Chapter 259 Going Your Own Way

This long-distance call on the plane made Eckles realize that even though he had become the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MGM and had undergone a huge shift in his status, Lin Ming Yang still retained his inherent persistence in his approach to certain issues. From "Admission Notice" to "Three Idiots", if Lin Mingyang's bold satire on the shortcomings of the education system was still motivated by the impulse of youthful rebellion, works such as "Blood Diamond" and "District 9" can no longer be clearly explained by rebellion alone.

Eckles never understood why Lin Mingyang's mind had such profound thoughts, the only difference was that Lin Mingyang did not cover up these views that were even a bit dangerous in Eckles' opinion, but now he already knew how to wrap up those sharp ideas, and usually did not show them off easily, but the occasional sharpness was still as sharp as ever, sending chills down people's spines.

Lin Mingyang revealed his antipathy towards the US military when Transformers 2 was about to be filmed, which gave Eckles a not-so-good feeling in his heart. After Lin Ming Yang and Eckles reached a consensus, Michael Bay, despite some reluctance, had to modify the film's shooting program in accordance with the investor's opinion, increasing the fights of individual Transformers while reducing the number of overall Transformers.

Lin Mingyang also took care of his emotions, the filming expenses of the film was finally just cut down by a fraction of the $200 million, in general Michael Bay still has very abundant funds to fulfill his ideas.

The film will be set in different parts of the world, and the Transformers final battle will be staged in the Egyptian pyramids, Michael Bay's arrangement is more or less to cater to the view that the pyramids are the product of extraterrestrial civilization. In addition to finalizing the shooting program, to determine the details of their own role in the performance, Lin Mingyang no longer have any of the film, "to dictate", he even used this period of time on the grounds of physical fatigue, pushed off the name of the executive producer. Lin Mingyang "lazy" up, Eckles really can not take him, but really let Eckles worried about that day on the plane, he and his words.

Lin Mingyang uncharacteristically "ignore" the film, Eckles has been detected from the strange, in the crew out of the country for location shooting before the farewell reception, Eckles deliberately pulled Lin Mingyang to a secluded balcony.

After listening to Eckles' concerns, Lin Mingyang patted him on the shoulder and said with a relaxed expression, "When did my flirting make you so tense, this is too much! Don't worry about it, those are just some of my personal views on the movie, how Michael Bay goes about it is his business, as you often hang on the most side of the line, for the studios, the box office is the most noteworthy result!"

Eckles shook his head, "But every time I used to say that you used to find a whole bunch of reasons to refute me, and now that you're no longer insisting on it, that's what worries me the most!"

Lin Ming Yang suddenly laughed, "Worried that I'll completely and utterly fall into a businessman like you?"

"Although I don't feel that there's anything wrong with becoming a businessman, but after all, movies still have the cells of art in existence, and on the contrary, the existence of art can't be quantified in terms of money, so just as you said, I'm a successful businessman, but can never become an excellent filmmaker." Ecks looked at Lin Ming Yang very seriously as he said this, "I hope you can stick to your own direction and path!"

Lin Ming Yang pointed towards the hall with his hand holding up his wine glass, Ecks looked in the direction of his finger and found Spielberg and Michael Bay talking passionately there, there were quite a lot of people surrounding the two of them, they were supposed to be discussing a very interesting topic, the scene looked lively.

"In the face of such a tantalizing subject as Transformers, don't you think it's strange why Spielberg didn't make the film himself instead of getting Michael Bay to do it?"

"You mean he thinks like you?" Ecks immediately understood what Lin Mingyang meant.

"Spielberg may not want to hate America's foreign military intervention policy as much as I do, but he also understands that Transformers carries a strong Cold War coloring, for a big director like him, the film may not have to be very colorful, but it must be a whole lot of connotations that others don't have so that it can show the level of sophistication, but it's just that Transformers can't meet such requirements, so decisively Giving up is not a regret."

Seemingly sensing that someone was talking about himself, Spielberg and Michael Bay coincidentally turned their heads this way, Lin Mingyang naturally picked up his glass and remotely toasted them, and when those two both turned their backs, he went on to talk about the topic he had just talked about in great detail:

"There is a kind of person who is born to make only one kind of movie, this kind of person even if he mixes for ten years or eight years will not turn from a successful commercial movie director into a movie master. In my opinion, Michael Bay is such a typical genre director, and he is more pure than many genre directors. He is a person will only shoot a kind of film, John Woo's violent aesthetics may also become a kind of movie logo, become a symbol, let people admire let people follow. But Michael Bay is purely the spokesman for explosive special effects, and doesn't care about any aesthetic enhancement at all, the audience can shoot how they like."

