Chapter 230 - Playing Through is Popular Nowadays

MGM's first victory, eye-catching performance to the whole Hollywood for the side of the eye, coupled with the hand also pinched the "Dragon Squad" which brings together the Oscars old and new movie stars "trump card", MGM in this year's movie market can be said to be invincible. This is the time for MGM to ride the wave of success and boldly launch new works, but Lin Mingyang has become "lazy" at this time. Despite the fact that Eckles called him one day after another, he was still sitting in a café in Los Angeles, laughing and chatting with a beautiful woman.

"You've been making a big splash on the big screen for a while now, one minute you're Spider-Man, the next you're Iron Man, are you going to play all the superheroes in the comics?" Scarlett Johansson rested one jade finger against her chin, her sexy red lips pouting slightly, her clear eyes seemed to be teasing Lin Ming Yang intentionally or unintentionally.

In the face of this gorgeous beauty, Lin Mingyang only had to secretly swallow his saliva. It is not that Lin Mingyang "good color", but Scarlett Johansson today's dress bold to the extreme, she was wearing a leopard print jacket, black stockings make itself sexy and incomparable she added a few points of wild gas. Tempting curves, delicate skin under the neckline and vaguely visible peaks can cause infinite reverie. Lin Mingyang is not Liu Xiahui, sitting in front of such a deliberately dressed up special thing which is not lost in thought.

Lin Mingyang looked at Scarlett in a daze, and for a moment forgot to answer her question. Seeing him this "behavior", Scarlett heart is very pleased, but on the surface but pretty face sank, cold hummed.

Lin Mingyang looked back to see Scarlett's face full of frost, but his face did not have any meaningless expression, he hehehe towards Scarlett a smile, eyes are still very dishonest towards the other side of the body to glance. Scarlett heart hate itchy teeth, but on the contrary, Lin Mingyang's "cheeky" can not be helped.

"I thought you became the chairman of MGM, your status is different, the previous jumpy nature should also be somewhat restrained, I did not expect that you are still so..." Scarlett Johansson momentarily a little angry. If faced with other men so "violated" themselves, Scarlett would have thrown away her head and left, but in the face of Lin Mingyang's smiling face, even though she was annoyed, but there was not a trace of anger and unhappiness.

Lin Mingyang replied in a serious manner: "The chairman of MGM also has the right to appreciate beautiful women!"

Scarlett Johansson threw him a flirtatious blank stare and exasperatedly said, "You haven't answered me about what I just asked you!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders, "You mean those roles I've been acting in all this time... Actually, I'm not that ambitious... At least I don't have much interest in Superman who wears his underwear outside... Other roles can be tried out when I get the chance!"

Scarlett squeezed her two hands together tightly and placed them under the table, "So you asked me out suddenly..."

"Very suddenly?" Lin Ming Yang had an 'innocent' expression on his face, he and Scarlett hadn't worked together since 'Baseball Girl', but Lin Ming Yang had not taken the initiative to contact her in private, only that the contact wasn't as 'close' as a few others.

Scarlett blushed, even with foundation on her pretty face, a layer of redness still appeared. She hurriedly lowered her head, avoiding Lin Mingyang's burning eyes.

Seeing the beauty shyly bowed her head and frowned, Lin Ming Yang heartily exclaimed that this feeling of molesting Hollywood's top beauty was really different. Of course, Lin Ming Yang knows how to grasp the "degree", see Scarlett some embarrassment, he quickly changed the topic: "I heard that you and Ryan Reitz broke up?"

Scarlett raised her head violently and glared at Lin Ming Yang. This "excited" reaction startled Lin Ming Yang, he was about to explain, but Scarlett's cold words blocked him.

"I don't have any relationship with Ryan Reyes, never had, never have, never will!"

Scarlett said it with a firmness that made Lin Ming Yang a little puzzled, as far as he remembered, Scarlett and Ryan Reitz had a marriage, even though the marriage didn't last too long, it should have indeed happened. But now from Scarlett's reaction, her relationship with Ryan Reyes seems to be not as "close" as he imagined.

"Say, what is it that you're looking for me for?" After Lin Ming Yang mentioned Ryan Reyes, Scarlett Johansson's attitude towards him suddenly became much colder.

This woman's face changed faster than the weather, the big beauty who was smiling just now now had a face like frost, Lin Ming Yang guessed that she was really angry and didn't bring up that matter just now.

"I recently wanted to make a new movie, the content is related to crime just so happens that there is still a lack of a female lead, I don't know if you are interested?"

Scarlett's stony face was actually quite tiring, Lin Ming Yang's tone was sincere, her face became slightly better, "The male lead is yourself?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, a look of entitlement on his face, "How can I let someone else have such a good thing?"

Scarlett glared at him in dismay, she had just started to be a little bit proper, but she started to "run out of tune" after a couple of sentences. Lin Ming Yang crossed his legs and began to savor his coffee, but Scarlett was silent.

