Chapter 266 - Singapore and the Bath Pool

From the beach where Lin Mingyang was sunbathing to the crew's quarters on the island separated by a coconut grove, the distance between them was only one kilometer, it was reasonable to say that ten minutes would be enough to finish the walk, but Lin Mingyang and Verbinski walked and chatted, and almost walked for half an hour.

On the way, Lin Mingyang will be his own views on the plot of the organized and clear in front of the director Vibinsky sorted out, these views are Lin Mingyang from the later generations of people on the "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" in the evaluation of the summarized, not to say that the quality of the film more than a big improvement, at least to help Vibinsky less detours.

Because of Lin Mingyang's appearance, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" wasn't filmed at the same time as the previous episode, but the plot didn't deviate too much from the one he remembered, and the script was supposed to have been written during the filming of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" so that bit of foresight in his head was still able to play some role.

The two of them bumped into Knightley at the entrance of the crew's quarters, who was preparing to leave with a simple medical kit. Verbinski was thinking of going to the screenwriter to talk about script revisions, and Knightley's appearance just gave him the excuse to leave. He patted Lin Mingyang on the shoulder and entered the premises by himself.

Lin Mingyang originally thought that he and Knightley's "adulterous affair" had been broken up by outsiders, saying that he was going to get some medicine, and it was likely that he would not come back after he had gone there. Seeing her really take the medical box ready to go to look for himself, Lin Mingyang heart warmed, also do not care about the resident crowded eyes, lifted his feet and walked forward.

Nathalie was worried about the injuries on Lin Mingyang's hands, but Lin Mingyang was good, once she came over, her eyes began to stare at her dishonestly. Knightley really want to direct medical box to Lin Mingyang, their own walk away from the matter, but in the end can not defeat the heart of guilt plus concern, honestly followed Lin Mingyang into his tent.

In the tent, Lin Mingyang instead came down honestly, lifting his hand to let Knightley help him treat his wounds, and his eyes didn't casually look around anymore.

Lin Mingyang's hand was bitten open place blood has been stopped, Knightley first with iodine carefully along the edge of the wound from the inside out, and then repeat the action with alcohol. Whether it was iodine or alcohol, they were highly irritating to the skin and would hurt when applied, and even though Knightley had been very careful, she would still touch the wound.

Throughout the process of sterilizing the wound, the gusts of stinging pain on his arm didn't hinder Lin Ming Yang's mood of appreciating the contours of Knightley's beautiful face, but just as Knightley was bandaging Lin Ming Yang, a guy ventured in.

"I went to the wrong tent, I'm so sorry!" The crew artisan, Hayne Riches, found a very lame excuse and hurriedly twisted his head to run out the door.

"Mr. Hayne, you don't have to rush off...I've got it on my side!" Knightley tied a knot in the gauze and stood up with her medical kit in her arms in a big way.

"Thank you Dr. Knightley for your house call!" Lin Mingyang followed suit and stood up, his sense of cooperation was good, but unfortunately the words he said had the urge to make Knightley punch someone.

Knightley's beautiful eyes crossed, glaring at Lin Mingyang without a trace, lifting the tent door and walking out.

"It's a pity..." watching her graceful silhouette disappear before his eyes, Lin Ming Yang sighed softly.

"Mr. Felix, what did you say?" Hayne Riches had just gotten out of the awkward situation where it was neither a good idea to leave nor stay, and this head suddenly heard Lin Ming Yang vaguely say something that he didn't quite hear clearly.

Before, Lin Ming Yang had been imagining in his mind what Knightley would look like in a nurse's outfit, and in a moment of emotion, he let his mouth slip, and was regretting it at this time, and when the other party asked, he of course denied it.

Hayne Riches and Lin Mingyang familiar, because he from the first two episodes of the film in the crew as an artisan, is considered to be the old man in the crew. The artisan was known as the art director in old Hollywood, but over the years, this position became the head of all the art departments behind the movie, working with the director as well as the cinematographer to grasp the specific form of the entire movie's embodiment on the screen.

"Mr. Hein what is it that you want?" Looking at the other party's sad face, Lin Ming Yang figured that the other party should have come to him with a request.

After hesitating for a moment, Hayne Riches finally spoke, "I've recently encountered some trouble with my know that big production movies like Pirates of the Caribbean 3, where the content is supported by the picture, will always be a great challenge for us artisans, as these types of movies will always involve more delicate, detail-oriented The most difficult part for me was the Singapore part, because we couldn't go to Southeast Asia to set up the scene, instead we prepared to rebuild a 'Singapore' in the studio, which was one of the main new scenes in the movie. "

After roughly figuring out where he was coming from, Lin Ming Yang smiled slightly, "What kind of help do you need?"

As soon as he heard that Lin Ming Yang was willing to help, Hayne Riches was overjoyed and thanked him before finally saying, "What exactly was Singapore supposed to look like in the early 18th century? This really hurts my brain, because there are neither any real historical documents for us to refer to, plus modern Singapore has long ceased to look the same as it did 300 years ago due to its rapid development, so we can only imagine it out of thin air... I know that there is a new actor in the cast, and he should know more about Singapore than anyone else in the cast, because his wife is a Singaporean, so maybe he can give me some help...I don't know him well enough to take the liberty of making a request, so I'd like to ask for your help."

