Chapter 273 - Trembling Capital

Lin Mingyang left after giving a stern word, leaving a group of reporters sitting there dumbfounded. Ecks didn't immediately chase him out, and after helplessly shaking his head and sighing, he slowly walked up to the front stage under the gazes of the crowd.

Ecks glanced at the reporters with different expressions under the stage, and only after a long period of silence did he open his mouth and say: ''Felix said something like this that surprised me, but with my understanding of him, he's definitely not a bossy person...I don't want to say anything regrettable about this here, but just want to tell you that Felix can be responsible for responsibility for anything he's ever said, and whether or not he was in the mood earlier, this time he definitely meant it."

Ecks paused, leaving a bit of time for the reporter to take notes, and then continued, "Given Felix's current emotional state, he definitely won't be accepting any more interviews, so it's necessary for me to add some explanations to what he just said."

After clearing his throat Ecks said aloud, "There is no romantic relationship between Felix and Miss Jessica Bale as you all have speculated, the media's various claims about their relationship are all nonsense...I don't find it strange for the media to believe in what they say, but as the party involved in the incident, Mr. Justin is also following the sympathetic attitude, which makes I deeply regret it. The inaccuracies in some of his statements have had an extremely negative impact on Felix's reputation and that of MGM's. I hope that Mr. Justin will take the initiative himself. I hope that Mr. Justin himself can take the initiative to come forward to clarify this matter, and if the impact of the incident cannot be undone, we will reserve the right to sue Mr. Justin and some irresponsible media!"

Amidst the whispering of reporters mingling on the stage, Ecks announced the end of the entire press conference. He himself did not accept any more interviews from reporters and left the scene straight away.

If Lin Mingyang's earlier remarks were just "angry words" representing his personal attitude, then Eckles' later additions clearly indicated to the media the attitude of MGM Studios, when a Lin Mingyang is not a master that Justin can easily afford to mess with, and now with the addition of the entire MGM Studios, it is clear in the hearts of all journalists. If Justin still wants to mix in the American entertainment industry, this time he must bow his head and apologize.

Reporters who reacted quickly to the end of the press conference had already used the wireless network to put the latest news on the Internet, and those who were fast had even begun to contact Justin's agent, wanting to make an appointment for Justin's interview.

However, at this time the journalists to make what kind of reaction has nothing to do with Lin Mingyang, from the conference site after leaving he did not return to the office, but went directly to the underground parking lot, drove the newly purchased Aston Martin One-77 supercar on the road and then stepped on the gas pedal, the gatekeeper has just lifted up the car in the highway indulgence type of wildly galloped, the traffic vehicles have to avoid.

This rampage drove not more than a few minutes, the rearview mirror has seen the flashing police lights. At first Lin Mingyang did not intend to slow down, but after three blocks that police car is still closely behind, he had to slow down slowly, and finally slowly pull over to the side of the road.

The police car behind him stopped right behind him, and from inside came down a white police officer, who knocked politely on Lin Ming Yang's car window, "Sir, I need to check your driver's license!"

Lin Mingyang took off his sunglasses while looking down to get his driver's license, and handed it to the police officer, the other person saw Lin Mingyang's face and then froze for a while, and then compared it with the information on the driver's license, and seemed to be a little unsure about it, and pressed the sunglasses down on his face to reveal his eyes to look at the driver's license, and then looked at Lin Mingyang sitting in the car, and then only after half a day did he stutter and say, "Are you Felix Lin? are Felix Lin?"

In the face of such a lame interrogation, Lin Mingyang did not feel a little funny, "There should be my name written on the driver's license."

"I mean there are a lot of guys with the same name who always like to pretend to be big stars, a while ago I watched a parody show, in which there was a kid from Chicago who imitated you, after he put on make-up he almost fooled all the judges, at that time I was shocked as well..." the policeman, who looked to be about the same age as Lin Ming Yang's age, the police officer who looked similar to Lin Ming Yang's age got excited and spoke somewhat incoherently.

Lin Ming Yang suddenly felt that the other party was very cute, "Mr. Policeman, you've been following me for three blocks, is that what you want to tell me?"

"The fact is that the speed you were traveling at just now has already exceeded the maximum speed limit in this area, which has jeopardized your own safety and that of others...This car is cool, are you testing its performance?" That white policeman, after saying the facts about Lin Ming Yang's violation in a serious manner, suddenly came up with this sentence, making Lin Ming Yang cry and laugh a little.

"The fact that I was just speeding and biking on the streets, according to the law I should be penalized right?"

"According to the statute it is, but according to your previous local driving record, this should be your first time violating traffic rules..." although this white policeman said this, in his heart he was thinking about how he was going to brag to his colleagues when he got back to his office, Felix Lin had been pulled over by him for violating the traffic rules, and he had been stopped by him for violating the traffic rules. Felix Lin was pulled over for a traffic violation and asked for his autograph while writing the ticket, which is an exciting thing to think about.

