Chapter 332 A New Decade

As the tenth year into the 21st century, 2009 was a great year for Hollywood, and despite the fact that the recession hadn't fully subsided, the American movie industry was booming for the first time in history. Not only did the U.S. gross box office for the year reach an unprecedented 10.61 billion U.S. dollars, MGM Studios even took advantage of this counter-market trend to collect 3.8 billion U.S. dollars, which is the first time that any U.S. production company has reached this high level of North American gross revenues for the year.

In the face of such a booming market, filmmakers naturally can not stop, hibernating for 12 years, "King of the World" James Cameron reappeared, "Avatar" released at the end of the year, quickly set off in the world about the 3D movie boom, as of early February 2010, the film's global box office has exceeded 2.5 billion U.S. dollars, the film's global box office, the world's first time in the United States. Cameron himself broke the highest box office record held by himself for 10 years, and with the momentum of the big win, strong shortlisted for the 82nd Oscars.

The Oscars are, without a doubt, the biggest event of the year in Hollywood, the moment when the world stops for a moment and just watches with rapt attention as the stars of the movies dazzle in their best outfits and sparkling accessories. Some of them come to the spotlight with the best intentions of returning satisfied with a little gold man in their arms.

Of course, among the celebrity guests attending the ceremony, there are also many people who come to "watch the fun" as Lin Mingyang did. Director James Cameron and his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow competed for the best director in a PK with a bit of a "family affair" flavor, which had already been speculated by the media as a hot topic. This is a PK with a bit of "family affair" flavor, which has already been speculated by the media.

The gorgeous Kodak Theater in Los Angeles became stronger and stronger with the arrival of the stars, and there were a lot of young and fresh faces on the red carpet, while Lin Mingyang, who spent most of his time in Europe, set off a round of horrific screaming and screaming as soon as he appeared on the red carpet.

Lin Mingyang walked over to shake hands with the fans, the scene of the situation nearly out of control, more than ten security guards hand in hand with the composition of the wall of people dead will be emotionally excited fans in the periphery, the scene of the countless pairs of arms stretched high, in order to be able to get a worship idol and "dragonfly" handshake like the water.

After being urged by the staff several times, Lin waved his hand and said goodbye to the fans gathered at the entrance of the red carpet. In contrast to his previous patience with ordinary fans, Lin Mingyang did not stop for a moment on the red carpet, nor did he give reporters a chance to ask questions, and walked down the red carpet and entered the venue without looking back.

Looking at that dashing back, those media reporters who were stopped by the staff outside the door all looked at each other in dismay. For that man, the reporters are love and hate, he "disappeared" in Hollywood this half year, a lot of lace news to attract readers of the tabloid sales declining, less of this man's various scandals, Hollywood showbiz all kinds of prosperity behind the bustle but always people feel that there is something missing.

MGM Studios in 2009, almost half of the box office market, as the manipulator behind the scenes of the film company, Lin Mingyang in Europe, "tossed" the movement is not small, the reality of the Italian veteran soccer club AC Milan in the bag, and then an incomparable high-profile claim that it will be in the next two years to invest 500 million euros, in Milan to build a new stadium that can accommodate 80,000 people to watch the game at the same time, a time when the major European media newspapers, almost every day to see his name.

The United States has always been known as the "soccer desert", Hollywood media on Lin Mingyang's acquisition of AC Milan's behavior is not as European counterparts that keen, but Lin Mingyang and Italy's number one beauty Monica Bellucci co-starred in the film "Wanted Ⅱ Wesley's Revenge", the two stars of the degree of concern has been far more than the movie itself, and for a while, the two starring role in the movie, the two starring role in the movie has been far more than the movie itself. More than the movie itself, a time Hollywood journalists crazy like to the filming location of Italy flocked to, but no reporter was able to successfully interview the two parties.

In today's awards ceremony, Lin Mingyang with practical action once again to all the reporters to prove his independence of the special line of "flirty" personality, the reporters present are usually bold and presumptuous guys, but the scene is really no one dares to come out of the road to ask questions.


Lin Mingyang is regarded as an early star on the red carpet, when he entered, from the official start of the awards ceremony there is nearly an hour of time. Don't look at the red carpet to see the competition, it looks like everyone is looking like they have their sights set on winning, and the darkness has collided, but inside the Kodak Theater is a fresh and very calm. The staff, including the welcome ladies, chatted around the venue, accompanied only by the empty blue orchestra chairs that would be entertaining this year's Oscar crowd of nominees and other top tier stars. On stage, the ivory floors and crystal clear curtains were being given a final cleaning and finishing touches.

