Chapter 319 That Man (22)

The banquet has not yet officially begun, this time directly go to the main hall to meet with the guests is obviously a little inappropriate, Berlusconi was about to go upstairs to rest for a moment, in the stairway to receive the call of the peripheral bodyguard's butler followed up with quick steps.

"Sir, just received the news, that person's car has already entered the manor, it is estimated that it will reach after 5 minutes!"

Berlusconi raised his eyes and looked at the clock at the foyer, there are just five minutes before the banquet officially starts at eight o'clock, that guy is really stepping on the spot.

"Barbara, come with me, let's go together to greet this guest." Berlusconi waved at his daughter, who had already walked upstairs, and turned toward the stairs.

Barbara followed out with a little twist in her heart, she really couldn't figure out who could make her father pay so much attention and even personally greet him at the door.

"Dad, are we going to greet the President of the United States?"

"That person isn't the President of the United States, but he's more famous than the President of the United States...Alright, you'll know why dad is doing this when you meet him later." Berlusconi didn't explain the matter to his daughter right away, but just walked forward quickly.

When she reached the end of the garden Barbara froze, because from a distance, there was a taxi parked in front of the manor, she blinked hard, yes, that one in the ordinary taxi, the guy that her father had said, was he coming in this?

Before they even met, Barbara had already drawn a big question mark in her mind, and Berlusconi was also a little confused, he turned his head to look at his butler and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on here?"

Under the compulsion of his gaze, the butler replied with trepidation, "The people outside said that the man did come in a taxi, they checked the invitation, and the information on it is absolutely not wrong."

Berlusconi let out an "oh" sound, his feet did not pause, and quickly walked over.

Seeing his country's prime minister walking towards him, the taxi driver who got out of the car and was about to open the door for someone stood there dumbfounded, fortunately he was still conscious, and did not forget to quickly pull open the door in the end.

Lin Mingyang straightened the position of his bowtie in the car's rearview mirror, and he had just stepped half a foot out of the car door when he saw Berlusconi warmly greeting him.

"Oh my god!" Barbara, who was standing not far behind Berlusconi, covered her mouth in surprise, at this moment she couldn't believe her eyes, the guest that her father was insisting on waiting for, was actually him!

"There was a little accident on the way here, I shouldn't be late."

Lin Ming Yang's words were an apology to his host, but there was no hint of guilt in his tone.

"Of course not, in fact you came just in time."

At their first meeting, the two were familiar with each other as if they were old friends for many years, there was absolutely no such constraints in their conversation, Berlusconi laughed a little, and soon he noticed the set of gowns Lin Mingyang was wearing, and with Berlusconi's knowledgeable eyes, he was surprised to find that he had never actually seen a gown of this style before.

Compared to the traditional dress, Lin Mingyang on this dress can be said to be new and innovative, neckwear in addition to the traditional bow tie, neckerchief, and increase the new improved tie, collar flower, in the increase of the modern sense of fashion at the same time without losing the elegance and solemnity.

Berlusconi from Lin Mingyang this dress on the Chinese collar, Tang, kilt, Korean version of the shadow of the fusion of many elements, which makes him not feel a little tsk, tsk, tsk. Of course in his heart was more of a kind of complacency, the more formal Lin Mingyang wore, it showed that he attached more importance to this banquet as well.

"Barbara, don't hide at the back, come and meet our honored guest Mr. Felix!"

Berlusconi waved behind him, then smilingly introduced Lin Ming Yang, "This is my daughter Barbara, I remember a few years ago when she was still in school, her bedroom was plastered with your posters."

Barbara, who walked up to shake Lin Ming Yang's hand, blushed slightly, and Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders naturally.

"It should be my honor to be favored by a beautiful woman!"

Barbara did have a few moments of beauty, but she was obviously still a far cry from the standard of beauty in Lin Ming Yang's mind. Moreover, Lin Mingyang was well aware that this daughter, who was regarded by Berlusconi as the jewel of his heart, had inherited the fine traditions of the Bei family, and both she and her own sister were unmarried and pregnant, and were now mothers of two children.

In order to give the bystanders a good impression of the bingo, Lin Mingyang just casually said, but he still underestimated his charm.

In the face of the world's women all dream of getting the public lover, to be able to get this "has the temperament of a real man, has the charm that makes women's knees weak" of the very best man's praise, Barbara at this time is already in a blaze of glory, happy a little bit unable to find the north.

The treacherous Berlusconi heard Lin Mingyang's words, but his heart is still a little jealous, just based on a praise can make his rebellious daughter surrender, no wonder this guy can be in Hollywood to sit in the title of playboy.