In the "baseball girl" and Lin Mingyang's cooperation can be said to let Scarlett "impressive", although during the period of all sorts of accidents, and finally to the end of the farce, but also to Scarlett by their girlfriends Natalie Portman made fun of a good period of time, but in retrospect, it seems to be the most relaxing and enjoyable time since Scarlett from the movie! A period of time.

Scarlett realized that she was famous in Hollywood fast enough, but compared with Lin Mingyang is a little big witch, just a few years, this guy from a first show the role of screenwriters became a Hollywood ruling party of the powerful figures, and the former youth on the screen idol has become the Oscar-winning actor in front of us. All this if not Scarlett himself personally witnessed, these sound more like a fantasy fairy tale.

Today's times are different, although Scarlett herself was Hollywood as a new generation of sex goddess, and even by the big director Woody Allen known as Monroe incarnation, but and Lin Mingyang than, the identity gap has been self-evident, which makes Scarlett a little hesitant, he can still be like before as no worries and Lin Mingyang cooperation?

If the gap in status has widened and made Scarlett feel slightly uncomfortable, then what really bothers Scarlett is how much weight Lin Mingyang will give to this role in his new movie. After working with Woody Allen in Midnight in Barcelona, Scarlett has higher requirements for her role choices, and those vase-like roles can no longer satisfy her demand for self-improvement.

Throughout all of Lin Ming Yang's films, except for the early "Cinderella's Glass Phone" and "Baseball Girl", which featured women as the protagonists, the status of women's roles in other films is very "awkward".

It's not appropriate to say that these roles are all vases, because in blockbuster action movies like Sister Agent, Legend of the Night, and Wanted, Lin Ming Yang is willing to be the "green leaf" to emphasize the heroine's supremacy. But in other movies, and Lin Mingyang cooperation actresses are not so good luck, although their roles compared to those vase roles better, but only to let the audience to remember, the last "cheap" or Lin Mingyang.

If it's just a friendly cameo role, Scarlett may not hesitate to agree to Lin Ming Yang, but he so solemnly asked Scarlett out, want to ask her to play the female lead, Scarlett had to seriously think about it.

Lin Mingyang finished his coffee, Scarlett had not yet given a clear attitude, which made him finally a bit unable to sit still.

He tentatively asked, "You should have no problem with your schedule this year, right?"

Scarlett knew that this guy was in a hurry, but at this time she didn't have the heart to tease Lin Ming Yang. She nodded, "There's no problem with the schedule, but the role..."

Scarlett didn't pick her words apart, but Lin Ming Yang had already guessed it in his heart when he saw her look like she was about to say something.

"The role in the movie is crucial." Lin Ming Yang put down the coffee cup in his hand, "You should have read Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, right?"

Scarlett nodded, she did flip through that novel before.

"Your new movie won't be moving to try and adapt that novel, right?"

Lin Mingyang said in a mysterious manner, "The answer you speculated is already very close to the truth, but this story is only accurately related to Sherlock Holmes, but Conan Doyle doesn't have much to do with it!"

Scarlett frowned slightly, as far as she remembered, Holmes didn't seem to have a girlfriend for that matter, at least it wasn't mentioned in the novel's plot.

"Let me put it to you this way! This character of yours is of the same nature as Holmes' friend and assistant, Watson, the only difference being..."

"I'm a female!" Scarlett snatched Lin Mingyang's words.

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "Correct answer!"

Looking at Lin Ming Yang's serious demeanor, Scarlett let out a giggle, "Turning Watson into a female...could this be the plot conceived by Hollywood's most imaginative brains? I think if you really want something to happen between Holmes and Watson, why don't you follow Ang Lee's example and make a Brokeback Mountain!"

Lin Mingyang accepted Scarlett's "ridicule" with a straight face, his surprisingly quiet reaction made Scarlett, who was originally covering her mouth with a light smile, suddenly feel that something was wrong, she put away the teasing expression on her face and slightly apologized towards Lin Mingyang with a blushing smile: "Did I just say something a bit too heavy? ?"

Lin Ming Yang was snickering in his heart, but on his face he deliberately put on a very hurt expression, "Yes, how are you going to compensate me?"

Seeing his derisive expression, Scarlett cried out in her heart that she was fooled. Having been teased by Lin Ming Yang several times, Scarlett huffed and turned her head to the side, ignoring this annoying "bad guy".

"Who said I was going to write the story of Holmes and Watson?" Scarlett turned her face to the side, but didn't cover her ears, so Lin Ming Yang continued, "The stories in Conan Doyle's novels have long since been filmed, so if there's nothing new, how would I have the nerve to come to you to make this movie."

Scarlett still looked like she was ignoring Lin Ming Yang, but she hadn't missed a single word Lin Ming Yang had said. She didn't react at this time, obviously waiting for Lin Ming Yang to continue.

"Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes lived in England in the 19th century, if he suddenly came to the era we live in, what kind of stories do you think would happen?"

"It's simply impossible!" Scarlett finally stopped being indifferent.

Lin Mingyang's eyes gleamed as he stared at Scarlett: "You're talking about realization, while I'm talking about a movie!"