A lavish makeshift smoking area was set up outside the theater's doors, which the organizers took great care to match with tables set for cocktails and black carpeting. Although several of the theater's doors were not yet open, several attendees were already there, leisurely smoking cigarettes and enjoying glasses of champagne.

Inside the theater, Robert Downey Jr. and his wife headed straight for the lounge as soon as they arrived; Elizabeth Banks and Jeremy Renner were already in a state of lethargy; actress Mel Streep paced idly around the venue - holding a glass of champagne and looking quite presentable; Javier Bardem was in the hallway sipping a soda; and Penelope Cruz was stationed there at the makeup table, rushing to get a quick touch-up before the show started.

When Lin Mingyang passed by Keanu Reeves, who had grown a beard and was full of vicissitudes of life, in the corridor, it was quite a flavor of old Hollywood meeting new Hollywood. When they were about to brush shoulders, both of them stopped their steps with a tacit understanding.

At the beginning, Lin Mingyang just boarded the Hollywood big screen, but also from time to time people will call him "Keanu Reeves copy", time has changed, Lin Mingyang is no longer that fledgling brat, and Keanu Reeves no longer have the outstanding style of the time when he acted in "The Matrix", when we meet, the two people are able to When they met, they both smiled flatly and chatted like old friends who hadn't seen each other for years.

"Do you think that movie has the best chance of winning today?"

Lin Mingyang shrugged, "In my opinion, tonight's award ceremony is just an A or B multiple choice question, Cameron and his ex-wife, only one of them is destined to leave tonight with a smile on his face!"

Keanu Reeves smiled, "Then you must be favoring Cameron?"

To his surprise, Lin Ming Yang actually shook his head, then said without irony:

"In terms of awards, I'm actually more optimistic about The Hurt Locker...even though the box office of that movie has proven that most of the audience and I are in agreement with what I really think, that it's a depressing movie, but the Oscars have traditionally liked this kind of tone that expresses a melodrama."

Keanu Reeves knew that Lin Ming Yang's willingness to say this was definitely not to show how unique he was in front of himself. Knowing that Lin Mingyang was also considered to be one of the investors in the film Avatar, his judgment and the Hollywood media's one-sided support for Avatar presented a diametrically opposite situation, which had to make Keanu Reeves feel curious.

"I've seen Avatar, that's a really marvelous work...what's the argument that you think it will lose to The Hurt Locker?"

"The technical uniqueness of Avatar is well known, and it made groundbreaking contributions to 3D movie technology, but the Oscars have never been a sad place for techno-fluff; George Lucas' 1978 Star Wars was no less of a sensation than Avatar, but it didn't lose out in the Best Picture race at the Oscars to a warm and fuzzy Annie Hall. The Hurt Locker picks on the Iraq war, which is America's biggest pain in the ass, but it's not quite the same as your average anti-war-themed war movie. The movie shows the impact of the war on Iraqis and American soldiers in a small way, and the action scenes are kind of powerful and bold, and Bigelow gives the movie a delicate style unique to women."

Lin Mingyang's evaluation is very pertinent, but from the tone of voice can still be heard on the "Avatar" difficult to win a kind of regret, "from the 'movie tyrant' nickname can also imagine Cameron's circle of people's fate, his tough dictatorship of the work style has also been criticized, which is also a very unfavorable factors. "

As soon as his words fell, a voice suddenly rang out behind him, with an untamed flavor in its tone.

"Felix, I can hear you badmouthing me behind my back!"

Lin Ming Yang and Keanu Reeves, the two new and old Hollywood dudes were standing in the corridor chatting, basically attracting the attention of most of the people in the theater, James Cameron noticed this side very quickly after he entered the theater, his seat and Lin Ming Yang were right next to each other so he was ready to come over and call on Lin Ming Yang to be seated together, but he didn't think that when he walked close to the front of the room, he bumped into and heard the last sentences of the two people's conversation, which gave rise to the just now that That's why there was that scene just now.

Knowing that the two had something to say, Keanu Reeves wisely chose to take the first step to leave, not waiting for Cameron to open his mouth to complain, Lin Ming Yang at the first time on his face piled up a smile, went forward to hold the hand of a certain resentful guy.

"I haven't had a chance to congratulate you for Avatar but getting such a good result!"

Cameron bristled, "Maybe you can wait until after the awards ceremony to congratulate me!"

Lin Ming Yang unexpectedly said, "Then I'd better congratulate you now, I'm afraid you won't be in that mood by then."