Eckles countered, "From the standpoint of what the audience wants, there's nothing wrong with him doing that."

"Of course he's right, and so are the special effects, but the problem is that special effects have never been the whole point of a movie; Superman and Spider-Man sell characterization, and the special effects are one of the signature attractions to look at; The Lord of the Rings sells an epic plot, and the special effects are the icing on the cake; Titanic sells a story and a touching message, and the special effects are the atmospheric chip on the shoulder. "Transformers," the first one can still be said to be people recalling their childhood memories, and now this one from the beginning to the end of the publicity and the movie to show things, in addition to special effects or special effects."

"Look at the script you know Michael Bay this time the ambition of how big, he is intended to pull the 2 1/2 hours of the story pulled round pulled the whole, and will be in the middle of every scene are arranged full of explosions and Transformers fight, so that certainly can let the audience to watch over the top, but he did so completely Hollywood's future of special effects road to the death of the future of the film what everyone Seeing the special effects will only think of taking and 'Transformers' than, are thinking of seeking more and seeking full, the scene is to do to the big, in the long run will only make the same type of commercial film storytelling is getting thinner and thinner, if that day the technology can not satisfy the people for the requirements of the special effects, this kind of movie is also even finished!

"You saw this trend, but you didn't try to stop it?" Ecks looked at Lin Ming Yang with an almost unfamiliar look, the Lin Ming Yang he knew wasn't like this before.

"Michael Bay is nothing more than a typical representative of this trend, it can also be said that he is nothing more than an elected representative of the zeitgeist, changing him doesn't change the underlying problem." When he said this, a bad smile suddenly appeared on Lin Ming Yang's face, "The drawbacks of this model will only be revealed in a few more years, at least for the time being it is still considered a successful commercial movie model. I always feel that the lessons of failure are more useful than the experiences of success, in order to get others to follow you, you have to make them have no way out first!"


Transformers 2 started shooting more than three months later than originally planned, and in order to get the film in theaters as soon as possible, Michael Bay tended to fill the crew's schedule to the brim when making filming plans. During the time of shooting overseas, the crew has been constantly rushing the progress, every place, the other members of the crew have endless work in their hands, as the protagonist of the film, Lin Mingyang in turn became the most idle person in the crew.

The shooting in Egypt was definitely the most difficult experience for the other members of the crew, but for Lin Mingyang, this one-week period was more like a vacation. Every day, in addition to filming, he either went on an excursion near the pyramids or laid back in his tent, hugging a chilled coconut and inhaling a few mouthfuls of it.

Because of Lin Ming Yang's special status, all of his requests were met, and he didn't like to specialize in the crew, so all the other members of the crew also enjoyed a chilled coconut or coke. Michael Bay would lose his temper when he was working, and the crew privately called him "the devil", but Lin Mingyang's existence not only brought benefits to all of them, but also when Michael Bay was furious, only he could suppress Michael Bay's anger, so he became an "angel" in the hearts of all of them. He has become the "angel" in everyone's mind.

Lin Mingyang in the crew life is very cozy, in addition to good people, there is another important reason is that no matter where the location shooting, his tent and Megan's tent will usually be very close, Megan will often come to his tent to "sit" for a while.

Unfortunately, the good things between the two neighbors were often interrupted. Once, Lin Mingyang and Megan are making out, suddenly heard someone outside the tent called his name, he came out to see a film with the filming of the U.S. soldiers shyly stood there, he was very polite to invite him into their own tent, it turned out that he came to Lin Mingyang and Megan to ask for an autograph.

Lin Mingyang naturally wouldn't refuse such a request, and the strange thing was that the other person kept saying sorry. Megan thought that he had seen through the two of them, and was a little embarrassed by this. But when they sent the shy American soldier out, they realized that a group of American soldiers with paper and pens had suddenly appeared, all of them had come to ask Lin Mingyang and Megan for their autographs, and the previous one was nothing more than the vanguard they had sent out.

Lin Mingyang and Megan's rendezvous just like this fizzled out, so much so that Lin Mingyang kept complaining, and then so suddenly interrupted, he will probably be from now on, "a setback".