Chapter 313 - A Chance Encounter in Lahaina Town (22)

Hawaiian cooking first originated in Maui and has won many world culinary competitions. As a historical capital city and a major tourist town, Lahaina never lacked a variety of restaurants with rich flavors. To judge the popularity of a restaurant, one only has to look at the crowds of people waiting at the entrance during meal times.

Lin Mingyang brought Rosie to this restaurant from the outside to see that business is very hot, and its special feature is also the name of the restaurant, "Bagan Shrimp" restaurant let people look at the unconsciously reminiscent of the movie "Forrest Gump". This restaurant does have a great relationship with the movie story, there is a ping pong table in front of the restaurant, next to a bench is "Forrest Gump" books, under the chair put "Forrest Gump" that pair of large running shoes.

Rosie was no stranger to the classic movie, but everything in front of her was new to her. Following Lin Mingyang into the restaurant, she saw more things related to Forrest Gump, including handwritten "Forrest Gump quotes" on the table, as well as the menu labeled Forrest Gump shrimp in a variety of ways to eat.

There were two signs on the table, one red and one green, reading "RunforestRun" and "StopforestStop" respectively. When she sat down, Rosie became very interested in these two signs, and Lin Mingyang, who was already a familiar customer here, explained to her the purpose of the signs.

You don't have to shout when you want to greet a waiter in this restaurant, you just need to turn the red sign over and the waiter will come over by himself.

"This is amazing!" Rosie tried fiddling with it once, and soon a waiter came over, and she, who had already ordered her food, had to order two more drinks.

This meal was a very happy one for Roxie, Lin Mingyang was the kind of man who talked with humor and elegance at the dinner table, and the anecdotes that came out of his mouth made Roxie listen to them as if she was mesmerized.

After dinner Lin Mingyang accompanied Rosie to buy clothes, I have to say that the model is a natural clothes rack, even if it is just a strapless plain wrap dress, a tweed cap, a pair of sunglasses, an envelope bag, from the clothing store out of the Rosie walk on the street is still quite catching eyeballs, two sexy long legs, the perfect curve of the figure hidden, exudes an indescribable sexy flavor.

In contrast, Lin Mingyang to appear a lot of low-key, lowered the brim of the hat and wide sunglasses basically cover the entire face, although he is now no longer afraid of any trouble, but by the media secretly photographed two people in the street to explain the photos also have to spend a lot of words to explain the trouble is naturally can be saved on the province.

In that famous street wandered a few art stores, general oil paintings are priced at a few thousand dollars, those who can look at the eyes are basically tens of thousands of dollars. Rosie looked at a pair of very creative art sketches, the price was only 3000 dollars, Lin Mingyang did not have any idea of bargaining, and directly bought it.

After that, the two went to a free park that couldn't be named, the scenery inside was very quiet, there were small bridges and wide lawns, just like a beautiful painting. In the small lake there were quite a few fishes, and a group of wild ducks with geese with very greedy mouths. Lin Ming Yang spent a few coins to get some fish food from the coin machine, and originally intended to put it into the lake to feed the fish, but the group of wild ducks and the geese with red heads moved faster, and most of the fish food that was put in was eaten by the wild ducks. The ducks then strutted after the two for a while, making Rosie giggle.

After walking around the town, they ended up at the old Hawaiian Kingdom Courthouse. Behind the old courthouse was a large banyan tree. This kind of banyan tree is rare in the mainland U.S., it is said that the Chinese people across the sea from China to bring the species of trees. It is characterized by the fact that once the branches of this banyan tree reach the ground, it naturally implants itself into the soil, and it does not take long for a new root to break through the ground and become the trunk of the tree, which in turn reproduces and grows many lush branches and leaves.

Lin Mingyang and Luo Xi realized that the roots of this banyan tree were so complicated that they could not even tell which one was the "ancestor". Many people were taking pictures under the tree, and the two of them were about to leave when a tall, thin man with black hair suddenly ran over from the side, holding a camera in his hand.

"This lady, can you help take a picture?" The other party's English sounded a bit raw, Lin Ming Yang knew that the other party was not a local Chinese descendant as soon as he heard it, and that kind of speaking rhythm had a bit of Japanese flavor.

Luo Xi glanced towards Lin Ming Yang's side and saw him nodding, only then did she smile and take the camera from the other party, going forward to help the tall and thin man and his friend take a picture.

The tall thin man went back to the banyan tree and gabbled with his partner before starting to pose. They were using Japanese, which made Lin Ming Yang suddenly think, he took out the cell phone in his pants pocket and took a picture of the two from the side, then edited a message and sent it out with the picture.

