Chapter 243 - Inspiration from Playing Games

"Haha, Felix, you lost again!" Reed took off his headphones, an excited red glow coming through his face. This close friend of Lin Ming Yang's from his high school days had successfully graduated from MIT by this time, and with the name of YouTube's executive president on his head, he could be described as having a spring in his step. His face could no longer see the disheveled look of the teenager who worked in his dad's gas station back then, replaced by a calm confidence.

After Lin Mingyang's acquisition of MGM Studios, YouTube was then incorporated into the company, and on top of the relationship of best friends, there was also an additional business partnership between Lin Mingyang and Reed. The relationship between the two had gone even further, but the chances of meeting had instead become less over the years, and the main reason would still be that both of them were busy.

This small gathering was the longest time they had spent together in all these years. After not seeing each other for a long time, the two men, or to be more precise, the two boys, got together, of course, to revive the traditional entertainment of their high school years, and the two killed Warcraft on the computers in the office of MGM's headquarter.

Lin Mingyang's Darkness forces were routed under wave after wave of ferocious attacks from Reed's beast army, and for several consecutive games he helplessly hit GG before withdrawing from the matchup without hesitation.

Lin Ming Yang has always been very talented in the game, in the past it was always Ruide who was "abused" by him, no matter how hard Ruide honed his game skills, he never won against Lin Ming Yang. Today, he won so freely, he began to feel very comfortable, but slowly also found some wrong place.

In a few days of game sparring, the mistakes Lin Ming Yang made could be completely described as low level in Reed's eyes. At first, Ruide was immersed in the joy of victory and didn't pay much attention to these details. The later it got, the more obvious this feeling became to Ruide that either Lin Ming Yang's game operation level had plummeted in the past few years, or that the guy was simply out of shape.

Ruide very directly negated the previous possibility, because he is now using the Lin Mingyang office computer, other people's computers are loaded with a bunch of office auxiliary software, but Lin Mingyang is good, the computer desktop is empty, in addition to the system comes with a few software, there is a folder named Office abruptly placed there.

At first, Ruide thought that Lin Mingyang this guy has a "fetish" to keep the computer desktop clean, so all the office software icons are dragged into a folder.

When Lin Mingyang suggested that the two of them kill a few games of Warcraft, Ruide also regretted that he did not bring his own laptop along with him, and at first he did not think that Lin Mingyang would install a game in his own office computer at all.

When he clicked on the folder called Office on his computer's desktop, he was instantly dumbfounded. There was no office software in there, it was all the hottest computer games of the moment, and of course the old classic games like Warcraft, Lin Ming Yang would naturally not let go of them.

If this matter spreads out, it is estimated that in Hollywood is another pile of news that attracts the public eyeballs, who would think that the chairman of the board of directors of the MGM Studios Group, actually installed a large number of games in his office computer. From this, one could imagine what Lin Ming Yang usually did in this office.

Ruide didn't believe that Lin Mingyang, a "diligent learner" in the gaming business, would have a downward trend in his level of performance, and to say that he intentionally let go of the water was also too false. Lin Mingyang since in high school hard to pressure Ruide did not let him get the upper hand once, of course, this time will not be so kind, and even if it is water, Lin Mingyang showed the technical content is also too low a little bit, this is simply in line with his usual style.

Without thinking too much, Ruide very directly came to the conclusion that the reason why Lin Mingyang was killed by himself, the reason is simply that this guy is not in the state at all. Thinking of this, the complacency in Ruide's heart suddenly disappeared. It felt like he had lost his cheating password, so what was the point of picking 10 crazy computers by himself?

"Why are you backing out?"

Lin Mingyang at the end of the desk took off his headphones with a puzzled face, the game situation was clearly very favorable to Ruide, he had just warped off one of his sub-bases, and could have killed his home base in one go, but at this time he strangely withdrew from the game.

"Quit playing, this game is no fun!" Reed waved his hand in boredom, "You guys are not in shape at all, this is simply a different person from the previous you, playing with you simply doesn't have the same feeling as before!"

Lin Ming Yang stared with some incredulity, "Could it be that you like to go back to the feeling of being abused?"

Reed looked at him in a serious manner, "At least at that time you were fighting me seriously, even though I never won once in your hands, I lost with conviction."

Lin Ming Yang closed his laptop and nodded with a bitter smile, "Well, you're right, something has been bothering me lately, even when I play games I often get distracted, hehe..."

Reed subconsciously asked, "Which actress did you rumor with this time?"

Lin Ming Yang rolled his eyes helplessly, "You think that kind of thing can make me like this?"