He had gone through a lot of trouble to get a smile from a beautiful woman, but he was able to do it with a light word. Facing the smiling Lin Mingyang, Berlusconi suddenly developed a feeling of being ashamed of himself.

Thinking about Lin Mingyang's age and the wealth and fame he possesses, Berlusconi suddenly feels that he has lost a trip, if he is a legend, then Lin Mingyang is not a real version of the demon?

Waving his head, Berlusconi pushed all these strange thoughts out of his head and quickly set his mind right, today he was the main character.

Berlusconi and Lin Mingyang walked into the hall side by side, the moment the two appeared together in front of the crowd, it was like pressing the pause button, the buzzing chatter in the hall came to an abrupt halt, all eyes converged on the two of them.

Berlusconi was originally the protagonist of today's dinner, his appearance did not surprise anyone, but Lin Mingyang standing beside him made many of the people present look surprised, and there were even quite a few people who were already secretly speculating in their minds as to the true intentions of this dinner. It was obvious that Berlusconi had put so much effort into organizing this dinner party, and the purpose was never as simple as celebrating his own birthday.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Berlusconi walked into the hall with Lin Mingyang with a spring in his step, while commanding the butler beside him, "Start the banquet!"


Generally for this kind of high-class dinner, the guests had to fill up their stomachs beforehand, and although the food at the banquet was delicious, sitting there and gorging on it was definitely a matter of bad manners. Berlusconi's birthday dinner was filled with all kinds of food, but the people around the table were only shallowly taking a little bit of it and putting it on their plates, then savoring it. More people picked up a glass of wine and wandered around, encountering acquaintances to talk a few words.

After cutting the birthday cake, Berlusconi was surrounded by all sorts of people, and the butler who was responsible for accompanying him followed Lin Mingyang, enthusiastically introducing him to all sorts of characteristic Italian food.

Unlike the people around him, Lin Mingyang came here on an empty stomach today, so he couldn't resist the food on the table, while others were busy drinking and socializing, he secretly hid in the corner to enjoy the food.

After walking around the various tables, Lin Ming Yang was satisfied and took the napkin from the waiter and wiped his mouth. By this time, someone had already come up and tried to strike up a conversation, Lin Ming Yang reluctantly dealt with a few sentences and soon lost patience with these annoying socializing.

Just as he was about to go into the garden to get some air, a familiar face in the crowd walked towards him.

"Mr. Felix, I really didn't expect you to come to this party as well."

Silver-white hair, light melancholy, and deep eyes, George Clooney just gracefully wrapped his girlfriend Elisabetta's slender waist and came to Lin Mingyang with a big smile.

The surrounding people stopped talking and curiously cast their eyes here, in their opinion, how the contact between the two Hollywood superstars at the dinner party was considered a matter of concern.

Feeling that he had instantly become the center of attention at the dinner party, George Clooney was flooded with a trace of bitterness inside. As the saying goes, "As a man who drinks water, he knows himself," even though George Clooney was given all sorts of dazzling titles by people in the outside world, in front of Lin Ming Yang, he knew that he didn't have a lot of capital that he could take out and show off.

George Clooney has worked hard for most of his life, and now he has only been nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor, while many people are pursuing but unattainable Oscars, Lin Mingyang's home is like a pile of toys, winning awards for him is like a common occurrence, so that screenwriters originated from the podium, he often faces the situation of having nothing to say.

Those who are not aware of the truth do so because they are so far removed from Lin Ming Yang, and there is so much of a halo shrouding Lin Ming Yang that the average person has no idea how good this guy really is. Only people like George Clooney, who had gotten to a certain level of status in Hollywood, were clear about Lin Ming Yang's true strength.

The more this happened, the more George Clooney was deeply afraid of the young man in front of him who smiled warmly and warmly, and even his tone of voice unconsciously became cautious when talking.

George Clooney himself did not realize this problem, but Elisabetta, who was standing beside him, had keenly caught this subtle change in her boyfriend, and this beautiful hostess, who was rich in heart, didn't feel like looking twice more towards Lin Mingyang.

If it was someone else who came up to talk, Lin Mingyang could get rid of the other party in three or two words, but George Clooney he had to take seriously.

For George Clooney, an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor is obviously not enough to praise his efforts as an actor, and his talent in screenwriting and directing has also made Lin Mingyang look at him differently.

It is a pity that George Clooney as a Hollywood star is overly keen on political expression, if it is only the two movies he directed with strong political colors, but it is also the Hollywood actor is also the human rights issues linked to the BJ Olympics leading figure, he had a major sponsor of the BJ Olympics pressure, which makes Lin Mingyang directly from his heart available actors list.
