topic, both of their words reveal the recognition and expectation of this technology, mentioning IMAX, the content of the conversation inevitably involves James Cameron, the big director of the IMAX technology, but the IMAX technology is highly respected.

"It is said that the film that Mr. Cameron is shooting recently is shot using 3D+IMAX technology, I wonder what kind of effect that film will bring after it is released...if it is a big success, it might be able to bring about a revolution in the entire film and television shooting technology!"

James Cameron has been secretly shooting that movie for more than three years, and if you count the conceptualization and preparation, the time could be even longer. It must be said that Cameron is indeed a calm director, privately making such a big move, the media actually did not have the slightest notice. It was only in recent times that this huge program in progress was discovered by reporters. Although the media tried all kinds of ways, but about Cameron's new movie, people still have very little information in hand. The only thing Cameron revealed in the interview was that the filming of the movie would be done using a brand new shooting technique. Although he did not say directly, but the media still boldly predicted that this technical approach is likely to be IMAX shooting technology.

In his words Christopher Nolan's envy of James Cameron was overflowing, and he also saw the broad prospects of IMAX, but still underestimated Cameron's ambition and the final impact of that movie. With his past memories, Lin Mingyang clearly knew that Cameron had achieved a perfect self-transcendence with that film, and ten years later, he was still the deserved king of the world!

Once upon a time, Lin Ming Yang also dreamed that he could produce a movie like that that would make the whole world go crazy, and ambition is something that once it falls into a suitable soil for growth, then it can no longer be contained!