"Sorry, habit becomes nature!" Ruide hemmed and hawed, "I forgot that you guy had long since stopped being that innocent little virgin back then, and would agonize for half a day over the slightest bit of gossip he had with a pretty girl in school."

Lin Ming Yang's face was filled with an innocent expression, "Actually now I'm also very pure..."

Reed sneered back, "You are indeed 'pure', so you're having a headache about whose picture should actually be on the cover of the next issue of Playboy?"

"Those are two completely unrelated issues." In the face of his best friend's interrogation, Lin Ming Yang just shrugged helplessly.

Reed spread his hands, "Well, I know that MGM is running well during this period of time, so it shouldn't be that you're suffering from a headache over business matters, could it be your relationship problems...I can't give you any good advice on that one!"

"You know James Cameron is making a movie..."

"Uh-huh, a lot of people are talking about it right now, and it's been getting a lot of attention in the media lately, and it's rumored that he spent all the money Fox gave him to produce it, and then got a big chunk of money from you?" With a video sharing site like YouTube in his hands, Reed had always been very sensitive to all sides of the news.

"I went to the set a while ago, that movie gave me a very big shock, no surprise, it will be a cross-genre movie, just like Titanic back in the day!"

To be able to let Lin Ming Yang give such an evaluation, Reed didn't even need to think about it to guess how wonderful that movie was, when what made him feel puzzled was that Lin Ming Yang didn't have a particularly joyful expression on his face.

"That movie was well made, as an investor you should be happy!"

"The business identity is just a part-time job for me, my main job is still that of a filmmaker, and to be precise my main focus in the future should be directing!" In front of his best friend, Lin Ming Yang had nothing to hide.

"Mr. Ecks will definitely spit blood when he hears you say that!" Reed winked heartily at Lin Ming Yang, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general isn't a good soldier, since you chose directing as your main job, so Cameron is the target you're trying to surpass?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "I'm not a person who wants to deliberately pursue any artistic achievements, but I hope that I can make a movie that will be the pinnacle of commercial excellence, Titanic left the other movies far behind, and this time, Cameron might leave the others even farther behind!"

"You're saying that movie called Avatar or whatever it's called will still surpass Titanic at the box office?" The shock in Ruide's heart was far more exaggerated than the expression on his face, knowing that nowadays a movie that breaks 1 billion dollars at the box office is already considered a very impressive film in Hollywood, and Titanic's 1.9 billion dollar global box office record is even more regarded as an unsurpassed pinnacle, and now Lin Ming Yang is actually saying that Cameron may still be able to reach new heights, with a tone of voice that's so certain, how could it not be that this would not in Ruide's heart How could this not send shockwaves through Reed's mind?

Lin Ming Yang sighed softly, "When you actually see that film in the movie theater, you'll believe everything I've said today...After 10 years of silence, everyone thought Cameron was no longer brilliant, but in fact, he's always been imitated and never surpassed!"

Reed had never seen such a lost expression on Lin Ming Yang's face, he asked in a small voice, "Not even you?"

"Honestly I'm not too sure!"

"This isn't the Felix Lin I know, does a James Cameron scare you like this?" Reed snapped to his feet and looked at Lin Ming Yang with a burning gaze, "I just realized today, whether it's in a game or in reality, losing one's fighting spirit is such a terrible thing!"

"I didn't say I couldn't!" Lin Ming Yang rubbed his nose, "It's just that I haven't found the right direction yet... I think there are always days when a man can't lift his spirits, you know!"

Ruide gave him a blank look without a good reason, "What you need right now is inspiration, maybe going out for a walk will help you?"

"I tried." Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "It's useless!"

Ruide smiled wistfully at Lin Ming Yang, "Maybe those beautiful girlfriends of yours can give you help!"

"They're busier than me right now!"

"Maybe the game can give you some inspiration...isn't it just making a movie, I think 'Warcraft' is a good topic, with such a vast world setting and heavy epic background, and so many characters and characters and a huge number of player fans, just look at the current 'World of Warcraft' and you'll know that a movie like this can definitely be made more popular than 'The Lord of the Rings!"

Reed was just saying it casually, but Lin Ming Yang's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Adapting Warcraft into a movie, this idea was probably conceived a long time ago, but the technology and capital investment needed to make such a step forward movie kept all such plans in the conception stage, after seeing the filming of Avatar, Lin Ming Yang knew that the time was ripe to bring Warcraft to the big screen.

Cameron was able to create a Pandora's Planet that was both real and unreal, but couldn't he create a near-perfect "Warcraft" world?