Chapter 289: Doubts and Doubts

Arnold Schwarzenegger's governorship during this period of time has been spirited, and there have even been incendiary remarks in the civil society that Schwarzenegger will seek higher political goals after his term as governor is over and participate in the U.S. presidential campaign. Once the campaign is successful, Schwarzenegger will become the second movie star-born president in U.S. history after Reagan.

Putting aside the suspicion of intentional media hype, Schwarzenegger does now have the strength to compete for the U.S. presidency, having saved up enough political credentials as governor of California, while his special status as a movie star gives him an extra layer of advantage over others in terms of voter popularity. Most importantly, his wife Maria Shriver comes from the prestigious Kennedy family. Schriever is the niece of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, her father Sargent Schriever was the president of the Special Olympics, and her parents are the only couple in the U.S. to have been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. As a model Hollywood couple, Schwarzenegger and his wife have never been rumored, which is the key to his ability to step easily from Hollywood, a circle of right and wrong, into the political arena.

Since he has already sat on the throne of the governor, Schwarzenegger is naturally reluctant to get too involved with the Hollywood entertainment industry. But after all, Schwarzenegger body movie star brand is too deep, some things he always still can not completely stay out of it, for example, the recent period of time by the Hollywood media rumors of the launch of the sequel to the Terminator series of movies, has once caused Schwarzenegger's attention.

Warner's hands are not short of money, but they chose to cooperate with MGM to shoot the movie, Xiang Zhuang Dance Sword in Pei Gong's idea in the eyes of the people seem to have a very clear intention, is to Lin Mingyang and the new Terminator series of movies "bundled" together. What makes Schwarzenegger feel puzzled is that in the end, both sides actually put an unknown newcomer director on the front stage.

Both the press and fans of the movie wanted to know: Who is this Baruth? Schwarzenegger at the beginning of this common by the two studios to see the newcomer generated some curiosity, but as the media investigation in-depth, about the Baruth of his experience one by one appeared in the public field of vision, then everyone suddenly realized, the original Baruth is only Lin Mingyang another "crazy" product.

After Baruth's "past" was thoroughly exposed by the media, Schwarzenegger also lost interest in continuing to pay attention to him, and even the attention to "Terminator 4" began to cool down. Originally, this matter will soon be busy governor to put aside, but this Baruth director do not know which nerve wrong line, actually ran to his own official office, generous invitation to return to the "Terminator 4" cameo.

If it is James Cameron, Spielberg and such big director personally visit, Schwarzenegger will naturally be polite to invite people into their own office, and then also have to try to find a reasonable reason to politely refuse each other. Can be replaced by Baruth such a "little man", Schwarzenegger and his interest in meeting are lacking, Baruth first came to Schwarzenegger let him eat a closed door.

Originally thought that Baruth will know difficult to retreat, who knows that this guy is full of tenacity, this period of time every now and then on the door, although their own assistants stopped at the door, but Schwarzenegger or by this uninterested guy to get some unpleasant.

In the end, Baruth in the eyes of Schwarzenegger is Lin Mingyang's hands a playing card, clearly used to test their own bottom line, Schwarzenegger naturally will not have any good face to this guy.

Today, Baruth "tirelessly" once again to find the door, Schwarzenegger's heart was initially held a fire, he was even prepared to let his assistant notify the security guards to Baruth directly drive away the matter, but this time Baruth actually "good" did not put forward to meet with the request of Schwarzenegger, but instead, he brought his own "good behavior". Schwarzenegger's request, but with a strange envelope.

Assistant Will handed over this envelope to Schwarzenegger hands, not as usual immediately left, but full of curiosity standing aside, eyes staring straight at the envelope he just handed over. Being able to serve as an assistant beside Schwarzenegger, Will was also counted as one of Schwarzenegger's beloved ones, and people like him always had a few more points of eyesight than ordinary people.