Lin Mingyang was depressed to find that this police officer was actually frequently distracted in front of him, and had no choice but to reach out and shake his hand in front of the other party, "Sir?"

The white policeman who came back to his senses had a somewhat awkward expression, "Where were we?"

"You're supposed to be giving me a ticket next!"

The white cop nodded, then skillfully pulled the ticket out of his pocket, "Indeed, for speeding, you need to pay a fine of 100 dollars!"

Lin Ming Yang didn't have any objections to this, he took the 100 dollars and handed it to the policeman, then the other handed the pen over, "You also need to sign here."

Undoubtingly, Lin Ming Yang wanted to leave quickly and took the pen and signed his name on it with a brush. He didn't see the look of excited satisfaction on that policeman's face as he looked at the ticket in his hand and turned his body back.

The police like a collection of treasures will be carefully folded ticket into their pockets, Lin Mingyang ate the first ticket in Los Angeles, as long as the signature on it is genuine, out to auction can definitely make a small fortune.

He stood on the side of the silly music, sitting in the car Lin Mingyang but some can not wait, "Sir, I can go now?"

The policeman dawdled, "That...can I take a picture with you?"

Encountering such a "strong" police officer, Lin Ming Yang's heart was already in tears. Although the smile on his face when taking a picture wasn't stiff, the fact that the corners of his mouth were twitching was indisputable.

Careless police did not notice this, with a cell phone after the group photo, he was satisfied to return to his car, and so turned out the phone to check the photo, he realized that Lin Mingyang's expression is very wrong, is trying to find Lin Mingyang shot again, raised his head, the front of the road where there is still the shadow of the silver Aston Martin One-77 supercar.

After returning to the apartment Lin Mingyang took a shower, when he came out, he found that the screen of his cell phone that he left on the sofa kept flashing, he picked it up and looked at it, there were six unread messages in only ten minutes.

"Saw the video of you freaking out online, little man you're so cool, love you Julie!" The first message was from Angelina Jolie, with a dainty lip print pattern at the end of the text part.

Lin Ming Yang laughed, then proceeded to scroll down, the second message was from Kate, the tone on it was exactly the same as her own style of speaking. "I know you're in a bad mood, I'm worried, I hope you're okay!"

This message of concern for himself warmed Lin Ming Yang's heart, he didn't pause in his hands and proceeded to read the message down.

"Hehe, you guys also have times when you're wronged, you deserve it!" Megan's message exuded a bit of playfulness, only she would speak to Lin Ming Yang in such a tone.

"Honey, I'm filming in Canada, I'll look for you when I come back!" Scarlett Johansson's message was also as flavorful and seductive as she herself.

"Don't worry too much about what the media says, I believe in you!" Blake Flatley's message was the shortest, but the emotion that flowed between the lines was no less than the others.

Charlize Theron, who was far away in South Africa, was also informed of the news at the first time, "I didn't expect Justin to be such a person, I think he has to apologize to you, and I will never work with such a despicable man in the future!"

These were the women who had skin to skin with Lin Ming Yang and had the heaviest position in his heart. The other party's concern Lin Ming Yang naturally had to reply to each of them, a burst of appeasement plus sweet words, which smoothed out their worries and collective grievances against someone.

Most acquaintances called Lin Mingyang one after another after seeing the news on the Internet, and the New York Times used a front-page picture of Lin Mingyang pointing his finger forward, his gaze stern and determined, and underneath the bust was a bold headline printed with "Yes, this is a threat!" Underneath the bust was the bolded headline, "Yes, this is a threat! The article pointed out that Lin Mingyang's influence on Hollywood was increasing due to his own influence, coupled with MGM Studios' ever-expanding coverage of the industry. This chastisement of some of the media and singer Justin is a manifestation of his influence. The predictable result is that Justin, who is in an absolutely vulnerable position, will be in a very bad situation in the future if he refuses to explain and apologize.

Lin Ming Yang's strong attitude was more or less a bit bossy and tyrannical in the media's view, but this time there weren't too many people to sympathize with Justin, and several advertisers who originally wanted to ask Justin for endorsements withdrew their cooperation offers one after another, which made Justin and his manager unable to sit still any longer.

Under heavy pressure, Justin had to publicly accept a TV interview, in which he admitted that the "breakup" was between him and Jessica Biel from beginning to end, and that there was no third party involved. Justin turned around and accused some of the media of exaggerating the facts and making wild guesses, which caused unnecessary misunderstandings.

Naturally, those media outlets he accused would not sit still, and they in turn slammed Justin for using the media, posturing to deceive the public fans' emotions, and apologizing with no sincerity whatsoever. The argument grew increasingly heated and eventually escalated into a protracted war of words.

The commotion on this side was quite loud, but what all parties were really concerned about was Lin Ming Yang's attitude. Justin in the public explanation, and privately through his agent to Lin Mingyang soft apology, and finally or Jessica Bale intervened to plead for mercy, and promised to play the Bond girl, Lin Mingyang only "let go" Justin.