Chapter 261 - The Panda Who Had a Hard Time Delivering

At first sight, hate each other such scenes were not staged at the first meeting between Lin Mingyang and Jeffrey Carsonberg, under Spielberg's introduction, the two men just shook hands, and did not even say more than one word.

Jeffrey Carsonberg whole person looks very silent, in the secret observation of his Lin Mingyang performance is also very low-key, visit process only seems to be only Spielberg really interested in the movie.

Spielberg pointed to the camp of the American army not far away and asked with interest, "Why are their camps separate?"

Michael Bay smiled slightly, "You probably don't know that there has always been some sort of rivalry between the U.S. Army and the Air Force, and this filming in New Mexico has made that rivalry even more intense. Although the Army's White Sands Proving Ground and the Air Force's Holloman Base are in close proximity to each other, the campsites for the military actors from the different parties are completely separate."

Spielberg nodded and asked immediately after, "What did the soldiers say about the movie?"

"The military actors put a lot of passion into acting in this movie because they wanted their kids to be able to see themselves fighting the Transformers on the big screen in this movie."

"Yeah?" This anecdote uttered by Michael Bay amused Spielberg, "I almost forgot, their generation just happens to have grown up watching Transformers as youngsters...the idea of being able to fulfill a childhood dream is indeed tempting, but you've brought in so many soldiers, it seems like the movie isn't for everyone, right? "

Michael Bay shrugged helplessly, "Yeah, since everyone in the military cast wanted to be in the movie, during the filming of one scene, the roof of the prop house we built was so crowded with soldiers at one point that the military liaison of the crew had to find an excuse to disperse them."

A childish Spielberg grinned, "I bet it didn't work!"

"At the time I told them that it was so unrealistic for you to be packed so tightly together, that the enemy could have taken you all out with a single grenade, and how did you dish out the results, and the answer they gave was that this was Hollywood, and weren't we fighting invisible aliens with ammo that we could never shoot up?" Michael Bay did a fantastic imitation of the tone of voice and demeanor of the group of soldiers as they spoke, which made Spielberg laugh.

While they were talking and laughing in front, Lin Mingyang and Jeffrey Kassenberg's steps got slower and slower, and in the back Spielberg and Jeffrey Kassenberg directly left the two far behind.

"Carsonberg has something to say to me?" After the two people in front had walked away, Lin Mingyang finally broke the silence.

"Doesn't Mr. Felix have the same idea?" Jeffrey Carsonberg and Lin Ming Yang looked at each other and smiled, "I've left DreamWorks now."

Lin Ming Yang nodded, "I've already heard about this."

"Oh?" Jeffrey Carsonberg stopped in his tracks and looked at Lin Ming Yang with two gleaming eyes, "I didn't expect Mr. Felix to be so well informed when he's in the crew."

Lin Ming Yang laughed, "You can't be saying this as a sarcastic remark about me being duplicitous when performing, right?"

"Of course not!" Jeffrey Carsonberg immediately shook his head, "I'm just curious, since you knew about this situation, you didn't feel strange at all when I suddenly appeared here?"

"There's an old Chinese saying called 'buyers and sellers can't be partners, but they can still be friends in life, I think you and Mr. Spielberg are only conflicting in your career philosophy, and this matter shouldn't affect your friendship. "

Jeffrey Kassenberg in this issue is to show very frank, "leave Paramount is my and Stephen common idea, but in the future development of DreamWorks on the choice of road divergence... Steve choose Disney, but I will never return to Disney, we argued for a long time, but no one has not persuaded anyone! and in the end had to choose to go our separate ways."

"My former manager, Mr. Eckles, worked with you for a while, and he was a great admirer of you!"

Jeffrey Kassenberg said with great emotion, "When he chose to leave from Disney and become your full-time agent, I knew that he would be able to succeed...and as it turns out, he who became the president of MGM is already far ahead of me."

"In Hollywood, only DreamWorks' animation company is able to compete with Disney, and at this point, your success is also there for all to see." Lin Mingyang's compliments were still relatively objective and subtle, and Jeffrey Kassenberg was certainly not presumptuous.

"After coming out from Paramount, several animation production projects in my hands have been halted due to funding, I actually came here this time to talk to you, maybe we can cooperate with each other."

Seeing the "meat show" begin, Lin Ming Yang's face was calm, but inwardly he couldn't help but feel a little excited, fortunately he was no longer as impulsive as before.

"Is this your own idea, or did Mr. Spielberg give you advice?"

Jeffrey Carsonberg told the truth: "Steve has always wanted me to work with him, so this time when I came to see you, he was strongly against it."

"So Mr. Spielberg will be disappointed if we reach an agreement to work together?"

"Anyone who asks such a question either admires Steve a lot or hates him." Jeffrey Carsonberg's answer backhanded Lin Mingyang, "I wonder which kind of person Mr. Felix belongs to?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "Mr. Spielberg is a director I admire, he used to be my idol, now he's a target I want to surpass!"