Receiving this envelope from Baruth's hand, Will had already instinctively felt from the other party's expression that what was in this envelope was unusual. In the past, Baruth to the governor's office to come are a look of fearful and respectful attitude, but this time to come, Baruth's face neither before the respect, between the color and more a few points of anxiety, as if this envelope will be hot as he hurriedly stuffed things into his hands, and then his face is a can't wait to immediately leave the appearance.

Before knocking on the door and walking into the governor's office, Will had secretly weighed the envelope, judging from his experience that it probably contained a stack of photographs. Baruth came to Schwarzenegger's purpose should be very clear, at this time he took out these photos, which actually means what is very intriguing, the assistant has even vaguely smelled a hint of extremely abnormal flavor from it.

Will be able to think of, sitting in front of the desk of course, Schwarzenegger can think of, he hesitated for a moment, is ready to tear open the envelope, suddenly found his assistant's eyes staring straight at the envelope, the heart of the sudden slight rise of a trace of inexplicable uneasiness.

Schwarzenegger decisively stopped the action in his hand, pulled open the drawer and directly threw the envelope in, and on the surface, pretending to be as if nothing had happened, he smiled at his assistant: "Will, what else did Mr. Baruth say when he handed you the envelope?"

"He said it was something Mr. Felix-Lin asked him to pass on to you, as if he didn't know what was inside." As a competent assistant, Verdi realized at once that he had made a very stupid mistake, and that he should not have tried to pry into his superior's hidden secrets. Schwarzenegger didn't say anything on the surface, but in his heart, he must have already become dissatisfied with him.

Schwarzenegger frowned, "Mr. Baruth didn't mention anything the movie cameo thing?"

Will shook his head decisively, and from Schwarzenegger's contemplative expression, he suddenly realized that it would be best for him to keep his hands off this matter. The matter had already involved Lin Ming Yang and Schwarzenegger at that level of the game, and he would definitely be strangled to pieces if he casually got involved as a small person. Thinking of this, his back was already in a cold sweat.

After a long period of silence, Schwarzenegger finally waved his hand and let him out, which made Will secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Knowing that his "mission" was completed, Baruth did not want to stay and wait for Schwarzenegger's reply, and left in a hurry. His reaction was seen by Will's eyes, which reinforced his previous judgment.

At this time, Schwarzenegger, who was sitting in his office, was no longer interested in working, he took the envelope out of the locked drawer and held it in his hand for half a day in hesitation. He really couldn't figure out what exactly Lin Mingyang had sent to him, and what the purpose was, but in the end, he didn't make any sense of it, and chose to open the envelope.

When he pulled out the first photo from inside, Schwarzenegger's heart suddenly turned half cold. After staying for a long time, he didn't continue to turn over the remaining photos, because he knew that all the photos were of the same content.

Schwarzenegger put the photos solemnly into the office's password cabinet, but after thinking about it, he felt a little uneasy, this thing is a time bomb, must be dealt with immediately, or else it will cause endless trouble.

After making up his mind, Schwarzenegger disheveled back to the office chair, covered his head with his hand, his heart has become a mess of hemp. He was puzzled, this thing he thought he had done was very secretive, even his wife had no knowledge of it, how did Lin Ming Yang know about it?

What worried Schwarzenegger even more was, what was Lin Mingyang's intention in bringing these things to himself? If he wanted to use the opportunity to extort money, Schwarzenegger's small fortune was not worth mentioning in the other party's eyes.

If he wanted to use his special position as governor to seek some kind of unseen benefits, Schwarzenegger couldn't find any intersection between Lin Ming Yang's industrial interests and his own scope of power even if he thought about it, and his own position as a governor might not be an unimportant position in the eyes of people at Lin Ming Yang's level. Even if zoomed out, Lin Mingyang want to do behind the scenes remote control political ambitious, choose yourself as an agent target is also too obvious some.

Entertainment and media field is not like energy, high-tech so "politically sensitive", often have to deal with the government, Lin Mingyang has always shown an attitude of indifference to politics, and even many of his movies have satirized the intention of the American political ideology, that he wanted to secretly interfere in U.S. politics that is simply a joke.

Schwarzenegger ignored the existence of intermediaries like Baruth in the beginning, and when he finally realized this, he finally found a little clue.