"You're talking about Chow Yun Fat?" As a newly debuted character in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", the Singaporean Pirate King Shao Feng's character naturally had to find a Chinese to star in the movie, and preferably the kind of actor who was more influential in the entire Southeast Asia region, director Verbinski finally looked at Hong Kong actor Chow Yun Fat.

Out of admiration for the idol in his previous life, Lin Mingyang on this cooperation is also full of not a small amount of expectation, but the requirements put forward by Hayne Riches made him a little difficult.

"Even though Mr. Chow Yun-Fat's wife is from Singapore, believe me how can a modern man have any specific knowledge of his homeland 300 years ago? I can go and talk to Mr. Chow Yun-Fat about this matter, but the end result will most likely be difficult for both of you double hairs."

"What should I do then, seeing as the other segments of this movie are about to be finished, if I can't design a suitable scene, I'll be in deep shit!" Hayne Riches clutched his head in agony, his expression filled with anxiety.

"As far as my personal understanding of the plot is concerned, you actually don't need to obsessively pursue whether or not the scene is historical or not when building the set... Singapore is not given a different meaning in the movie, it represents not a city or a country, but a completely different living environment and rules, belonging to the East India Trading Company's jurisdiction, the 'other side of the world' mentioned in the movie. The third episode of the movie focuses on the end of the Golden Age of Piracy, as the impact of global trade brought new rules and order to the sea, and the movie tries to recreate key features of that era through 'Singapore'."

Lin Mingyang's previous polite rejection made Hayne Riches very hit, but this reminder he made immediately afterward made Hayne Riches light up, Singapore's symbolic significance in the movie was greater than the landmark significance, he was limited to restoring the original appearance of Singapore, but he never stood on this point of view to think about the problem. Now after Lin Mingyang so said, he immediately felt that the whole idea all of a sudden brightened up.

As smart as Hain Riches, he already knew what he should do at this time, but Lin Ming Yang suddenly thought of a problem that seemed very serious to him, and Hain Riches as an artisan happened to be responsible for this piece again, so he was ready to take this opportunity to knock the other side.

In European and American film and television works, the image of Asians is always less than satisfactory, and often appear as villains, in a variety of action movies are often associated with gangsters, and the modeling is also very bizarre. Either stay a handful of goatee, or behind the head to throw a braid, the body type is either withered and thin as firewood, or that kind of fat head sumo image.

European and American viewers in this regard, the screening ability is limited, often generalized image of Asians will be categorized as Chinese, such a film Lin Mingyang has seen too much, in short, boasts of professional Hollywood in this regard to do very unprofessional.

If Lin Mingyang not special reminder, Hayne Riches finally designed out of Singapore is afraid that it is difficult to get out of the groove, which appeared in the role is no more than wearing a cheongsam sultry woman, a cross-flesh giant, face styling design is difficult to reflect the novelty of the Western audience is to look at a fresh, the Eastern audience is a stomach of depression.

Lin Mingyang's proposal is to let Heinrichs directly to China to find a number of art design, modeling division to add to his design team, about Singapore this scene scheduling, costume design can be handed over to them to do, so that out of the effect will be better.

Other people say so Hain - Riches grunted to cope with two sentences on the past, certainly will not have any practical action, but Lin Mingyang's insight and ability has convinced Hain - Riches, not to mention that his identity is there, even the director Vybinsky Baba ran to him in front of the advice, Hain - Riches this little artisan is of course obedient to the words.


Heinrichs used half a month to build a "Singapore" on the island. This set is Heinrichs most satisfied, most proud of a place, because the design time left to him is very little, so in this process he is also faced with enormous pressure, but in the design of the "Singapore" in his opinion, at least very beautiful,

He arranged a huge water tank in the studio, because the island nation of Singapore has a difficult relationship with water, as for the architectural design of which is a combination of the kind of wooden houses supported on the water with brackets and the ground and stone-based brick houses, is a fusion of the two styles. An artist from Hong Kong was brought in to do the initial sketches, to which Hayne Riches added some personal interpretations. Although the details are a little lacking, the overall layout of the set at least gets rid of the unorthodox feeling of the Oriental world as seen by Westerners.

What really makes Lin Mingyang laugh and cry is the bathhouse design in the interior of the scene, Hain Riches skyrocketed into the mechanical principle, the water is heated and then transported into the bathtub with a bamboo pipe, the design is clever, but he will be this Eastern bathhouse design dark and weird. Director Verbinski believed that this was a gathering place for pirates, so he hoped that the bathhouse would give people a feeling of evil and immorality. Based on his idea, Heinrichs designed a bathhouse that not only had tubs, but also mushrooms growing all around it, which was very ridiculous.