"Steve is an excellent director, but has never been considered a successful entrepreneur, you are now worth far more and have left him behind... As for movies, in fact, Steve himself has admitted that it's really only a matter of time before you want to achieve what he has now."

Jeffrey Kassenberg saying this wasn't considered a deliberate compliment, with Lin Mingyang's achievements and potential, he fully deserved such an evaluation.

"MGM's animation department has not been able to do much in its history of development, and by the time I acquired this film company, this department was already a virtual non-existent...I dream of one day being able to recreate the glory of MGM in the last century, and you aspire to beat Disney, and to be honest both of these ideas are a bit unrealistic to say right now , but if we can join forces, the dream may not be that far away from us."

Lin Ming Yang said this because he wanted to show Jeffrey Carsonberg his ambition.

Jeffrey Kassenberg was also composed enough: "I'm eager to hear what kind of plans Mr. Felix has."

"The animation company under your name is merged into MGM, and we will cooperate in the form of an equity discount, as the new shareholder, in the future, you will have all the say on what MGM does in terms of animation production!"

Lin Mingyang's conditions were direct, but they were also very enticing, and Jeffrey Kassenberg had to admit that his heart was moved.

Just when Jeffrey Kassenberg was considering, Lin Mingyang but suddenly turned: "MGM will certainly have to expand its share financing in the future, at that time, the proportion of your shareholding is increased or decreased, depends entirely on your animation department to the whole company contribution, we only speak in terms of ability, the weak will certainly be eliminated!"

Lin Mingyang this with the meaning of the words of the examination out, Jeffrey Kassenberg, but firmly the idea of cooperation, Lin Mingyang opened the conditions is not low, the key is the future there is room for upward development, if he hesitates to go on, on the contrary, it will be underestimated by Lin Mingyang.

Seeing Jeffrey Carsonberg is ready to nod, Lin Mingyang played a hand to capture the trick.

"You don't have to rush to give me an answer, after serious consideration we will discuss the details of the cooperation... Of course there is another thing I have to tell you in advance, MGM after a while may be part of the equity swap with Viacom."

This news made Jeffrey Kassenberg ate a shock, this has just drawn a line with Paramount, immediately want to get involved, this makes him hesitate in his heart.

Seemingly reading his mind, Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "This equity swap does not change the existing equity structure of MGM, and our shares with Viacom are swapped in equal proportions."

"What?" Jeffrey Kassenberg looked at Lin Ming Yang with a face full of incredulity, "Equal percentage replacement replacement!" His eyes were wide open, at this moment he even wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

"It is indeed an Equal Proportion Replacement Replacement, there is no need for me to joke with you about this, in fact, you can see this as a bold investment by the Viacom Group in the future of MGM." Lin Mingyang spoke in this tone, completely placing MGM on an equal footing with Viacom for comparison, he spoke very softly, but Jeffrey Kassenberg's heart set off shockwaves.

Lei Shi Dong is what kind of person, Jeffrey Kassenberg heart is not more confused than others, can let him make such a decision, is he so optimistic about Lin Ming Yang?

For a moment, Jeffrey Kassenberg's mind turned a thousand thoughts, and since the cooperation with Viacom does not involve a change in the controlling interest, it does not affect his cooperation with MGM, and in the next moment, he has made a decision.

"Since Felix is able to tell me such important news with such confidence, I believe that your sincerity is unquestionable, to be honest I am now in urgent need of funds to resume the production of those several animated films on hand, so I hope that the specific negotiations can be launched as soon as possible."

Seeing that the big picture was settled, Lin Ming Yang suddenly thought of another question. "I'm able to take the liberty of asking, in your several unfinished works, is there a film whose main character is a panda in a very oriental style?"

"How did you know that we were really working on such a movie?" The expression on Jeffrey Kassenberg's face could no longer be described as surprise.

Lin Mingyang had just casually asked, but he hadn't expected it to really happen to him, and while sighing at his good fortune, he had to desperately make up an excuse to dispel Jeffrey Carsonberg's misgivings about his foresight.

Good thing he was in a hurry: "The voice actor, one of the voice actors you hired talked to me about it!"

"So it is!" Jeffrey Carsonberg reluctantly believed the explanation.

After resolving the other party's confusion, Lin Mingyang asked right after, "Has that movie already been made?"

"You're interested in that movie?" Associating it with some rumors in Hollywood, Jeffrey Kassenberg seemed to have thought of something.

Lin Mingyang felt that he was being a bit eager, he adjusted his emotions, "You know that I've always been interested in Eastern culture, so..."

Jeffrey Carsonberg looked at Lin Ming Yang with a very strange look, "Did that friend of yours not tell you that that movie has been abandoned by us?"

"Abandoned?" Hearing such news, Lin Ming Yang froze in his tracks.