Chapter 296: Coming for You

"I'm afraid you can't really act in that movie!"

Ecks' words caused Lin Ming Yang to faintly freeze, he raised his eyes full of doubt and gave Ecks a look. Lin Ming Yang was very skeptical that this was Ecks' provocation, but Ecks shook his head with a serious expression, looking at the look between his eyebrows did not look like he was joking with himself at all.

If Ecks was just fooling himself, Lin Ming Yang estimated that his interest was lacking, but his resolute face instead provoked the curiosity in Lin Ming Yang's heart, he sat up straight in his posture and leaned forward.

"Then why don't you tell me why I can't act?"

Ecks sniffed, the corner of his mouth suddenly revealed a strange smile, this expression saw Lin Ming Yang's heart "thump", not waiting for him to confidently ponder, Ecks had already announced the answer.

"Because people's protagonist had already been chosen a long time ago!"

Such an answer left Lin Ming Yang speechless, he sat there with a depressed face, complaining somewhat sullenly, "Since the main actor has already been chosen, then the director and screenwriter must not be far behind, could it be that Sony wants me to serve as a producer?"

"If you're willing, I'm sure Sony would be absolutely delighted!"

Ecks eyes stared at Lin Ming Yang's face for a long time before laughing: "At least from this matter, you are still a little fuzzy about your current personal positioning, the first thing that comes to your mind in a collaboration is the identity of the actor, director, and screenwriter, but you've forgotten that you're still the Chairman of the Board of Directors of MGM Studios!"

Seeing Lin Ming Yang's confused face, Ecks continued to explain, "Among Hollywood's male actors, you may be the youngest, but in terms of fame, there are many others who can be on par with you, and in the field of directing and screenwriting, Hollywood has never lacked geniuses like you, but why is it that you uniquely appear to be special amongst all of these people?"

Lin Ming Yang hadn't even thought about this question before, and now that Ecks asked this, he looked back and did smack a few flavors out of it.

"In the end, people don't value you because of your fame, but because of your strength... Look at those big stars, some of them used to be extremely popular for a while, but because of some bad scandals accidentally rumored, they were immediately abandoned by the media and the public, and in the end, the so-called fame is all speculated by the media. Hollywood about you cheating and picking up girls gossip is never endless, if it were any other actor, maybe it would have been made infamous, but you are now living better than anyone else, and this is because of what?"

Eckles paused, "Italy's richest man, Berlusconi, has been in the peach press since he was a young man, yet he was able to serve as Prime Minister of Italy three times. In order to dress avant-garde, he actually dared to wear a turban to greet Blair; he went under the knife for plastic surgery in order to be even more handsome; he has released albums of love songs in order to win back his wife's heart; he passed a law to block eight-legged animals due to his fear of spiders; he advised Americans to come to invest in Italy only because he had confidence in the beautiful girls in his country; he cracked a** jokes only to show his own humor, and he once praised Mussolini and once scolded judges psychopaths...he did all these things that were absurd in other people's eyes, not because he was famous for his good looks or how talented he was, but simply because he was rich and had industries all over some ways, you and Berlusconi are very similar, so why do you think that the American people and Hollywood were able to be be so tolerant of you?"

Lin Ming Yang's mouth moved, what he wanted to say was said for him by Ecks.

"Because you're one of the counted super-rich people in the United States, with MGM Studios, Playboy Group and YouTube in your hands, and even though your reputation is described by the media as how stinky it is, these are facts that no one else can shake!"

Ecks had taken great pains to bring out this topic, as could be seen from Lin Ming Yang's expression of deep thought, and this mention of his had indeed taught Lin Ming Yang a vivid lesson. After saying such a large amount of words, Ecks didn't realize that his mouth was a bit dry, and after he gulped down a cup of water, Lin Mingyang had completely digested the intent of his words, and then a question was asked to the point.

"Sony Pictures doesn't seem to lack money!"

"Sony has been suppressed by its competitors in the consumer electronics and gaming sectors in recent years, its gaming division is under siege by Microsoft and Nintendo, while its consumer electronics division is facing an overwhelming challenge from Apple, and on the contrary, Sony Pictures is not performing well... Sony has just gotten a new president, and he has to do something to boost Sony's stock price ...It's hard to make a mark in consumer electronics and gaming in a short period of time, so Sony's new president has already bet his sights on Sony Pictures, and not only is Spider-Man in the pipeline for a new movie, they have bigger moves coming one after another."

Ecks' drawling analysis clearly displayed Sony's current situation in front of Lin Mingyang, but what he said and what Lin Mingyang really cared about was obviously a bit off-topic.

Lin Ming Yang helplessly spread his hands, "All of what you said only further proves that Sony Pictures is not short of money at all right now."