Lin Ming Yang wanted to use this to coerce himself into participating in Terminator 4?

As soon as this seemingly ridiculous from the idea in his head popped up, Schwarzenegger's entire being fell into deep thought, and although this was the most likely explanation at the moment, it was equally suspicious.

Schwarzenegger had been firmly held down in the envelopes of his men to turn those photos, appearing in the media will trigger what kind of consequences, Schwarzenegger did not even dare to think about it. Lin Mingyang hand holds something for the current Schwarzenegger is almost "fatal" existence, just let yourself guest star in a movie, with so "publicity" to threaten yourself?

If it was only to achieve that goal, such a threat was a bit too much, not to mention that Schwarzenegger's role in Terminator 4 was not indispensable, so Lin Ming Yang didn't need to force himself to "give in" in such a way. After much deliberation, Schwarzenegger finally concluded that Lin Ming Yang's purpose of handing over these photos to him was not to "kill" him. Schwarzenegger finally came to the conclusion that Lin Mingyang's purpose in handing over these photos to himself did not contain any malicious intent, and was even a disguised reminder to himself.

Things were not as bad as he had imagined at first, which made Schwarzenegger take a long breath of relief, only if Lin Mingyang did not intend to target himself, the next step would be much easier to handle.


"Aren't you worried that our Lord Governor will become infuriated after being subjected to that envelope and then try to do everything he can to deal with you?" In the most luxurious suite of the Playboy Club in Las Vegas, Hugh Hefner was still wearing his scarlet robe, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, smilingly looking at Lin Mingyang who was sitting opposite him.

"If he's really as stupid as you say he is, do you think he might be able to sit in the governor's seat?" Lin Mingyang grunted with disinterest, "Learning to compromise is a necessary quality for politicians."

"Then what do you think Schwarzenegger will do next?" Hugh Hefner stared at Lin Ming Yang with interest, the Playboy founder now had to rely on a hearing aid to be able to talk to Lin Ming Yang normally, but he was still doubly interested in this kind of matter concerning celebrity scandals.

"Tell your people to stop trying to trace this matter!" Lin Mingyang's tone steeply became bitter, and that kind of morose chill made even Hugh Hefner feel a little frightened in his heart.

"I've never asked anyone to do this, but there's always someone who likes to sell me these interesting a politician, the weakness in Schwarzenegger's body is too obvious, and any opponent who's a little bit smarter will make an issue out of that...if we don't talk about it, sooner or later, someone else will shake this matter out."

"At least until the end of his term, I don't want to see any claims about this matter appear in the media!" Lin Mingyang's tone carried an undeniable flavor, which made Hugh Hefner also feel a little bad about retorting, but more than anything else in his heart, he was puzzled.

"You've been trying to shelter Schwarzenegger in this matter, I want to know why that is?"

Lin Ming Yang bristled, "He used to be my idol, and even though his image in my mind is no longer perfect, I hope that in the minds of those fans who like him as much as I do, that his good image can be maintained... Anyone can make mistakes, but not everyone can have the chance to turn back! "

Hugh Hefner grunted in dissatisfaction, "I think it's a normal thing for a man to like more than one woman at the same time, so this marriage thing is an extremely hypocritical relationship in my opinion. People should live in the world to indulge in pleasures and live wearing a hypocritical mask, don't you think this kind of life is painful?"

"But some people willingly accept this pain!"

"And then sleep with their housekeeper like Schwarzenegger?" Hugh Hefner said with vicious sarcasm, "If it weren't for the evidence, I couldn't believe that Schwarzenegger would have an affair with a woman like that and have an illegitimate child. How can I say that his wife is also considered a beauty, but the way that housekeeper of his looks, even two more glances at her would give me nightmares...I have to say that Schwarzenegger's taste is really uncomplimentary!"

In response to Hugh Hefner's statement, Lin Mingyang did not refute it, but in the end, he put down the words, "Schwarzenegger continues to be his governor, you continue to enjoy your own life, everyone has their own path, anyway, this matter ends here!"