Hearing these words, Cameron's face immediately changed color, and he stared at Lin Ming Yang dead in the face for a while before he coldly hummed, "With a box office like 'The Hurt Locker', do you think that woman can really win me over?"

"It's this state of blind confidence you're in right now that makes me feel very worried!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "Movies are a sharp tool for creating dreams, the Oscars are part of this dream-making industry, creating history needs to cater to the public's mentality in addition to rewarding the efforts of filmmakers. As long as the quality of the work is passable, under the same conditions the awards will tend to favor the movie that is more capable of creating a bigger sensation.... I think a movie like Avatar is good, no one is saying that Avatar is not good, and in fact Avatar has won many nominations, and has been nominated inside the major awards as well. But Avatar has caused such a big stir around the world, the Oscars are also but the icing on the cake, if I were a judge at the Oscars, I would definitely give the award to some other movie, so that the sensation of the cold snap would be much, much bigger than giving this award to you."

Cameron walked away with a grim face, but Lin Ming Yang's words were actually not yet finished, Avatar, which won with technology, made the world's jaws drop, but the format of relying on all stunts and no real people had sparked concern among the stars. If all the directors are scrambling to make an Avatar-style movie, the actors are only working behind the scenes, interpreting the virtual images in front of the screen. Like the female lead in the movie, they have worked so hard for so long, but in the end, they don't even have a chance to show their faces, which is tantamount to smashing their own rice bowls in disguise. Anyway, you act with him to act the difference is not big, act again good are not the best man and woman, even supporting roles have no part in the competition. Actors make up a large portion of the Oscar judges' votes, and for their own reasons, I don't think too many people will vote for a technical movie like Avatar.

Cameron has now been overwhelmed by the victory, Lin Mingyang said more he probably will not listen to, only to wait for the final results, perhaps this guy will be willing to bow down and admit defeat, this is the "king of the world" inherent pride.


James Cameron has been called the "King of the World" since Titanic topped the box office, but this time he didn't sit in the first row. He sat in the fourth seat behind Sandra Bullock, one row behind his ex-wife, Kathryn Bigelow, the woman behind The Hurt Locker.

A very strange scene appeared, Cameron sat next to Lin Mingyang, who is considered to be one of Cameron's good friends in Hollywood bit but, but the strange thing is that Cameron did not talk to him at all, but instead, he chatted with his ex-wife, Kathryn, in a heated manner.

Not long after the awards ceremony began, The Hurt Locker took home the award for Best Original Screenplay. It had been assumed that Quentin Tarantino's No Good Bastard would win this award, but it was not expected that The Hurt Locker would win first. After the opening victory, "The Hurt Locker" led all the way, taking home the awards for Best Sound Effects, Best Sound Editing, and Best Editing in the technical categories.

Avatar, which represents the pinnacle of the technical stream, was shaved by The Hurt Locker, the so-called "field platoon of the new era", until there were only two awards left in the category. When Barbra Streisand was called upon to present the Best Director award, the speculation that Kathryn Bigelow would become the first woman to win the Oscar for Best Director was confirmed by the organizing committee, and Cameron was finally unable to sit still.

The Hurt Locker, which came out in 2008, has gone round and round and finally joined the race in 2010, meeting up with Avatar, which has been in the works for 12 years, and it's always been a narrow road between enemies. The excitement of "The Hurt Locker" should have been reflected in the movie's brutalization of war itself, but director Kathryn Bigelow's womanhood makes it all the more worthwhile to marvel at and enjoy. Since the North American awards season, the other three favorites, "In the Clouds," "No Good Bastard" and "Precious," have been clearly relegated to runners-up status, and it's been a Beverly Hills secret that the Oscar race has been decided between Cameron and the pre-Beverly Hills Bigelow.

When Best Director honoree Barbra Streisand was excited to see the name of the eventual winner, she said:

"Yes, this historic moment has arrived."

When the award presenter announced Bigelow's win, it was her ex-husband Cameron who looked the most excited and shouted the loudest, waving his hands and shouting "YES" twice in a row, without any sense of loss, as if he was happier than he himself had won the award. Seeing this scene of the audience think Cameron lost the award but not lost style, but sitting next to Cameron Lin Mingyang saw a trace of despair in his eyes.

Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman in the history of the Oscars to win Best Director, and her victory, in addition to defeating her tough ex-husband who had just set a record at the box office, was also a victory over 81 years of Oscar history. Cameron won the world, but not his ex-wife.

