February 26, 2024

My son had a cough and a mild cold. He got it I think from school, from his classmates and teachers. I heard that most of them got sick.I heard the LORD JESUS spoke, "It's just normal to humans."So as usual, I just boiled ginger and mixed it with honey to alleviate his suffering. Then, the next day, I just gave him apple cider mixed in hot water with honey in his breakfast.Later on, I gave him lemon juice during snack time. Anything that I could think of, alternative herbal medicines, the medicinal plants that I could see around me.

At noon, he had that persistent dry cough, and he said his throat was still itching although he drank the lemongrass soup I gave to him for lunch. I have that anti-allergy CETIRIZIN with me, so I just gave him one tablet, it's once a day only and he felt fine.

And around evening, I told him to gather leaves of LAMPUNAYA. It is many in my mini garden beside my wall. So he washed the leaves, extracted the juice, got one spoon I think, and he drank it. 

Before, during the pandemic, the time when I was still renting in Cavite, I had many OREGANO leaves there. It just grew there naturally, maybe the previous tenant planted it. I just extracted the juice from the OREGANO leaves and freshly gave it to my son whenever he's coughing and I just matched it with anti-allergy CETIRIZIN as usual. And he will be fine. Everything went well, no side effects.

At around 3am, the lights suddenly went off, but it returned immediately after a few minutes. I slept again and I went into the dream world.

I was with many people in the assembly, it looked like a school gathering in a stadium.

 Next, I went to a UNIVERSITY, it's where I graduated from College.A woman was with me, and I told her I graduated from the College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering, pinpointing her where it is. I saw the Dean of Engineering department, walking tall as he entered the office. 

Next, we walked together away from there and along the way, I saw a woman whispering to her imaginary friend. She's hiding on a wall and I saw a statue of a small girl there. She's like talking to the statue.The ghost inside the statue was talking to her as well and they ran away together on the road towards us.I went with them as well, they were like young kids.

The ghost girl walked beside me, and I told her, "I saw you, you are not a human. You came from that statue."And the ghost answered proudly, "I am a spirit!"I replied as well, whispering to her, "I AM A SPIRIT TOO, A GOD, THE DAUGHTER OF THE TRUE GOD."Only she could hear what I said to her. 

Next, it was like we were going down to an opening like a cave. 

And I saw in the opening big rocks with water on the ground.

We continued to walk on there, entering that semi-cave opening. We were many, it's like we're in a procession.We passed by that opening and we reached the open surface, with the sky above us and sugarcane around us. However, we were walking, submerging in a long body of water, waist deep. It's like a river or maybe a sea. The color of the water was like milky white with little blue. There were many people I saw walking there, but they all looked paralyzed, they could not walk fast, and they could not easily move their limbs. I thought these were the dead souls. This sea is the only path of the dead souls (the thoughts inside my head). No one could disturb them while they walked going toward somewhere I don't know.

I continued walking with them, to a woman beside me, she was struggling too much. She was walking like a wood, unable to swing her hands until we reached the middle, and we saw a tall tree from a distance with green leaves. She suddenly remembered something. She was full of regrets.I saw a switch of scenes like in a movie, it's like a flashback, fast backward. 

She returned to where she came from, going back to the previous route. She took the leaves of the ALIBHON or SAMBONG plant that is growing in the wild, near the bamboo trees and rocks. 

And I saw a very BIG, GIANT TRANSPARENT INJECTION, filled with deep green extracts of the SAMBONG PLANT, that is almost full and she injected it all in her arms crying, with FULL OF REGRETS.Then, her paralyzed arms suddenly went better, she could swing it now, unlike before. 

But she's full of regrets as she spoke this in Filipino language, "KUNG MAMAMATAY LANG NAMAN PALA TAYO NA PARALYZE, WAG NA LANG..." while she's using that GIANT INJECTION!

I realized I needed to wake up, I knew I was in the WORLD OF THE DEAD SOULS. 

So I went back, walked away from them, and closed my eyes in there. And I opened my eyes slowly and I said, "I have a story to write..."

(February 26, 2024 5am, Monday)