During a tour of the set, director Verbinski praised the design, while Lin Mingyang retreated without a word after a few hasty glances. Knightley, one of the several lead actors accompanying her, wasn't much interested in the tour either, and after coming in her gaze hovered over Lin Ming Yang, and when she saw him leave alone, she quietly followed him out as well.

Unfortunately, Knightley's actions were a beat slower, and only after she went out did she realize that someone had already gotten to Lin Ming Yang first.

On the small wooden bridge that had been improvised throughout the set, Lin Ming Yang looked at Zhou Yunfa, who had followed him all the way over, with a slight curiosity, and asked with a smile, "What is it that Mr. Zhou is looking for me for?"

Back in the days of John Woo's Legend of the Dark Night, it was no news in the Hong Kong entertainment industry that Lin Ming Yang spoke fluent Chinese. Although Lin Mingyang's Western features were a bit more pronounced in his appearance, his Chinese descent and familiar mother tongue still made Chow Yun-Fat, who was far away from home, feel close to him.

"I was bored inside and saw Mr. Felix come out, so I followed him out to get some air." Chow Yun Fat smiled at Lin Ming Yang, the two were meeting for the first time, but spoke like old friends who hadn't seen each other for years.

In his previous life, Chow Yun Fat was a big star that was out of Lin Ming Yang's reach, while in this life Lin Ming Yang was used to seeing too many big stars, and his identity and mentality had changed drastically. Now he could talk to Chow Yun-Fat in a lighthearted manner, but Chow Yun-Fat had to be a little more formal and respectful in front of him.

Lin Mingyang knows a lot about Chow Yun Fat, but a lot of things can only be buried in the heart, the expression of the two do not know each other well, so after exchanging a few pleasantries, Lin Mingyang naturally turned the topic to the filming of the movie.

"Mr. Zhou should not be the first time to shoot in Hollywood, what do you think about the role this time?"

Chatting with Lin Ming Yang, Chow Yun Fat didn't have any scruples and spoke straight from the heart. "I do not have Jackie Chan, Jet Li so able to fight and jump, in Hollywood can not eat, this role I think it is quite interesting, I used to play in Hong Kong is mostly the kind of very positive role, with a little evil role on my attraction is very big ... As for the shape of the well, I see a little bit of normal in the theater is only you and the little girl called Knightly As for the look, I see a little normal in the play, only you and the little girl called Knightley, other pirate look are very exaggerated, I would also like to know my own shaved head, long beard is a what kind of feeling, I have never tried, this time or very much looking forward to it."

"In fact, I do think there is still room for improvement in your role, just look at the looks of those individual actors under you in the movie, the image of the Chinese in the eyes of Hollywood producers is always like that, there has been no progress at all over the years!"

Such an assessment coming from Lin Ming Yang's mouth really made Chow Yun Fat take a shock. Lin Mingyang's status was there, and the weight of his words could be more than just a starring role. Chinese actors who have been in Hollywood know that, in a different cultural background, even a script that looks good role is difficult to perform their own favorite satisfied feeling, what is the director said, have the energy can not be used.

Lin Mingyang's comments are said to Zhou Yunfa's heart, in a deep feeling at the same time, Zhou Yunfa heart also has a greater doubt, since Lin Mingyang realized this, to his position and influence in Hollywood, not to say change everyone's views, at least in this play is not a problem, but Zhou Yunfa clearly from Lin Mingyang's sigh of sighing just now heard a hint of faint helplessness.

"Hollywood has its own rules of the game, take this movie for example, I can use my influence to change some things, but the final decision is not in my hands. This movie as long as it is invested and filmed by the Disney Company, as a collaborator my current status is also very awkward, there are some things that I can manage but I can't manage everything. For that question just now, I can only guide it in the general direction...of course if Mr. Zhou feels that his character's look is really lacking, he can raise it, and I can definitely help make some adjustments!"

After going through so much in the entertainment industry, Chow Yun Fat himself had looked down on some things, and if Lin Ming Yang stepped in to say something for himself, others would instead think he was being pretentious. "Weird on the weird point, although absurd, but I think this is quite good, anyway, we are all the same acting is a pirate, if the performance of heroism that would not be right... I have been in Hollywood for ten years to shoot five movies, success or not I dare not say, not to mention that there is no pressure, but I have tried my best and will never regret it! "

Zhou Yunfa's spontaneity let Lin Mingyang feel a little impatient, some things are not thought of can immediately change, the actor to Zhou Yunfa this degree, for some things have long been able to waves of light and look at it. Perhaps some people will think that Chow Yun Fat condescend to be a pirate, do not say supporting role, but also be made a bird not shit bizarre shape is he in order to "Pirates of the Caribbean" such Hollywood blockbusters show a face, and later go out of the top of the head to be able to more than an international star title.

In fact, there must be some people on Zhou Yunfa "yield to" Hollywood practice is not thought, otherwise there will not be people say he in the "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" in the shape of allegedly insulting China, but do not know that Zhou Yunfa has already looked down on everything, in his eyes, this performance may also be just a game only. This kind of favor and humiliation realm, but Lin Mingyang this age how can not learn.