Perhaps many years from now, people will still remember this award, but for now, none of this has anything to do with Lin Ming Yang. As the guest of honor for the grand finale award, before Catherine had time to walk off the stage, he jumped onto the stage with a flourish, and without even reading the list of nominees for Best Picture, he opened the envelope very crisply, called back to Catherine, and delivered the small gold medal for Best Picture to her as well. And so, the 82nd Academy Awards came to a close with Avatar and James Cameron falling by the wayside.


Although in front of the media appeared to be full of concern, and even generously joked with his ex-wife who had just received the award in front of the camera, but away from those reporters, Cameron immediately changed to a downcast expression, the back and forth of this expression fell just in time to be stood at the door and waited for him Lin Mingyang saw in the eyes.

Cameron silently walked to his side and said with a bitter smile, "Does it feel like I'm a clown, now you can finally laugh at me to your heart's content!"

Lin Ming Yang didn't laugh, "Although I had already foreseen this outcome, I still regret it."

After a long period of silence, Cameron spat out the word "thank you" with difficulty.

Lin Mingyang shook his head, "What's next?"

"The story of Avatar has only just begun, next I will probably put the sequel story in the ocean of Nomex..." Cameron briefly stated his plans.

"And continue to use 3D filming technology?"

"Just kidding, can you find out a more advanced movie shooting technique than this?"

Cameron glared at him without any good humor, but Lin Mingyang laughed at this time, and laughed mysteriously.

"What do you mean by that?" Cameron looked at Lin Ming Yang with a face full of suspicion, he vaguely felt as if he had fallen into a trap that the other party had carefully woven.

"You've seen The Matrix, right?"

Cameron replied cautiously, "I admit that that movie was shot very creatively, but the Wachowski brothers used to utilize filming techniques more than technology, I think you should understand the difference between the two!"

"The filming techniques of that movie are indeed lackluster in hindsight, but what I want to talk about is actually the plot of this movie, remember the setting of the real world and the virtual world in the movie?" Lin Mingyang winked at Cameron, "And do you think it's not possible for a movie to create a real immersive feeling for the audience like the virtual world in that movie?"

Cameron stared at Lin Mingyang for half a day, then said:

"You're a madman!"

Lin Mingyang laughed out loud, "Great inventions play start with crazy ideas, if you don't try them, how do you know that it's impossible to realize?"

"This technology has gone far beyond the realm of light and shadow, you think I have the ability to do this?"

Lin Ming Yang's eyes were filled with a sizzling madness, "Of course not, I've already sent invitations to several top laboratories in the United States and Europe, from today onwards, I will pour my best efforts into this project to invest the available research funds, the project team will gather the best scientists in the relevant fields from all over the world to complete the subject together... There are only two possibilities for this research to stop, either I succeed or I go bankrupt!"

Cameron shook his head with a face full of incredulity, "It seems like you really are crazy!"

"How about it, are you interested in being the first movie director to utilize this technology?" Lin Ming Yang smiled with disinterest, "Today you are sorry for not winning an Oscar, and in the future when we succeed, if the Oscar hasn't been awarded to you yet, then it will be the Oscar's regret!"


Wanted II Wesley's Revenge achieved exceptionally sensational results after its release, exceeding 1 billion dollars in global box office became an insurmountable height for almost all R-rated movies, and after this film, Lin Mingyang suddenly announced the launch of the movie industry without any explanation to the public.

The following 10 years, Lin Mingyang although from time to time appeared in the public eye, but never comeback as a filmmaker, until a film called "interloper" came out, people only then suddenly realized, this is known as the history of Hollywood's most talented film, in the ten years of this disappearance, what exactly did.

The blockbuster movie, co-directed by Lin Mingyang and James Cameron, was adapted from a full-length online novel by Cat Putty, a famous internet writer on mainland China's Starting Point Chinese website. The emergence of this movie, subverted people's understanding of the traditional film, no screen, no projector, only with a direct electromagnetic pulse waves along with the brain's central nervous system of the helmet-type terminal receiving equipment, people are surprised to find themselves magically in a similar to the movie "The Matrix" in the future of the sci-fi world.

The audience experienced the growth of the movie's protagonists from a first-person perspective, and everything was as real as if it had happened to them.

The movie caused a sensation beyond imagination worldwide upon its release, and the mid-range helmets that accessed the movie sold 2 billion sets worldwide, an average of one for every four people according to the population ratio of the planet at this time.

The Inbetweeners won 13 Oscars that year, becoming the most awarded movie of all time. Saying goodbye to light and shadow, the movie broke free of the shackles of the eye and opened the prelude to the era of direct connection to the mind!