Soon the phone received a reply that Lin Mingyang was not expecting, at first he just thought that the two Japanese looked familiar, like he had seen them somewhere, but he didn't expect that after some confirmation, the other party really did have a few connections with himself.

Luo Xi helped the two take a few pictures, and then returned the camera to the other party. Probably because of Rosie's sexy and beautiful look, the two guys were talking in their broken English and said thank you for half a day.

Luo Xi also realized the other party's intentional pestering, her heart couldn't help but feel a little anxious, she was about to turn her head to ask Lin Ming Yang for help, but she found that he had already walked over.

"You're Takahashi Bonmei?" Japanese names were awkward to pronounce in English, and since Lin Mingyang could speak some simple Japanese, the words came out of his mouth, and the two Japanese people across the street froze.

The tall, thin man with the camera stammered, "Are you also Japanese?"

"I'm a Chinese American, more accurately I should be considered Chinese!"

"Nani?" Lin Mingyang directly shook his head causing the other party to lose his head slightly, but the puzzled expression on his face grew stronger, "Then how did you know my name?"

"Looks like I didn't recognize the wrong person." Lin Ming Yang smiled, then looked at the tall thin man's partner with slightly longer hair, "So you should be Tanabe Hideki?"

As soon as his words came out, the two Japanese on the opposite side of the table changed their colors in unison, followed by their expressions suddenly becoming wary.

"What exactly are you?"

"At least not a bad guy!" Lin Mingyang moved his sunglasses downwards, revealing his eyes.

"Ah! You are..."

Recognizing his identity, Tanabe Xiuhui exclaimed, drawing sideways glances from the surrounding swimmers. Lin Mingyang hurriedly pressed his index finger between his lips and made a silencing gesture towards the other party.

He straightened his sunglasses before nodding from the two men, "This is not the place to talk, why don't we find a cafe to sit down and talk slowly?"

Lin Mingyang invited them, how could the two refuse, Roxie watched all of this in her eyes, her heart doubly curious. These two Japanese at first eyeballs are still a little dishonest towards their own body flickering, some flowing annoying, but Lin Mingyang rushed to say a few words they do not understand, the attitude of the two people actually became respectful, honestly followed behind Lin Mingyang as if he had changed a person.

On the way to the cafe, Luo Xi finally could not help her curiosity, while the two men were not paying attention, secretly crouched on Lin Mingyang's shoulder and whispered her doubts.

Fragrant, Lin Ming Yang also ignored the two Japanese behind him, reached out and wrapped his hand around Roxie's front waist, lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "They're the stunt riders the crew hired from Japan."

"But how come I haven't seen the two of them in the hotel?"

After formally determining that Roxie would play the female lead in the movie, Lin Mingyang called the crew members together one by one for an introduction, and in Roxie's impression, there was no shadow of these two Japanese at all.

Lin Ming Yang explained, "According to the plan the two of them are supposed to report to the crew tomorrow, I guess they are traveling to Hawaii by the way this time, so they happened to run into each other here!"

Roxie let out an "Oh", and then obediently pressed half of her body into Lin Ming Yang's arms, and didn't say anything more on the way.

Through the town's central square, they saw a whole row of small wooden buildings on Lahaina Street that were complete and rich in ancient flavors, and finally Lin Mingyang picked a wooden two-story cafe, which, according to the owner of the store, still had a hundred years of history, but maintained its original old style.

At this time there are not many customers in the store, the owner saw Lin Mingyang and Luo Xi handsome man and beautiful woman, and both wearing sunglasses, it is estimated that the two people are not small, so specially arranged for them on the second floor by the window seat, from which you can see Lahaina's pier from afar.

Lin Mingyang took off his baseball cap after he was seated, but only after the store's coffee was served did he take off his sunglasses.

Sitting opposite him, Takahashi Kuniaki and Tanabe Hideki looked a bit formal. If they just looked at their appearance, no one would believe that these two guys were actually stunt drivers who made a career out of "speed and passion", and even more so, no one would be able to associate them with those thrilling drifting maneuvers.

Don't look at them in the country a little famous, but in front of Lin Mingyang seems a little insignificant. When they received the invitation from the crew, they even had a feeling of disbelief.

Takahashi Kuniaki and Tanabe Hideki both knew that being able to work as a stunt double in Lin Ming Yang's new movie was a rare opportunity, and with the director sitting across from the two of them at the moment, it was inevitable that there would be some apprehension in their hearts.

Rosie, who was sitting next to Lin Ming Yang, knew that she couldn't interject herself in this conversation, and probably couldn't even understand what they were talking about, so she cast her gaze out of the window early on.

At this time, Lin Ming Yang finally spoke.