Scarlett asked doubtfully, "But what is this, time travel?"

"That's right, playing time travel is popular now!"

"Yeah, that would give you enough reason to turn Watson into a female!" Scarlett circled back around to the topic.

Lin Ming Yang didn't continue to dwell on this topic with Scarlett, he spread his two hands out, "Just think whatever you want, but I just want to know now, are you willing to accept this role or not?"

The playful expression on Scarlett's face intensified, "Without even reading the script, you're asking me if I'm willing to accept it...could this be your directing style?"

"But I didn't bring the script with me."

Lin Ming Yang looked at Scarlett with some difficulty, and Scarlett sighed in mock regret, "I can't promise you without reading the script!"

Scarlett was trying to deliberately make things difficult for Lin Ming Yang, but she didn't expect Lin Ming Yang's reaction to be as anxious as she thought it would be. Just as she was puzzled, Lin Ming Yang really had more to say.

"I didn't bring the script with me, but I have all the plots packed in here!" Lin Mingyang pointed towards his head, a wry smile on his face.

Knowing that she had once again been "teased" by Lin Ming Yang, Scarlett couldn't pull her face down this time, but she didn't intend to take advantage of Lin Ming Yang so easily.

"Anyway, since your story is related to Sherlock Holmes, the movie will definitely be filmed in the UK...but I just came back from Europe, and I'll probably have to stay in the US for the latest period."

This was an excuse that Scarlett came up with on the fly, thinking that she could make things difficult for Lin Ming Yang for a while, but Lin Ming Yang laughingly told her that the new movie would just be set in New York. Scarlett didn't believe it at first, but as soon as Lin Ming Yang then explained, she was sort of completely confused.

"Walking down the street and crossing over for no reason, such a plot must be pretty far-fetched, how to say that Sherlock Holmes is also considered a celebrity, his crossing over can't be so casual!"

Lin Ming Yang laughed, then began to describe the plot that had already been conceptualized in his mind, "Here's how I think about it, Sherlock Holmes was invited by a rich man in the United States to take a boat to New York to help the other side to solve a diamond disappearance case, and the passenger boat encountered a storm on the Atlantic Ocean."

Scarlett was actually quite interested in the story, before Lin Ming Yang finished speaking, she couldn't help but voice her guesses about the plot: "Then there was a shipwreck, Holmes survived holding a barrel, he floated in the sea for three days, and was finally rescued by a passing passenger ship, and he had no choice but to realize that he'd traveled across the world!"

Lin Mingyang eyes wide open, full of unbelievable expression, his reaction makes Scarlett always feel a little wrong, although from the other party's expression, she probably guessed the plot, but in the hands of Lin Mingyang suffered a few "losses", she also became cautious.

Scarlett cautiously asked, "Am I wrong?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, clapped his hands in amazement and said, "In fact I let you say everything I wanted to say!"

Scarlett asked again in disbelief, "Are you sure?"

"See you're the woman who really understands me!" Lin Ming Yang winked meaningfully at Scarlett, the wording in his words and the expression on his face at the moment were ambiguous. Scarlett glared at him angrily, but couldn't care less about being ashamed, because at this time she was thinking of another issue in her mind.

"Holmes has no identification, so how did he enter the United States?"

"That depends on you!" Lin Ming Yang intentionally bought a hint.

"Depends on me?" Scarlett froze, then protested, "Please, will you, I just made a random guess, actually writing the script is your thing!"

"But I didn't say I'd let you keep guessing!" Lin Ming Yang looked at Scarlett with an innocent face, "I mean, the issue of Holmes' identity was helped out by that character of yours in the show!"

"Identity the character you had me play came from a big place?" It wasn't easy to fake an American ID, and Scarlett wracked her brain to come up with just such an answer.

"She's neither an FBI agent nor does she have any high-ranking background in the government, this character is just an ordinary prosecutor." Lin Ming Yang stared at Scarlett's face, "If I really want to say that there is something special about this character, I can only say that she is very pretty!"

This level of compliments from Lin Ming Yang had little effect on Scarlett, she bristled, "So how did she get a legal identity for Holmes?"

"Because the identity is just readily available!" Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "Since even such a small probability event as crossing over happened to our Holmes, it's not a big deal to arrange another suitable identity for him... The Holmes who was salvaged was full of 'nonsense', and at first everyone thought that he was mentally ill, and our heroine scanned his headshot into the computer, and after comparing it in the database, she found out that he was the first mate of an ocean freighter, and three days ago that ship was involved in an accident in the Atlantic Ocean, and all of it matched what happened to Holmes!"

Lin Ming Yang so this treatment is obviously some trickery feeling, but as a suspense crime movie, crossing over Holmes is nothing more than a novel gimmick, he because to a completely new society, the initial discomfort will certainly make a lot of jokes, this is just Lin Ming Yang to bring the audience into the plot of a means. The identity of Holmes is not important in this movie, put a "coincidence" reason, also save someone to scrutinize. If not for Scarlett's curiosity, Lin Mingyang would not have explained so carefully.