In the face of Lin Ming Yang's questioning, Ecks replied without haste, "But any investment is bound to face risk, Sony's current problem is that they can afford to pay out the money but can't afford the risk, so they need to look for a reliable partner to share the risk!"

Lin Ming Yang pointed a finger at himself, "Us?"

Ecks first nodded, then immediately shook his head, "MGM isn't Sony's only partner, but you are unique in their eyes!"

"Me?" Lin Mingyang's eyes widened, but on second thought, he had already guessed the answer in his heart.

Ecks analyzed with a bit of certainty, "Any movie that you have endured, there is not a single one that has been made badly... the later this record may be more difficult to keep, but it is also more valuable, I think Sony wants to use the matter of terminating the contract with Michael Jackson to facilitate cooperation with us, in fact, it's aimed at you. "

After Ecks said this, Lin Ming Yang's heart was a little more interested in the movie that he didn't even know the name of yet. "What kind of movie is Sony actually preparing to make that actually makes them so cautious?"

"If it were me, I would definitely do the same!" Ecks laughed helplessly, "Because that movie director is Roland Emmerich!"

"It's him!"

Hearing this name, Lin Ming Yang then had a relieved expression on his face. As the most famous disaster movie director in Hollywood, when mentioning Emmerich, the monster Godzilla, which landed in New York from the Atlantic Ocean, as well as The Day After Tomorrow, which froze the United States in ice and snow, would come to mind in the first instance. To this day, when it comes to disaster movies, Godzilla is still a classic in the forefront, and the success of The Day After Tomorrow has established Emmerich's position in the disaster movie field in one fell swoop.

Emmerich specializes in stunt films, and in addition to the blockbuster hit Godzilla, he is most familiar with Independence Day, starring Will Smith. Independence Day, with its powerful story and the use of a large number of then-new stunts, became the world's most watched movie of that year, and the destruction of the White House in the film is still a favorite among moviegoers today.

From the perspective of commercial movies, Emmerich is considered an outstanding director, but in Lin Mingyang's opinion, Emmerich is not a director with unique pursuits, and his movies lack both artistic depth and depth of thought. The only thing that can be recognized is his "visual bombardment".

When he chooses a subject matter that is popular with the audience, such as "The Day After Tomorrow" with its environmental theme, or "Independence Day" with its alien battle scene that the audience has not seen for a long time, the movie will sell well, and the audience can ignore the flaws in his directing technique because they are interested in the subject matter. On the other hand, if the subject matter of the movie is not new, such as the epic "The Patriot", or if the "visual bombardment" is too concentrated, his lack of creativity will be exposed to the public.

Focus on special effects "problem" in Hollywood is not the only one Emmerich, known as the "Explosion Maniac" Michael Bay also has this problem, but Michael Bay brilliant in his very clear defects, so know how to avoid the shortcomings of his strengths, he This year's movie only conditions allow, visual effects on the dawdling to the big whole, although not very connotative, but after all, also able to let the audience feast their eyes, but Emmerich is less of this "self-awareness", was not good at drama, but also "courageous" try, "The Blast Maniac" Michael Bay also has this problem. "Try," 10,000 years before history "dismal box office and bad word of mouth let Emmerich finally tasted the bitter fruits of the film, by the film, not only fell into a reputation of the end of the world, along with his own has become a major Hollywood studios do not dare to easily touch the "minefield".

All viewers who have seen the film will have a feeling of being a trailer, before entering the cinema, we would like to see how Emmerich with the mode of drama to reproduce prehistoric civilization, to see the mammoth, saber-toothed tigers dance with the epic of human evolution. But out of the movie theater, all the audience heart is estimated to greet the director's family.

The movie tells a story that is valid in any period of time, and it's still a bad and thin love story, the mammoth and saber-toothed tiger that appear as prehistoric elements in the play basically just as a living prop appeared so two or three times, even if they are replaced with other animals, it does not affect the plot. The movie uses some witchcraft to try to spiritually transport the audience to the mysterious prehistoric century, but how it looks like an Indian trick. Due to the disconnect in the plot, it ends up looking like a bad masquerade party, even though they are not clothed.

What happens to Emmerich proves once again what Eccles had said before, that fame is the most unreliable thing of all, and that the fame built up by several successes is enough to wipe it out completely with just one failure. Emmerich wanted to use the new movie to make a clean break, but Sony, as the investor, had to consider the huge risks involved.

So this time Sony proposed cooperation with a large degree of testing significance, if MGM is willing to cooperate, which means Lin Mingyang optimistic about the movie, then Sony can rest assured that Emmerich boldly let go of his hands; if MGM refused, Sony in the consideration of the investment will have to seriously weigh up the weighing of the time.